V V J irV I V1 I i I r I I A NEWMARKET MAY 1 1 RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago Backache Headache Toothache 8 ore Throat Frost Bites 8pralns Bruise Burn Etc by and Dealer a Hi Canadian Depot Toronto RAILWAY It- IT flails OB Wednesday fc Geo A- and A of of by a pen- ten a of not as of Cabinet Ik Hew Orleans lb op of re aped foe Ibo city apt to eoooooter and trsffla Is siupendtd Ail lbs streets j closed bed cm iej end the When ere toesed sjdde end traffic goes again Ibis railed Tomato Adelaide betweea Toronto tad Sii would to ba a lioroaghfwa a Urge put of lb year Broc who colllag a of Carl of a by mill fin art all a Ibaat pub chltfij iba lid ki an affect villi ibri- J Brown hex fitter in Biacderi rtpoiU a good ft down the lut a job for aL at What a at Of twenty popular a Titer in The fia cak two bad bread and batter followed by dart cake and eight remaining women were divided between eclairs cream- cake jelly- and with an cop of woman bad a and fitful cbolaMci of lili wilh J Lately of too a of at home Tripp erecting a fioe one mile of the the ESS a 5 55 Sooiety AaPa eat A fir month or before fall j la a Ut e lib Modi Halloo In moolb Halloo HI a Monday In n AeJib Uttttrd MoodA loOitlIlrt rf Mday In month III aft in month 3rd Moo Id mctb Kc fcnrtrl Every WedDjpJF Monday ETery Vr jTtLfvT Tburady aLa aU I comic down the iUIn la lV hilt fa re l bit the looking They m t a window boating the of tooi Mr Jobnrf who for put on boot town for a be able lo walk to Iho whan he taken mach worr and died A Tylor town bat who left hare for Toronto soma time ago emit- for Taylor delivered ftpeMhea in iqKreata which he la each and for lirtry hire in al Stomp I general for the bat appwri to bo dollar and LiBlmemt etc and ifcbp of cfa over the twenty women ftiricgeefirr- remained the The of these were work ing women They baft been at work since nine oclock that and had yet some four or fie boors more of labor before that time they expected to life and nourish their body and brain one piece of pie and a cop coffee Among the harder the same thing also and women deliberately to cheap id pastry It is acarcely to add that among forty odd women who came and went dnring my there was one with a clear rosy complexion as every woman or who gave the of perfect health One taw bad no appetite had aide and arid wart a iUothit the of a little would avert Young Man the l The from op to the city to aeo and be seen is not the only one who on perception or who fails for the simple reason be overrate his and ity of bis Time and again men o been defiantly their eyes they pitted their against oonfyifinoe ftwy fiajra l be to feceptiorij studied it and know just how it ii are sharp to detect the con- aid to ell But forget how unequal is the cooteat how merrelootly well these clever scoundrels can judgeclar- and play natural vanities and in the end they find empty pocket I SCOTTS PHARMACY NEWMARKET OS TO O-OKCHOfOE- foe if JOB BALE AT A BARGAIN term or v J OB BALE loo A DAVID IOC or of 6- Rd bit A Incident in THE LEADING DRUG STORE ittWi JUST OPENED A FULL F From file moat reliable dealer FRESH and true to name FOR centrUj l DEALER IN HEAVY AND SHELF MANAGER re International Lessons TEMPLE REPAIRED 14 cheerful For ue fctr- il viiiof iu bUfffof the Israel We hue two lit riff aai the lifCHJ in the overthrow id Thai bjAD cld a ihe blood Blood Imparities ibo not and caiicroQj cares Dmafjrafr kk we VttO Chili Lt3 lxir hate 1 lfonrMuUof Comfort- of tislojr i a flnal result Wo bade with the from 11 Lotion Sold 3 ctlioo to HO if to all ltd frplln Ilea aaflfict of ifap we to had- in the of The for Hi back to a of o toif ami in laat the good thflKt ttigo and a Jebel the wicked wicked of hatband tod tot pot all her rdrhidrvn death with the exception foub whoM lb wifeof high hit infancy AUtiah and her power to at op her Shf of her tbrcne pat to death at age waa Daring Jeholida the high the of the kingdom epaird that he might at- a for the of ice in prU tnae for Joy Iq for the lo op of the Iheilajaof AlmobtLikeMaKlq Is the effect of Clark a Liniment to fchurri It atopa pain instantly and in worst the rapid is pro equal to Stales has general In tbe A cough be it ftnd allayed To do Bilsm ObetlcAte J III I and properties whleb Kocllib JLInimeas all soft from Blood King fiilfl Sore and Throat CoagHa Bare by u one bottle Sold by t Fatal and occur that be mora with jour it cao be by Creero Tarter Daklajt by all by To- wbich appeared a Detroit paper of ttmpit touching to bo mot with There a family in city who are dependent upon a little child for present sonebioeof A iotii wife and It was se sudden so dreadful when the grave family physician