Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1891, p. 1

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TUB NEWMARKET ERA JB It CI Every Friday Morning LYMAN GEO JACKSON AT ins STEAM HOUSE Era has REACHED And expect SUBSCRIBERS Medium In Aoatj h it TO KNOW TO AND TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE OTHKR BANE Hi ill Gum NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XLNo Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Orit Friday April 3rd Terms Strictly in- Advance within moa or at end of year Newmarket Branch A A Interest on Dopotlts AT utu DRAFTS ISSUED hi old Pinner promptly I I ooJ use In Reformer Block MONEY TO LOAN jHWIS A Solicitors Ae Si PM to 104s ok c- Building opposite Ihe Feet El TO ALFRED If J A EST FOB mad Life TO LOAN AT FOB Haemal Co Main mud it J To East raUwr All CMp Sold Cbeix Office and A J Mirer Main Street A- Oxide On at A I for Norwich CaJeJonliD Scotland All Stock on Farm Risks and Isolated Properly Tin Shop Ne JJSrABLlSUEDISn Tertuai per day Heated by gleam 160 room lor Transfer meet all rani billiard parlor For York ENS OUT Repair kept on band Hardware Newmarket offlfe will be prompt to April 3rd 1891 OB EFFORTS- Oar fihowroom opening mora than a Tomorrow we ex pect a greater cumber of Out ELEGANT MANTLES AND JACKETS la pronounced by visitors to be one of the choicest ever id Toronto These are imported direct from Berlin the King of Coatmaker garments are donbt in the world for excellence of deaiga and finUL T THOMPSON SON The New toSmmoth 136 to 140 King St remove Chortfa 1 LlCliNSES At Offlc THE ACCIDENT The only Company In America Against accidents Agency for Aurora and Vicinity at conveyancing loan and and NOTES Conveyancing MONET and Old Federal Bank eg Purchased COUNTED- Ming Main street- CANADA LIFE CO JJQGARTS ftRT is cad WHY I much he understand bit fd tone but aklllcd workmec WHY like CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS Anneal and worldwide after force two J- Agent for ihs Era The Human Heart human of all the thought lees throng lice I and How oft the aetloBi wrong Of hut ltd the From thy same flows oar more i How oft inaxpenenced thoa chidden eating frntt bat with a ripe madly eaten The ret ten frail of tin gnarled and flteliog How often hut then led as into path of tin by when within v Bow eft the envied when by u bat a blighted life and hopes How often bait then on to aeek for For it we it if the We give op all body and nl How often by merited and ut Bat when thy earthly coming again re t Thou not better exclude can frail roV a heart in the good old way and neer from it depart Ho pure Bow Aft a ioarce Or ft ho check the And torn it from Almighty 1 thii heart of mice And make it para and a temple Lord of Thine Then my life be and brighter than And body end spirit for all he GwiLLDrecHY March a Canada Our Home NEWMARKET collection of natural J J Is vlrifcand you Avenue Hear of Newmarket Constantly on Hand pine Lumber and bltnfle Flooring fcldlof dumber Ai6 PRY CORD WOOD SPRING DEALER IN HEAVY AND SHELF WARE I Proprietor of PRINTING AT THE SEWINGWANTED prepared to do all lei In and at respect of Spades Shovels Forks Rakes Hoes p Carpenters Supplier Goods c Galvanized Annealed Barbed Fence Wire Ready Mixed Rubber Paint Try our Daisy Churn Jacks kept lor hire IN- SILVER WATCHES JEWELRY CLOCKS SILVERWARE Although Dr Daniel super intendent of for the was bora Scotland he became a Canadian in his year By reason of his inherited in stincts his bent and its and the inspiration afforded by the ex resources tba glorious country of adoption ha became a typical Before he left Scotland he had a little schooling but from the time he arrived id Can ada until bis fifteenth year he had hut a At that age he left for landing in in August 1860 and he immediately set ant for tho gold diggings Haying struck paying dirt acquired a snrplai in a year be returned home and entered the Grammar SchooL He early exhibited a fondness for the muse and his tenacity of memory scon placed him in the front rank as student Afterwards he became a student at Knox College attending during his course as a theological student certain lectures in the Uni versity of Toronto At this time Dr Clarks purpose was to becomes missionary and in order to perfect for the he entered upon the study of medicine After several at the Toronto School of and the Victoria Medical School in he went to Edin burgh University and afterward per fected himself in hospital practice In London and Paris Before returning homo ho grand Europe In 1859 ho settled down at tou Oxford County tint and there tho foundation of his future pro fortune Daring his country