Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 24, 1891, p. 2

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fc NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 1891 New Advertisements J Milder Co PUfter It J I A Smith Liquor J Bright Auction JRoberUon Notice Jot Property for A Wood Potatoes Mrs Machine Oil Johns Needles Jobun A with And it coming el- meat now leavening in won chains to be grows brighter WITH BACH FRIDAY APRIL 24 Our lore l fa Bra April S3 A en of with In kin p nadir on to- hi will til GMFgei udd1 rt Walker Hook Toronto lit a of to re- Is for utk ijwit the Howe and bis TttOnamia Tcronko Mdddd to be0 and go to tboDil iky the WHAT KB TO of the mi fcii followed in of set Rood tocopTd to Que- bat at lb the body wilt a Imminent A wek At from of tbo ocuaro of BtUi tod It not will It it understood udt of the of will The and florrf of is politic begin to The to from Op other 4 of l lust Th will found It Is repotted the Rome Got t la at a to 1 tbidifffrD be- His Election Protests There prospect of plenty of law the election court in the near future and will hive a har vest Twenty one Dominion election protests ftod coonter petitions were entered at Hall on Monday last d deposited with tbo court official to cover one Or two protests have been during tbe week In Hat wo notice one against for New born petitioner and counter petition Peg the defeated candidate Sutherland being the petition er In both the charges of bribery corruption and a long of political are enumerated 0 course the trial will not take place until the sion of Parliament closes which next week at we expect a little in respect ing charge ic as a prel ude before entering more upon examination of witnesses- Nominative vs Eeetlve County Officials On Friday evening of week Mr following in tbe Provincial Assembly tblt Honte of of of elf and by LftaLOom cor Co by flection It will bo observed this democratic la principle aims at sweeping away existing centralization of power in Executive and tranaferring that power to electorate at large in a word of changing our Brit- it system to one now obtaining in American debate was a lengthy one and was largely to the relative merits and demerits of the elective principle Both the Premier and the leader of Opposition the motion the on ground that he did not believe the people prepared to exchange our British aatem for American and latter he favored transferring the nomination of part of thee county officials to the county councils the remainder to nominated as at pres ent by Provincial Executive J Ion Mr- alio opposed the motion aaid elective principle in United Stales more corruption and harm than any thing elan io the Had this remark been made by an old hardshell it would not have surprise but coming from an avowed Liberal to say it was unexpected- If county at to be elected said why not police troand And why not J Already the people of Province fleets of of the In persons of mayor and of the a Mr to forgotten and we have coruplafnta system As a rule we apprehend it fonnd as Impartial aod as regular appointees of the crown and no greater harm should arise from the ejection of county than has arisen from wfay not that power direct to the people who have to pay Instead of central It In tbe hands of Provincial Executive our own part so far as appointing officials connected with Administration of Justice In court turned we agree with the and they should be hut almost all other county official we think abonld be by the Hector ate and also fee ays- ttio be so far as the latter 1s4S are This Is govfrrnrotnt for by ibe people and bring those who ittica in Tb hot declined a dissolution on Premier and staffer Mr Liberal far a tenialii Utter of the political of hot Houses of to Is ap pears political far Liu a Ha in the irbich adds to the of forming a Got to carry en affairs of ficieotly Mr Peters bis fomtd from an wars removal the company charter records of the council srUI ho iuiu stives of sad well as to the to for a that bat Its resistant of Tom North tbst the York quits as large an age prevented being in and nor lbs removed Committed of Legis lator tot derided by Sir patera to redo of in towns and villages to and cities t did perfectly frsiicbiifl in lbs from rotmbert of sad sboolJ ever