called them together ftijo solemn professional way intimated to them tbe troth there no help Then came the question among them who tell her Not the doctor It would be cruel to let the man of science go to their dear one on such an errand Not the aged mother waa to and alone Not the husband who wa wsUkinj floor with clenched hands there one other and at this moment he looked up the book be bad been playing with by them all asked gravely mamma die Then without waiting for an answer he aped from the room and upstairs fast as his little feet would carry Friends and neighbors were watching by the sick woman They noticed pale of child as he climbed the bed laid bis aiuall hand on mothers pillow Mamma bo asked in die mother ftt abiol with swift Perhaps had been thinking of this- Who told you Charlie hiked Doctor hi be dear ittln ranramawpnt to die your said the young after one supreme of no wont I shut your yM in dark my hand an when you open cm itll bo all there Ibo fatuity gathered awo- stricken at Charlie bold up little baud My to Her wont up here any more And so it proved There was no heartrending no of parting for tho mother woke fib bad passed and baby It alt light a s tit Ita all oaf fTvl J awUcsV nrrHaa- wa eKIrtTf 1 s IIA t 1 ODY SAYS SO If C ruirl u re MS Timwt home a bar- j UR Spaded Shovels Bakes Hoes c CarperitersVSuppHes Builders Hardware Goods a Galvanized Annealed and Barbed I Fence Wire Ready Mixed Rubber Paint Try our Daisy Jacks kept for hire DESIRABLE Near For Silt tola and ho aim ettuate about from fcei and and rMnIioi apply to IS elj ARE THI IN a end Fir lor Of Hod to WcaoI ft flrmthamiUtAtlpQOTj lUr mm are an the Prices our A rabber 1 Growing Too Fast become ener gy thin and weak Fortify and build them up by of E OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL AND Of and Soda PifstaUe la OB OB COLDS H AND a J TJ 3 FOB SALE are being of lota in Coo halt of lot la Old Surrey Lot oarer fall I or wall fence ail for slock or pmlr good rnaadow or lnd Calf In 1Ld or KS J SPRING TJ LATEST GLANCE AT THE FOLLOWING PUT IN STOCK a T A NORTH END Bottled Wines Native Ginger Wine Ligbt Sherry Wine Brown ii Excelsior Port Old Fine Old Claret pints and quarts BOTTLED LIQUORS grama year-old- r Irish White Wheat Tom Irish Scotch 3yearold sTta T Imperial 1T0I Ales Porters Copland Brewing 0 n I J English Ale Stout r t rf- FOE SALE Farm and fi0atcrotIjH4lothft CoabtlQ of of Id tth KM 14 Sin j with coo and erected atoa a good lbrf4jgb loeia ftod will b la of Stsf- FINE PRINTING AT THE UtA TO BREEDER8 ALWAYS on hand wellbred Young and abortHorn Bulls Oik ill J jet a 4 OUR IN- THE undersigned have enteied into partnership and will conduct the AND TINBUSINESS Formerly carried on by Wright in the old premises FULL OF- for arerjr- An Accident Poller beat to keep tow Oil hand a pain euro la while for croup throat rhaumatiam etc e- eater- Clarke Lightning Mb stands alone aa a Plain tor Sold by all class druggists price titty cents Clark Chemical Go Toronto New York j A ays luatiLg for bridge A Co illuhliiLiraoftbe to rate itivn rety the uj credit of fa ten tells exact Some tie other aloe to tell the facte those do sis la of drC after an f Ufa the Jo tat fc Id rf f da- lb fet WW Uac i rf Wn5 a and iu The Rule and Plummet Harry came running in with great glee to show fait new writing- took the first ho bad ever had It doesnt look first one I had said Grandma Why isnt it as good Harry Yeait is much nicer though it doesnt mako you any happier than did mo Bald looking nt bright face And then ray toy you any is that cried Harry I shouldnt know what to do with it if I had one Grandma laughs dont need it my dear bat when I went to every child had a rule and plummet for th hooks were not lined yours wo bad no lead pencils My plummet waa a flat piece of pewter pointed at no end through which a was put and lied the rule I can remember that my father made it tbo night school pewter in the open fireplace At the same time my older sister my writing book took sheds of unruled whito folded them to right six and them to gether dark next morning when I for school with new book my role and plummet my quill and bottle of Ink I Then came a groat eventtne ray first copy by Ihe teacher In the teacher atvaya the copies and made the pent Ob the times were different then said grandma she Harry book back to I should say so said Harry Aod Im glad I live for I am never learn if I had to use a re la and plummet American Agrjculturigt What Gen Sherman Says OHIO AND IN HOT IT WAS The area of Canada is 3379000 square miles the area of the United Alaska is You admit said fl man to Geo the other day that the farmers even in Ohio are