Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 8, 1891, p. 1

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I iXflE NEWMARKET ERA Every Friday Morning JACKSON XT BIS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Mil MS TO KNOW TO TO ABOVE ALIiOTHBB LIBBErY Tit Of tie U bo REACHED we expect Best Mediae in the ftvpllcntlon- with BAHK NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER rVwUfet BiirillliiW Branch a AaKKERLpAKKlITOBUBLKEBa On AT KtAXMT V DRAFTS ISSUED Vol XLNo 1Q Single Copies 8 Cents Each i Newmarket Friday May 8th Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year AT AllFOUTTt ill US lo Loan on good juciixroROSTiBioBASSKinJWjrr OFFICE I ft it former Bloc A ion Solaris Ac next Post TO LOAN OS rflOOD A Leant A J od IXTEBJtST AT CCBBBXT BATES NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT You or J London Mb ami Co At Old Con M1n Tccit A Office ifiC4i p 02IHiitc lo It a- ID to -or- St ATA A J STUART it SwtlaaA tMtrer- to A to J mad at V LfOMriVvrrfDAiy Member rt iL Halle aq In the WV NEWMARKET attended CHAR A TERRY ftlltlOlM AI- Ho removed bli Dental feci iUtbodUtCbarcb- lrAKASTBCI AitLtKKA J B flAXTOIT fEMOVED To on Water Street track- And Be Sold INSURANCE AGENT for fluff CaoadfaOt CaledoaUn J Ku Eos AU Stock Farm RUka Towa Property V Of Shop OUR attention for the next few weeks will principally be given to our PAPER ALBION Terms Heated by bad room for parlor AhliATANAJLl My itf Msaey wbprmy aiany market Department Our stock is now complete with a large and varied assortment of Wall Papers and Ceiling Decorations bought in the beat and Canadian markets be disposed of at prices that cannot be undersold CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE WN N STARR CLEARING OUT SALE -Of- ACCIDENT rMBURANOISCO OF NORTH AMERICA be only in General for and at Dd 0lD Aurora CANADA LIFE CO -UAPHAl- AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS allfrbtInjf-ifrwtwojM- ftRT WHY fioBCKJ PHOTOS ECAUoE work far the beat- they can get Is bit work M bo hid ted but skilled vrorkcnen frlCDdft our collection of natural torfli villi end you wilt ilw made North of lain Avenge Constantly on Hand td rthioalMliciujitt DRY COED WOOD CHINA AND At China Hall still continues A few of the every day bargains you can get -V- m Glass Butter Dishes for worth Glass Sets pieces for worth Cake Stands for worth Large Covered Fruit Dish for worth HalfGallon Water Pitcher worth All covered Vegetable Dishes at just HALF Every thing marked in plain figures Dinner Tea and Toilet Sets at and You can get your China goods at little cost while I am selling off A handsome present in Porcelain wilh every half pound of New Era Baking Powder worth in most cases double what you pay for the powder GROCERIES PROVISIONS and CANNED GOODS largest and best selection fresh price low for No 1 goods I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF TEA AND COFFEE The best is none too good My Japan Tea for 5100 stands the test hove you tried it Do you require a No 1 J J Taylor Safe worth at a trifle over half price I have one for sale R A SMITH Which of darliDg bo tha firit Who would ba to lid And along the tow If It Should I death Should my lota to you mora oil praai Or should giro I 1 I mora follow plant fith map I If wo could know I better I forged as I do walk along asm old If I could I Which of will finl to go I only may be long the tatliQRaud long But or or how to I would 1HK RELIABLE TIN SHOP HAS CHANGED HANDS- NOTICE Lima full ilw i1iktur Wood and Coal Stoves Cutlers will tall at of Tinware at a SPRING 1891 WJHUIIT ROOK BOTTOM PRICES iofaco Work o4 p Id all out door FJ WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER ornoi -jeKvklry- SILVERWARE NOVELTIES Hew Neck Wear White anil Fancy Underwear Hosiery Gloves Collars and Braces Waterproof Coats HATS AND CAPS and and Soft Hats KnockalxuU in black blue and brown also Fancy Hats and Cans for children J WARNER Next Door to fltoro FOHKS SPOONS io AU PRICES ATKINSON Main for Infants and Children to to I to St Boor Ulk Wont jItc promo lajoitow The Hundred and Fourth A Or OF Intbayear of Mr received a id of Foot at that time being recruited in province of New In declaration of war between Great Britain and United States regiment was ordered to Upper and marched from to Loup Lower a distance of about 215 The men of the 101th were provided with a pair of one blanket each and one to every two men The train of each company of upwards of fifty contain ing each two and accoutre ments two and at one time for the men each ration one pound and two ounces two pairs of until they left settlement each being drawn by one man front and purhed or held back aa required by one man in the rear by a stick made fast Indian fashioD to the of the The officers were limited to a knap carried by until they could