ERA APRIL Now Advertisements Spring Bros Horsemen- Wall It J Bestir Addon Bright Newspaper A House to Beat Sjkts Scotts iTT She up dut mows EACH FRIDAY APRIL 3 Our Toronto Bra m April Jo apneas its coo In dry ibis week ittsmpl Msor has It barged he bid in Interest In city printing contract held J Bald bet the to establish asphalt at Carlton end et portion did not exceed bell ID In breadth bat no a Itgtn of Id fret Grand Eater were btld in ill list Sabbath floral were- Immense Vie Commissioner of this city decided that all the ealoone of the city nut be dosed Birth and of to city council de cided a eosJ asse Mr faff Tota ls Weston Company loses the committee of tbe Home hir ing decided not to renew charter reiged between end Setts tbe embargo on Can frail The Fees At the of York Coo in the Mayor of then moved the following Mr of of the people be Mr Bmce in the ibe beet of mnre enforciog Two opened in town end tke oat the wery before tbe by ltd fined and CoiU- Hereafter in to time Provincial Finances with of new paid by feee be appointed he Coanty or by popoler Tote for elated iId official to be paid by filed the end of office banded forto part of general had been coiaed for soma the of by the of West Toronto Junction moved to oat the words or elected by popular vote amendment was carried and the resolution HO amended almost Thw was the commence ment of the some in the press for desirable reform Other connty council since adopted tioDj and memorial on the subject and now the question is taking tiro shape in the Legislature Hav ing regard to what some people ceiye to be Tested rights the reader will the ion was framed to meet appointments to be hereafter made so that present incumbents would hare no cause to feel that any encroachment was being made on what they regarded as vested rights The question is one concerning the people Many of ficials are in receipt of emoluments largely in excess of members of the Government or Judges in this Prov ince while at the same time baying offices built and famished by direct taxation and these excessive in comes ere also drawn direct from the people it is a live question end has come to stay until the change is effected It may not be brought about this session but Attorney- General is making a move in the matter and although he moves cautiously we make no doubt of the final result The Port Here Tints to a movement in look ing to retirement Mr P and reelection of Ron Edward Blake for old We apprehend the Ticks editor don not in political circle Mm to very on the There too senti ment rumored movement to to The Budget debate occupied most of the attention of the Legislature since Easter recess but particularly new has been developed The new treasurer Hon Mr in making his financial state ment last week followed pretty largely the lines of exposition adopted by the fate Mr Crooks and contin ued by Mr Wood and Mr Ross and the criticism of the Oppo sition were likewise in the same strain as maintained since the intro duction of tbe mode of treating our provincial accounts now in vogue which originated with Mr Crooks Each succeeding year the same dis putes over the between the two sides of the House are threshed out the real difference being ques tions of bookkeeping and the manner of keeping the accounts Perhaps we can make these points of difference between the Govern ment and the Opposition plain to our readers by a few The province is pledged to pay so much a year per mile to certain railways The Government declines to call this liability because it is not immedi ately payable because the meats can be met out of revenue as they become due the other calls it a present Lability because it must be paid and the province has to provide for payment at some future fixed date Then again the province derives a large and certain revenue yearly from crown timber One party calls this revenue an asset be cause it is a source of income the party declines to regard receipts from this source as revenue because not derived from ordi nary investment of capital and regard annual appropriations from this fund as the actual expenditure of capital instead of income- On these of respecting revenue and assets arise the lengthy disputa tions between members on right and left of Mr speaker as to whether our provincial accounts annually show a