Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Apr 1891, p. 2

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NEWMATfKET ERA APRIL New Advertisements New Millinery Open To the It- Hoover Wanted It Co Bull for Site J Dressmaker Johanna Smith To Farm for Sale Lehman for Sate Robinson err AND IWC FRIDAY APRIL Our Toronto ic 9 tbt diced it urugemfnb an for W to At Sbw owl SitunStj turner Toronto St feuicwi with coacaitttei got to Of by Toronto ted lxtea two of elected tie A good grappling with the of for city WHAT TO ABO UK TUX A A- old reject od Clk in that city George will be to by the ifc of It now ft to the Lux aWOfHtot of til of w io brief tbe life of A Nix Sir r for on Wed rid i if off for A to the ifcrr will no Kith Citif Ibo id in lb Tin School Bill I in I ia Hereafter they ire to be pi id of ftd ftrecftlt tbejr hold and mo for ike the Iceivct- for to did tut Blue Book Heading Hie report of the Port General for the ending 30th of Jane reoeired on Mt end we the vbidi of local On of July there were poet office In operation la being increase of the year- the of the Dominion to be to one for while Che United State only one office for every persona Letter hire been plioed at all the principal on all the leading railway in the Dominion which La to be a great conven ience to person travelling On account of the increase in fee from to for letter there has been a falling off of about but the reported have been about onehalf of 3280000 registered went astray In 65 case the content were good by the officer held reiponsible for the loss letters and post cards the dead letter office about eigbt per cent of was on of postage The postal revenue last year was three and a quarter milium dollar and the about four mil lion dollar This is where some of It come from can i Jail their ten Dice liberate Mr id Oottrio not To it tbtt mm be compelled to pot op fce pot id iniikD ud who to fcim of other no good by placed Hid the Royal of of the to of U7 to fortigQ nd of ftilatt ftloft tb dig for brmred the that In avrrice lun to bo on briny will or ftppftr- lty to to ic will be to of In n bj Stephen lfc Mr retire ibit ud bid u- oppoiionltlet lor ftcqeuntieg with of politic tfilclsi 000 will com ftttuBon The of April y here firmer ftcd ftrs In of the ujs tbtt to cot of rigbt lu- oclock morn ing flaroM icon from roar of KitchotxV hardware In a loir minute was The efforts of tho villasera to confine the to building than half an hoar frame boil flings own cm by and Frank wore demolished Here after effort checking the spread of tho flame southward although for lead Lloyds in danger Total loss about by cow that prepared ft report icb School Act ftdv tbe from tbe Sopreme Do minion Gorrocaeot of lbs power of by Sc of lei jifd by owing the to the court ft iU meritj bo W JO I Tnii rrportj that of are ly fifteen hundred When it remembered tbo that SUtft Nov York Brooklyn sod other centra ftlmcat ftt door ted tbtt no tariff walli fere with freedom of trade indication ftmoog faraieri they access mar frw and hire 1500 think of it weald these lav cm the in lbs Gtcersls report For Royftl the public for Tolame of on which amounted to I Orer forcnrtaloifortbeiameLieat- Altogether it wit tha aboot to HU tbe toggery of a page to be In attendant on him on occasions Topics Id the London Press we find lowing oca of tie mewt intenlioM in railway wort It only to be rolled ft track to indicate in whether it bespread open fectirt iron are left on the tracks to de noted that the trackman who follows in tbe of car large proportion of labor aired and cad oft at a whew or mart to the local paper April Fool for all it worth The A gentleman Tannery got that ft to meet at the Junction when eleven oclock in to pay him tome money on hand at proper but other fellow failed to A took ft trip through tbealnih and mud get a pirwl which there Another parcel a ival lire fcittea I Op youog man got ear plugged with a owbill which he tbe trick the lot He all his hear iog with tbe other r now We think it was mean to play jokeaon the mast be degenerating Items- for spring vrork Fall looking fine yet bub the wTorat into is to com colta has started and all the conversation is colt and baa sold business to Herb Graham of Sutton West Knight baa saw mill running in foil blast with a new I see by lait issue that the census commissioner spent three or four days bis men think matt bo very thick head to that long- John lost a valaable brood mare and on Saturday night Richard has to home in Dick wilt be greatly missed