in mind br Mr Waters bill wet hut the frofn five to a on who or fund for pWolhrr tor it was collected and Local Legislator of a wcood rttrdLT from Gilt far ultra A motion was made before jqIrs to tet aside a bylaw passed by the of Option Li Act His bis in byJtiv ground bis da- Is tbe of trade and commerce and power adopt such bylaws be given by Domin ion instead of that Id point of V Ontario Legislator baa not got to dtlfgite any such hare been very bad but are bow in fair shape Farmers have commenced seeding generally There are a down with the Ia grippe The baker bad art week which caused Joe to He is turning fioo bread and cokes Try them Mr James has Sao colt which be driving in harness day last weobv- It good reoommend to aire meeting of the will be held in Men- day evening May Ad Impor tant part of work- will be election officers and directors for year All member are to attend Some magazines will be offered for sale The ladies of and have been a mania for sowing carpet fags and for that purpose are almost a occurrence Tramps and people having two suits of Items We are glad to see our old Mr Daniel and family in midst again Mm returned borne in Mies Ida home for the summer It la to a pet lamb on bill for gets cross it dumps people down tbe hill We soma of young men not to play on the Sab- Makes lie OddfeUows of Brace- bridge are to make ar rangements for an immense demon stration to take place on or about and Vte Holland The bridge over the Niagara no comparison to the cant leave her bridge the Is on tut bill ti bribery at station bj by to op- ths bill on it the ss not progenia If but if into will end of tie and cJura any innrxnt csodidtka not girt win remember to In shonM out lbs It to that the ill trust la of ltarlp this tounltjf to lha doabt ought to twice try of soe- cew for jieopls la He seres of fruits cntlirslton sre the sis In rejjtin sis on the st ihera sra and sod lbs tbersavr to Thr in tat now lb which ft Troe dIidTsotsgi fa soy jsrU of can sit or stioog who birr be list and wmi Ibis tfoontry moil be town bays regretted did I by Hon Mr Rets to stUndiOCssl sod rtcVA is follow ft Sir between tight sod years of for lbs fill reboot term for any of lbs 1 1 g res two milts no In each or child who lbs entrants ars si a Initios of by reason of the at home from gnuiUta who to comply with to a of and perKcseuploylcg cbUdftn of school sgs chl to on of eocb mw69 srs tosppolat trosol to hire fUes sod sre to snd to children of ege cot employed thus peed of sort Is by Jul 30C0 I to for one Holland riven Ever atiost- pat in appearance the noisy fishernien have been on with the old Day and night they stack to it and will probably stick till the last poor anckr- torus head stream and strikes for the Lake- Even ben will they linger with loving rettiem- and happy reflections that of laughter B relate their of and on the Jl at Holland Land- iK The who stand to a row and watch young coming oat of every Sunday evening a perfect and show alt the manner they have Some have brass to aay Can I ape yon A whip would be the beat introduction Things have been rather lively here of late Three families faavo moved in the two weeks Grease his moved to Uncles brick lvlow- Mr has moved family into the house vacated by fin it brought bride into Air premisea is coming to work for season was presented witb a new driv ing the past week He is proud of gift Allen John was taken quite ill and had to be taken on Satur day in to the orders generally out of tone Mr the of and was the guest of Mr day week The school has been very attended owing to the prevalence of and among the Too or fast J the brought in sorao loads of will mike nearly enough for the church preached in the Christian on fifth last Sunday Wo noticed in weeks that thny services of for A fact which will no htfa to man of hie congregation hero their antici pations that ho way still con tinue his labors in our as proved by the unanimous vote of the general a few days ago but the elder feels that a change be to all concerned and expresses Id beat for the future of King church eye the less It is with regret that we have to record tho death of Mr Chap- pel on Friday evening of last week whom wo referred to last week hem seriously ill at the ripe old age of years His remains