or deficit The license question also received an airing during the debate contending that the was exacting a Urge revenue from this source which prop erly go to the tut the that a the traffic contributes largely towards increaetug judicial ex penditure of the province conse quently it has undoubted right to make tho pay a of this especially as they have taken care to that municipal councils ar empowered to higher than when the government drew a of rtvenuo from this source One thing Is certain ail that the need do at any time in order to show a annual surplus is to the yearly appropriations far local administration of lor agricultural astociat ions for ed ucational and charitable Institutions for societies for public improvements in undeveloped parts of the and a number of like and result will follow But while this Is true ft is equally certain that direct taxation must follow as a consequence or some of these varied Interests if not aU wooU Buffer and their usefulness be Impaired On the whole there can be no doubt about financial condition of the province Uing sound and In this regard Is a way In advance of any other of too Dominion The bate was expected to close last night As Ottawa that Sir Charles be gone to with the British respecting reciprocal trade relations between Canada and the United Slates ilio interchange views Mr Blaine a lead- the American Government Looking to the next year it Is Mr 1j anxious rather than otherwise to extend American trade with all parts of this continent with the view of helping bis party A AU Mi of Toronto And wcicUxjf of Reform writ and John libd to for iHegft to been from ibu office the Artcdlrtle bat kicked op of elections of Ititlltn la its flixrpdited from on MWaiit of SUt not usOTmncet would bo meted oat to riotert who ItalUa New bu quite ft flatUr in the Soma talk of war bat will probably be It looka u if lUliui bid to fiiuse as tbe Mr Bold for mm of A few of oar folk tripped to fiddle Mr Friday at J detained home this week by ilia totV draw a con qui on from one aide of a The Rev Brown replied to the letter which appeared in the paper a few week ago The trouble apparently baa arisen from a between the korerend gentleman member of community are coarse and void of ability to interpret a brief literal continue Fri day night a large number at the of Mr and spent a very enjoyable time Monday evening Oakland ball crowded came for the of a light bat Ted baling to with monthorgan and being dry the The bad a bee on Tuesday and twelve and twenty men from Lloydtown but owing to the of the weather they returned at noon Mumps have been in vicinity Hiss Georgia returned home after spending a few weeks in Toronto bringing brother back with her to upend Easter Mr Ed is for a while also Nettie Morton spent Easter at Mr Mr and sister are at On of tbe stage broke some where on Good Friday the mail to arrive lato at Aurora- j HE TO be OoUria in its for Telegrams from bit that put of Do- It Kilt middle April 1- much aeediog done of Ontario tbe tone organs are led to that Sir John de- with of Manitoba In connection we the Montreal of Extfirt hints be apparition on assembling or will condemning for the Manitoba Act to We lunch it are too to Pro to do anything of the kind which bai made ittelf the a At a meeting of Reform Association of on Monday last it decided to the election of Mr It Hutching who was for to Commons at the ie cent general A sietHOaUL sWcind by ilia Erece- Lord Stanley on from of Qnebec for tbe of the Manitoba School Act the oon know how to deal with Life lb Id As exchange i will never elections Canada of PUIS until the jail yawns wide for returning and deputy returning officers who bangle returns or who err fsyor of their own party t Toronto we notice the death of Mr John JF one the of Toronto year It is years he front For J the jatmaiterof Hon Jcph Martin who seat in tbe Manitoba t run for the Commons the th of March in Selkirk and was defraud was reelected fcx the for la on Saturday by a majority of CO As unfounded rumor the of week to effect tbat for was going to and ac cept the petition of of one of the it a large salary The Dr on being replied that a year would be nice but thai be expected to continue to make it interest- log for local and would be on deck at next general election r fs to bold a near bis