Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 13, 1891, p. 3

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j ERA MAR is 1891 I a i IS ABOUT jLiterart Good program of reflations speeches were Mr choice for President I for secretary if there is o- I To Printers copy moat arriltra la to cany ifco for cent this role foot etch letter A Stock Of express Waggons Carta etc with wood and iro at The rent al of telephones la Newmarket ha beta re to for jeers loess per years Wit ra- no will pat in tele phone connection with central A special a Obdibs Takes At for took Monday kind of Plant Rotes or Bulbs selected bta Architect present ud slttfaiiMS proposed la tat ijsscf School BoHdiog order tie tenders so to corns Another meeting f it expect ed tiit contract let and Papers For a choice fftisacfmll bordering ate Tp The printed for the Township of Sehool repreteaUtiTe meeting weK which an take pw the the central pert on Saturday the Slit or JfarJi at oclock S ere urged to atfcd The last Soodaj wu the end aoeieUee y pieiided The home to the gallery Speechea were by iitsarA end Voce by the iliut end Prof recjutwo by Mr T coa- Union tale Jim lad It of 2Citmuket Bunch liJiJ Mr Smith Mia Ctu Mrs Low A of ere to take pert end at tie ere to be de by Geo Robertson J Deri P P end Mr H SKBDfl A Mail At request of who Office for Dm Iim jo trill la prill from t both ttaM Sio w from A light fall of mow loU of town morning Tiro of put tea com log to triil Dew rode the lut Uoodiy One of our hiring which of A cold The teed department of icy will comprise ell Uteri of flower and Trfttteble New Social The end Muter en on it toy which end filled the Next when the pat Elii Cook will be the for the Orders Sent by mail to will be promptly forwerded p Prof for in radi- which will the Elx Hell on end of fetch All who to join be on bud eight oclock the A conn of is utldpeted which good on the mutual talebt of tbe A flic- it IM to at other oflcn- we an now to fill to It m ranch of a time with the flowing well at The flow of water not being at fint tin Water After iTmUng for a day or to thaaand pomp got feet don the pipe bat manner of Africa np An in formal meeting of the took night when ft decided to get the by the well bored to go at ft again TbU on Hon- day and at noon yeeteidty not got the It corertd by or fett of fiae when to find it on There nothing like reliebiliry In trade and that la the point at they can be depended upon Their ii the and In town ink Drops N Monday Town Council Monday night King Council crowded oot here Not a large docket Only two Next la of Ireland Band of Hope next Us Wall Papers Lowe stock of wall complete Call early andgetflret choice a Girls An teacher try a to the effect that pa pile who hare to at home when compared with wbo dot are belter readtra better better grammarian better mora nnderataodiDly obtain a practical knowledge of half time it require ii only of bat of grown Dp people the Saturday night eStree a man from the charge a end be remained in ha wu handed over to the at BradfonL When the came Monday the clear that he bii the rig bat badly the liquor tint be did not know flat b wajdoUg to pay allctajcntrred he a Another Treat in Some vteka the Temperance Hall filled to tear of St ore waa- except did not hear on that for hat tore the Royal Templar hare made an ftr Caoadiaa fcnae to it the Monday an J It generally acknowledged Mi the cut Can laly ilal taken the and ite Ivubl tickets only a be wl filial both Will soon Us the order of Call at them line to name Any aeIi Dot In will to red the e It fta an owe that can Aietjlaaye with an- trie that we are jr certainty aieit cur condition life mar be to rich we there la v and there at alongside belter We are tbtre fa another kind a ft worldly and fcii J to which we direct I certainly oreity than mere lack of lend Or au of for tto world for be- With an In- cur IA Mfy lUli- lio al there If ex- tax among reiy fho annual meet- el thritfibcdUt Sunday which potoei for Parlor lie The report nloJD 1t enrage teacher Hi atuoMf giilr During year re to The that were 3 on enppliee an a MiUaiinbaiA Jet and tajioi of vfliccra witb reelected for aid lb vyfitary for tin J Atklroii ft A e Aet J Coon To We will tell yon eedft t apeciat offered by the The are bat we cm that reliable on market- Scotts Pharmacy of A good congregation In St Church on when the Lord Calgary an After the the Rector the of tboee at meeting with the Blabop tbe farmtr