Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 5, 1891, p. 1

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u t v il J ERA Friday Morning GEO fEtff HOUSE v The rirQt REACHED lad HE MB LIBERT TO KNOW ABOVE ALL OTHER NORTH YORK Single Copies Cents- Each ONTARIO BANK Hi AD SIR iewmXri Newmarket Ont Friday J Notify Public A oq good fsos tt us pa ff VflDDlFIELDBA FOE ONTARIO OCX Jo Block MOSEY TO LOAN A St Pott TO OS GOOD and TO DAK AT NEWMARKET NEWS DEPOT IE Old J the pitt tr Hotel Jftyfirtt lt Ave- A- J ft ertfiA All of IS a of UnQoongi Commercial Colon J An Farm Town Property for the next few weeks will principally be given to our l Tin Shop dnio stmt VtwoirkJ A E DrRVILLHOLaES tie iiiCvLtil In NEWMARKET Of j Attended A New market- 3OFHCfc Id AironiiKB Sort ltd tdd or 9 J ArenloribeMl- jar tor will a tort time Frailty irATOatt- ifre7rEDlrAloKAWWOft Id ooDfinlna ifiloitiGcldeiiB Af6QC7 for od it tbi loin Public- Ha Dentil EtOoini to f iIlftllirdAlrrarFMBlMExlrftetlny TlyAC7IOf MARRIAGE LICENSES CANADA LIFE CO yiADL18HED 1847 CAPITA AND FUNDS- DOLLARS A forlditd lUdrof Newmarket flRT WHY oUOOAKT8 PHOTOS lbelttPrieI work Lb BY doe bo do the undo BKCAUSK ihej can set I bo belt war- Mrauchiuperlorf BECAUSE ho but WHY do people like to BECAUSE oar of natural well worth a jou Department Our is now complete with a large and varied assortment of Wall Papers and Ceiling bought in the beat American and Canadian markets and must be disposed of at prices that cannot be undersold CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE WN N STARR CLEARING OUT SALE -OF- CHINA AND GLASSWARE At China Hall still continues A few of the every day bargains you can get Glass Dishee tor ye worth Sets for worth Cake Stands for worth Large Covered Fruit Dish tor worth HalfGallon Water Pitcher worth All covered Vegetable Dishes at just HALF PRICE Every tiling marked in plain figures Dinner Tea and Toilet at and You can get China goods at little cost while am Belling oft A handsome present in Porcelain with every half pound of New Era Baking Powder worth in most cases double what you pay for the powder GROCERIES PROVISIONS and CANNED GOODS largest and best selection fresh and price low for No 1 goods I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF TEA AND COFFEE The best is none too good My Japan Tea for stands the test have you tried it Do you require a No 1 J J Taylor Safe worth at a trifle over half price I have one for sale- R A SMITH Constantly on Hand and Lumber DRYCORD WOOD Proprietor NOTICE Buggies Repaired OLD STOVE TIN SHOP HAS CHANGED HANDS- UNDERTAKING WKwill frii Wood and Goal WWclj ftircd AIM a rook bottom prices An4 KnlcCrfmiMnif la AH FINK of Ik ficeit A HAV to The hive CAPTU A T08T OP TBS HAS Oh I aj tty kind lnif as in out to Qireio more no And now poor will l dud Tbft t know then do to APd tod he oarer to him dog Will God wrong Kid 41i6 It poor now ho bo I be did to till Oul ibU boy of rofat Ibiti did you to friend hope bo jo it flOttf be fofgtreb I word my ooblo Ob fitber I ubimtd my bled iwootd keep At plow only Yob Hu bend Cod boy who raUauiillpftld I in I boy bier end AodHohu kepi him friend I ibiok So slowly be now A he doubled il ud drop on biv brow lor bid mod indeed stood the pita tod pill God will keep bm don I will not it new lUleDiog ell She ebed a tingle tod Do one thought How pile obe At door it Irom him like from id J the Tbt tier how his poor Soger it toward Child Mi few with fall of letter c fritter m he J Whrn letter too joar will it seemed so eirioge could not Hat now bee I etind upon it will Dot mo nor J tike taw Ill to to my lot the field for like a molt I be ebot for all Ob the thought worn to mo of duty they ud thai let it be i Bat III pot dugrace yoo Ill toll it all to you And when I do youll tell my I told the of I for td tgd uot cry be it tut fell I my beet llit to the be with all the No father could a only Tbu wo he to him ray Sbowuoa her to to dear She hid off end left a lo tell ww their hid letter for well A hurt like the would it blare end true At reached the uorreted till Where the log With him ud folded Well my child bright and what do you want with me lire please Who may Bonnie be brother will him for at he Ob yea now remember ft waa a fatal I You iea a lime of a keep A bare been lujt CAreloEtOfs to greet my father the be meet fate Bat to tired air and to weak Ho did the work of and he will Wbata Come here child do ode the kind mm drew her gently took her hand Turning her pale fioe up to him to and tall he Lincoln who held the of all Thee quickly through laid Poor letter io by While be it oer took up hie wrote a Jioe or M thUdipeUh at he then tornfd and to him drew The uid home my child to father Tbit Abraham Lincoln that life too dear to away He approved as right just that t took A life u aiull on hero look Go beck mirror