were Interred in the Christ an burial ground on last funeral obsequies being performed by Elder pastor Mount Albert There a good opening herein hardware line as Mr Jewell baa decided to sell Baring been notified to leave the this summer he selling entire stock at cost and on credit which a grand chance for those contemplating hoi Id operations Lest Saturday Mr en gaged an emigrant girl A afternoon made an to go for a pared and hot returning by five oclock anspioion was aroased examination it that had been stolen from a purse were talen to find the and traced to the Hotel Newmarket when tbe money recovered girl much frightened and made all aorta of to reform if Mr not There has been a little bit of talk over the proposed new hotel here some wen at tirat in favor of it signed a coonter petition of the people of tbe village only one the petition for the license while twenty signed against it- An entertainment to take place in hall Friday the 1st of May the direction of the teacher which to be something good- are for the of baying a clock for the new school band getting on finely leadership of Mr The propose to hold a concert shortly to a tome will lisf- the Ton can Oil not to for wot ai orr North IHJ TO THEPUBLIC rafltled the North End I Choice Beef Veal And ether Hams and Vegetables there will be Co wUt EED POTATOES A ntlr tale to MRS a SMlTITa Victoria gnat any for a lion PER DOZEN Genuine need for kind of for per dozen All Amerlcart Hotel DESIRABLE TOWN PROPER FOR SALS Private will tb flretoC HairT Wood corner of Pros- Es brick iwo lot Wilt bo ftofd all or wrMrtelron to soil AppJr to una ANN wood of Newmarket to DOGS ALL owner of Dow of New of No Mid Corporation- to and Clerk and alio to Witt April IT bit St ad Or Union tad proceed lo John for noon to lit for John noon Win fat night flEDaaoiT hold for noon Slm- for botei tat or wa hotel coop fltftblo BY Proprietor DEPARTMENT H We have a good Cutter in this department A POLLAR Late of Hols llrt Hull will kepi for lot go Terms IS lh cellar ibo neck said On or before 1st of May 1S31 or to this Corporation neglect Iok to corn UwNoUO to a PENALTY OF 13 JOSBPif Town ANY QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS at this AT PEE POUND A NICE NEW STOCK OF IRISH SCOTCH AND ENGLISH CLOTHS Sharon Arid fililf Mr- Will homo for U bo to remain for two at Among of our UliRora of whom la hat ft hold mo Mr McKrill Mr Mr and bin Wajliog One week from today It Arbor Day It would well it well would take fto in it and do all In tielr power school Mr Frank Lund who It now on his way to Columbia last fiuoday in lidding good bye It was ft great wonder that life not lost when tbe over the creek down the Green went down last week and Eat arojacky that It turned out to At Mr Michael farm er driving over It with tpta of horses attached to ft the sleep- en gave way and all went to the bottom driver bruised bat bow tho and rig got out without damage It ft mystery Rev Mr Matthews wilt supply the pulpit of the church at pm next Sabbath It supplied last Sunday tor Mr bad two clergy to assist A Great the near early iki Editor of the Era Dear Rtformtr of ma of lbs proceed fags of Boin cf the sol bet a serjr petition a abouM be to a odd that ft not The fads era II I Dimes names Bat this is all ilrUcWbifter for his peUlton JfJ himself polling as nor coauoe to county of York A I mm lt Lai a id be bat it let for ia it to in J tog Ulc- It very that wonlj tod the fecti t6 fcltiJ that lh board to who curtuliog the la U in lb Ac April The Suaay South Dear Editor I left t On cculI lit on the of blind ficfierj were crow fint prt of A3 rani I Iowa on It a Sit of tbrco and I do not thlot ro i in the The ntb rortw firyfattr- for northerner to look ot The If my u foil of Of tropica After throob Tory Wo fields of It bit grown for It cot and Iota rope I hate a A lot of money fats Mttlog oat that od ft will of At landed t be then we to It of We reached our In lately bat a to off the cargo of ourihip a lafg bole through thohaniuoe deck off of tba The raswin no loto at of It Mug to rough and not far away a large Ihetn our Tbat dtaioed da la off before we I ffu tbfeoi unload bob op down llgbt Be rent off Mag dK look bow a flonr mill bdog from bead to fool It wu about 3 bifore wo got all oat and ft