Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 13, 1891, p. 2

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ERA MAR 1891 Advertisement Bankrupt Sunk A Spring Stock- Mar for Sale Roche Co Farm to Rent Major for Sate Brown House to Rent Mr J Wood Fanners Attention Martin Shank Peter Spring Fresh Hooter Sideboard for Rom Property for Sale Km J OP OUT GROWS W1TD EACH IS3C FRIDAY MARCH Our Toronto Despatch to Am Bra March 12 After adjournment of four weeks this week Address in reply to tbe mo red by Joseph of Toronto aecood- by J the member for West Boron Pel Wo Principal of the Berne has Principe of be caw third in this oat of fox the position Foot colonial trains 1 ft for Kin- JRD There were can of aid addition to these left the regular train Mi A of Hamilton roll of solicitors it Os good Hall by of the Court for of money The between city and Co the be made by itedeteruwi the the the road for months too gu a bill to and il0 in the Army to limiw maniac The Dominion Elections smoke of the great political cleared away and the retorns show a greater majority than antici pated when we went to pre with the last issue On the first page of to day a paper we give the corrected liu as placed from the independent standpoint of the Mail which Rives majority at 31 at most a it only ana Empire count it Most place Kir majority at 37 elections and are yet to held the relative position of the two parties according to the Si5U Iff Mb 2 a A At time of diaaolation the The fact that members of the were defeated tin struggle a bitter Mr of Finance who to bo defeated elected by majority Mr Alex Mackenzie whole election aiao in doubt in York has been returned by Mr went in York by majority On whole Canada baa given a new lease of to the government though the Opposition and in view of the light now by lion Ed Blake it la well that matters fiteud a they do bo far the trade policy concerned anyway Hon Ed Blake Speake I On of week while the of tho elections was lion Mr Blake to of Toronto the reason which him fur wherein ho cn- terUiuddirerKingMuwafroriithe a fore coun try ctuaing on that day It a document tooleuglby for u to give in detail but we may y that while ditftring with the of the ha koine hard blows at the meat aid the policy it has sua He uyadirmwg that of trade it in tho of tbe country that tbe liberal party it to win auoud aud in order to the efficient the great general duties it proceeda wbereju he both from the Gov wont and On lie our politicJ vendition a to foe trade with all the and with liberal vuwu fur free trade with the United would be practicable our bat arrangement a it seems to policy of Bute to decline a limited reciprocity what would be beet not now attainably Mr then proceed to policy of the party an and aays It ha failed to the of Farther it real tendency ha been a foretold twelve years bow aid disintegration and Instead of consolidation and the maintenance of that of which they claim to be the special guardian It ha us witi a small a scanty and a with addition to our debt and yearly an of and an and tariff with market for oar needs whether to boy or to self and ait the host of evils intensified by oar special conditions thence arising withtradediverted from natural channels and with unfriendly lationa and frowning waits ever more and more estranging from the mighty Englishspeaking nation to the south oar neighbors and relation with whom we to be a it was promised that we should be living jn Kenerons amity and liberal intaroonrse But not withstanding the disabilities which policy has produced Mr Blake still ha faith in the Do minion He says it is a goodly land endowed with great recuper- atire powers and vast resources inhabited by populations moral and religious sober and industrious and thrifty capable and the descendant of a choice immigration of men of mark and courage en orgy and enterprise in of whose children still should glow the spark of those firea Hence he concludes that under such condition all is not lost Mr Blake then turn atten tion to the other aide and point wherein he differs from thepolioy the liberal leader have marked as the future political platform of the party He regards unrestricted re ciprocity a practicable surround ed with for which ad vocates faare never offered reasonable solution and which fae see no way of overcoming It involves a large diminution of the easterns revenue which not be made up by other than direct taxation On this point he aaya any practicable plan diffurotiil Tailed King dom and of the world with inch in oar revenue doa to loss of present taxes on from St tea and on imports from Britain to be replaced by boms and minoJictarr wontd be very great in capable of being filled by a tea and ax and other arailable Usee of a like and by Direct taxation in lie moat promis ing form a fas is I ngrvt say at present of question And of the