around the Bavis has to to spend a few with Mrs and have ftO w It If the commlog of the Dominion will ft one Already bare appeared half a for An effort will be made to mik tte a one tbe ia 1 Touclog and report that tbe not the time year for reuiriDgtbe petition for till aj been It also ra- that Sir A to taken Into the in place of Hod Colby We bare no faith Mr in A DILL to amend Act to of bos in by Mr Wood of Brant The ex- fating law maker it the doty of and occupier of Jiod to cot down or duUoy all wild ragwared to cut out barn all on ptam or on his land add to cat down and barn all peach rid or other tree affected by Mr Wood now to add To cat or pall and aoy growing separate from wheat or other grain often aoy appear daring the growth of grain in any reason lie pro- pWf that any person who knowingly aoy or other gtoin Infected by axon without the liable to a of from in discretion of tho com diBBolvtrd by consent to part with Eddy School Report ORDER OP MERIT Sorry IN NORTH Laura Homer Jeauo Rcod Wm Bftln lavJd Tina fin Thomas wi Jr tod Horner 9r Pan Slmpeon Arnold Reed Pari IlJobn Before Walter Fred day Alice Horner Fair bairn Teacher Town April Starr A of aijd Win TOaacJJin wfcreocorotho Huron ThitthefillORlogblUibopaJd J IT drilling Co a9 CO P da to and from Brad- Gray doling John Barry do do do Mo to do tolola Warren keep of irampj watcrworki pat- Roan at well No I OJ IL Scully at water John do do account That account of Co and and Market Com- That the Pump Co and Bona toine Com of Cooa fc with to laid by them en Huron St I That account of Belt Telephone and TOat of water ft That tbe of and wlthrefennco to bom the market bo to That tho Bur ton Bruce with referee to bo referred to Com ibat tba Mayor aod Chairman of said Com baa deputation to Interview of Edu cation If for coo and High School Acta Report adopted Tboroojurer was to of electric afreet lag Raid reported elgbttotro of payment rocommended tract of lolao That contract for corporation for failed of recommended to close tearing balance to be paid leas aam of contract That R Everett baa at Wper and payment i That Main bo aa and that tanks on market and corner of being of no farther ate bo lilted with tba dr6fr Report adopted Committer verbally on ted Coolly allowed by Water committee L That flowlog No been com and water Into ft 0Inch It also wtih a albpooCk that water can be tbtf pond ex pease with this well It I be paid to parties stated In the report That tbe has who were reported on the well bat information obtained bean aafflclenlly to warrant ft written report at time Report adopted lane between the propertleeot Mayor Park ftdjyjmod till Id the of Tamaolipas drought is of catttoaod crops ftlmost total Old sa the storm of Thursday on Now England coast the most in One million fish deposited in lake Erio at Port Stanley Monday afternoon They from tho Sandwich At Kan boys or girls under 16 years of ago found on the after oclock at night are unless by a parent or bad ft bo of Inst Dan shop was burned out and Messrs Brill Morgan Sowcry and by removal of goods Origin defective bucket brigade awed the village ladies pat ablebodied men to shame carrying water London April A murder was committed this city afternoon on lota 13 conces sion township at farm of John Geary who is a and president of the London cheese board Hodge ft hired man was milking a cow when another of Mr employees came along and attempted to get a drink of milk in a dipper men had on bid terms and Hubbards action started a light which reached in drawing a knife and stabbing Hubbard to heart The man died in a few Word was sent to this city and constables Sohraoi and Ward went oat and Arrested tbe roan Hodges The prisoner brought to this city Children Cry for Pitchers The J I a NEW MILLINERY GOODS The best we ever had Show Room Open for the season NEW A class of goods never before kept in stock in Newmarket NEW DRESS GOODS TRIMMINGS NEW WALL PAPER8A I NEW BOOTS SHOES SLIPPERS New Mens Wear In the Grocery we have which we quote at the following prices Clover Seed 8c per lb or 475 per Bushel do do Timothy do do 225 Italian Rye Grass at 10c per lb do do POINTS a fUIITUt iliac to do or- lot the or Nktt Tailor ProfMoodr tcadloK ayatcui thoroughly I WILKIN Main Kroot Victoria Avenue TREiJS THE LEADING HOUSE a it SB s tt The libel wit of If Sioxtttr the Empire which tried at the a for The clini In liit who John Sellers with of a Mm He fttrticei Simpler was -iU- Tho Empire some thecit at which Mr Slitter iV and Ha will fttl