lively teal Wet OS IN A MAY a meeting of the t lbs ff T Ioiod Kill Sod Art Gallery Person desirous Hearts collection of iiro nk itfJHI Postponed Owing death lira- EilerlainnWDt to J Owing to the WJ wC fir tail taks ue el at four oclock AW l M to o Librtry the Commit- mat in of month to lbt end fttiUlMIiSwiukel width fuller aij sfrplicaUooa Snow Borcra Cabin Co town on J tbeif fies attracted attention as ft was town chariot took on the Market and iiY a who it It tbfng- at terries he held in St crcoiog it Jane of Toronto will aial tbiilj who bo the Wall rUK The at oclock li completed for a grand In oo the of Toronto the of Mr fate we a grand wfk- The North York Society has for toil to a the of June Not only GccHVtbe City hot the allrietisn to till the cheapest the for liip will your to For a Good At All A Workmen fully fifty last ltd at was alas a lirc yrjtico The by J V II was an of Kftjj He iit the Hfo wis carried ait credit the Next Saturday Co el afosiesX the to on of lbs heard too a a s niiri or ibis dee of ha a Inspector with a little the Mayor All who hate tocemptj with law first of Way are thai bar liable to a fioc of ISO and According to report there are yet doge wilhlalba and has to be to do The of mi t- SntL Last handed a dollar tpt of the Church off to auk of a to day A coaling of gravel iaiprore the yard sod it done by those who time to List between 10 sod oclock we IS iii in that small You Eat lie in lack his table bring graced iimeni of bey treat by sir A iclteot and tested freak as from the water Robert- oitt conisomeDt from Colling- yoa can hare by ibe EAtiy luring it while frb Thbv The demaorJ Water SU1 goes on Daring tie pttitixht days more bntro male namely Stanley W KbiQoD J P and in St Ward sir CiicCfotte Ward and teal In St Gorges Ward The lain water fa no bring Tax Cap All color at floe Childrens at per cent de lay them Bond hoes fa Sad three oclock an Tncsdsj Maris jane Clarke wif of J breathed her last so extended of nearly a year At hope for her It has been ordered ed was a fot a Utile three yara hot darioo people of with which aha was mora intimately so- learned to lore her amiable lies as well as faer ability Th respected pastor and member of the family bare not of cosgrectioa fa their deep bat the condolence of The took pltc yeatenJay afternoon at the and interment in Pleasant View Of and White Pish Thursday direct from Bay All orders left with tu will delivered either Thursday night or Friday A There not at At llome on hot thoat were and and literary program rendered Hooter the chair A pleasant feature at the the program was the presentation neatly printed and framed Mr John Marker ibe late president who recently Tha address expressed regret at departure on acooant of the his end also the high esti mation of associates of char and life Mr Huker was by complete but made an ap propriate reply The of the were to miajFooa Do Yoo Wear Spectacles Call at Scotia and examine the latest assortment in town Eyes tested witb the finest letting lenses a liACBOBsa The first match of the district of the Canadian played at Weston on May resulting in of Newmarket by fito The ball faced 2 50 and after an hard play the first game was lakea by While for forty minutes and was taken by We aton The third con tinned one hoar and Mr red by Hewitt for New market team bid the Lags and while the borawere far with For Weston Hill Riley and played a game The alt played will The match passed off pleasantly and are well with their treatment at th handle ibe Weston team A large crowd of people went oat from Torooto to sec the match and a of citiroe encouraged oar team by their pres ence which was composed of the following players Coal G Point Point R lit Defence 2nd P 3rd P Centre W 3rd Horn C Sod Montgomery let ZB Hewitt Home- White Home iW Captain Bert Cane A Visit About of Aeror Lb took a ran and knocking town the Room was jf g oat bora were not ha to them ikay Cwrna again Hats You Wild Golden Rod tod at of plots lud ftltnUoQ Ihli lotmjUiit them an a sit ban uoa at hi alt With