Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 8, 1891, p. 4

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ERA MAY 1891 RHEUMATISM Neuralgia 8calca Lumbago Backache Headache Toothache Throat Frost Bites Sprains Bruise Burn Etc and Cecil la Canadian Society Register- J or or before foil wow I lrrnM M4WTbafti Allien lit to- 3rd VcJJ lo toe TndA ttb lit AltrtJi ASrd Tort a la tbe la A In A- Id mnlb Monday ndim pi TBI vi of dniin of of of lid wis to T lo the III the month- of la tint John Stud In Iraled with Lord white stood with hit face prorogation of which cot at- lowed to The all com mo mealier from and all and petition at an op to the Gtotitlhf the whole Howe the part of the when bill- all at Bt the Hqbm are tod all lipoid to bo Ho rfprimtarffl tA of lb- of la SrVrcia member til in the Speaker is the rater dictator the of in i of the Chamber Be alio con petrrwe In Wotioes Llslmeal consider la caused by an add la blood lb Bineix all Imparities from blood but and used by aid ana Cox Jaac John oa Allen Colo Cos EdwiirJ George Rut ledge George Manning CowWm John Conn ingham Cox Henry Wat- Patrick Chartci Gibne FENCE VIEWERS St Phillips Belfry Second Howard Fr Kelly Watson Wright TrviEa Qctfx St Unices Morton Anderson David STJCMcCart Geo Wm Cockerill Peregrine Evans Cox John Gibson John Smith Glov er Cox- Doyle Jacob jr Cox- Jos Travis It QibDey Sin Cox Crane Anson Jone John Hoses Win Harri son llopo was we rare VTbea a CUU she cried for aba to CaiUvia pti evtiy fo CWiil Friday In month International SS Lessons Israels Overthrow Foretold- 10 8 Text not from taken even that be to rilL of in the Hog JnIb at sad kingdom As long he the in- and wcomnJlbrcD tfkdalllrliMaji 140 aid Jo their dlike to the sad The of prepares way for Slid and are condoned Ja word and in the telitnoiif to Tit- ran lfall a when is of tie Misery Comfort Is tbe Ant ol Banlock Blood as a Core the flwdrtflult always We back with the proof from people in By Sanitary Sold In it lit Sbonld Be Loosened should bo at and all allayed aaceta Pectoral field at once to Its sooth- and properties which loosen phlegm and allay Spavin all hard soft or calloused and from Blood via Sillies Throat ooaboUle Sold by Mm Norwood baa Wen this Mr Win lost a valuable yearold colt week It died of distemper t Mr Jacob baa his 1 to go to the Bahama Islands in September On Wednesday evening April a meeting of in the game of football in the office for the purpose of organizing foot ball team for the season There a good and a liely interest Tribune One Dozen Bottles Of beat known Blood will not work a in of Catarrh as package of Clarks Catarrh All the wise talk about Catarrh a constitutional or blood depends entirely what the advertiser has to sell If have Catarrh any form try Catarrh and yon need not take a cartload of it before any benefit is derived keep it and recommend it Price cent Sent to any address by the Cfark Chemical Co Toronto York- IT HEAT COMPETITION Wild to that that pun aatha Imp4UlCam Tartar Powder all 9 US TO ABOUT is arrangement for a to so the place tn iOii Friend- Ad Policy The Accident Policy lo keen a pain cure It is while lor throat Ha re snlts are of ten Used Ijlmci Thursday vvk Attn The ale aid axd lor Oily lor Manitoba and lVior a XL btb ana otter tiujr aata at- at vi lbs last thai to to fascia- was sal aod Mr Waters tot of bro would not now bo lu ibo The declined lo Tote an io tut certain nut In l for liraiir d Itl J-alJIjl- East OwIUImbury Officers St J Proctor east Powell m JohDju Marsh weI Howard Curtis John Sailer m Alex J Richard J Wright Fogg St CaIvIu Kiteley Richard Boyd ii I Isaac it Robert ii Matthias 6 George n St Kennedy Allen -tf- Win LopanI Reld Dunham v John J W y Jame A Thomas Robert John ii COS Wvl John fltfekwood 3 Albert Roger Joa McNeil f John Colo 8 Samuel Colo Clarko John Rye ft n Ltrnard J J AT hit the As- a a 4 lb fJt ri Of I ipHiJ v cd ijlbr notirU vers tv tut at tifitVu tut Aaivra Uati bis ty irtf ttUwu m id Wjlslukj J W KbjjUM It the ths of I j for lbs be Canada lul J it will Its i4tliwtwlM 4ittd all abo lo as srijscdto all ant ilul on line its ata Ht tr which siiJl hatter sjjrD bad lHUl if it fadj it a tali it J WW John wood 1 Win Cola AIM Cos- 2 1 Charles Cox Wiii0ilJiawi 3lL Village Mark ID it Jlarpir A Gibson Con- I fQ Hoc lit A A rater I A West 1 J Art Win liters Wm rt4 Mills