child go For brat ely fa a looked death bat be wu eared by Two hare and now White House door be oil her but pile no more Poor is ber now enter two before the a brave boy blue looki ho them moment Ibe by the hand while he firmly In wonted badge of he with The aoldler who would a tick com too And noble And well So their homeward way With thankful and happy heart out that A crowd at the depot to them While Tram to Sowed down like rain At Farmer eloped them to hit be raised lcd of be pratied Strictly in Advance or at end of year AOEMRAL on at DRAUGHTS ISSUES T All and attended i ft Manager icrfrj ud ho told eotorprixjog is do ing He fait op op front of oar on the town hid several of quite interest ing in the retorted from being onjqry where ho the new boggy on the hone from the north Re Mr Stewart will fare well the lut Sabbath morning in Jnna Mr Peter Steel of together with nd child were to towo Monday morning to the Jay the bone cuttle by the ra Into dicbj buggy And throwing oat the Mr- bad ah akin ft op bat were bad wreck- hone becoming into field where he of Birthday at May a grand The the program a between the Western Start of Toronto A very exciting game played from beginning to end neither aide knowing which would win until the bill when cheer went up for tbo borne team who bad won by dote score of to and an inning to spare A poor York congregation foond itself badly in need of book The clergyman applied to a New York firm and aiked to be top- plied at rate The firm replied that on condition the hymn book contained certain advertiie- the congregation have them for nothing minuter tor- complied that when the came the advertisement could bo remored- The hymn books od they contained no interleaved At tervtce the par ton gave out and the congregation the firat When they the line they found la what they had been tinging Hark tbe herald angel ting pills are just the thing Peace on earth and mercy mild Two for man and one for child Tribune Story of the Chilian The of the following letter from Alii a South American girl in her teen the daughter of a planter in Chili In writing to the Post- offioe Box of Harpers Young People the give the beat explana tion of tbe Chilian insurrection which to knowledge yet been Chili Sooth April 91 After long time chat patted within my writing to the Box I with I write u done before of my happy of and in the city bat all My country it now in midst of the of all war a civil I think it will be intereating to you and to reader of People to bear something of present tituation in Chili and of reason which have obliged tho peaceful inhabitants of this country to declare against President Don J Manuel For many months put the Presi dent had separated himself from the boat men of the country be called to the Ministry men without position of bad reputation The Con- grew exacted their dismissal which the President refuted and The Editors Shears The harbor dredged lacroue at Brad ford on- The Trent Valley Canal is dead at the proverbial door nail Bush are reported to by doing great damage in the Rocky Mountain district It it that rate of taxation this year will nearly cents on dollar Aurora Lodge engaged Mm the whistler to give a concert June The Bradford boy defeated the Dominion team of To ronto on the 2Mb by three straight Johnson of was thrown from hit bicycle last week and struck hit head lie was ftciooB for tome time Another battle is said to taken place between British and Portuguese in South Africa in which were Near Ala Jim Morrison an escaped convict killed doting of Congress It would j ypffiiwMteoaitiDjareat bo too long to describe all that took wounded slightly but escaped SIGN OF RED BOOT STORE BOTTLED ALES ft- PORTERS la October brewing MAIN STREET NORTH miff for oJ mtk to EVERYBODY WJko fitted A SliM Stow S H CASH GROCERY STORE FOJl TEAS Try our Tea worth P J ALLEY MAIN NORTH for Infants and Children Cxriirm ft ftuoe Bo diy tbil of on the much r tat wi I tins out when w camp hot wi quite ml Mi Out as but I would that I JcJ when atootl Aad Id rl hclJ a gun jlotfJ at my Hot I it till too d HI ThoV he not lcue be act to I m bUc I wcp Hat the ThtjT a abort to write out obI j ether do Dot Jo rot Mime poor he doe bat To let Lira die loiUad eat to of mother Monaco and Ob I at tit beo lb rir they need be A now to beer me end It My father dear good by near to car will I freed from pita and He will to a be life A tbrq The farmer wfpl ead Acuta Iq lb the cove come home are Aod will aland on the low back a loop for Hut Til oaf com wbar eft I la my only erf jou all a opn tbalowbuk little i AiJ door hood And down foot Pith load the to yet 0 Willi to left I tie their lo a If alii prayer atood tonc the difol y I rata la the Id burl of good man lb who hlcdly itU Hj you I School Reports FOR MAY IS OF MfiHlT- Jr III Ahnlft Jr III Will flfjiooor An- oMlr Pi