practice ho found time to edit the founded by his brother in law Mr In 1864 In order to ee more practical work In his pro fession he was appointed on the SurgeonGenerals of U and witnessed stirring scenes of the American civil war which culminated in home he resumed practice Cnsdo yet no in- fiuenco in international matters India with a of nearly two hundred millions is kept in sub jection by a comparative handful of Britain although at one she was the seat of empire Mere by sparsely settled triee in the epoch of history laid the foundations of king doms and empires Need I mention Babylon Rome and Venice I Rome conquered that part of the world which extended from the Brit ish Isles in vest to the banks of the Euphrates in east and from the of northern Africa in the south to the frozen north The on this mighty city carried conquest and law and literature to part of the earth For a man to say ho was n carried with it supreme honor i go to ancient history for ex amples of a little folk becoming a great and grand people Britain is only island a mere speck on Atlantic ocean- On an artificial school globe of good you can it with your Yet the great human family it alt that a people great to the utmost boundary of her dominion and fealty to this grand old empire is as strong in the uttermost ends of the earth is in the very shadow of palace This loyalty patriotism and love might be expected of a people towards this little isle of which American sings One half her aril has waked lbs martyr poets We in Canada are one of the out posts of this nation under the folds of whose flag lives one- sixth of the human race The like has never been since the morning stars sang together of a dominion extending row the rising to the setting sun and from the river to the ends of the earth It is true that during twelve centuries of its existence it has Egyptian bondage it has waded through many a Rod Sea of blood it has drunk deeply often of the bit ter water of Marsh it has traversed deserts it has been bitten by many plagues and serpents and it has been cursed by the Balaams of ages But in spite of all it en tered the Promised Land of national greatness and let that people that is without sin cast the atone at grand mother of empire It is also often that wo are situated so far north on this continent that there is little capacity for ex pansion to make us a people were wo to work out our own as many Such ignore the facta of history It is iog that the most of the great nations of all ages existed on lines of latitude no further south than is Niagara district of this province Take a map and see for Not only so but as a rule tho of nations from north alt know how weak in her palmy days considered numer ically Sputa Athens end Corinth Jealous of one another No sooner did the Southern Persian display glittering spears and their burnished shields on tho-Euro- side of the Hellespont by the millions than Sparta forgot its en- Athms laid its pride Thebes in forgot its quarrels and man to men and shoolder to shoulder Greeks faced tho sopth- em invaders and the bloody galea of ensanguined fields of Marathon and Plain- a and the gory waves of proclaimed in heroic deeds that Greece was living Greece still Need I toll you time when Northern invaders from Macedonia in turn conquered this classic land with its victorious worldwild victors Need how Northern swept over Italy and laid Imperial Rome in ruins Why the deeds of the gallant down in Central al though from sterile plains and bleak mountains farther north than the Hebrides Danes issued from the sand plains and There was a pleasant gathering of officers and scholars of the Methodist Sabbath School in the vestry of the church last Monday evening They had met to spend a social evening together before parting with two of their fellow Sabbath School workers namely Mr Henry Browo removing to and Mr E who left for Chicago on Wednesday On Saturday afternoon Mr Joseph and his three sons were engaged sawing and wood for Mr David Laws of the east end and after they had been at work a short time a boy of Mr of the con- in they were and undertook to split For a white who was throwing the split wood upon the heap was in act of picking a stick when brought down the axe to split it smaller and cut off points of three of his A portion of tho fingers subse quently amputated and hand is doing well as can Tribune Addition TO ERA Methodist Sunday School has scholar on the roll and 38 teaohers Drab EBAPleaao allow mo space in the of valuable paper to drop a few remarks concern ing customs characters of tho people of this much beloved little hamlet This is a well little village on the Sutton branch of