rich proruloa bar Tor cart of not wen a great to Jul Sand and and tot a itnngtrf ill van much torn gtm ini3riijof BaiND Ererjbody going to baud concert tonight Friday ud to get a ton hill will be deoiiatad foe the acd and appaar Id foil tar alrctdy that bind ha a proud or Captain but fall and with the two El of in ended Prof of Lbait Toronto and of FrcJ la tba aopboQlomul of Band biaexecottoa sill be to al bvndicoen Tha Bind been In luge poster were lasned- put of Co and ailJ fioa heard mora tbt Jolly and John Lug of is do for a pro exhibition of Among home Which come to ird J and reoditiona with Then lha Bind itaaU baa alio a of new to for Ibe firat Mm and taken a and littmj of mere than merit no A WALK At the nd a left team fee for home ibe fanner a walk and offered at and great Toe the Brigade acme fireBun pot In an It to the a was ad opted in A was alio tbe to call a eating consider the ad a demon in on Dij One ewe of black will tell at percent lirtd A Holiday llLIJ iff J nearly at Newmarket for The left by ii tit aod Among home batketa a In tie weather all The Major Mirw a and hit road from Mr 4mact a aid when It lia lie polW off Jhtb arid him a Mr bad to to it to ff a A l I a anc but ll ii ai tar la I hat a nt There la Bit t id la frihe that rotr The email boy and of IL iTLiiFLwitli lor feet For the call al Very and w Bio From the open ing to Court Home filled wnhipoclattsIutWidoeaday and Cos Probably the moat Interesting a deal between and in which former loaf hit in it of Cati a folly This was a in which bad re tuned of rant for made pit be was Jodgmint for In favor landloi It oclock before roae- of Toronto presided in of org it and giro fair satisfaction In the of few casea on whole the well cleaned tip Taken the o May baa cool a girl to a recent in Christian miking great for Day left for tba Sooth on afternoon aod into moat whom took in at Weston Monday re home In the eTenUgJiTa Health i atr tended Tie wants weko up Oct trio a eitUtlo vtnk Wen fumera this weth Wot was com At on new Water Works chimney Missionary are arranging for a Purler at tbo Jane A The and tends of church at and and Jul after a fcllowablp meetioKi when fire with The bar- log to a cIom congregation was into of tko wbeiea table with an of and bts wife were seated at brad of tablf and alter one hundred had fated J called order The putor than made recipient of pair of gold and was with a very gold brooch and chain wai made by Mrs J Millard and J IVcdy on lihall of tba church which Mr Collins read loltowlng whirh and wife a very and appropriate manner TV It la with feeHngaof deep we anticipate the log between In Ibis branch cbnicb Id Doling yonr of rainy yrsnr hare gone and name baa become a familiar word and words of comfort and Kxpcted the A IIaikrt Tlio on racket lait for a a on tba ttufcft tatter them A ten the fctard Tskior sold was a Urgt af was Market a A town a market took fa tba of to lb net care bow moeb DuUon as it a fair Aetd wcvoraga to sura iW or tub World Kiayvr of ltd Matted home from an of adtrt- this advice bare been a continued of to the warfare Your will to In and from tbt are folly that separation between baa upon wilbont a on your perl and it la a tbat it la not account of Any feeling that la ratd tot the glory of Ilia we not only whoss voice bu often cbule of tod who to In worlj of many we only to tore yoo mora sod hove will we trait continue We will glid to ate any time and welcome y to of oar klad regard and Oar beet wish that will go with to field of labor that will yon and that we all meet other where pining never disc Sign of the chnrch J MM i May J A Orfvogec old a The fall were takeo for of another company in Newmarket A limited of obtained any difficulty the people of town It look a good deal of lime to lhe balance a large manofactnring as proposed the was obtained and a charter applied for which net receive from the Detriment tilt begianiog of Oaring largely in machinery and cartings bate been premises into working com pleting firit b itcb of goods we have the authority