obtain a dog that would work in harness- The gallant who was shot by the enemys picket back of Toronto bad a New foundland dog that performed service for him and a favorite spaniel flfimetimearlieved On the of tho first division of the hundred under four Indian started from loyal inhabitants turned out with their and carried division on their one day voluntarily Riving men three cheers on parting which were returned by bloat and willing minds succeeding day a company set out one hundred strong ten divisions comprising and a thousand men not on the wing but on without a track or a mark on a tree for Riviere Loup with the Snow from four to six feet deep a dense in front and caught but vast canopy of heaven above their heads They had o halt every day half past two to prepare for night first thing done was to lung up everything for fear jot a trow storm Their excavations for tamps were dug with their snow- fchnes Around three were piled up brush Hardwood cat down for lire the camp was hung on tome for tea others to thaw and cook thu pork c and when all was ready a vorucEoua charge made on the ten pork and biscuits This went on for a reducing the carriego of the provisions at rate For beds they re posed on cedar and spruce boughs si read on tbo of the exca huts Each mans share of the fire was his width only but he might turn which ever side bo liked and a time they kept while the snow waits liko marble although some of I ho piles were fourteen feet long over four high The oven- were spent In cheerful ami burets of laughter echoed from camp to camp A some of brush hang ing too near burst into rousing the sleeping aud deprived of even this light protection against the midnight they could but buddlo around the tiro heap till the bugle sounded to prepare for another days march On one Occasion colore of tho regiment had a narrow and were rescued with great sounded daybreak to cook end eat which towards was an easy Job Boon performed and tbe company marched off as toon It light enough to see that nothing was left The men bad no causa to complain of tho resinous smoke from their camp fires a they ho roof to prevent its ascension part of the march was through a iand over frozen lakes and rivers when compelled to make a portage around falls rapids company rived near foot a violent came on which with the Intense Miter cold rendered It impossible for troops to attempt to lake a distance riMB miles without danger of and they were consequently to resume their march for Ihreo days While this company was detained In camp by the storm next company commanded by Captain Shore a arrived at the Lake Provisions were the weather so intensely gold that It would be for the famishing men to set out on the march Sap- plies be from Riviere da Loup miles distant soldiers would die of cold and star vation In this extremity Captain heroically resolved to make the attempt to cross the lake to da Loop and rescue Ma com rades in arms from horrible fate that stared them in the face Leav ing tbe camp at early morning he arrived at Riviere Loup the same day travelling entire distance on exposed to one of the heaviest snowstorms that fell daring the winter A supply of provisions was at onoe men employed to convey the same on pledges to the take and here moat officers would have rested satisGed that they had daty Not so with Charles who after snatch ing a brief rest while the sledges were being loaded once more put on his and set to the camp at the of the rescuing party He arrived at the lake the following at daybreak having travelled a distance of nearly 106 miles in one day and night and having obtained a supply of provisions for trdapa who bad crossed lake during his absence The following account of his heroic exploit is taken from a book published in London under the direction of the committee appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge entitled Tales of Military Life With the exception of stating Mont real instead of Riviere Loup as place where the provisoes were the account Is generally correct In the march of the Regi ment long since disbanded a proof occurred of ha use of anowahoe marching The provisions for the journey were packed on small stedgea or drawn by Indians but with a large body of men it was no easy matter to convey a sufficient supply and some unlookedfor delay having occurred commissariat officer per ceived before they had of their tiresome that the rations would fall short Now there was no settlement along the lino of which led through tbo heart of the forest and no place nearer than Montreal where a fresh- could be obtained They might indeed send on Indian but lives of a thousand were at stake it was a fearful riik to trust messengers of doubtful fidelity In this dilemma a young to accompany Indians His offer gladly accepted and without a moments delay he plunged with