camp a iUatiTC and after two li Itrj con- ffilaaiontr his part aitd some were entertains motfnn the time for negotiations with the United States for reciprocity if tone ft be sated by rtcipfocity or it sill QIaloa free raw to preset the manufacturing of bis He went free lomber lor the sake of in the fitttef all he the glory of new for to keep himself and out of The With help Sir John ii likely lo ateal the of Monday the Mayor of Toronto wmpsofed by Aid fliundera and City Clerk at ace and presented Welsh with the by the city council re In the made retuarsta ha We are ill here to stay We scythe happiness of free and the protection of eijoal We a of which the of without without potion and la daly all help this and with this slew to to and uphold tavce all people Noble the ring of There was a large turn out at the Union Sabbath School last Sunday and the meeting very pleasant and instructive Being review day the subject of temperance in connec tion with Ss work woe ably explained by Mrs Smith and Mrs- JUenj Cody of Newmarket which has created a very earnest in terest We wish to extend our thanks to the for responding to our invitation and personally to tho ladies who so cheerfully aided and encouraged us by their presence The death of Mrs Aaron Cody occurred on Monday morning after an of about tan years borne with much christian fortitude She a very old and will greatly missed The funeral obse quies took at the meet oo Tuesday afternoon making is on band and the sap ran freely the first of tbe weeks Moat of us have a sweet tooth though wo have nob all got j hut as handshaking annually so we all expect to be remembered by who boil and are very rarely disap pointed Holland Lauding- La has made its appearance and some suffering severely from it We pleased that our friend hat been promoted in the militia will be effi cient and young officer Mrs John has been- visiting friends in Toronto for a days Mr Line has been appointed enumerator for this village Ho his received instructions and wo may expect to answer his one hun dred and one questions shortly They say of our young men signified iutnton of ingtho of Thats right hoy do not wait until you become crsnky old Wu sorry to record tho death of Mrs A widow of the and of Lino of this in- ternd in church cemetery also of Mrs of Toronto daughter of Mr Geo of this village of our fiehermen com- plaining of the of the closo season They say it should begin directly after spawning season so that get a chance to ash with out going to Roachs Point for them Miss Lemon of Toronto spent her Easter holidays at home The honey social in with the King Christian last week proved to be a financial success notwithstanding the fact that they disappointed by speakers of the evening A very pleasant and sociable time was spent Mr J gave a pleasant review of bis travels on the Atlantic Elder in his usual eaay manner helped to moke it sociable for all Mr has moved into Mr Rogers of Tottenham was visiting relatives in this part on Sunday Mr Cook jr and wife of Hol land Landing spent a few days last week with old friends and relative Miss Lloyd of Aurora spent a few davs last week with friends in this vicinity Mr Roes of Aurora took in the honey social here last week while visiting old friends Mr of North Kay circoit Montreal of the Methodist church his been spending a of visiting friends in this vicinity Sunday last ho occupied the pulpit of the Methodist here His sermon was able exposition of word of God On Wednesday of last week wo had a wedding in quiet little vil lage the contracting parties being Mr and Miss Winch Thoy have settled near Sharon They were both active work ers in the Methodist the League the Sunday School and choir and will consequently bo greatly missed They carry with theru the best of a largo circle of friends The boys made two fruitless attempts at the charivari business since the wedding Our to them is that they put away their old guns until have some other material to work upon or perhaps which would be better advice put them away and them there for ever a Mr Ira Morton has made about gala of maple syrup this season so far The of the executive com mittee of North York Conserva tive Association was held sb ville on Saturday nit president Anderson vice presi dent secretary Geo Wight and many other prominent members