Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 5, 1891, p. 2

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i i I 1 ERA JUNE New Advertisement A Hans Store Roche A Ox Auction Sale Roche A J Warner to Let Ladys Watch Lost Mare for Bale Partridge 9w4y tt i She WITH ISBpR FRIDAY JUNE Our Toronto Jon I To of of toe celebrated by military York Ctoooty will ill trieo text Warden lb to Fill aptlion uctztiioa of Toronto Junction to of if for lift a wife bees married ten Tbn nppotUrt Mr ClajH Wallace Weal York are ear be will be pfaca in new to be uracil of the High Court of open Two and tod wire arrrtt for crime a poo ftfifd fire end A was charge too good for the TO ff who for wen nek od ftjcoant of Act en Jiropd So- prune with ftble Idee Act nl In Jf chic of the court retted with roach A on the ft Robert GilEeeple of the Comptay ft od fieo- Sir John Roe meted ft Sir the fint of eerTicee being by peer- ii ftoooooced Field to Iho riant of end Wo Horny to of the Mr Birr for been of the To oar old we extend The EiUto u looking up thsgoftroand Two the week Mr A- on mid Mr Emerson on Thorday Friday- Both off with out ilibtMt accident A- had to lose one of beat Hannah and Emerson of and Mr Peterson of pent the come with their parent What people to know What meant aro yon Ink Drops t i i The A A Danes aVQDQaiiced Ho the Reform Irtdtrtof Id cJ lilt He look to it ud Id Mm lb citbta Bench it fcrightfil Alarming of the Premier Hie week ha been one of roach political the Dominion as well in leading in the mother country from the of Sir John A of Tie middle of lait be roddeoly ill from cxhaMUtfon nd hot nothing apprehended when bis announced of were time till the present ho has gradually mod the news of ima is antici the city daUie of Toronto and that the anxiety which in commercial circle is moat and disinclin ation to do everywhere Daily cablegrams from her x Governor end other prominent officials in the oldoonntry all indicate a widespread in the great msn who for so many years has been tbe head and root of the dominant party in At we go to telegrams from Ottawa state that bis friends immedi ately summading the sick chamber are watching and waiting for the end Dominion mtin- upon lbs lUodudof library which its at of this wk well tod in addition to oms to cur trot nutters of Sotbajoamil gratifying rapport of reading iba Litbo Montreal It their constant alto both and of Rev old frlesdahrroihla lift Cborch on or a roans man to Ibi groat Ihe means ihe being Mr jot a liit to the new Mr Win of Albert Is at Isaac this week Mr Pitted bis united at rodWenco We like to kaow people are to bo who do not to I of dead Than ao allcodacoeof alahty at eboot ChxJ la of ah lb I a wtlh ibe S3 lut ear rata of cropa wore naffer- lug not for Bt4CMiiittoa rati Band Mat IirUMi faOatarfcx will kera Wei A hire nut tile la Bead of Hop nut Oar S 1 J mbbttv HID v- and Alma and Willi A- i Baker Walker ClAja Hatel KJmoy Total on low eat id average attend- who did not daring SViaat par hQiW flprtijyWfaoatjrbobslAt Wheat per V 0 Barley par bnuholia a par KjrsPrdoten tenlter lb- per hag Apple- pet Wool per lb per too Pork per at per pair pair per lb ja S9beHisehjeif5 OS a deputation represent Protestant and on Hon Mr Bowel and to to Mr in of tola and to prohibit liquor permit ayitem in to deputa tion Hon Mr Bowetl aaw in way of enforcing a law If people wanted traffic in crrInoat lbs general of people Hon Mr dealt tba from Gnioclal atwdpiol could conn- try beaded invito a deficit of atd a half io if traSo anpprejted a probf- differed from other time methods carrying out a policy Prohibition bo added would adopted It wu generally desired by people accident Sat urday which resulted la the killing of P cow The train came tip within light of too crossing when they aware the had a pipe off the train They and then ranted back out of sight about iO rods Mr Manner and Long- were three or of the neighboring home from the eighth for milking when the train came with greater speed than before and al though effort waa made to head the cattle thia one waa caught and thrown forward a of ten feet In descending it fell through the fence t the cattle guard bone io its body being broken Mr Manners narrowly escaped with life In trying to rescue it Holt Lift Ami lis Hub Ottawa correscondenU to the East ern and Western press elated half a dozen Cabinets as the of tbe demise of Premier The reporter on what is con sidered by him as good authority says Sir John Thompson will be Premier Hon J Min ister of A- Kirkpatrick