somewhat under weather P Yea I think a large pro portion of the farms Ohio not worth within thirty per cent were twentyfire ago Farming not pay in any large sense This I satisfied of when the a few years ago about COO miles of Winnipeg I saw a very extensive plain of wheat approach- log the harvest richness On my return that wheat was all gone and yet habitations were lo bo seen nor any of society found it had been reaped by machines quickly had been sown by machine in fresh turf previously turned had required no attention and that the men who gathered it in lived sixty miles away and yet of it waa then at Montreal on too way to She Ohio farmer has to contend against the great area of country with grain growing on the of Nebraska and Kansas and in Texas and In Dakota and Minnesota In meantime our farm err live in better formerly bad hewn log houses quite good thirty or forty years ago Their houses are now very comfort able and good appearing and the and women speed more money than formerly in ornament agreeable each ideas an e been pat for wild lately in In not going to glTetbe farmers relief arid their common will oon slmwlhem that Messes Co t Gents Having used St I MABOS LINIMENT for several years in my I atteat to its the bpat thing I know of for horse flesh In the family we have for every that a liniment Is adapted or it being recommended to us by late Or J Webster Per- sonally I find it best allajer of neuralgic pain I have ever used Titus Proprietor Yarmouth lit very Stable STOVES RANGES HOUSE FURNISHINGS Coal Oil and Lamp Goods- AND Is equally large and up to the standard A Call Solicited A Ball rxJIrM wilt be kept far In J03KPII KITE LEV site the of Main and Timothy J L BE I stay wkf as 1 slay itarttaeltau IU All la srr to vvc A81LT e WIT J any Irll rilO st J iirfni jtjcA- Las dilative JI1 Utjifii a st mi until sU ssctitt iVti ii I 3000 J OiaUFatlteiikfcUrtFKEKaiirvf4ai ml K ALLEN O Hall LATH SHINGLES n Mel at if WV fa me UN YevA V3J Vjrxii Wutu We will make ft specialty of KnVctroughing Furnace Work and General Jobbing fc TELEPHONE- CONNECTION Breaking in isnt needed the Ball corset Its easy from the start Coils of tiny springs in the sides make It so Try it and youll like it If you dont after a few weeks wear just return ii and get your money BY Do Housekeepers Know That a of cold water placed in an oven will soon lower tem perature taking cake with it- sugar they should l dun rtcelpo fori That a of pulverised sugar sifted through a over the top crust of a pie wilt greatly add to Its appearance when soot falls upon the car pet or covrred It can bo swept up without leaving a trace If trial is not sufficient give it another That if soft not melted lard or butter is tubbed over the top bread dough when In a man and after being moulded Into loaves a bard crust will be avoided TOWNSHIP OF East Court of fee vision Ant I for Ihe M HI the Hut take place UBB SHARON OS NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH MOULDING DOORS SASH BUNDS FOR OK TUB PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK LOWBST POSSIBLE THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO Saturday 30th A hour Of to notice irctitccoxdlnKJr- Citric Cry for will Tie In United solid earnest The wan who has a hind word for docs good a by a burst on tbe city of Paris on Tours- did great damage to property OLD NEWSPAPERS AT P POUND The Canadian bred fcjjdeedale 0RS NOTICE it of Hint t and older J of John Alton Lata Town Newmarket la or dtccjaeO died or required pa oilhtfore pib or To aard br doit prepaid to ewniakeipHifllce tha Hie said John a their ja rail olalmr duly at A Pi of aeeurbUs If flihdejr of may tho regard only lho claim of iccaiora baro received not bo OPT til WlUaerro lot thereto ha which the An On wo soy thereof hty no at limn of aid IS aibU of VromLotSOiatba I Under A EVAN Doled red rod u awl i a red to their rawai Coo of OAT TLB Two or tad bailer th fa thai Orchard- day of AL1KS FARMERS MYERS J- Ioullry for llofrc Collie by I a Preserve Your Sight BY ONLY PRANK LAZARUS Of Spectacles and TflKSE Spoetaclea and been for putt j and In unbounded ara tub wojitp oevcr lire add last many without 8ALK AT Burdock- Blood Bitters PROMOTES CURES DYSPcPm CURES CURES Mr Out ti tvl 1 Burdock Blood ACTS ON THE BOWELS funs COHSTMTIOI Cures Cures CONSTIPATE JJj fur medaufrrit3caw My and In hj ai if ti I Burdock Blood Bitters REGULATES THE LIVER Cures Cures Cures BIII0USN Proof filtil- lawKco nub did Hi DUN THECOOrCSBESTFRlEND lAlttttSTAL IM Bur doc Blood Bitters REGULATES THE KIDNEYS Cures Cures Hfi Cures AJromptCflra I my g wlfW try wiihce4Wa I got Cures BAD Cans BAD OLD PU3IFIES Of KUicj IK IK by M94s1 Ull trom