bis re guides into the trackless followed by many a hearty prayer for his success Ho made his way gallantly through every obstacle a would who felt that lives of comrades depended on his tiou reached Riviere Loup in en incredibly short of time Not an hour was lost in dispatching a convoy the advancing force and I have been told if I remember right that they were near ly reduced to the last ration when the supply reached them COLONEL to whose letter in the British Stan dard of January the writer is indebted for some of the facts given above thus describfa the conduct of the men of the during moat trying portions of the march poor fellows with empty stomachs had bard work hauling the Up the steep hills although load was light the provisions being all finished and alt of lis had been on short rations for several days yet in the midst of our privations we had some hearty recreations of the men would slide down the hills on tobogana and capsizes of frequent occurrence Our big black the big drum which was lashed on a tobogan to try the experiment but it jumped the track shooting him off at a high velocity and sable African came up some distance from where ho dis appeared in tho snow a man from to foot WAS THE OS suryKuiNOB In the open air the often below with continued exercise produced vora cious appetite and pound of pork Including bone with ten ounces of biscuit came far abort of what absolutely to supply cravings of nature hours Hunger took such a hold of their thoughts that from first to last from morning till night and I may add from night to morning tKoy thought of but Christ- dinners roast beef plum pud ling turkeys and geese brandy and gin- but to their credit there was no grumbling but nil the men were cheerful and goodtempered although they were without their usual rations of ruin from tho com mencement of the march At the foot of grand portage I my dog by throwing away my as I could easily carry all my provisions consisting of half a pound of chocolate which I ate for breakfast put my knapsack on my back and slung my over top No dinner that day no supper that night no breakfast next morning but on tho afternoon wn were agreeably when Grossing Riviere du Loup to find two men with bags of biscuits and two tuba of spirits and handing each a biscuit half a pint of grog I found It very after a march of two days and a upwards of thirty hours Tho rest of inarch we had bouses to sleep in and received kind treat ment from inhabitants We crossed on the day strong without loosing a single man rested ten days and on tiptoo for the seat of war In Upper Canada A popular error Is repeated In this account The two who accom panied in the trip across lake were not told M Indians bat white of the 104th regiment and natives of the upper country bordering on the Can- lino when he let oat on the march asked for two companions and Peter Patriot and Way of the light company profetred their aervicee which be gladly ac cepted Each of them carried knapsack firelock and foil compli ment of ammunition Capt Rains- ford in describing the trip Bays I took a light pack a camping axe and part of a bottle of brandy from the Small Stock on hand About two leagues from where they entered on the lake is a small island where trappers and other winter travellers generally stop From appear ance of one particular spot 1 judged that there had been a camp fire burn ing there within a short timo before our arrival I would have halted here but could light no the cold being bo intense that we could not strike a light with and atoel Poshing on we journeyed half way the lake wo met a Cana dian guide named Win Long with a drawn by a dog This Long who was employed by the Government to pilot lake and portage had expected our company to arrive some days before was now on the way to ascertain the cause of the delay He conducted us to a little log cabin where he lived aod after eating he put on the right road to the port age AH this time the enow was falling but only occasionally in quantity as it was too cold to snow bard The intensity of the frost may bo when I tell you that partridges dove from the top of the highest pines the snow like kingfishers into water f After travelling in this direction for some time we came on to the Lawrence soon got over the remaining league and a quarter to where regimental quarters were When made reason of niy advent no time was lost in loading up with pork biscuit sugar etc including two Small kegs of rum for the famishing contractor there Wil liam Anderson from Quebec Lower- town manifested greatest real in operations Seventeen Canadians engaged with the My two men Patriot and Gay volunteered to accompany me on my return march and off we went once more in the wake of rescuing party Half way to where the companies were encamped we left a supply of provisions and some of