the and the inhabitants are a superb class of people Two general stores kept by honorable gentlemen one of them has been a Ion time in the business and lady is pro- then wo have two who are both class men and last not least of the ess public we have most genial whole Hotel keeper that I have mot this province Tho young men are nearly all gentlemen brought up by respectable christian parents and conduct themselves with propriety True there may be a dodo or two to the village for I notice there is how and again in moat towns who if they get a fair schoolboy education they prone to think- they know it all or more properly speaking In their own imagination superior to all when the capacity of the creatures cranium- would cot suaUin him iu a higher business Hay or tho books of a fifteen dollar a week store But Mr KJiWr I auum you Ihfrro not i mi of tikis i this quiet little place and I must like it to well I have to I you of the good qualities of pa future occasion Albert- On Wednesday March a meeting was held for of roorganiang football a result the dob or ganized and two teamt wilt bo pot in the Geld viz the and junior The following officer were appointed President Sir John A Secretary- Treasurer For J Dunning Managing Committee Geo Patch J Carl A and For J Captain Powell Mr Albert left here a short time ego for Manitoba and now at Stocktott in that province In a few the mill will again be running Mr has in a large stock of logo large quantity timber so that a long and lively season is anticipated A Mow has f1An on thu community iu the of Mr As of it Mr VaiNotrnitrt hi was widely respected both for bis capacity and for he general of the neighborhood He died on Saturday morning March of of the County gaol for atealing fish from after a abort of one week The youngest child of Mr Win Cook sotfering from a severe attack of inflammation It is lying in a critical condition The at the Council last week consisted of a debate on the following ReaoWed that early are preferable to late marriages won ft a I it- The Rev Hill la holding revival services the Methodist church Bradford ia in over High and one teacher has resigned Mr Brown a Pickering Township farmer was gored to death by a bull last week A sapper was given to P Armstrong last week on leaving Aurora for Two thousand six hundred and sit Immigrant landed New York Thursday morning Mr of King four horses by ho one morning week They got out rL Tun Sm press of India arrived at Hong will remain a night A man is spending I be remainder of winter in the as the chair occupied by lady our sympathies go with the negative The silver cop won at last by the football team was received a few weeks ago Miss Snider had a on Wednesday afternoon of last week The male portion of the neighborhood both old nod young turned out in force and did a good afternoons work at the wood and also at the dainties afterwards provided Garfield School at Princeton and in became peninsula between -ILVKK- KNIVES FORKS SPOONS 0 AT LOW PRICES A CALL L ATKINSON Main Street Newtnarke ALES Bottled on Draught DIAMONDHISKYStrictly Pure PORT WINES Canadian and Imported GALL AT P J MAIN STREET NORTH CASH GROCERY STORE A A FULL SUPPLY OK FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES In ttock which will toll at the closest living profit A P J ALLEY MAIN NORTH in I English Scotch Canadian AUaiuiMSirtmnJDf to from special In and Call and for your with All on trio at Closest Burrs Store Gents own cloth made op Prices Only d mutch Merchant 1 and for Infants and Children it Ham fitreet r of ftfedtcal of Ontario In 1 ho for the Asylum for of Ontario which office ho still holds with advantage to the un fortunate in hit charge and with honor to himself He has been volumi nous writer of Looks and and in his specialty these been translated Into foreign languages as ho recognized as of fore most authorities of da Dr Clark professor of medical psychology in Toronto University and tako him all In all he a ml- Canadian whose reputation not to bounds of his pro vince or his country Dr Is thoroughly qualified both by natural trait and experience to bo speaker of the bravo for Canada which fell from his lips at the recent banquet the Canadian Association In response to the Hoik A speech which the Jour of the Province of Ontario and which caused even its Premier to join In the genuine Saxon which punctuated every paragraph Dr Clark spoke on occasion follows This a which needs III lo preparation For anyone to to his feelings In to siting this fair- land where our lot has been cast birth or by adoption needs no apologist for its existence cannot boast of many of the nations of earth can but It is not to