i There Tuesday ABOUT fed a creates presented Mr A Campbell tteir rt J5V4 Ma Mr EH l talU a brick High A ft on ground a ic won u Opened- At Atkinson a of riDgt J Ml lWo1 and ban liana sad of lbs see The to warning that we hare oar mixta articles on Spring will be la it any o feelings of the writer usD Social- The Ladies Aid VtiLMiit Chorea decided to bold X rf K and fint one will take l era to ptd In Edition lo the pW6 of Since the death last fell iGcodOsi ft lUrobred Blood stand bey after and cm be comer ilaiuSEBfAB nice any CUv w One of 1 forbids ktiua For 1 34rtd A J be lthoob H accibiH Pplj aH monad to Utter office department J tad aeeda W The tie ecioiog took plot ereaicg WTiceMmrJiehardioD fc Cbia J- LeU- M- John now of and abont at which Bread and J it W Last Satnrday Inapect- old woman the of that aba fib bad been aolidtiug alma printed card the Warn deaf and and waa board When refused at a IcrrxajlKeaal to a or aomatblog of that kind herself pretty badly The town and Wait Ceiling paper etc in t fyiae a b A Arbor Day It lit aoon here now vat to KfsecUfjt i by of Arbor Day ba se tie moil and icfllatha9lMUD In pm ry ratal In sill pleaaaet bady fiod abetter the and fur the En A new lino at Johnsons let in town at old eel hotel a Goods Fresh and tho Ttiy the at Frail a The Secretary of ffbitchnrch of a at on Saturday April at p to make all necessary arrangemenla for fint ConreDtlon to be held nodcr aoipleea la Jans next Each Sunday School in the which la to ho by the tendant and one delegate A New Arrival Of Ladies In all from np at It Booda a New Pa OS At bosineaa In Charch on Mon day it naaniioaalr decided to build a new Brick Parsonage on the present rile the- to to the north Tha boildfog is to bo cf archftectare and coat Star were taken to proceed as soon as possible So the will an ornament to treat and congregation will proad of Mail The post office In for the of it no to lb people lathe North of York la of their tinker the existing rtilwiy for tod will from th if the of stage from It is hoped this smtigtmfiit will be to ill It giriDgdiiKt comma with the Hob of North York on the most of vnl the same time little delay to The the thuikj of for hit to please the residents of these It a improvement on former arrange meet when did not get FRiH till the after they were prlot- and Dot mile Oar order lor fcfjWtn pare orders early u filled in the order at Town Inspector thai all be by the and ail yards and premises by the of May after which he will to the the is important matter and the first tibo is to second is next to The spread by decaying matter lying around oar yards is though no direct QtntM results the air is impart Stoned the and rairTmtlng the srjitexa of all who axe to breath It while the portions which find their way surface water Mo welts to do damage by ren dering the water unfit for nee Right glad we are that u toira are not on wells for oar supply of domestic water A little in destroying garbage at this season of the may save a big doctors Mil later and pot off the undertaker for a long goons Pharmacy specialty of afcorete bring yonr end family to the Drug Store- i our did a from not The same feM Iwo In lirVxttvi The StrutsfUle faMUwiVly constables were of fie ffotlit to how is it thst Town to wtke will bare to Mm aattitiLsjnSfrtios of Mr eveiny was a tlKd with and tJfil am- to I J jrfiti piogram Solatia by Hiss 4 fliswc tod and literary Xrf and Mr Tfwy ihrJUlhdUt are to the their and Carta il wheel ii at Makjft a A hrgid aicUty in en J Win A J W and til the of that In Mr aod at- a Aaavelawd at oil also Ibe ten ml to a and stated la tie to asga fiftwsarkti atdjfom ferAvrwa Is tba Mat Also aMetatcd tie Mart JJho at w It fttt acd of rarjaed A wttoHlea of the it ftterary ad Mr was at next till the NEWKTSHKET ERA APRIL to is so much done along oar both carelessness and that we it of public ralue to lish the foUowiogeJttraets from the Sectioa reads who cots fartakw throws down or In destroys any fence of description wfaat- or any wall or gate or any pert shall on to to of fire dollars over and abate of one who been of any such offence afterward wteooodsneb shall be liable to three fat with labor the option of a fioe Section one who berks or dsmsgee the