John Jraoia Or to Lib Jr Sic- HI Tab Sllekltad Seoll I lofirt Will Hint A too J Funk He abioe llatlon Ailbut 1ka Kill ilia- Cell toll fcnte I The of fixers called t to met at be door by of who him he he around the Whfcli book I em eacerUlnlox the number of people who la this their end to on replied tbo mm with the Well went to away right oft Youre thumping the wrong of the dram whittling etter the wrong dog you ere lived in tbfe Louie ten months hut up etui jatt think of no count end do the Breath by it the throat perhaps to the larynx and the bronchial are only on road to lung When catarrh and attacked the there can bo only one and death Catarrh Cure will the at any point before long are effected It of droggUti or tent to any ad- on receipt I price Clark Chemical Toronto New York eg Crake laid that be greatly afraid that the cause of Home Rate wu lost The party the put few woo Id lead both friends end foes to that at Is unfit The will ran trips a week Park and Point Miss Turner left for She intends to spend months on the Emerald file Messri t Smith thipped a load of beef cattto fed by Mr Chalmers to the Toronto raarkot Jleetrs Bros alto thipped two of choice stock Dan Big has jutt shipped from Island over pounds of slippery elm bark to one of wholesale drug city The steamer was over to on Thursday with a select party on board Her new boiler and engine have increased her speed very perceptibly The Camilla left for Roachs on finishing touches are being put on- She is now considered to be the fintst yacht the lake Her owner Mr ljtcoo was at the Point on Wednesday His residence there has been greatly improved since SOD A Urge frame barn wu raised on farm of Mr Angus Ego at Vir ginia last week The Snttrprise while en gaged In towing a raft of logs from lower Rigor on Wednesday had an accident which resulted In the breaking of of rmr This the second accident within a week I lio other resulting in a broken anchor and general up Mr ilea dangerous ly ill at bis residence on River street He taken with partial paralysis on Monday evening and been In e very low state ever alnce is to be hoped that he recovers soon for he is a man than whom there Is no better In button being at the same time an energetic man and the bast of out town councillors It Is somewhat singular that the Sutton schoolboys the cow which the reproduces la word for word with what been the rounds of oar exchanges is something like Our Town Council and Mr eo and so In which only exists in the imaginative mind of be editor La grippe alarmingly pre valent at For tone Bay and adjacent points In Newfoundland council has passed a bylaw prohibiting erection of wooden buildings on main street l A terrible yellow fever is to prevail Brazil Hun- were dead and dying at The Governors proclamation the observance or the holiday in honor of the Birthday at St Johns Nad all business places being open The Christian missions at Nankin have been attacked and pill aged by The narrowly with their lives place during the wiuter or to at length the committed by President has to govern with Congress bat Constitution lawa The time wu approaching elections and people to elect their own but had hit own one of favorites and the related to accept taw very deter mined and in December suppressed all meetings One night the Conservative party holding a peaceful in the rooms of their own club and sent armed soldiers to attack it The members not armed so they had to A boy nineteen of running away from the shot dead in street This matters wry much for bis father to of the families in Santiago and is very much by all The President went on from to tho people trying by every to arrange natters between him and the Con but he refused everything On the 1st of January the Deputies and Senators a solemn act the abdication of and on of the same month the Chilian menofwar turned against the President and declared themselves in favor of the Congress and of the people This movement to have been seconded by the troops on Bhore and then it would been only a revolution of a few but one of chiefs advised the government who took most active steps to suppress the rebellion ordering the imprisonment of all the Deputies and Senators who had signed the act Those who could escape went on board hid and some were taken prnonera Now began of terror President him self Dictator end the country under Ho ordered the closing courts of justice of all the public schools all clubs all the print ingolfices dissolved Naval School tho Board of Health in one word all the civilization of the country The prisons are crowded with gentlemen and young men A secret revolutionary formed in Santiago meeting now in place now another con stantly in danger and actively work ing for liberty The fleet counted at with few resources but quickly organized an army of recruits on island of Maria in