Minister of a Ives President of the Council Lead er of the Senate Angers The other portfolios will remain the same except that some other French- will be named to succeed Secretary of State and that Hon Mr will retire to make room for Meredith Sir Hector to be made Lieut Governor of Mr Angers and Sir Charles Tapper will continue where fae is as High in reporter Hon Mr Abbott will be acting Premier until the close of the session with Sir John Thompson leader in the Common- Mr and perhaps Mr will go out and Mr Ives Mr Kirkpatrickaod Mr Clsrk Wallace will their places authority adds that Sena- tor now Speaker of the Senate will succeed late Sir A A Chief Justice in Quebec Other journals give pretty much the same names as above but transpose their places in tbe Cabinet except that one or two prominent western pspers regard Sir Charles as coming man for Premier Much will depend however upon the selec tion of Governor for First Minis ter as to who Iih chosen to take charge of the various port folios J to m Ottawa June Sir John has very since tint but has Just gone to sleep His heart action however Is ex tremely feeble and Irregular and its failure Is at present the chief Saturday afternoon is the tea- petty in connection with the King Christian Church in Mr Full arrangements have been made and a good time may be looked for lit hod pari lug will be held iho orchard at rsar of Tea will bo liu balrt a good pro STamvlllbsranderedcoDilitlDicotMlectlons tba choir our a to be ibsre Mr Cummer ot Aurora at fir Mr Cummer MclhodUt a treat all We a re lebrA that MUs toleare will be for a roar Mrs has returned home from a four weeks visit with her dsughter Mrs J Bogarfof Newmarket Dr and daughter of Port Perry are spending a few days at Mr Jaa Hopkins Mr Harrison of Zephyr spent Sunday here friends Mr is recovering from a severe attack of Lumbago Another of pioneers of this township to his reward the I person of Mr Wednesday of last week in year Mr Watson was well and favorably known in this part of the country behaving been one of the first settlers About a year ago he was attacked with dreaded die ease Diabetes since that time his suffering may be better imagined than described The funeral was largely attended on Friday afternoon to the Era District Meeting at Cooks- town The Five Aurora boys about nine years old bad ao experience Sat urday which will be likely to remember for some time to come little fellows bent on having a good time took their lunch started out to what Is known as pond and bush to spend the day They constructed a tent out of ralU bush Ac In which they started a fice In the afternoon went In for a swim leaving their clothes tbe tent After they had been In the water some one of them noticed that tbe tent was on are and before could reach It their clothes had caogbt and were entirely Alter looking at the situation In all bearings wm nothing for It but to mile a for home and reached town devoid of any clothing save that wbjnh had Bel haven Tie The a welcome Writer erec tion ft of of vllliut Ur had ft ertbtlo new rcaldeoco ftdat to ftppeorooco builotoeftre booming hero w left thtr knock ibe out ud likewise dote ft stay tn need foreign old ftipUDdld now but iho will oon Jotl broke la a of for or lo In Wo ceo If mj the number blood owned erne Wo to lee C0QOOU7 to work Mr are Item Jd1iouiJd f Holland oat to of ftw Ibrre ft Urge siftejoooo when mod He fto I court here oa A difficult tie of Jiottb York VllliRe Unite ftMteicatnt of the churchy to of wan hard to dote The tie for A eel time or moo to of It to well to tie fattier A oo end the Id log order We ere of lire J ddnl being able go to bit J fttoovd fort of led our fibfig WUi Bony tribe wu Children i of Bradford held on and Wednesday 26 to ftnnounceoicnt- firat opened at a the all present with genial oMing After of character pro bationers objected to a moat as to their for ministry morals doctrine and ability physical and intellectual part of the pro moat interesting and tdifyi- calling forth in caaea racy debates upon various doc trinal point upon which the young infin wo required to their All who examined were found in doctrine and in life and 11 were recom mended for ordination five re commended to ho continued on pro ion two to received on trial by The of Dlatrict be examined were found next factory agregate to bo 3508 a net of during iho year- Not- la of our Wo are proud to bo able to that Sabbath Day within the Jimita of thia of tho bread of life and endeav oring to the Heavenly Manna to little who it