Mr Browne Grat called on and ear- neatly on duty of taking a practical in- in miaaiooary work The the greater put life in the North ia of the of climate Ho for an hoar and and kept the attention of tbe congregation throughout The regarding of the Church of England in fir away rttgior and tie length of time that Church had been working there any other religion would no doubt be a to many collection amounted to Bible The of tie Branch of Society held taeXzff Mr Cane Mr reported that the following turn Lad Mm in St Aodrewa Ward IS Mount Albert On Sonde morning Mr Michael Mbrley proprietor of Albert Roller Flour Mill died after a abort illneaa Funeral took place on Tuesday leaving Mi late on King St at one oclock and proceeding to Methodist Chorcb where Rev preached an instructive to a very large congregation taking for bia text Psalm verse Mr in his sixtythird year and leaea a wife two cons and six daughters to mourn his They have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood to sad bereave ment in St Georges Patricks Collected meeting Holland landing The fieormor says our dam completely swept away and Newmar ket will free trade at least hot did the Reformer hear the state of the poll Yon can not sing Free Trade nor Yankee Doodle to as not even in fish- Lots say heir palled awfully two or three days after the election- Dont wonder the wind high Sandy plains is loosing its tfoo Jim and George both went to Queensvills on the Johnnie drove the little grey Josh is looking for a raise in s grass as the national policy carried and the country is sale so the Em pire cars What queer things happen when elections are on Work Inulsfll a On Monday ereniog meeting of Sunday School workers was held in the Methodist in Stroud to perfect the organisation of the Association for the Town ship of Mr James Grose in the chair Rev for North York S set forth the aims nature and work of local organizations to tbe which was followed by the of permanent officers President James Grose Vice President JamesAllan Secretary Davis Treasurer A Township Convention was decided on to be held the Methodist Church Stroud in Juoe the precise date to be fixed by the The barmony prevailed at the meet ing and tbe interest in work greatly stimulated by late Con vention Bell Ewart was marked Total for Newmarket Received 3 Holland 15 W PI Total amounting to and thy lu forward the Toronto Society aa tbe grant from Newmarket for 1691 year It waa only Mr Dell baa yet to hold a ins at Hue which fa to than at Mr with Mi a via a rn lh ibe It a jaMi cM Utile fellow A iicrrd at 4 aWjtfiteatofax to Me- fcel aid was at the ratty there be go la tie Mr ftrxi 44 Maipniin writ Jut alto lie iealtd eharge aiVed till bnvw- Ufa that Mr fin ftaUrda a ani Great at a Very largo greeted Dr Carman of of laat day and the were marked by moth Of It with logfeal the greater the pen alty for Lot at i ex law that tboee Uirlne de- eternal In he punned the on the point of St if the Wool of bulla and and the of an heifer of the Arab Older the Mobile law bow much lirtr Cbriat the eternal to pnre yonr dead work aerie the Itjth were very A aleteratnt of reocIita the by which it wae that dibton now but due oi friewiti dciinx tbe day to lo lite Fort an lire of and the of with rattle of t attention from wry fully by lit tafreyM craftitvllre In rather tlundutactivetandooaQrmithea not aetlrfty In fioiai all hot la with theonter wcrld It to ten to gov tin fiod berwt bat in tbe at creator On wrclud ioy Mr a roe old In which lately by Mr J fl Often Tbe added to of thoereolcA altogether the a ok the Daattl of ratnroe home from an of world hie adttf paper The and nil its of and right bands will have ft chance to regain their natural feeling the ban been but little fctir except among wood Oar hare been holding aervicea at tbe church with great racceca for this last eight weeks with an average of tea a week The meetings which have been held at Bethel church by Rev have been the means of doing a lot of good num ber added to church end they are workers too We understand there has been a sale of real estate in this Burgh last week has made short work of the old school There is nothing left but tbe posts that held it up The little stranger came to is a dish washer has returned to his old home and intends to pat in an other cummer with John Mann Ellis and Geo had a rather hard experience on Monday night last They started for the entertainment at Keswick but the road