of dtalera and expertatoaay gooda now are not excelled the American Continent There are now completed and for the 100 two every which refill from to each boys velocipede and In which In la located is at Main and well adapted for office and room front ground floor In rear of which la the abop 100x40 tted with turret lathes drilling emery wheel for tbe ante of wire tire rollers and power callers depirt- is under the of Mr Geo Bill formerly of Adjoining department on weit aide la black- smith where two forgtaera kept to con- action by a wheeL Hera are weded bent info the and of bicycles tire theo la to the wheel room adjoining tbe machine no the tooth where are performed and tba wheels are then ready the tinning hop on writ aide Here a blight about the through eight preper- to process reser voir kettle Into which damped worth of tin when commencing fa liftli in order Into which Ii dipped- nick if- pitting iooloding an electric also fa under of Mr A Miller late of Toronto who la acknowledged fco the In line Canada The room and boiler are at tbe end of building- engine room la a large drying room through wbijh all lumber being Next to la the bending room where buggy handle etc are lota a of boiling velar and to the proper We now enter wood feet in which are oil- oiled of machinery each planer table and drill and dowel machine bind saw wood drills wood wood trimmer etc also reducing for woik Mr Biker late of Toronto Ii foreman of departments Neil we come to eel ling room lo the work all and this la coo- for go lo make op a or this fa ibe pilot over by Mr George I Thomptoo of Toronto band at work the where Mr Elder late of Toledo Ohio takes pride In of In America And tut Vat not the reel and room nnder the unequalled of Mr Otto a Dative of Germany who for four was foreman depart mtntlo Mm factory of this kind in America Ha afterward of deperLai in Rstteo end also with To ronto and It fa acknowledged ha la the lead on the Thegtotrel of whole If formerly of Turonto bis ability for the only improve the of over Other bat la the whole and of men the Not- only bat which wall of the ibis every the paint la Tbnelaot bat that tba being pro- here will tike lead u an Sitoe here the com pany our lo wsgw There ate over 30 on the pay rail and a fortnight loot up I la that of three will be twite many hud a employed of North tome Idea ot koowo Nawmarkt Works which SB- The program now in circulation tbe first of of Whitchurch to lake place Church at no Thursday and and 12h of June appeal the Exec a I Ire has met with a very hearty re- an 1 a very inleresliog proBtable time may be anticipated Among for the are Wallace of the at Biptiat Church Mr A Ihe Secre tary of the Aociitioa and Rev Cline of Toronto also Rer Amos of Aurora Accommodation will be provided for all who send tfaeir nature to the local David the 9hof VQjepe will he need It in the townabip will be two or more A Dm ia a la lor the fellow who will in vent a dynamo that will generate heat counter act the bine of our northern climate to Lie Sit at day night a deceiver Many on early froit vegetable as welt magnificent production their hopes nipped in bud The fore part of lhe warmer than for two or three but when old gen ial rays beamed forth will all ibjtr on Sunday morning the tender vines and tomato hong and refoaed and contrary partook of the habits- of mourning a matter of fact formed In aubarbi of Uirera of an inch thick and It la feared t at imall froit and ate badly night Ink The month of Monday Council to omoirow Town C unci Monday at week commenced Daod tonight came Only a box New week will now This week we have received goods in- from the Cheapest thelBest A fulhrange of 1 ir V From to 9J Inch Every Pair J LI A SlT QiNTs- summer UNDERCLOf HING NICE GOODS AT LOW PRICES IB- i have too many 1 They must go if Low Prices will Move them- SHOES COMPLETE STOOK Lower io price titan any House in Town IS BOOMING SUTHERLAND BROS iselqeQts SUIT ALL WOOL 500 NEW STOCK CLOTHING ALL WOOL 125 W T REDUCTION I PLAYTER oat the of J J Belfry at a