of tbe party were present servative nominee in the late contest WW egg was also present- Speeches were made by Jaa and the president The feeling of the meeting seemed to be that North York can bo won The vote polled by Mr alter a thor ough organization and canvass was to email that in be opinion of the meeting the riding is not irredeem able and should be fought at the next election A scleral to A JO St tteto TO RENT Oq Main ai ale- May 1st Apply QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS SALEM AT PER POUND imported Cljdcjdftlo I Hon I lit from will itBDil the For Proprietor xr TUB Cmld Imported Thursday Friday Saturday 2nd 3rd and 3Oaca too well kQOTTQ his proved Mm- io bo best America wlU aland mod April 1891 the Lion to ADDISON M Li i grand of in wbich art will April now tbat will bo flnt content ami o archluK la of any ibe ato Bicycle W- atche raD ami id at for to WEST ToronloOol wares Id air copr ilfa M t Sharon service in the church last Sabbath was interesting Mr Hill discoursed on the subject of as the chief doctrine of the christian religion audience was large and apprecia tive The contribution of Easter melody from the choir was exquisite while the attractive floral expression to general joy at Saviours resurrection from tho dead Mr Hill will preach next on God ruling human life The service in tho on night well Attended being appropri ately decorated with Rev Mr was present and assisted Mr in service Mr Grahams cornet made a pleasant addition to tho music Rev Mr Newmarket will con duct service and administer next Sunday afternoon Mr J jr has just re turned from a two weeks visit with at Mr Mark Graham left this village last evening for Washington Territory His many Sharon friends regret his departure and hope he will bo successful in the far West Mrs Thomas Way ling is visiting this week at also Master Will Graham of Sutton at Mr A Emma is spending a few days with friends in Sharon and before leaving for Northwest H MILLARD V OF THE FIRM OF J Millard Col OPEKK1 A a j NEW FURNITURE STORE tbo Hotel And taken with him entire Arm MORTGAGE SALE Valuable in Whit County by of Power of Sale to the and which will bo produced attiuioof sale offered or by Public Auction at in tbe Town of AprkU A oclock noon aU and land In Of Whitchurch composed lot S3 in IS known South tide of Waal half Of Mill tot And rod on Mid South alio of way of J0 said Wt M in lei ft about a from doll la to bo of a with cultivated water Property bid- Tn percent of at bal ance accordion to and con- bo known on day of further appljr to Ileal Cbaditlek Gall Vendors Sollcltora Street Toronto piled this th day A I ml LICENSE DISTRICT HOUSE ARRIVALS WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE WK believe we Bhoea of Tats f says It Is rpcrt4 on thai Mr total bus for to the Dill shortly awk it hands of Ids on afowifs Cab Wj true We Mr ecarcel vat of Oorersmeat la adjololog Batdea pake Mr A lay a utmUrof one of lotctlrei the Mr Herd or Mr old auodtye It Mr am It likely WoqM for ailing sir la it ilr laltarl la He tat I to It tch ptiUlU he la io aaw I see In last pnaao Item ft men and low conduct You did not say whether It or two and it throws suspicion all us young men who would not to guilty of such When young men no more respeottor themselves than to act as bey did should be Axposed and not have rcipectablo for it Mr has returned from the West J Marsh hay business Is rather brisk at The boys were busy fixing the dam hero on Wednesday in of pre- venting the from going to are not canning as our whisky suckers to return by midnight Last Sunday Easter the church was very detorsted oJ there was a very large it will a good number of for toi hero In June Fair La ha appeareci Hundred up with It She At wife of the Iter J of a bod In March Mr I StouOcr of ft BOB VaHNOXln Whitchurch tho of Frank Vernon of a BOD oo tbothult i f of Mr Noah of a nil the wlfo of Mr II or a daughter ClLvkhwcll At ull the wife of Mr IV Culverwcll of j At Qelharco Oo Iho Of Mr Thcs of ft daughter- NORTH RIDING or COUNTY OF YORK NOTICE The Easter services on were well attended at all the here At tho Methodist and Christian Churches the regular held f English Church was beautifully decorated tbo joyous occasion On table Tallies In full bloom while the Chan- col was literally turned Into a garden