problem presented by I no solution which a firrat deficit I any feasible plan but it does mora It as to by sod u to from of the case to their leadiog of tariffs of the two arrangement does aabatinusjly not only a common tarifl becomes in redeeming feetarce to from com mere ill onion From the foregoing it will be observed Mr Blake consider the Liberal policy voold molt- not only direct bat two bare to adopt a com mon tariff with a pool be tween Canada and United States and ihiif ho thinks would Con- a larger control than the Par- of which weaken the of any and a injure oar Canada the raw materials and the Americana would do the for the continent He ays No to fix or hist eft pi or ho of fird si lie of cot from ifce of Oar oefgbborr of aHADDfistiarei And our raw JniUad of wool bo to abroad lie farther in this connec tion that it might he possible to agree on a tariff for a year or two hut it would be for either country tofixiUUrififoraloogtenii and in the end it would involve practical control of our tariff by the State On this point differ with the Liberal in the late and following along this Hoe argument he comet to the dear de termination that the trade relation proposed by the Reform party would inevitably to political union Mr own words are as follows In of free with StiU IfoittJ bo tow ftrdsf tlie k the itioper both of the sod aociil fifCli It with nod of from it sod a tie tad as to the of the treaty he acid alike draw r We lUo be l once load tbe gave attanllyb for If ulterior end North York official connt at Aurora last Tuesday in pretence of both candidate and ballot cast summed np a follow euro 1 Kiogbom 103 115 Glenrilla CWILL1UB0BT 105 Sharon 98 lis Holt Ul Albert BondUesd 3 Cor 1 Keswick BelbaTan Swamp Egypt Soaks Island Ms Aurora 8 Bradford Landing 7 185 11 axes ION King Aurora Bradford Ill 122 Holland Landing Tote- 2231 97 360 83 99 11 16 SO 30 1963 S3 no 47 16 118 33 143 118 Total Mej While Mr is to be con gratulated increasing pre vious handsome majority by 69 it is still a matter of surprise that there should be lea vote cast last week than in election of According to the voters list were persons en titled to vote at tbis election but only ballots were making a total of 2345 persona who did not vote Of coarse a good many of these nonresidents and many others on the lists are dead still it shows that there are probably a thousand person in North York who did not exercise the franchise Ac cording to municipal tie the non- voters are EaatGwill- West 285 North Georgina Aurora 209 Bradford and Holland Landing There is lot work for politicians in North York yet It gave would naturally need for iL of lis ulterior political aod a great factor In cuteldetattofl by Bute of riewa upon charges in the Joint tariff as to or lbs If til J Mr Blake then concludes his re markable paper by ha canned me deep distress W differ from my political friends The whole document reads like a paper father than the Ma coiistftoenU and of the party of- which he was a short while ago ft recognised leader No one who enjoy a knowledge or of Mr Blake and who reads his deliverance on great before the coQ try In the recent must his party loyalty to old political a evidenced by a stoical silence under strong pressure and his frank avowal of a patriotism which prompted an to follow the policy of West Ontario The official count took place at on Tuesday with the lowing result X 1891 Mill While Grange 73 Hell 91 Lirerpool 49 Cherry wood 79 44 47 Btoughaia 30 47 Zion 75 20 Hill 87 ilajor 64 34 Situem Glirood 45 79 16 283 85 71 66 101 23 12 44 12 48 121 313 2 and 3 166 121 and 104 Majority f Total rote All of the thirteen wars in field week and only one was Bell hi Not only that bat they claim that elected to the nut pledged to platform Riga will Ottawa correspondents to papers that Wood for speaker list parliament likely be aTinlitarisl nomine for the in lbs new House with Mr Bergeron P for as deputy peeler y from Ottawa that Do minion Government is now arrangements for entering Into with utborities at Washington far a ndprodty treaty It la farther intimated that Sir Charles Topper and Sir John Thompson will likely be tbe Society is Doing Ur a Is J To eVpoQl in of Toronto la Tho tote In this constituency In while week it off of vott of Mr not polled of the cut by for feit txtbeCrow4 hard for the defeated if poll- flood in the It It now he dfcr tiiinK of end to York joJi- Si John lite of the Somnrills la Up to of election to S3 or chum th will to We aLtuU not be able to with the Mind till the firtt got In fini work when gibing in to GiboStineon hot tht Dominica when re tamed two boot hi on other leg and Sptttator had lota of fan paying both principal old aoorea ere often oil aorta It John on Hop- Id the Cabinet Aa of Agriculture da- baa charge of which tod it to lriox in a new band in middle of wort la connec tion