Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Apr 1891, p. 4

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171891 Taking the Census Us Coal RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Lumbago Backache Headache Toothache Sore Throat Frost Bites Sprains Bruise Burn Etc Sold It tail THE CHAR A CO BI4fY Canadian V 8 re A IT J SS B S3 7 IS Hi I I nJ did AM Tumid ttd TlarJaToaoftreral I lrtlrdTbnrIr Aaron Halloo Id Iba la the put weeks he been in ho work them and id come district tho major part performed week The otal coat of using of the Dominion cannot jet but without doubt it will exceed the cost of ten years ago has increased and the enumerator are to be paid to much per head in stead of a salary According to the of fees allowed wo learn the fourteen chief census officers will per day arid travelling as as the in in their district from a month fir com nits- tiocer will each receifo a gratuity of and for every registered in their respect iodisrict The rural commissioner will each receive and for every families registered Then coma enumerators who from house to boose thesa will three cents for each head in family and throe cents for every death recorded that occurred dp to the time of taking census County enumerators will also receive addition cents for farm recorded 20 far every in dustrial establishment They will be paid an sum after the work is performed but the law pro- Tides however that the enumerators pay shall not exceed a This is to mean that if any enumerator should record more than 9000 names a month Disking per day for a month ho would not receivo any pecuniary gratuity beyond the days pay The foregoiog particulars we have collated from Ottawa despatches to the daily pipers give oaf readers some idea of expense attending the enumeration of the Dominion A Good jf from irritated Blood Mr llcndtnon A a uya bare EVERYBODY SAYS SO to foaffrUip tit A Id rfrcftlrt I Artrnrn- Hollars Hop In ternational S Lessons JONAH TO tie WHAT TO siMDT ol a of loric Export of fcy John The much ld of of jit for Throw U the tl Tmr viler Lower find to coughs oJ through to A ljjrrda Pectoral will core ftDdglr to con firmed Carta Id 30 By Sold OUR ARE THE NICEST IN TOWN all toft Lamps from Blood CzbftSplfotfi Throat Coughs etc by usof by SPRING CIRCULARS LATEST PATTERNS doing tip on big Id Id qaita Barton and Hem elected police The rigbti alobg A to in political circlet there to thai Hon J J Abbott called to tba Hop Mr raigned and Sir A lead the Stoat iotmat A fpTCi the Pacific Rail Co baa out in Manitoba offer likely if deal effctel tb will be an J ap peal mae to the April Jonah Text onto it pwaching hit I bid the- Jtiibiulf author id put the tub- 1 a of to jo the 1 1 hiwfathsrsitrtnc th In birTt IHit fl to 1h end net to Jotiah time adwacrirg art t of bid ibtt it will the prophet bi end to I It ivff Jtr egvatcitf at I bat of th o face th itk and Capital tin It lro it bull their op before The Au to 1tar to the feat tbat- ths crtiHUon tk lit war There iltutr eod to togMi the of a people Iniquity w foil comte Io the to a ho Jctih to cry egtm tbtity bat fupoweibl the doom Plight The tlrodoftorr A chapter Ibat the vpiter wovioly op a Purest hit he of and and the piophtt pe The Wrrr a fci and aUi an It tie only H pijti tcatrtrMwa ft kdM to J aa veil Ilia will fid til ftbnd ttotn a power prMMe by pro can J- int 4 nay Tax Heir Bmnawtck line of Id a the a rote If the old Pronto of fetch this kind of tod Tc from a heavy lejaen their public debt at Toronto ioli mat Mr Peter White frKortb will be the Speaker It i to occupy the of and in of custom it be in to Hate the eiiiot en It it a credit The ban Inaugurated the inrpoe of conferring benefit on end finding the the to thirty- of which are The In fint In gold Id Lithe Co Montreal will to a with fall i At a recent meeting of Toronto of were declaring th ito time bad come In of the when wliotttd be between and bar and that an ImpJtdnty of the with to own would lb prod action and place faef fo an In dependent poUoQ for fdod tbj bear be aiked to call the to colonial t to trad- Now Passenger A notable new train of Pullman cars fais just Wen pot into service y niPit the ghost because it composed of care which are exteriorly of a creamy white The letterinx and on decoration is done in gold and th present a con traat with the cam of nil other trains on the road Thia traia leaves New York for Boston at 3 oclock every afternoon except Sunday arriving at p A train made exclusively of the of cars leaves Boston at 3 oclock every afternoon arriving New York at As the distance between the two places by route