being very icy their slipped down and didnt take a notion to get up for some time Then it was too late so they returned home sadly disappoint ed Mrs Wash Winch is recovering slowly from her recent illness and John spent Thursday last at Mr A of place Ritchie nee left on Tuesday 2nd for her borne in Dakota after a few weeks visit with her parents here Our young people are beginning to got in shape for polls which wo expect to bo numerous in tho near notice some of them had a pull through the snow one evening last A Jim Mr Geo Arnold Is attending the exhibition in Toronto this and expects to bring home an- other red ticket and no doubt he will as he has done It before with same colt There seems to be quite a demand in this Burgh for dwelling houses Why not some of our men build A The investment no doubt would psy good interest settos to bo forsaken altogether as it has beso vacant of the winter The are beginning to tell each other bow much they are to get for or months hard labor A few of our young men tie out this week to seek their fortune Uncle Sams domains in cluding Jos John Old rumour is to be weddings re in the near future Hope telling the truth for once Draper of this place bad misfortune to brook bone In hie ankle on the evening of the tb lt that whip riding a bono to water the horse slipped and falling on the boys leg cnuted accident Two doctors were immediately called In and the Injured limb dressed At preient he progressing favorably and if he gets ho drawbacks bo will soon be to bo around again Mrs of plaice Is at friends In Toronto Ma J has com pleted Mi of this town wo to tho benefit of all concerned We pleased tg lesrn that Mrs who hats been tick for week to be around again Mr at attending grand jury in Toronto On a of faroj- In this vicinity forced into a be and drew number of of wood for Mr rho le at not able to leave tho bouse We hope woo to of Mr Jos Tate has bought out Stephens Sir Stephens is about to move to Hill where he will carry on the same business Mr- has pat a fine now front in his store Mrs Silver is preparing to reside id Newmarket nil leave many warm friends in this Miss Bertha has gone to Newmarket to the She will bo greatly after being here for tuore than three year- Hill is spending a few weeks with Mrs Kenyon at Bolton Mrs Gasman and daughter of ire yisitiog with Mr Fogg Mr Goo has rented Mr Turners house where he will live until his- residence is completed Master Frank Pearson who broke hie leg while coasting is now able to ait up and will be about in a few V Miss Moore is spending a month with her sisfer Mrs- Bedford at Gold- water Among wo noticed who came from a distance to vote were A Spcart Clayton Stiles Stiles James and Darrab- The elections which much to the delight of and the chagriQ of are over and the hostile element existing a few days ago is now rapidly passing away The unrestricted reciprocity trade in tobacco is in vogue here again Wo much regret to say that Mr Hugh 0Brien end Air both seriously ill the former with inflammation of the lungs latter with itraammation of the bow els Revival meetings are being carried on in the Methodist church by Rev Mr pastor and a deep interest is being taken in thero Miss of Keswick is expected to bo presnnt and assist during this Mr George Teasdsln bus received another thousand dollar legacy They say it is a girl The correspondent from last week Lave been indulgmg too freely in campaign literature or else is verging closely on imbecility as the items about the wedding in Wesley was a deliberate falsehood and a fabrication of author whoever he or she may bo and any young man will to such low tactics as to hold up an old whose is beyond question for public dorilion be neath dignity of a common car Among the visitors this week are Miss Toronto Mfss Cherry of and Mr James OBrien of NUPRINS PRINT SHAKER FLANNELS COTTON ADES DRESS GOODS J We distance all Clothing Worsted Seote Fancy Pantings CLOTHING ion the Ordered ant Ranges of Canadian Tweeds and Perfect Fit NEW PRINTS NEW FLANNELETTES NEW NEW SHIRTINGS FOR TUB SPRING TRADE We are still Selling Winter Goods at Cost PURE TEAS AND FRESH GROCERIES mm belf NEW SPRING GOODS AT THE I 4 f Who have rented the premises lately occupied by JOSEPH MILLARD Go And which are now being Fitted Up for us N E W I NTS We will open with a New SPRING STOCK fast colors Ginghams Shaker Cottons Grey Cottons iShcetingd Pillow Cottons Table Linens Hollands Tick ings Shirtings