he for gotten more numbers sever made great It Is quality and not mere density of population which claims respect China has to day a par of as many millions as there are days fa year bat the eastern empire Is not consulted In the congress of nations Mexico and this continent far Mrs A- Low of Stouttvilto is at Mr J no of Toronto Uol- was up calling on friends last week i Mr Courtney of Knox College oc cupied pulpit of Presbyterian church on Sunday last Mr Money has quit farming and moved into village and intends opening up a butcher in market building Mr J no has sold out his shop to Neil of Mr bee bought and both out and running the whole thing Graham his law Dr Douglass loft hero about week ego for Park River Intend to make their future homo Every spring a lot of ablebodied young men leave this Canada of ours for The past month no less than half a dozen left hero and more are talking of going A sloighrido party from hero took in Aurora night last week and reported aw time I it must have boon judging from James A Garfield was sent when years of age He showed that ho memory great powers a overhearing of tin- older in his mis ter of tho school he attended once boarded at house and took a great to quickly discovering that he was a bright boy He told the little fellow that if he studied hard he might some day be a General James soon after went to his mother and asked her to tell him what a general was mother then told him an interesting story of how his ancestors had fought in the Revolutionary war saying that though several of them to be generals they never reached that dignity James understood what it was to be a general though ho expressed grave whether he would ever be one This same teacher laid down in school new rule to the effect that scholars should not look about the school-room- as it interfered with their lessons Now little James Garfield was a active turn of mind he had always used to looking around room and I haveVud he picked up con information by listening to scholars of the higher their lessons He tried to obey rule for by nature ho wai an obedient child but every now and then his eyes would bo raised from bis hook and go wandering oil to the group of scholars reciting In another part of room That evening in the presence of James the teacher complained to his mother of his want of attention mother remarked that perhaps ho could not sit still that he had boon an Intensely active child alt his life James cried and grocery store Bridges have carried away and much other Moines Iowa by the spring A Urge portion of the lower part of Belleville was flooded day in much injured- The British steamer Queen Elizabeth from Japan for Mollis has been wrecked at All on board weresaved March whole sale exodus from Dakota to ftUrring op the merchants of the former state of deeds of violetce After sovere fighting the Chilian Government troops captured insurgents whom they fed to- and shot with and musketry Aa old man Kane iuurdeted- wifoMoadtLy in by a knife Bruce Clark son Mr David had his thigh bono it firw dnH ago while tfntaii a friendly match with hi broth in prairie 10 city has swept several farms clear of houses and barns and many cattle have It ia feared some lives have been lost a A sneak thief abstracted shotgun worth from window of a store other evening by breaking tho shutter and pulling it through a broken pane Ki Sugar and rice plantations in Louisiana are likely to be greatly damaged owing to Hoods A Texas Pacific railroad official estimates a lou of half a million dollars to the road The coroners jury at St nth- roy has a virdict of wilful murder against David Murray for kill- WiUiatn the town lino between Metcalfe nnd the other day Over potatoes have been shipped from Winnipeg to Kansas City St Louis aiti this month in Winnipeg vA cents a bushel which high er than before the 13 The re marks North York stilt keeps far behind the in than political Kettleby is about building church gets little boy to out notices calling for tenders and North Sea and carried con- quest and terror not only to the British Isles but throughout Europe and Into Afrio it Is said Yet they had their homo as far north as Scotland or Bt bring Sea Russia was not ago only composed of hordes issuing from Scandinavian not far from the AtIIo circle Yet since the existence of the great grandfathers of many now liv ing it seized grabbed the robbers shnro of Poland Conquered northern Ails captured largo slloo of the northwest partot this conti nent subdued Central Asia and Is now as near British Cashmero In India as Toronto is to Montreal and If let would to day bo in posies Constantinople and the Bar This northern empire