not beneath their dignity to lit at feet of Great On evening of a jog to celebrate the centen nial of Rev of Tottenham a very able paper on The League Rev of reviewed of Methodiim durlng the hundred P Addlion of Aurora in a loyal clearly forth the doctrlnea peculiar lo Motbodlara After the benediction tbo people pleated and edified By ballot the following Rev Moore Secretary of Rev Dunlop and J to Com mittee Hill and to League Committee Rev J of to Stationing Commit brethren and returned their fielda of labor with and a It la reported anarchy In New Hebrides in the South and that conflict In whlcb COO were hilled It la that von prior to death con cluded an of ftrmaraenU ending with tbe aertlon that ready for war and Route nearly and that a great not be delayed HiImo of In town Mr of bo en a of Vtnghin mother of it her ft ritit John and of Port Ferry hire been in town tint lira Wax Roe ij comfortably located at for the a comer Mr Albert left for J and to be awty about A Terry it tog down tut lime Win Hill of of at Rear Woodcock it to Alex of Toronto at cborcb ben tod hie very highly of Sheriff Mr Hog ftboom of were Iq town Hon- Mr were calling old of Toronto is after la of witer tod Major Lloyd went to city In fait oo coin- of which ended raid of ego Mr Dodo one of the bop who took a the way to the city week wu badly op ii wheeling Another of Whit church Mr J W Sttwirt with who bare been el White Rote for yeatsai have op their abode The Manning A of Or 1 1 if a to the Action of to Sberboohxe Toron to The It Dqjley returned to town and of fire which hire with brother at loteraattooal She ieatee for wljirss brother Mr idei Among the of who the concert here ltt Friday were Ctpt tod of of Aaron ling tod of Mr aod tod two of Richmond op fir military concert last night and were of Mr retoroing home tptnt a of days on in and of town Mr for the wellkoown of A Ellit Toronto took a tbroogb the Works was delighted He ha taw no gooda on the and wu they commwd sale ilewtiu VaoNormio Toron to ft I ASH lVUtrtha Footc Jetnlt Jr Ednaflklaoer HI Elhtl Miliar Maty A Jr Ill flr Skinner Jr Alfred Bert i A AY MARK old General for baud Newmarket TO LET Wells Jr Jennie Folllat1 Aral Ill Roberts Mi Juho Jr HI Lottie Tomrujr KtelHariTitrt Robbie Brown Frank Kaiser Pan Edith I Albert WIMIn Albert Walter Hob Toucher OnProopoct Are trees between Church Street and Reformer Block fsdxt Finder will bo rewarded IcftTing It Pit tnla MENS Canadian Cloth Hals Caps Waterproof Coals ABLE TO Apply It SI- IV Goodwin and flr IllMabel Roods and LorlaShepard Ill Waller lane J Cbtpiuao ChpmD Cbapoiao Jr n PattHOeo Moore and Brook and Uaoomb A Teacher WANTED Forcloarlog Waciti land of being on lots To be let one or two jobs find itc io Mopdny JuoolStb PO STORE DIVISION OF BUILDING MENS BobtA Shoes Slippers MENS Readymade MENS Custom Tailoring MENS Irish and Scotch MENS Underwear MENS Umbrellas- feOUTH STORE DIVISION the Ladies Misses and Childrens Boots and have been removed to the extended portion of this building where- ladies will find it more in fitbingon than before- making this division of the building an exclus ive Ladies Store The goods in each department that class usually bought by ladies a utr claw- Annie Victoria St Ill Jr Hay Bell Neyio Borton Valoatloe Webbs 8r Part Alice Jf Part TowlflMtUart3NorTnauRccrx Teacher IN CANADA MANITOBA s Hamilton Ethel If aria Darker Ad- Geo Hamilton Ill Johnston Hamil ton Jf Geo Qlorcr Amelia Smith II York White Mood Percy B Frank Stella Boa Aodeieon Cor Bo Charlie Ma com York Charlie Edith Mabel Sarah White Albert Pollock Loo York Willie IvaSlUee- Vina Teacher Sale of Church Property- sire notice Ibv will offer Auclfa on JlONOAT of l9I At hour of iwooVlock Jbo known Meetlos to the of lot 9 In on YontfO Strict about wile ground arid lit thereto running Yoogo property about arc nerved The about for will bo pot up to a of and In CYKUt STBPIlENBOEKBi I oaten THE LEA HOUSE rr CASH AND ONE PRICE to iia new title old firm net her appeared Mr fortonly of North baa been a member of the for put en ex- on book and Town June 1 Scott Brown Ef Belfry and In I to recommended following John McUee OroagMon J work at Woodcock flcftaDiiden oodar Mil charily IS That tha of Jtoid fc Bridge Com Thai no rebate be to Tbe treunrerwaalflitroctod to til IS etteet reported the can be met by a lory ot Ota on the I the tamo Ian alio rccornmeoded that be borrowed from tho fond on band for on of erection Report adopted Fire Water Com reported of re Ontario Co had accepted Aurora brick