tome before our It being o ocd If uJ en la all rvga We to Cub Wo bid delightful only a little for oer SS In tba ebUe fee were full of board fi tie bad Vie of to Ban firil world Wo to of Wailing Some y tbat where crew first landed were eight of fleotUgo wo tew a large black while veto- well worth they get directly lo frootof Odd there will play keep far from bow j The dioDM goo Irf 1Kb bow bat the largt Bib tombllog otter took a faeader to teat e vent ed did Janice to the for of apace we ere obliged of Mr letter Mil VALUABLE FARM to the power of sals In a will bo ornductd at time of ule there be offered foe le AUCTION On of May At la foreoooo Number of of ia Count of York more or on throe a alto a good end orchard tedcoe are la fair Mia Too Dor cent at time of axle and balance Ibereafier- For to J Solicitor Dated April TARESSODTTINQ Htw System Prof ajatcui of day roughly by WILKIN At Main fctroct Or IS IN CANADA UNITED COAST MANITOBA STwnmrhfiQj TO THEPUBLIC A Mr John retired froui neat Stofa If carried by him will be conducted before but under name of HODGE CO All John to the utfderelffoed Hoping by fintclasa work and to merit iunififcUinc of patronage on us we Your truly CO THE LEADING HOUSE CASH AND RED EGGS y NewniatkeJ THE have from Oat the Celebrated Imported Vol 3 Dam Vob la loo wait torcgulro fiuJogliioK ho hat proved him- to bo the In lodajr MecnUiiTe will on and April 1Mb tit Paatune CO land Con of East oil 13 and IK bo let In one or joU and OAN ON PR ilONEY TO WAN flratclaufann eternity by DAVID LLOYD for taklofr Real Kilate Conveyancer of for the follow ftre Queen of Liverpool ilOnlreAl for CooftdftrallcEi Toronto corner ALES and brewing STREET GOODS FRESH AND AT THE I I I IT every and Worsted A TQ The most Felt and Straw rlir PARASOLS- O Hosiery Black Colored A In I I HO HAMILTONS Celebrated BOOTS AND SHOES PRICES throughout store figured down a to meet all SO LOW R J DAVISON CLEARING OUT SALE A abort lime ago a violent typo of diphtheria broke out at Allan- dab in the house of a man whose and two ctlldren died from it Two children were removed to but too to sao their OF- CHINA AND GLASSWARE I China Hall still continues A few of day you can get Butter for worth GJnBs pieces for worth Stands for worth Largo Covered Fruit Dish for worth HalfGallon Water Pitcher- for worth All covered Vegetable Dishes at just HALF PRICK Every thing marked in plain Dinner Tea and Toilet Sets at and You can get your China roods at little cost while I am selling off A handsome in Porcelain with every half pound of New Bra Baking Powder worth in moat cases double what you pay for powder GROCERIES PROVISIONS and CANNED GOODS- largest and best- selection fresh and price low for TEA Children Cry for PItohr MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ANDCOFFEE The beet is none too good My Japan Tea for stands have you tried it Do you a No J J Taylor Safe- worth a trifle oyer naif I oho for sale R A SMITH Hemlock GASH GROCERY STORE J CORD Fat at our Taiv during a PARK CO i Try our Japan easily worth J OMALLEY MAIN STREET NOB o NEWMARKET t OUR attention for the next few weeks will principt be given to WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE WE MM and Uduirtf-tl- A Uoitdllk A tMitr IMS omen from up JNO MONTGOMERY Department Our stock is now complete with a large i varied assortment of Wall Papers and Ceiljs Decorations bought in the best American and markets and must be disposed of at prices that cannot undersold CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE WN STARR BRUNTON BROS BOYS SUITS We make a specialty of Boys ReadyMade Suit and can give you what you want at very low prices NEW SHAPES IN HATS We have just imported from New York am London England the latest shapes in Mens Felt Hat and having bought direct from the makers we are ablt to offer special value BOOTS SHOES Every careful buyer now recognizes the fact thai we sell only the most reliable lines in Boots Shoe Our assortment is the largest north of Toronto prices are lowest Ui j derm SPRING SUITS ANb OVERCOATS If you want a nobby Suit f spring we are the only firm in this seetionthajj attempts to do a really fine trade in or clothing We are doing all the best trade U8E Bi

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