Grant- John rol ler W KiUUy John Moors Allen Roger rrotaerp 0ayi4Hosg Annie Laurie that is sum by all singers of the present day I am a as to The writer ratted an the next farm to- father I was per with both her her Father and also with author of the song and hare to give bo public the benefit of my knowledge bom in and about years old when the accident occurred which gave rise to song name Jimes who lived and ostium a called in Scotland lie hired a deal of help and those was a man to act foreman While bis employ Mr Wallace fell Hi love with Annie which fact her father fioon learned and lie went to homo which was la and sick night ho reached and men tiny when Laurie of 4ie to bis end waited on him till he died nod on his composed entitled Royalty at Work daughters of the Princes of Hilary Home are sensibly know how they own gcwnftud their of nit tiutit lit in thorough Tttty can go into kitchen end will they the art of iualjttj if they were Aver thrown upon own re tourcis would be itblu of themselves And this baa been done not only en example to other mothers In the kingdom hut Highness thught it right for her wonder how many of daughters of gentlewomen could inako paint good uiusicians have a knowledge of sculpture and can read end apeak three or four languages And is true of the daughtara of the of Wales who herself while thoroughly educated taught all the that would be a part of tho of a daughter of ordinary rij gowned in most and work at their looke and with pencil and needle in a way that would shame the daughter of many a tradasrnen who ought to thoroughly understand everything that is really womans work Satiliary of Water cress and Onions The a plant contain ing very fiinitary qualities A curious of it is if in a ferruginous stream it ab sorbs into itself Rvotiuitatlto amount of iron that any other plant rfoe For all constitutions it therefore of value Hut it also contains proportions of garlic sulphur of iodine and blood abroad it is thought a con- with meat roaet or riUrd rather raw of dig Ation than tho wild one onion belongs to lily fmiiily The odor of which mikes it wo to oil that In Gladstones Guiding Star- She one of the most looking women yon ever saw declares a correspondent of Some Journal a sweet bind face to full soft lovely hair topped a of velvet and lace A gown that in artistic folds and doesnt and a way of looking at you as if she were interested in every thing said thats Mrs Glad stone She does not care for society as it was meant by the round of balls and receptions and the giving and going to them but sbe is delighted when is at the head of her own and has about her a cir cle of friends who know and love and Mr Gladstone Unlike the wife of any other Prime Minis she went in lor having a salon or herself with rich and powerful friends who would simply care to be received at house of a Prime Minister and have no real interest in the which he so thoroughly entirely championed Instead she has given her time to caring for that he was under any and all as comfortable as possible and that in way his health was for the nation for whom he did so much good Her happiest momenta when she ia with her husband at button every important occasion she has always been by Just rciueioher that means going over the coun try 111 railway trains being for hours on openair platforms and then you will understand why the people of England worship Mrs Gladstone as a heroine Time fl well it for lota of people and old are trying hard to kill aod many of them almost succeed fin THE CANADIAN A correspondent suggests that sooo HUNT of the surest cures for the grip is get thoroughly scared and think you are going to die before closes May That will generally start a copious thereafter for and next morning you its from distant points will be much better having sway pneumonia sod funeral expenses SnaLHORHH Ont April 26 A very sad Occident occurred witting a mile of town yesterday whereby the year old son of Mr J lost his life It appear the boy od playing around the barn and found a plow line The boy had read NEWMARKET STORE Oft TO Sr VOUR CHOICE- Or two new to JBKSSXs o Ji- l him 1t ramblea Ihey foood a small heard a to year old boy himself lie was apparently tuntVa to explain to bis SPRING SEASON to bis how it was done plow line to a made a noose of He fastened rope in tiiio i jor it tic litttirl til he