of blooming flowers as was also font giving tbo edifice a most charming The afternoon aarvicoa con ducted by Mr Leech of Trinity and special evonfng service sermon was delivered by Rev Mr- Brown who fa an eloquent speaker choir sng hymns suitable to the oc casion In splendid style processional and offertory were by on organ and J on tho cornet in a masterly At both the church was filled to Its utmost capacity At the English Church Vestry Meeting on Tuesday evening Col and Mr Richard Boyd were elected for the ensuing year Master Will of Button Is visiting In Sharon at present Elder will exchange nut- with Elder of next Sunday who will preach a sermon oh J Jo me Missions Mrs Rodney been my much Indisposed for the past month We hope she may soon bo restored to good health J Mr Terry wad wife of North spent Easter Sunday with School teacher J Mr of the Mansion a large of Invited guests to a list Monday night Ampst every tovi for several by two or coopis Children Cry for Pitchers Lsmon At of Match 8Mb iho Her Morgan Mr Ferdinand of of ford the a by Iter ft ir Albert to of iVaiaofr on Slat by Harper John Vfatapa of KIds to A of Albion March It JlwMni At of bride a father Sir Angus of city of Toronto Mount Albert Her It Largo by Ho on March at retdeocoof the faiher Mr lllratn A Conceit to Ultra Winch both of North 0sartTown of lost Cody At on Aaron Cxir la In Whitchurch Infant son lawheNC8In on March of Jaroc- days OMattBVOn March th Vincmt son of I J and A i dors Holland Mrs 1 1 IS years I month days Ilea At Toronto on April lit nnd daughter of Tardy of this townouod years funeral At oclock this Friday worn- at JobQs church fi I AIK ST NORTH All Will prompt SobeHIscrnents E V Ha and Member KKKIY give notice Iho or iholloirdof tho will held WEDNESDAY of Aprl lSJIs At the hour In the fore noon purpose of pptlA- iho All receipts of Inspector or the ftbovo due The are In who not At time miking of licenced inJcr Act or who applied not thto under OK KINO 16 Coil ft IJoydtowiL Albert Patrick Huron St The number of luuedfor cur renlllceoioyar 1avero number of tor year taverns hup AH Will aconHisKlx- I day of April 1831 A beautiful of Ladle in Kid button holm for A Sir ot for omen a L CaitSllpira from lOcenta MONTGOMERY A ITttENTICB WANTED At once years old OOM liKhh St COW Wllh calf ft ail Ton CI St near NJWiiitrfct Apply en TO THE PUBLIC A Mr John ha- rcllred from iiua Mil carried him will conduct befoie HODGE CO bull lot Li All aiM John be to Artliiw work a be pild of Hie the vtt Yours Iruly It CO STOVE TIN SHOP HAS CHANGED HANDS- will keep on hand from full lines of of Wood and Coal Stoves Which will at olou figure a ROOK BOTTOM PRICES Work aod rough a Work propll7Attauded to V THE TIME TO- BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMES BY A INVESTMENT IN- A from roll op Soma the who do their own id from g of the FREE OF CHARGE mora can by and Fins Good Eiltoiioai lot piper at prii early bird tba R J DAVISON WANTED- For so of land sltaata Con of on lots and To bo let la Job and lo bo Inhr 13h of April on lot It CHA8D0AN a AT IN CANADA COLUUBIt UNITED S7ATI8 AST MANITOBA BRUNTON I t t VctarfnaVr an otflcoln POST VALUABLE FARM SALE the power of which will bo product PUBLIC AUCTION ST JUS NORTH Mth or April At JSUS4 Number la the Sib tollw hundred i well and orchard p f sale further j TENDERS ho received up to IpHitstn For a etono wall and aoilloa the echorJ Of school tajtOwlllliibur No acceded Io FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN BOYS SUITS We make a specialty of Boys Suits and can give you what you want at very low prices NEWSHAPES IN HATS We have just imported from New York and London England the latest shapes in Mens Felt Hats and having bought direct from the makers we are able to ofier special Value boots shoes Every careful buyer now recognizes the fact that we sell only the most reliable lines in Boots Shoes Our assortment is the largest north of Toronto aha are lowest n tortus llarnftia SI Mb Manilo Mirror see- seooral oof Edwin Pcdler ol Urate a- and offer CO SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS If you want a nobby Suit or Overcpat for spring we are the only firm in this section that attempts to do a really fine trade in ordered clothing We are doing all the best trade a f NEWMARKET USE BAK1NQ POWDER i