travelled is only 227 mile in will bo that no special effort made to attain a high the rate travel being a under thirty eight miles an hour including but for clock like regularity and comfort the service leaves nothing to bo deeirecL These cara have paper wheel which to contribute to their easy running sod are brilliantly lighted by at night their plat forms are having special burners The gas is carried in cylinder nine long under each car No bell cords are employed but each car baa a conductors signal connecting with the engine there over a abort letter working in pipe connecting with rubber under the car supplied with com- air whereby a whistle bo blown in the engine cab Near this leaver by means of which the conductor or any passenger can open a valve operate the air brakes for stopping the train A small portion of forward end being adapted for a baggage room sod the remainder fitted up for a room with upholstered wil low chairs a rich on the floor and the windows with white shades and draperies The drawing room have each twenty revolving chairs and six reclining chairs and all modern conveniences to promote comfort in traveling are provided about each STEPHENS NORTH END to both Hit 7tt Mr week last lb to to bold u of It Coras cot a u seat to rsAitjlog Its daatea list a VU not bid of a of ddir sod alsc their i lb Dfll If Mr lbs data for of Caaadatbd lie Hit oaoied mill US oau kill revolts to I I ffCt elw ll-il- by fotb Aa Mr Hop aodl at dp regret wo Mr woiir sod bands of World ood alto ares of A It to retire 1aJoeaa for so oft period February he fell ty ke lbs part Ms bead of altb of rsidditr tbat for bit local be con- oca of leading of who after atuliloKtbe dayabss coootcltoo for at least En bopes before What a Horse Would Say If He Could Speak Dont hitch mo to an iron post or railing when is Wow fre-zirfK- I need the on ray tongue Dont mo bitched in cur Stall night with a cob where must I to down I am tied and cant select a smooth Dont compel run to rat salt than I want by mixing it with my I know letter than any other animal how much I Dont because I sin a that iron weeds and briars wont hurt we Dont whip when I along road or will it next and may ho make trouble Dont trot ma up bill for to carry you and the and too Try it yourself time up hill with a bis load Dont keep my stable dark for when I go out Into light my arc injured especially if enow be on ground Dont say whoa unless you mean it me to stop at the word It may check me if Iholinr break and runaway end sipash up Dont me drink ice cold wa ter nor put a frosty bit in toy mouth Warm bit by holding It a half minute against my body forget to file my teeth when I cannot chow my food Whim I get it a teeth Dont ask inn to back with I am afraid Dont run down a hill for anything should way might yon neck Dont put my blind bridle so thai it my eye or so leave my that it will be in my eyes Dont so canless of ny harness as o find a great on me before you attend to It Dont lend me to soma that has sense I have Dont forget the old book that a friend of all Ihe oppressed that says A merciful man is merciful to Mi beast Farm A Few For cultivate bad habits from spring bitterness and sor row which ripoo into Dont sow any wild will assuredly reap harvest of your folly Dont think you can violate any moral law with impunity for moral Add physical law is not rigid and inflexible than divine law Dont forget tbat without con trol but few achievements can be at tained it is an element of power good of email account they than wealth or Dont take advantage of anothers it will roturn to with doable compound Dont learn to smoke or chew it is indecent and vulKr and you as class men for whom second have to be furnished inhotel railway etc Dont intoxicating liquors morally mentally and liquor drinking degrades Dont forget economy the shortest and safest routo to the land of Dont Forget poverty and profligacy walk together Dont part your hair in middle it is a sign of intellectual weak ness Dont be a dude a dude can stiver amount to much he with little brain and sense to whom a practical thought would give headache Dont conclude that world full of fools and you are excep tion Dont act ta fool unless you arc one Review 35lh will bo supplied with new uniforms this Season EST in on all the prin cipal Mr Heard of found a cent piece inside a fish which had been caught in lite bay a transient trader for the first week and for each The town of to lit with arc electric lamps of candle at lac per night would Fa ItVriCy of Oryu aft faU in forcitztetU Lit Ll A tOUAGUIijtIier a To Horsemen jMWB00an two ch ffaaiss