benefit will be ruahtd off As Am bound to them into NEW DRESS GOODSI AG Groceries Always Good and Fresh and W PLAYTER TELEPHOxHR Block GOODS FRESH AND CRISP AT We hae a large stock of Clothing Sizes andJPriees in MensV Boys and Youths Niee goods well made good fit Just what you want and at the Right Price 1 A Grand Chance to buy Cloths for Ladies Mens and Boys wear Ladies double width Cloth regular price now 1 Tweeds at 35c and 1 Only about Half the Regular Price COME AND SEE THE BARGAINS a many friends of the Mr and lady were pleased to aeo their familiar faces Sabbath at service here Rev Mr Moore of occupied tho pulpit hero la tbo and Key Mr oc cupied the pulpit In Christian church in absence of Elder Chid- ty at Drayton Mr was viaiting ia Ket- on last Among others visiting this part are J Fox and sister of Toronto Mr Graham station agent of and of Mr J It Lloyd and lady spent Sabbath in Mrs Clark has been aeriouily ill for some days and hopes have beeo entertained of very but we trust may soon tbo convalescent list Mrs Win Watson who has been very ill for some time is able to sit up again though quite weak yet Mr and Mitt Lloyd- Mr It Fox two sisters enjoyed a row the Holland on the 26th Wo heartily endorse your senti ments Mr Editor relative to tbe repairs on the as It like folly to let It stand where it Is after so much pains has already been taken and we are informed that a portion of the road is fa a very bad shape The members aud friends of King Christian church are doing all in their power to accommodate and please the gathering at their leaparty which will be hold on tho of June In Mr beautiful grove near the church will be a platform meeting addressed by prominent clergymen brass band wi be early on the grounds Icecream and other refreshments swinge c On June be a general meed do ifio grove the weather permitting Service at and pin These be by competent ministers from a distance All com ing from a distance to the tea on and wishing to remain tot Band ay will bo provided with homes J III and every size I I Worked MM T0 The moat fashiooablo Felt ami f sJ A- PARASOLS Gloves and Hosiery- Black and Colon In all the Leading Shades HENRIETTAS HAMILTONS Celebrated Make of BOOTS AND SHOES PRICES throughout the store figured down to meet all competition LOW R J DAVISON SPRING TELEPHONE CONNECTION J MILLARD COS OLD STAND A forest fire started in tho dot Lb west section of Mass Sunday afternoon and burned over ton inilea of territory I fltTf lit Is a at 1 1 et I a SIB I Ml a Oar Newmarket Markets May S3 1891 Flour W 1M a Bprtng Wheal Brain tub bt Applet per Wool per lb llrij per too Ghlektpr Clover per per I a at a if a it 1 it OH 901 1 to 15 09 a CO a a Oil 1 15 THE ONLY MACHINE MADE THAT WILL DO SUCCESSFUL UNDERBIDDING Our Toronto a til a per Wheat per bowel- oh bubal lair roll per IK Applet per Wool par lb 1 1 per ton Pork par per lb a iOM TO lb CTOMrSadpaijbaibal WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW a Handsome in all its Appointment Perfect in all its Details SIMPLE IN ITS PARTS DURABLE STRONG I Children Cry I a r m F J WARMER THE GENTS FURNISH 1891 NOVELTIES in new Neck Wear White and Flannel Underwear Hosiery Gloves Collars and Cuffs races Umbrellas Waterproof Coats HATS AND CAPS Latest Spring Stylos Eng lish and American Stiff and Soft Hats Knockabouts in black blue and brown also Fancy Hats and Caps for children J WARNER Neat Door to Atkinsons Jewelry sale farmTroperty IS TIIK Village of Holland Landing will offers for aato lo a bid by at HOLLAND OK day or two rdck Inlho after- noon land belonging to of Andrew Moore Tfaa Sooth Half of Lot No on rids of In the lit of lbs tot me Weal OwUllmborr la the or York Terms aad known at lima farther to P H Bark WANTED WILL PER CORD Tin ner NowintrkttdqrlGg It Town of MONEY TO LOAN I 1 Court of 4JV lb for he Town or year first Court or DA Y 1 I OPPOSITE I FOR8YTH HOUSE tor- AitDti Cootrctf bluer or rtMt tc Ado Vii TotODlf UU June 1st Al hoar of clock a of which til retted lo fcodKOVoro thetfifc IMtuxordlnglr J-