placed his head nd slippery he bis to Strangled before assistance arrived father drove into the Yard the- OK THE catty of sir- this ol lStf if- ccw rl Ij l I- fc I a 1 1 r In J i fit I tic Dr Norton but when doctor reached him li extinct SiNrA m m lo it ll a il in lt 1 iiiiwfilBtifr lit- IN HEAVY AND SHELF BLAOK8MITH tos DESIRABLE TYN sold a loRutiief MU purchasers J iAJtr feSATtV liwd ftJVJ M vf I If Ittr ffro ft I si I j Vtr vsjr 1 a l J Richards Coy Omit I waa cured of a attack of by using ARDS LINIMENT after trying all other remedied for year Albeit Co Richards Co I a valuable colt bad with that I feared I would loiftfc luaedMINARDS LINI MENT and it cured him like magic IS is in onion it milder and illy not long of re at one- till pleasant from Alii A little or a few grain or even a wal low or two of milk if After an onions are tli able In regard to odor ftnd any oil in lb off in water which bo tables closely covered and changed alter the have minutes and tlwo flKin minutes there will no odor through home and tho onions will bo white instead of hey ar lbslds lielogrlcb in forming elements raw doloni ire good In breaking up cold they ao to ar Scientific American roof of was on tiro tho other day but befcro doing serious A tire called out the day Children a fine point thats where the making of corsets has been brought lo Kabo for the bones it cant break or kink The B Corset is boned with The Ball Corset or and comfort the Cor set for unyielding strength Each the best of its kind If you dont think so wearing for two or three weeks return it and get your back BALK DUOS PUREST STRONGEST BEST HO Warn ROYAL if x Children Enjoy It SCOTTS EMULSION of pure God OH with of Lime and Gada palatable milk A PRODUCER It la Indeed Utile loda and who take cold easily may fortified against a that prove tnklna Scotts Emulsion after their meola durlnfl the winter aeoaon- and imitation- SCOTT Celebrated Consisting of Spades Shovels Forks Bakes Hoes Supplies Builders Hardware Goods c GnlvanUed Annealed and Barbed Fence Wire Mixed Rubber Paint Try our Daisy Churn Jacks kept for hire JARM FOR Coo Of ffVU altered Prfnif well iMSS nock or who could good meadow or FOR SALE Will tho of as folEom Ml for fnr April lliAs Ion St o0 to John for thence to Mi stable for noon Mo flight WKOStADiT hotel or noon Sim oe for Thursday- Jim for Grange y aa for for liui for till to iiii ou Unit or lo BO 10 100 otm with Urn ami aliNjt All an AtMSerftnl tarprtiDJpmiralrtip n FARMERS SCOTTS PHARMACY l- a AT TUB FOLLOWING POT IN STOCK Wines Mum Champagne Native Wine Bottled Ales Porters t AIp Jfr r Light Wine it Taragona Port Wine Old Clartt and BOTTLED LIQUORS Dnnuvillo Irish it White Wheat Tom i OUR IN- THE LEADING DRUG STORE DRAUGHT WINES LIQUORS 1 large and up to the quality A JUST OPENED A FULL STOCK OF Flower Garden Seeds trouj most dealers and to S MANAGER EVERYBODY SAYS SO v OUR ARE THE NICEST IN TOWN SPRING CIRCULARS LATEST PATTERNS STEPHENS NORTH END SIGN OF RED BOOT WE Corner of Maui Timothy St A IhoroUrctl Hertford Aaeod will for of i JOSEPH Mlthfaonor wr tho oatlOD Or time to TbrOal and cut a And Torauto cll Bo from pm boon hand at treatment w r r vfo6wChroec tiro Throat from Note elf 5FARWIERS J 1 VOW lime to try MYERS ROYAL CATTLE fiPICR CASE CO OF limitko s -s- LUMBER LATH SHINGLES r ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR with J SIDIXA SASH AND BUMS THANKFUL PATRON A OK OK THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES rH WM CANE SONS MFG CO of ilio if Sir HAVE KfOT R SWfinfJct I CAPTURED lifMi tti t a rn H a Preserve THE ONLY IAZAKUS Arm Spectacles and EyeGlasses lit All itf tttUftf JAlfrjiL A i YV I Ilf tirf fcrt M If- l ft ftB fClTJinffArnrin MONEY III ir jf lire without half at SCOTTS V St come fitu at li J S H B Bh Burdock Blood Bitters la a perfect of Iho nd their It Wood Out CURES All Hood to ita uid SKIN From to Iwo bottles will ear lei and all the of ska will can or exemft fcxuejraQnlDgiOFBiftniUlisiiarg It it 1 1 a DISEASES ftgffrATttdWiD bat of by lo yet ftOronjToas SCROFULA proof praat of to ftddityaad wrong ftotioo and to Ihoaloleoiraraol V to off all clogged and ftnd rezDoro BAD BLOOD liliousaeu headache dropsy rheum atisa P pedes of arising rem brer Wo fiuarxoloe of an person r I CANADA 1 k tbi named diseases on ajcucaWf-

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