Canadians wore stationed there to cut wood build fires etc As we reached border of the we up to the companies who had crosed lake while wan away in coldest snow storm known that winter They would built camp at head of the lake bad there been the proper wood for fuel there My return was hailed with every demonstration of joy and soon and soldiers partaking of good substantial food Rains ford in the high est terms of under the trying circumstance of their winter march He described their clothing as poor and scanty their- snowshoes and moccasins miserably made even were of poor thin yarn If the march of Light Infantry from to 1837 drew from Duke of Wellington the following It ia tho only military achievement performed by a that I really envy to how rauoh greater praise is entitled thn gallant who poorly fed and badly protected against the winter blast marched over tho ground twentyfour before without a single man v Soott vs East QwllUmbury An important arbitration case in which the parties interested were the townships of Scott and East was decided at the Mansion House April before His Honor Judge and the wardens of Ontario and York comi ties Seventeen years ago the town ships of Scott and Bast held an arbitration Tba same judge presiding It was decided that the northern portion of the be tween those municipalities should be opened op and made fie for publia travel by the joint action of both municipalities Township Clerk Nelson being appointed to carry this work The amount apportioned by this arbitration for Scott and for East per annum for five being con sidered far in excess of resoorcea of the township a subsequent agree ment was entered Into between Smith and Township Clerk on behalf of Scott and the council of by which the amount to for Scott for East which amounts were expended fairly well by both municipalities until in the winter of when the rate payers of Scott adjacent to said road complained that East not doing proportionate share of statute labor necessary to keep the road in good repair Upon complaint being made to the council of Scott it appointed Town ship Clerk Kelson and Councillors Dunn and as a committee with a view of effecting a basis of agreement by which each municipal ity would place a proportionate amount of statute labor for im provement of this and if possible to modify the money by said ties respectively This committee met with the council of East and the following agreement was entered That tbe aisle la the hy of February by the committee by of to sjipoitit- I by the of Scott with view to basis of ettleoieot by which to nuke and the public travel action their SpriiLff MX a Mr Mark and family long residents of Bradford are log that place to reside in Toronto Barrio have two drinking fountains on the street and a stone trough on market Isaao Brown of lost a horse week died from exhaustion when bringing a load from Toronto Whilo Robinson was drawing logs last week Newton his horses fell over the bridge into the bat were not hurt Experience has established one thing to my entire Satisfaction a wellknown citizen recently and that the law are more wearing upon a man than any kind more he might ha vi added The late Aid Gillespie of Tomato left an valued at to bo enjoyed by family so long as any of them live nd after the death of member of it hn whole it to go to the Upper Canada Bible It may stated positively thai it i polioy hi the Grand Trunk after tunnel is completed to through business both and freight way of Port Huron The car ferries will be withdrawn from Detroit and no Trunk will be there School Report APRIL I flr Jr lhKdoa Skinner Emily flr flklaner Jr 3rd Sept SermoM CUtsTliornld Miller per flr Jr Itori A a a ami Clara Lurid Edith Fuller Br J Ada Klrb Jr Wright Archlo Wright Itou Sr arrjr J 1 Jr Nora Part Part Hi ward Trusty Tcuttr Arm a Lund AdaKlrbrJeutaWrlKbt rcCODt len XAm For ClawWalter Cor- Ada Klrby Net its OJ Tundr Weight K- Teacher giaJ said to bo very plentiful on Holland Marsh It Boo Johnson wo who when Mai locks question Is worth living replied That depends on liver Den Johnson doubtless saw double point to the pun liver active quicklife rosy everything bright mountains of trouble melt like moun tains of snow liver life dull blue molehills of worry Into mountains of anxiety and as a result sick head ache dirtiness constipation Two ways are open permanently or relieve temporarily Take a pill and or take a pill and get Shock the an overdose or coix it a pleasant way Pleasant are the means They work without pain and leave the pee little sugar- coated pellet is enough although a whole viol costs but cents Mild gentle and healing Dr Only Which to th til fit or fll Mill in i tad fctitl And to the Council QilHmhury ud lli aru Council of shll ftQomll xpnl the neb maolcifiiluy fouuieg au of lilMr of tjd date of of Id tod to Hi