and everything lor the early spring requirements Nearly nil my domestic goods are bought directly from the manufacturers which enables sell the On or about the Of JULIUS R CO Vivian election fever whiofa raed for past weeks has now sob sided under toning of copious of P Although in election In riding not so general else- owing to Wo candidates being both yet of our local politicians fully re of Iho two policies All socio to lo with general riult f Tho people of this led to generation of has advanced civilization fixd by Dowlah whether tho crlfflO of casting able- bodied into Hole Is not by forcing children to sit during fivo hours of day a room where it Is to themselves herrings or by having doors windows open allow to Mrs of MIchiai is vlilllng at her uncles It Mr and Mrs Win Sunday laat with aon Miss Pearl Pall man bus returned from West Toronto Junction where she has been vMtlng friends during the past week want lo know If tbo4 two who spoiled hsr colon A How far it Is to ore Where youngsters hiding eggs for Easter Holt Everything fa running nicely sinco the election excitement passed away Mrs Lepard is in Toronto at present seeing her father Mr John who Is very sick Mr started for To ronto Tuesday with a Urge load of hogs intending to get into market before free ushered In Mr John family were attending a wedding at tbe past week reporting a good time Wo art glad to Mr able to be calling on friends again Brass Band has arranged a grand concert to bo held In the Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening of Tbe talent includes Mr John Graham cornet soloist and Mr Mark Gra ham vocalist also the Misses Hughes and Sharon Misses of Misses Teggart and of berg and among the homo taleot Mlsaea Davis and Meg 1 1 1 also Miss Elliott who has made a name for herself as a reciter The boys deserve praise for the effort they have and should bo well patronized One day last week Mr Davis was driving along the first line with the horse power the sleigh stow and off wont the power crushing one of bis badly but Frank got thero to vote all the same It he had to go crotchet He good stuff Miss Tory Ramsey has returned from Hamilton and Toronto but will spend a few weeks here with friends before going home DO YOU WANTieMAKE MONEY I will tall you bow yoa koow lost what Ibat I am aalllor off all floaatock China apdOli For In aavad la luawara Bta Dions the and row you i can have at you pay common rood prlws ouaaUiyof Odd places of Fancy China and ltISSiV f coat of fact la all out aa fail aa want room for Coma and bums aomatblaf to old reliable China by GROCERY DEPARTMENT I apply tot or it tut For or no oar sU Ko for CHOICE YES VERY CHOICE of Indoojrl4QTts flnwt pure lodUn and what If you la it COFFEE want aometblDs really Doe Coma and set Bland Is lo Sale wu of I hi CANNED GOODS In two Mk NO I FRESH FIGS AT PER LB iuiiwhcryoawlUttoalrUobkil to tod JU8T Trout and Vary fine A SMITH LOWEST CASH PRICES An and comparison respectfully solicited BR DAVISON NEWMARKET- BOOK NEWS DEPOT WE beg to announce this week that we have hand a large lot of now on DINNER SETS I In nil the latest designs and which now offe at prices to suit the times WN STARRS CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE Jam in lo credit til for buI4 of Implesmftau tot cemmoo no I fUt it i dlicon publicalijn lrstClaaaIUidatarforaale Apply to 1- Children Cry for PAID at nAllTflVSTAKHL aUrvreat- A ihorobrtd Boll pro be fur lot la tba Sml JOSEPH if IT LET Oh SELL- Pitchers EXECUTORS NOTICE TO In pursue col of n X of ItOTitol flUtutM of nil crotlltort other no us a In iba Estate of John Collins of of In of York- bout lit of November ItoT ntv rculrd or before hd3ua of To wnd by lo J Kftloioof JOliD and of if noil fquher nddr llSo of siutoniwWbo burl- lc lli ihsll And will nut bo for of part thereof tu a tbcjr act At of aUirioutton uuU tod day of CALVIN DAVIS Our Newmarket Markets K W a509 huahtl aid Stiffs OS a 96 i a OK 10 a iO liiilel a I a ON u W aOOOO a 019 a on a lis a 1 a 115 0S0 a 081 CO a 10 a a a a a a a a I 14 a roll lb tier tub birr lt bate 8bcckln4 Wool per lb y tjrcwi lb 1 rkapcr pair Chlckcojper Turkeys per lb J I Clover per a per j Bed per baheti too NOTICE XT a f Pall and ClothesPIn Our Toronto Markets March I Pall Wheat per n Wheat per ALSO in hi a 1 Hurley par J J per j far wit co Appiowr LOGS pur for Miion 1 ak a e 067 IT oco ICO OSS OSS oso in s

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