the south of Chili the young men from Valparaiso and other cities escaping in disguise In boats and as could to the fleet Meantime on land tho suffering was terrible and success seemed almost hopeless for Dictator had all the army continued recruiting the laborers from all estates by All the houses and of Opposition gentlemen were searched for arms and many of the sons flogged terribly to oblige them to declare where their fathers hid Cur dear old home San Gabriel of which I hare written so often was entered by an force of ruffianly soldiers who searched and pillaged the bouse took all the finest horses and conveyed prisoners to Town of Linares our overseer and men servants Fortunate ly we were not there As the soldiers have continued visiting the place it has been Impossible for us to return there it safe la Santiago so we have spent- this summer on an other farm In Santiago the Opposition found ed two called and El I can not tell you bow very difficult It has been to publish them u meat spies everywhere The dis tributers of these papers are young girls and ladles In the month of the fleet took posieulon of port of Iqatque after Borers terrible encounters with large numbers of Government troops This victory followed by many but all have coat hundreds of lives Gentlemen and young men from have fought private soldiers on the side of the Opposition for this Is a struggle for life for civilization and liberty which we have entirely lost under the Dictator Mr Wiltnot of the six trout in Bay and a larga number wore planted lake All Ray or had caught in the machinery at Haw mill last week only saved his life by strenuously tearing Ma coal from hia back Barrio Mechanics Initiate recently- made over by an in- door fair at which were sold useful andorntoiental articles manufactured and donated by the ladies of tbt town A car load of children from York in number and rang ing in age from three lo seven year pasied through Buffalo last week where homes have been cured for States author are making arrangements for breeding reindeer St lalaud lighting Sea for the suppling them to natives of Soap agents who sell boxes of soap with engraved door plates the latter to be delivered hereafter have found victims In New York state the put week or two Tie soap is Government troopa arc being de- not worth ten cents a box and the to the outbreak door plate to Alaska to be used of t named Xbki of Berlin quarreled with heart two year ago txnd went to America week retarocilp found her and in a rage at the who defend- hot Id a yacht race on lake coo on bill a mile ahead until nearly roaching the Sutton buoy when the boat The crew was picked up by the third En- rice while the second won it parties am said have struck a well in township county which per day Several fimf to removal to Canada side in order to get fuel and light Mr James of Brad ford playing cricket on Mon day of last week was struck by thi- in face with such force nose was broken and eye badly ruined Medical at hand organ at attended to and it is expected that dia6gurcme of the will result aVhen Dr Stevenson was re turning from the funeral of Mr tbe bolt fastening the shaft to of the buggy dropped out And the shaft striking hordes caused it to run away The Dr at Mr Thorpe were thrown of boggy the former escaping without any injury but the latter badly bruised The badly damaged An but seldom in tbis locality was killed by Mr Peter Walls last week on farm Centre near Hear the dog barking furioualy Mi Walla went to th in time find the dog face tu face with a grown specimen of the Canadian lynx or wild eat These ferocious animals formerly were very In this locality but for several have been met disappearance of tho no doubt accounts for their retirement Last week a person from Sutton wu loading a scow with lam and lath at the Bradford wharf When the load had almost all been pat on board tbe scow suddenly col lapsed and sank Another barge had to be sent for and the loaded on it For hoars river we covered with floating lufober slabs and the old scow received many a blessing for golog back on tho ought to have been that accident occurred when it did Had It taken place In the probability Is that half of the stuff would have been lost On Tuesday evening between and nine oclock at the Council Chamber the board of trade expired after a lingering and Illness of months and Inanity iron lack of exercise set and in spite of ill efforts the poor useless thing passed away The remains were embalmed by who loteoda to keep them to the of Jon when an attempt will be made to the semblance of vitality Should this fail the bleached skeleton will be sent down to the Tottenham public school mnaeom as an instruc tive lesion to the children The Becrctaryis perplexed whether to recommend for the tho legend or

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