pOK SALE AT A ef BEFORE ORDERING- ROUTE BILLS FOR 1891 ELSEWHERE CALL AT THE NEWMARKET IRA OFFICE OUR COLLECTION OF FINE HORSE PLATES SALE TO ilabl BLAOE8MITH SHOP A rglo for For Sale In good and aemJoMj from and IIOtlM- Apply DAVIDSON Hi FOR being KlniT aod West nacre Con of Con of Old BorTer ai Clydesdale Roadster Purpose Designs well timbered and could mUIj or Koufcbr il f All bills printed here will be noticed free of charge in the Era Stallion Register for V e Orders by mail promptly attended Address Breaking in isnt needed with the Ball corset Its easy from the start Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides make it so Try it and youll like it If just return it and get your money FOB Br HUSTON BROS A JACKSON Sra Office Newmarket FOR SALE and of Kail hilt in ttio Coo W ICO h 10 jib l4 lot 9j clears bare All termftol LoU fa T POWDER PUREST STRONGEST BEST CONTAINS NO Alum Wf I I CHICAGO ILL Of THE m 33 GLANCE THE FOLLOWING PUT IN STOCK f Bottled Wines V Bottled Ales Copland Ontario it Stout y seai I Native Wine Wine Light Sherry Wine Port Excelsior Old Fine Old Claret pints and qoatta BOTTLED DO YOU Seagrams 7year old White Wheat k Worts 6year 3yeafold Walkers Club Imperial IN- Irish Tom A Irish Scotch Gin- Booth A Tom Gin WANTS MAKE MONEY DRAUGHT WNES LIQUORS Is equally Urge and up to standard for quality tar a Solicited j of ii I Willi Ape At price tell lowMmoDiiitlTou Jotl It I rolling off mil prices ray floetlock For pan few Ark CbrUUio of the fctld vert of either of S1UU ft nor 441og f Jit to 1L llu VvcUtU cunt of pprenh Art A J4 lb MpJf of irtlcb lb Midi tv4 cm Hill ittntiasUicfOjiwivA Your Lame Back Would got well at once it were robbed with little of Clarks Light ning Liniment and the in lido sud limbs would go if treated the same This wonderful preparation does not a cure next week but relieves it once and almost miraculously Try a bottle of your druggist price cents and be sore get it Clark Chemical Co Toronto advertising Its A sign was piloted on one Try Pills two a religious to meet thy God a wag painted on the middle board word and In largo black lottery which produced startling Try Pills and Prepare to meet thy EttaiM lV4tt trim Jit fh It Its tot VfaHateflrMV la La b It fit IUw I it rf sr ti- M affisr ISOs si u tot fttijtf In lib Vfift If I rt en AYCII stCATTTs Id ftoJ an J Anl can hate u than fhrordttiAry of Fancy MiiiUn fn fact l am mIIIdjc nil out fan for other rood Coma and to the old JMcALEER GROCERY- DEPARTMENT I Hare jod mo our at ft tola for I baa no CHOICE YES VERY CHOICE Brand of pur pur and you If you In pound and pckaei Vf3Bnd waul ft Cheap it olla urate floe Coma and ft lo you- CANNED GOODS of kind tarsia which I rdtca by half two wtk LIMITED LUMBER a LATH SHINGLES i Ilea Ac Co My horse was so afflicted with distemper thst he could not drink for and refused all food Simply applying outwardly cured him Feb A Co I have used your MIN- LINIMENT for bronchitis and snd has cured me It the best Man A NO I FRESH FIGS AT 5c PER LB Coras to China Hall where you will beat to bo and fine ARK NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH MOULDING WALVSCOTriiVGs DLIiVDSs THANKFUL FOR THK LIBERAL PATRONAGE OK THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO R A SMITH TTIRN otIT I AT- CURE OR COUGH MEDICINE CONSUMPTION FARMERS A tor Jol 1S Ml- as SIGN OF RED BOOT Hare a of tha fiotat of tola A HAVE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CAWE SONS MFG CO to Tha THE FARM Button West Choice of GO Head of of Bow Park all from beat Id Dominion CAPTURED BALK sod child for is sod We mast ft to pasa Q 30 TO EVERYBODY Whan coma at tha Spot Cub A fltofft H GRIFFIS a r TO hand Preserve Tour Sight ay THE PRANK US Lata of firm of RENOWNED Spectacles and I IS lniimoa r cow lire and roil BALE AT to AT DR WASHINdTO let 1 IfnlveriUj tiasM College tod Bar Throat cut a the of HI will a orjih VeiTiDArkFL Arll from only at gat treat man Catarrhal of a stj 3- fin siSiitMM lbs srCslk HI a a I J St J J itrxtdaij ri aiO Tsar ttibtivilaKJiBtrtrUttrelstssEl Axa rath Carter at at J a to T STt4ll IST j I s i J at I fr j a a- I Itturrfttrtwlf as J la ssifXU y eh i- iif MONEY its I J VSKvis Taa frtC3 rrsj LrJaara fcfUP A tAni rait CUBES PROMOTES DIGESTION Mr Out j JtWrtIllArlfriritlW fa Hi all in fiuraock- ACTS OH THE BOWELS Cores Cares litres Sapid Dm- or my S2i l- anl in for iinsPWatisaj 8170 Cures Cures BlUOmHl teres REGULATES THE LIVER war ror all JI Hitter Alter Burdock REGULATES THE KIDNEYS Cares Cures Cores mm I It WiJg THE ajar K Ik by if aara T S

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