to day by reason of Us agreuiyeneis a standing menace to Europe yet capital is is far north as Labrador and Southern Greenland With these and such historic before US Canadians can see grand possibilities in our great country and wo as the Norsemen of this continent oven left to selves need no unlets history belles itself and wo prove traitor to the best interests of the Dominion interests not nor oven financial hut largely sentimental wo tho senti ment of of country of lovo of laws and love in short loss of patriotism- then should we be allowed to perish miserably as such dead peoples have In past and without hope of a Such not our destiny for we have already more than fulfilled the prophecy of the Druid priest to Queen of the Britons In that Clem Oar sbsJl ifons as time they arrived back- seven oclock said that he meant to be a good boy In morning and that ho would try again to ait last and I think nobody will bo sorry for this March Is a terror It seems to get grip on everybody It strikes The oyster has taken bis departure and I sup pose icecream will bo next on the llstj or taffy pulls Tribune Contracts for building Church been awarded as follows Henry Burling Masonry White Carpenter work Mr Robinson Kettleby Painting 80S The Honey and Lecture under auspices of the ladies of Christ- Ian Church was favored with fine weather but bad roads It patted off very successfully ledum was very interesting and the supper firstdass Jacob Walton has retired from the store business which ho has so successfully conducted hero for over forty years His son Jesse assumes control The first Interment in the new cemetery on Wednesday being a child of Hooter Mr Goo Held of Toronto and Mr Hunter were here last week Mr A who has been studying at the veterinary college at Toronto la home Jacob Walton Is regaining hi health Mr has a decided aversion to red dresses He has put several young ladles to ignominious flight lately still But the next day he would an the saying Is prick up ears when other scholars were and his eyes would roam away from printed before him The teacher however bad changed hta opinion ot the restless scholar ho noticed that he acquired his les sons faster than any other hoy in so be came to the conclusion that James Garfield realty could not master his which was not the result an Idle nature but of an active inquiring mind and he ceased to reprimand him for habit Garfield a lad One day bo and another boy had been- mischievous in school The teacher told them to go home were surprised and hesitated to obey Dont delay said the teacher ro at once Young darted out of the door and ran home as fast as he could house in about five min utes then be turned round and without stopping a moment ran back to school and took seat In the The teacher soon noticed him and I thought I told you to go James ssld be had been home has you did not The teacher smiled at this original explanation and James was Informed that he could stay whero be was Ith army has drawn from Richmond Yen Home concluded an arrangement with tin New York Oenlrai Railway Com- by which the Canadian Mr Garten has moved gains entrance to New Into the village York connection being by way A hop at the of BrooVvllle and the Rome Water- Sad last I town line The Times says that the general opinion there is that will never another bonus with consent of the people same opinion is expressed by majority of the- in Pittsburg and other places in Pennsylvania severely scourged by la grippe There were funerals in the two cities named on Sunday and there not enough to carry away tho dead A freight train and night on the Chicago and North western railway together on Tuesday night and the took fire Fireman Andrew killed Express messenger seriously burned scalded Burke has a slim chance of recovery Several injured A amount of money in he express ear was burned and a lot of jowellery melted Not a pound of press matter was S3 Shouting dont settle old with God or man We right out on a fellow put him out of the church if he goes to a theater hut never si word ton scamp who never pays bis delta reachereand who do not pay their debts are doing their church more harm than dancers and drunk ards for there aW them la the church we close lo Then lay down the go and pay up and yon can road it at ease And dont yon stop paying open account which you for bread and You must pay In cash or God will make you pay it in fire and brimstone God knows as home stead exemption When you rlso that excuse to keep from paying debts you can stop singing When I can road my title clear to mansions in the skies youve got none there op 1 i

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