it reported Mr Catling likaly to be a udthtta afoid the of finding a The currency to the port that the will Mr Hymana and if in him Mew- and leader of in Ootirio may with the view of lot by the defeat of Hon Cailiog ia Ontario Hon do without him t New York the of the Dominion on Friday on item Montreal Liberals with coottitoeaciej hear and then to never on the result The forgot Great Co wires In of director Town night Wm of Toronto Towiiflrer Soadey W frank Biker and family tare for Winnipeg next of wu Id town on a lut weeV I with Hre In King for three Father of Thorehlll with Father this week Mr P of Toronto In town and the En cell of North Bay wu here on a abort this wmIu Ceo week from a with at Owen Sound Mr Job own the Canadian In town ample of tbUwecV- Reuben of Toronto i making a rialt with Him A J of Albert left for Oregon Friday by way of B A Campbell of Jonetlon paid a iiit to her If J Walsh week Mayor la tba conten tion of Agricultural aSodety at week and H- Mure end spent Sunday with their on Tonga St large party or people mrprifed Riohaidaoa on her birthday Friday Bight and spent a happy time Mr Warren of the elected prrideot of the Sunday School Brown week from his trip He aaya tall wheat all Ohio la a green J ColUna from to be able Tito town morning the fin time for two The choir of the Presbyterian and few the of Friday and spent a moat enjoyable time It Ihroogh Mr J Saxton that Frank won the watch wek the Id a Mr Stephen Howard from to Stayoer Friday and re porta tbat his Mr lard Howard completely rauorered sight hare been a of trouble for yeara atone time were blind Election passed off vet only in one or two instances and it would only that rooch space give an account of Ihetn Some people who are ignorant or dont know much think that a con- sbpnld not have voted last Thursday Several article have taken a fall this village before we could get our free manipulating vie glass and window sash wo aid be better for your pockets if you were to kick football In some field rather on the main street football team of sobool kept up their reputation by defeating the on Friday last by ooe goal to none Return match this Friday March Mis Paisley of island is with her uncle Paisley Quito a social time waa spent at the residence of Paisley on Fri day evening by the Christian choir and others Veto IN A Miss Dixon of with Mrs F Gray Minnie Gray a of week with friends in the FEW Ontario com pared with other in this Its ia both tbe Dominion Parliament and Legislature oc cupy on Opposition Moat ptacee like to poll on toe hot London la cow taking chine with tbe cola Hamilton on other hand both Federal end Pro representation the gorenv the day In a letter of thanks to Sir Richard the Re form minority a front the majority of and He up fog For my own put I reaeon I bare for that the end la and vary near bomauly speaking nothing can the Liberal diaeeoeioQ iu own of which now stand I am happy to be able to there appears to be no danger u far ear concerned Ao now Sir Richard little document also to he in with other big light bat he nukes miu of it when he under- to tackle Hon Blake by retorts widens a too marked to be agreeable between gentleman and the Liberal World that of Oxford erase on Mm and the Mnntry will think too If he keepa on In erratic much longer Ha If It rare foolish to ntEclpete but world followed cause end will do time e place confidence In It but this is another of to New of the Trunk Railway admits that his road ptaefttfsit twtn COO and to return from various on his the United Statu to rote the am an bare been for twenty woold like to Stara and floating Trunk and Canadian This In faTor of by of a greet English corporation a pro the country WHAT TO that will or the deatch of on the of ApriL the jit ft Detective Joseph Rogers from men Germany with the forger Jail lut Hon day to rtperta from the dacldad admitting A the I York asking of Dominion alec- The ran Ugh and any flhu were but known were nnattended wttb any of life In all large ware under anna and ware practically end we woold to ant a mm The calling of troope end poly La J I the flaforday decided against admitting lady to the electoral and of the to W filled of John to of collector la f Hod to follow ha to egala mo- Snail wu las aod Ins bow thai bis fall on Mr P for Mart the of York wee a doubtful when took hold of It ljit by thorouxb and close attention to dalles f the House he It Into a Liberal hire There Is for other Liberate In what Unlock done In North York it bat Mr In Booth Brant and what Jeat A man to e no matter odds rny by pajr log attention and by frt them not at election after Thebuilneuof should begin not Jail before the bat fast It Hew of the present speaks out fa lean towards Canada paper with the la not a matter that can be settled by There or Dominion There are of the United flutes On the principle of the