Educational ddd1 report of the Minister of for Ontario a present ed to he at and a large amount of statistical information Xhe fiRnre Riven are those for and we learn total school population of the that d bat the total registered as school Is given at Sip the average or fiftyone per cent We also Is a limited in the aver- age attendance of pupils in cities towns and lections cities given per cent town sixty per cent and In township per cent absentee between the age pi and thirteen years not one less in This would cate a report points on that tboeompulwry conferred by the Public Act upon Trustees to enforce attendance have not exercised to any appreciable extent new Dill the latore coutafbs designed to to ore enforce compulsory attendance in And this Is but reasonable Taxes imposed to give youth of the country a education Many are tailed upon to contribute to these who have no direct In terest beyond the general advantage to the which widely education will give and as this taxation Is compulsory they have to expect the to ste to tbat tbe anticipated from free are not frustrated 1689 bad In which schools coriducted under the of Public Act expenditure of too to allow children to tohe up advantage of educa tion which these schools are designed Ottawa cot to with tb Act vhvli tho Act AbvHihsa fa in thit re thrie AcU Sir It doubtful wLtthf power to put tbt obt tttt in the afODe who the fa legl or the aDi tha of TUttlM far the A til tcti Sir Sir Hod Mr Sir at op the AmrricaQ with re to Dominion tad the Mr to tbt waa of t the will Tin rV Ottawa MtnfODJeii to a it tbt tbt r the Council at election bit a The aaiur Lriotf tbat Hoy Ma it fu of the a ara to of Ft to tba mat Mr will await tie of to a Hon the did fad lb Sharon- a service in Methodist church last Sabbath deeply interesting llev Mr Hill discoursed very rtbly on the subject of God ruling human life The subject announced for discourse Tbo Universe against the wrong and for the Mr worshipped with us for the last lima prior to his return to the North May prosperity attend him was a of people at Mr Henry Martin last Wednesday night They enjoyed dancing audi tho wee hour of the morning We hear that Mr is going away in summer to work on the boat He will bo greatly missed What wo would like know Who sugared off in Mr Monday night I When that pull is coming it will toon Who through the village every Sunday Sunday morning tho of Mr Geo burned to the ground oclock ho was by what he supposed to bo someone breaking in door but on up ho found flumes It firo from chimney night lirgu numier of young gathered at Mr Terry for the of shaking mud from feet flje people going to another at drawing stone for the on Thursday In last your there appeared an article copied from the I wonder how that it new J all event it is the that Under is a big with whUkers v Axtsriu to Coon Vwk Oca da the Kill of cataa before the llille Com of with a of charter a York town on renewal the tbU tbt Bill mm t bio tie iif to ho op be Coot pan e the tooimtot iM to to male la that direction Aod will die a aetoraldeelh Point Ml M Ha ye jolly whtlo may live to lively and grow dull A very spent lest evening when- band to gether with other thrifty friend and cousin amounting la all to about thirty person Mr Mortons View residence Mr Morton kindly consenting to the of- band opened hi door for a night of Our turned and member of the Miss no in making gathering pleasant for everyone Drawing room game frolic prevailed At an appropriate gathering dispersed each and nil they had enjoyed and that begtntt go- homo it would time the Point are watch ing and walling for Jake to clnar Of lev P died at last p for South in toon Mr J C of Toronto ot lbi A few Silt a tuning Tuesday of West with Mrs A Totter Mr of was in town and Era people at Friday night Mr I- from a trip through BritUh tut Friday Mm of is Mr Mrs A of Writ Tiooto at Ti sfiUottk Mr spent a of with his brother Mr Mis- sod daughter Arthur with Mrs R their to IliitUb Mr editor and the Era a friendly The thinks of Ibe to Davis M el bills sod Mis A and of Toroa left for on Monday a week illi Mr The Uluis and Lottie Taylor end Aocle sjnt with Of Mr Items received the ofundleal for con- Life for Mr J Kao To ronto a coapte of days with Mr J Ha on in day Kith four othets Io work the vicinity for i nest At of Trauifer on of last the Jos- to the Toronto Tweiityilx end A of forty the generous of Mr and Wednesday and to tta of tripped the tun waits stately the of till bouts to lengthen Mr the dent at Mi Isst a few