whole or pert of any sapling or shVnb or any the asms Is grow ing the done being to the be liable to a of 5 over theainoont of done or out months with or hard labor prorides that one who cats or the whole or any pert of any tree sapling or grow ing In any park garden or In any grounds or to any dwelling If the done excrtds the gulltf of felony end liable to three yean Imprisonment Section 00 of the the shall be enforced the offence or otherwise Injury to a steam engine or machinery or tools i abba Vie with fourjn years ehoald therefore be to peoples property- School leg of Hoard last all ling Mr of Importance acted Here at last Friday and the literary program iAtereiting sjh The extras In the shape of a were Fob a Good U go to Bekecy Model School whoreceir more than of marks during Hatch Senior Third Claai Jennie TohnEtk Gertie Wright Frank Laura Ada Rogers Charlie Travis Junior Third Class Ernest Millie Howard Odd day lt week while with the son of llr a kick In which left a friglfnl just below the aye about two Inches In length and half an Inch deep aid was obtained and the wonnd being properly dressed no result is an lid piled bat the eye appears to hare narrowly Do Wast Cheap Call and sea stock of different lines at 7 cU the met onThoxelay of last week a new tender for breed presented from Erin of Aurora at onesixteenth of a cent per lees than Mr of Newmuket and as it made a of about to the Home on the years this tender was finally accepted The tract for dry goods end groceriee was giren to of being consid ered the lowest though the tender not in the that were did Before the for street watering it appears to steps should be taken to call of the council to the nsceaiity of a modem A people about town including might to tender for work the corporation supplied the sprinkler Other streets besides Main St might also be accommodated bat If It will pay a large percentage to the ratepayers of Main Street alone to own the sprinkler by the annual earing ef fected through the opportunity it willalTard for competition in tendering for the work Ladies And Childrens Lice and Embroidery greet variety el Mrs R a What it At the council Fire end Water Committee reported the in connection with well since first eruption and it figures up The labor in the first instance of cleaning out lower together with the pipe to make Ibe well as the over flow outlet cost The report is indefinite the remaining if whether the choking of the well was doe to natural or result alleged interference For the two weeke there not been any perceptible change in the quantity or sparkling purity of the water from this well and the esti mated flow gals per day Alto- the about on this well Expected to From Man itoba next week of Strong Floor for A If yon want the of bread or flour give him a call For the two weeks J agent for the csrpet at been canTseaing this town sad in flttteiing terms of the geoeil business of the the character of the public buildings eieept the hotels which he wellkept end waterworks system While in Aurora he heard many disparaging remarks Newmarket he has not beard one word to about Aurora He Hhsy try to make out that New market Is bsckwardsbut I hare taken forty orders here and I ecu not through yet and only twentyair Aurora As the denied the our luiiooalLon about empty In Aurora we asked him If he saw any there Lota of them he good ones too and then he added I bare only come across two empty Newmarket and one of them fitted up for family to more in Coming from a disinterested outsider Que who been all Ontario for the past four yen these remarks speak for It of council of York Templars In Newtxuket tomorrow at A large delegation is anticipated firstolaM loaf Wast A of try RomeHade Out Florida A old a Tub are the enumerators for West Ontario Todd of Goodwood who duties Kit Monday Jai lloftop Joseph fihes Thosi Noble fitereu- d John White end llrojrn Geo Geo Fields Kit John UxewtOBTiiwe Todd y A Todd There ere two In with the census which en The first the secrecy of the centos end the thtt It will any way the We the to that the the Information to secrecy and the by one fier thy the of lea do not gift or they are wlllweit They tot be Then again will not glr aUt their arc afraid may