for public again fmliog out agreement of labor having only to Dunn pointed by Scott council to ascertain what fiction council iiitontfcl to absolutely to out not do a greater number than forty daya Upon tho reception of this report from Mr Dunn council of Scot appointed and to bring the matter an arbitration a the statute in In pay fur dollar with Scott day for day of IftWup to each or hiling to prfornj this hr of O Ifvel Up with Scott to the to be pi id an in for each day unperEormfd all of which will be expended on tnwnline of and handled caao for their respective councHa had about a dozen all of whom voluntarily A pleuiog of the arbitration that the feeling la to throughout township of the and united in of township and much pleated when award of arbitration Uxbrldgt- v Kail wheat is looking good Not much winter Farmers have finished seeding and aro anxious tor rain The rifle club will soon be organ ized Mr has closed the singing school here and to Berlin As a teacher he atnnda in the front rank Ills man- nor Instructions plain complete and very easy to un derstand As a result of his work here the singing In the Sunday School has been greatly improved made many friends here and should he or bis estimable wife over visit hero they will receive a hearty welcome Clarks Lightning Liniment will tor ture of Rheumatism In the joints or muscles it should bo well rubbed In the hand and the part cover- with a piece of flannel The pain will with the first application and Its continued will effect a cure This remedy needs but a trail to convince tbe most skep tical It is a wonderful prepare- Sold by all druggists price fifty cents Chemical Toronto New York Tottenham must be a one- horse place about Hie ordinary country for corners Sentinel of that village The owe are loudly against the sldewalka there not being room for two to walk abreast on Seven cows four horses and thirteen pigs all at once on the streets of a village that permit animals to run at large These aw great bylaws four A rather told of a young boy who in a factory On Monday last when about to take a chow of tobacco he observed what he thought a at Hog in plug of tobncco and on pulling on it to ho found he had a by the tail lb ia hardly to be expected that the boy will at ill be the user of a Oamphor a cotic poison and yet you can buy it by How many camphor to put away their and in tho How in any of them heard or over t bought to the uuqueatipnably true that children been killed by two or three of camphor and that twenty grains are a quantity for an adult to take When a man comna into office and down and Send me paper form year that When I want your but havent money all ho it of the several and it back refused that When a man apenda from ten to a dollar for arid he cant afford to take no ui When a man paper every una I could acarcoly my aaid a lady who had juit from a but right in the part I aaw a woman buck of church no opera a and tho through it Then looked at mourners with the criti cal attention Why I certainly to am ho her out of No paid to her and I am told that it la tbo and not considered at all olTenaive except myaef for I that shocked On morning last Mrs P McKay West dead while her household duties Mrs McKay has Buffering for some time from in the chest and it is supposed cancer struck the heart tuning immediate She was standing io the dining room her husband and rlnlaw having only led her a few minutes previous the grandson Into Mr McKays bed- riHJiu and told him that grandma had fallen to When Mr Mo- Kvy reached his wife vital spark had flad was of old of the township respected and leaves a large family to her sudden death News A number of been made the victims of what looks like a operation A glib- agent would drive up to house and Induce the farmer to be come agent for a sulky harrow In his township would end his conver sation by agreeing to send him six harrows five of which he was to sell to his neighbors and keep sixth for Ms labor The agent then re- quired the mans signature to what ho called a certlScate of agency Hat which out to be an agreement to accept the harrows at a stated price Some weeks after another man turns who demands a settle ment and then the farmer discovers that he has been Or- Journal Mr Thomson of wet with the 19th cost htm a leg He was out walking in the yard with a pair of rubters on and atepped on a rusty nail which pierced left foot The wound though painfal was thought little of at the time and a poultice was ap- plid without doing any good how- ever The wound continued to grow worse and the- third day after was In whopronounoed to have set lb A consul- was held and order to the patients was found fitter to amputate the leg just below tho knee which was done Thursday now doing as well as do i expected a i it A i

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