for new chimney of Culetoo brick for donito water The report amended waa adopted and for the payment of report of the Bridge Commit rework lo adopted and treaeorerfaitrocted topiyfor labor thereon amounting WIOCO TbeMayorproaaqteda retomibowlnir the In the corporation of tho Town Band for free of Town Hall for concert granted value of the Fire for which the corporation hie no further wai Tho to the BUI lard Table Co trier adjourned Sale Register of a 2 nwHeaa wis life A Moor at Mils Kaaaaabauct While lumping on a at Barrio station Monday last Mr brother of local slipped and his right foot was tun over toes being badly mashed They am putated Oar Newmarket Juno per CO a Vail Wheat per Wheat per per m Rye Bran per ton a per ton per Batter roll per Batter tab per lb fibeepekloe per I Hay per ton Pork Beef per JO pair Clorer5eodpcr AUtkoBeed Heed per i Did IS CO 000 ICO 18 SCO 000 CO CO on CO 000 a a Oil 13 a a 000 Of Horses Buggy and Stable Household Goods and Glassware Safes and Shop MESSRS DANFORD ROCHE CO THe JUNE 1891 At the OLD BRICK Mr Jaa Allans chattels belonging to bankrupt estate of Edwin of with a lot of surplus shop furniture which they have no use for also -ifc- BOOTS and ESS THAN I ANO Made by Toronto and has only been used at the Five Night It a instrument Messrs A today It is a piano gone rally sold at or sold on credit say piano can be Been io Carpet Room of Terms cash OF THE MATERIAL At MONTGOMERYS THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking J arid far the neit THIRT Offer meet of repairs to Of rcdiicttJ DAYS hand at a- Stable Goods Horse Mare and Buggy I Cutter Sleigh Light Wagon Set Heavy Harness Set Light Harness Robes Iron Tie Posts Oil Cloth Horse Cover Household OooSvVj Oak Dressing 1 Oak Bedstead A Oik Was- Stand with marble top Spring Mattress 1 Sideboard I Refrigerator Shop Furniture Fire Proof J 5 VERY LOW PRICE a drUgs UNO Patent Medicines and euro kill to butt etc J Davis Ely Poison Pads MrsC Simpson fl- JHMILLARD OK TUB OK JHiliwdCo HAH A j NEW FURNITURE STORE Hotel Ah I i A storm Clnclonstf and on Monday night de moralised telephones were burned oat The farmhouse of Valentino near City Nob foot fire Monday aUece Mr and Mrs Brack and ihelr- two aed and perished Of the Arm 9bc Crahlc Mr of a daoshter Al Toronto all K a wo Oot John a iteiboaiit WswMKUrot Vernon atc4 Mar Acq TO year KK mUubi or r- in mourn g ajn it im All wilt reirit- IN THE COURT OK COUNTY OK In Ae Quod of Chapter the of Ontario l ton en Ihftl creditor fttiu iho of A ftiwnthip of Ktntf In of who on or about of April A II nraro- quired on or before of J tin to frend by to or Kloir the AdmlnUtrMorw if iho tld their eurnAint defterlplloue the full MrtlcuUre of their of nd tbe of held by them nnd duo the Mid Admlofmttor of tbe Mid Cfaeppcll do entitled rcKird only of which recvlred AdLoLnliUtEon not bo lUblo for the any pert thereof oy person of notice not Men received At the Keilteby of AUjr WILLIAM CLINTON JOaKlMl SALE FARM PROPERTY J 1 Iron Dining Boom KUchen Chain Floor Oil j Ends of Carpet Sweeper Bronte Cornices Walnut Cornice Coal Hall Stove Lot Tinware Lot of Lot of ic t Toronto Fire Proof Safe Montreal cost Office Desks Letter Press Pigeon Holes three light Grocers Scales Store Blinds Safes Shoe Drawers Tea Caddies tin Oat Pipe iron Wood I Awning Wire Top for Cash Desk Peg Float Coal Oil Tank Clothing Figures Show Oases for Wall aw r 1 v British jPlato Mirror ebony frame Show Case for Counter suitable for mantle piece cost Step Ladders Cash Desk io o Sale commences am and Terms cash JAMBS Auctioneer BRUNTON BROS I r Alt oclock I KiPoair Umbered God eietoof ra roeelred the June lNy ft tod the m3 third Coo Of of the hind hoe the farm In Tbere a Urge on nee rfood raendeort loUpiil lime of October V Term Ten as lih HOSIERY We iVnporb- all our Hosiery and have an immense stock to select from Sit lowest prices Stainless Black Hose a specialty MENS HATS We have the finest as- sortment of the most fash ionable stylesam Hats and having bought direct from from the makers we are able to make the right S GLOVES Ourstock best makes in Lisle Taffeta Silk Gloves We quality the first essen tial in Gloves and guar antee every pair and Kiel consider WELL MADE CLOTHING We are the only firm in this section who make a pretense of doing a fi ordered clothing trade and customers will find our or dered clothing fully up to the best Toronto makes and at half the price J v- Si i 1 M A Balling Powder Brontoas if J iV

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