be The has Dotting to do with the and or other tax officers are not allowed to the retorn The Act dealing with that for thee shell be a penally of to to A HI ths census and a or will iVcWdad To Mabkct Wo will at offered d bonus prices are low but we yoo the on a I f New Store large 3 story furniture ware room of the fivmof J opposite the North American lintel hare undergone during the put fire or six weeks sud the new general of Co- opened to the public en Wednesday new clean neat and tuty appear and and the store being well lighted the show to the On store the North tide derottl to and the South side and And Shoes The rear of the Ural floor It being fitted up for the Crockery the style The Millinery shows to at he id of the broad thesecond The of the flat will be Clothing Had end Gents and The stcre lu the of tie town and the film bright fitting up painting and credit to the landlord the familiar of tje mantger J end Hits Howls once giro the new store a borne- like Improtsmests Since the butcher shop at the North End former ly occupied by the late Chantler bu to meet the of the town and placed therein a fine refrigerator so that he will always keep on hand through the warm season a choke of froth meat able and he will no make a of i He certunly choice meat Mobs Telephones Daring the present week fire more were added to the Telephone Exchange in this town Two more ordered and will be put In as the materials The saw axe Hotel Wright Coa Unshoe J aft new fruit ttore furniture and undertaking Park and residence This wiU make in New market outside of central are not many Towns of that era well supplied Sdocess The opening Hughes was more than was anticipated considering the cold weatbftr New trimmed the do attract the Mica a V Stabted or had e terrible job in for the new school boos the being in the ground badly The wall wis All foundation that appears ground will bo built with quairie from a large quantity of which is now The brick for outside walls is a red with clear and are from are now on ehool The contractor for the work hate the walls rrady for the foot by the 1st of June Will Direct from the factory at bookstore a Barrio of this week the following Thurs day morning another of our who figured prominently in the towne history quietly in the death of Robert it the age of years The decked been in feeble Health for of late hie ill- inch that his death wis not unexpected The bjrij at Yorkshire England in teen years of age bo to end at Newmarket pnrdued firming end with brother He Soulee of North later he came to and fallowed brewing Shortly after he entered the busiueai el The brewery at this point been burned he to to end Simfeon brewery which slill in existence Mr an out of hit in municipal matters and in he was first elected u and almost held office either coondllor or mayor to When Barrio became town be its first mayor Among many other metiers that were brought about during hie of office the erection of the present town hall end the of the English steam fire engine the property of town He also acted chairman of toad and and rendered io opening grading Since lB78hedidnot for office bat he took u active interest town a member of Cor Lodge for twenty- eight and the fraternity turned out In large nuenbere on Sunday in paying the lut ud to his memory took an In the formation Of the St George Society time president For thirty or more Identified with the Reform but durtog the put or eight he supported the Simpson mimed twice Ills first wife died In by whom were three children who are still living They ere lire of City toil J Neil of Toronto In 178 while iu Edinburgh miirled by whom bad one eon George Thy also him The funeral on Sunday wu a very one the remains being Interred in the Tour tub of ebaitd Organs end New Jersey home from an ex tended of the world Read to this pptr end for cate iCKue PRINTS a SHIRTINGS FLANNELS L DRESS GOODS We distance all competition in the Ordered Clothing Department Elegant Ranges of Worsted Scotch and Canadian Tweeds and Fancy Pantings Perieet -aa- VpLAYTE Hvjng bought out the stock of J J Belfry will open SATURDAY APRIL 4 1891 GAINS WILL BE THE ORDER OF DAY SdbeffisehCifs Thanking his and friends for ha renewal of their PLAYTER ij I