data Io left oil Monday for Pilot villi stock yards Intends calling at plans io for and leave seat week tin far his home at af an alieoco of wis quite a the night sea folk elf for Us North West The comprised Mrs with and Mr Itlcbard and Mr Klteley all for Tha will oo to spend tag a couple of Tba for Wot On tail Ipsa three at week I sit from Mr Todd pleas bh sod com He scMules faltu so afire through Mr Thee of Pickering a pure of Mayor and io of at on in out the I u daw Act the proUloas Aet and the MInlitr was pleased to her called Us nasi Oat of employed at tbe Holmes mine at Nevada have been prostrated and have died from la grippe KT Barrio Bremen held their annual sapper at the Bennett House last week attendance of member and friends nel ly large Thomas Staunton a promi nent farmer of Darlington township got hand into the cog wheels of a straw cutler and three fingers had to be amputated IS John of St Cathar ines moved a barn from hi deceased fathers reeidenco to bis place On Friday morning as was being placed in position white examining partitions found an old buckskin purse hid away in them Upon opening it a gold rolled to ground and further ex amination disclosed a sum amounting to about in gold coin Some of coins bore date of 1820 The money is supposed to have been placed there by tinders father John BED GAP EGGS For alio OneHorse Lumber for tele mO FARMERS- The will keep for Imported llxir T ANY QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS pOIt a ALU at thla AT PER POUND ARRIVALS OR aU bi y Ball IA month of Two ported Mda t per JOHN COWIKEOXs Member Vctorlonrr opened no In OFFICE BLOCK TO THfcPUBLIC A Mr from bml- XL falm will bo but name of HODGE All Hod bo to by work iuiiro to merit ft iboiidtroofto bwtOTrod on put wo tral LICENSE DISTRICT or night tended a NOTICE J MILLARDf OF TIIK OK J Millard Co HAS A NEW FURNITURE STORE bod token with UNDER TAKING DEPT he above Gem lit ad last Iter I- IV Kill A tie of Mr Albert law loiLo Mr Charles to SlUaKHcabCth Jaae ol Mr tor at I ho mother by bo Add lion Mr Jnmes titer Miss of Aurora brides on Hard Will bf Was of ToroiiW to Ellen of Cooke Church Taw March o Janice Mr of law WWAMDKlisoxAt the the a rid a a April In Che J Mr Monro of of Jamas FOR SCO acre West of 3rd Con of KIok And West half of lot In 3rd COO Of Old Survey la nearly all clcdrcd UratClAi neer falling creek well fenced stock or bent It limbered could cully bo converted into or land Apld Keukbr or LEHMAN NOlRTHf RIDING COUNTY OF YORK NOTICE THE TIME TO- I TO THE PUBLIC flhop North Uracuy and will Choice Beef VeaU At other Alio and Vegetables will iimn cuttom any hour K II WANTED PER CORD For Ibik our Tan- nor ilio lesson TO On by fl May lit lit ho widow or be omb his late residence Joseph Wells la ear Harris April sou years CmntaaOo March of James Charles of ed Aurora Toeslay lost of Mr J Ill years oaths lost Lucy late Joel son oclock Ibis Friday SIN ST FOR Apply Second fc boon Ly WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE WKUlleie we sail tba A of Ladles Kid ord for iW- A Mlrot for m Pol Call Slippers frvm cents op- 4 I aIovo WEDNESD At noon for thy pur ra on or fir for ho itfco Ihiltho of will bo hold At tbo of April oclock la yeAr All Mud of ftpplfcAnta who oof ouch Under Act or who for of not u or tat I8 Cod JomlurRoA Hugh Albert for number iff Application lor IB All ACtpnlloxlya Wit I Ilsttod lit of April 1631 YOUR HOMES A A INVESTMENT IN- Eye from ft roll dp Sam who do their own io us hit of the oJges trimiDtvl FREE OF ftwly thin bo doco by tod Fins Qols d4 Skoa fioe ft oirlj bird DAVISON Its Con of toil To let loooeloii end lenders to bo lubrthel5thot CIIAfl ATTHK IN CANADA COLUUBIi MANITOBA sconjra BRUNTON BROS suits We make a specialty of Boys ReadyMade Suits and can give you what you want at very low prices- NEW SHAPES IN HATS We have just imported from New York and London England the latest shapes in Mens Felt Hats and having bought direct from the makers we are able to oiler special value BOOTS SHOES Every careful buyer now recognizes the fact that we sell only the most reliable lines in Boots Shoes Our assortment is the largest north of Toronto and prices are lowest SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS If you want a nobby Suit or Overcoat for spring we are the only firm in this section that attempts to do a really fine trade in ordered clothing We are doing aU the best trade BRUNTON BROS K Q USE fiRUNTONS BAKING POWDER prvib

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