Reformer Block Newmarket J A NEW STOCK OF- DRY GOODS GROCERIES Other departments will be complete in a few days f a- rfc V GASH AND ONE PRICE a J MILLARD OLD STAND I JULIUS R CO TELEPHONE CONNECTION MILLINERY APPRENTICES WANTED Now for a genual more The roads are Promotion run of this week of on ic School New at the North end Did the centu coin cell yet 1 llsre jour rates 1 Fell wheat wintered well locks The grain Is for wheat here Wourburla Id cao against filurry tot killing O the jury returned a Tor diet of tnans1auxbtor with a recommendation to gjT During tho week at noon on Saturday there deaths in Now city of which were from SCOTTS PHARMACY I Our Newmarket Markets cot- policemen on the sick list Mala tie at a Four tramps with lodging on Suodiy bight As eggs still lie dating lbs fa uoit btr bollilaa Is a boom the It HI aeon be lit thou a haw to pick awiy may it btforc month Is out It la aa nail to be a It save a big doctor bill The tecum la lbs yard thoald a chaoga of cllioata Its truth so aiifiy yo5 II It Ia lottrc cow at bate a sico of the the the Ticca to fix op of a party at oo The first sod for Mr Into rckTbi tlo u In thorough lor All at tba lowiit pttc Whs lo at colts Chat Co fi two men Hart who cracked Mr safo at Wyoming and held up ah them ft ago sentenced at to fivo each penitentiary PaTROLKA April About evening an explosion oc curred and upon investigation it proved to bo works vhEch half a mile from the town Mar occurred will never bo workmen Albert and were killed How many In building fa at present The acres on which building covered with pieces t bone and the I three killed could put in a bethel basket Much never in lVlrolen accno of the ucctctent la all as- alliance Where tho build- log atood Is by a and acros by force of thirty of THE LEADING DRUG STORE JUST OPENED A FULL OP f From moat reliable dealer FRESH and to name MANAGER hare from Graham Oct Celebrated Imported lo-dr- slur April Mht On to AUDIttOK CO SALE Of ValoaMo Farm the of church of It and by of Power or Bale Which will lo tor iaIo UieraMUIba oirs Auction of lfttb day of mi el the aouroilloclookooaif alia 1 Hour per barrel CO oaa CO IB is A 0 0 It I Wheat per Wheat per buabel Wheat llarloy Oats par bushel bushel per too per ton per dot Potatoes per Apploapcrbaif Wool per lb Hay per loo lork owl pair pair Clover per Seed per bushel Seed per a 100 w o at a a a a OH a a a a a a a a a a a ICO a Our Toronto Markets AvntL 9 1891 Kail Wheat per 10 Halt i a a compote at me Id of I lot the I of lalns acres aids IS of Weal rods Tor ID If WANTED flit South Hot or South uid on la ICO rt TOOraorlewa mil Station It to bo wnalT loimwtiti iropctrjwlil MsVJld to bid per of llta of Ml wl a DC Itrmi or to Cbfflc fc Solicitors ihJfl A- Pi flprlaif Wheat per per pet Batter roll per per bbL Wool per lb Pork pair CbUateajper wl Turkey C1oeritac4 per Mia seas i i a I at on too 003 on on T5 185 110 160 a on a a a a a 10 CO i THE undersigned have into and will I conduct the rf- Formerly carried on by Wright in the old PULL LINES OF r t r STOVES RANGES AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Coal Oil and Goods- will make a specialty of Furnace Work General Jobbing N WM ARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT OUR attention for the next few weeks will principally be given to our WALL PAPER Department Our stock is now complete with a large and varied assortment of Wall Papers and Ceiling Decorations bought in the best American Canadian markets and must be disposed of at prices that cannot be undersold CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE WN N STARR f it SPRING 1891 F J WARNER THE FURNISHER TO at rt fltclaaa arm FlaTO new Neck Wear White I I CO and Fancy Flannel Shirts Underwear Hosiery Gloves Collars and Cuffs Braces Umbrellas and Waterproof Coats HATS AND CAPS lish and American Stiff and Soft Hats Knockabouts in black blue and brown also Faucy Hats and Caps for children F J WARNER Door to DAVID LLOYD Com rolM toner for CooftjDcert of run a IjaMUti tot lh follow inn Queen or 1bdOS tlttcQi lalM FARMERS A offered pro be kwt for MrvlM lot In lb Trtit-l- It KITRLSY FARMERS FARMERS Roll U1 be kept for aarrloooalot Tamsl iff N MYERS ROYAL Pigs sod Pooler Hotel New 1 VT- J