greatest for the greatest number the will deter- 1 mine the futnre of Guide the may be certifn that they will get C9 front the United white Canada faror of with due regard to fact that to our agile muns The public in country that a tithe or to en From New York to Nassau ateamer Imtm pier New York at pn It and bard die- agreeable on deck There ere men women children among the earne bound for atom for Sinlisgo Cuba and some for afe rosy with health many more aire Ida end off for J The and speak both English and The axe fine two beds one abort the other with bell press the button end the bell rings tbe kitchen incandescent lights which can be on at any time during night It dollars to light the night There are also little tin contribution fuUned to the head of each berth for fiwngeri who feel like contributing which they do ry reluctantly a The diningsalooD two lights can uat at once and Is finished In maple with polished and trim leaving Hook it a little rough end ate from six clock dinner too cold to promenade the deck so we spend the In or Is Brook Dr I him a and young If is to for hie health The rolling of the ship too much for ao he touches the electric bell and eider a pitcher of hot water set It on the eland morning about three a big blow spring up and ever doctors of water my berlog a from one side the to the other- Tbe all climbed down to fix things a little we obliged to crawl beck again 1 felt and did not cue to io the tin box About noon I mw a fine school of porpoise This we nolle the first in the Saturday We ere up bright and and on Such change We bare no longer any use for overcoats are the Gulf Stream Thermometer In tbe abide During the afternoon made tttral Kodak on deck one of Che Captain ud a little Spanish girl social and on deck and banjo also lota of singing We managed to hare a lime Sunday on It wuThj delightful a morning uw In shade Paw lute of fljlng fiih are eight to a fool long to the water and yards at a time We spent the day read Ingandaitifug It too warm In the sun A number of spent an hour tonight watching the ship which looks like Iota of stars tumbling on the water I In my window coat and off and feet warm We era only from floating waiting for logo In March We at about uren oclock- No red tape In putlog tome here tike at jour word I took a stroll about town and trres loaded fiolr also orange You cm pick up along the of the are so Sew of strange trees with fruit on that before nor beard name of The fish market here welt worth there are kinds color d of turtle will ba two Mojc the neat I will have plenty of time to write up this island I ant mailing some flews of they will be exhibition at the gallery In in a few days OT looal option carried fa Parry Hound Monday by majority 0 Br Ont March ft Fire roundhouse of Railroad here together an engine end care aw3L Two men fire furniture factory of at morning flrat tiding gagging the and a lot other proper Children Cry for Pitchers v THE BANKRUPT STOCK and Dry Goods belonging to the Estate of Mr Edwin of amounting to 667313 and bought on the dollar cash will be The goods are now arriving and are being classified in the several Departments ready for sale at very low prices Will be ROLLS NEW WALL PAPER J H MILLARD OF TOE FIB OF J HAS OPENED A NEW FURNITURE STORE Opposite Hotel And faaj taken with Mm entire MING DEPT nbore Arm r Comb on lltli Intl Mr John and Funeral at to Aurora CeunHery b At the of March Inst ho Percy Mr of Bear bora to Adelloe Grove Jawb of the of Feb hr Leech Mr Ebr Jr J atT All orders will prompt attention a Park Ave OR AlahArtfalsoneatr part of lot S3 Id cod of w7 BROWN TO RENT At by Mr Wood- it alren 1st of May joa Queen at Newmarket ATTENTION A Bull of beat itralne bo kDt for V MARTIN SHANKS ARM TO RENT SCO acres tho Hast of lot S3 In the llacret Fall la the round and acre of Fall Apply to j are hereby cautioned by the fa Co for the of Feb- duo In two as I bare no OF THANKS ant Weat On tar to dealrOf ibrooprh at 1 the Etcetera New for tba splendid result no irrestchanxeaat just been return- to the Ma rketand the vail- count And bo a before FOR SALE BAY flo foal Rurhjt Fim Proof Bale J A J Tailor Edwin Padler of ROCHE CO Fiii Meat SUaAR CURED Also Potatoes Cabbage I Vaiaiabtea care fully ut ft a at PAT and fi of will fled to For Sale or to Rent I HE fihop West of the FOR ON EASY TERMS lot a forth a3j Pastor Lot Mr a property acres lot No coltlratlOD and acres wooded lino It a situ ated aod welt Foe parttooUra apply to w or JOS COS HOLLY lit kUacoLorito CASH S AND ONE PRICE THE LEADING HOUSE NEWMARKET New Piano for Sale the one used at our late Saturday Night Concerts I a SHOWING r r Special Valuta and Rare Patterns in IS WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE WE we sell and Shoes West of Montreal A ul of Ladles Id Eld Duttooed worked buttonholes A null- of Mens Boole for womens Pol- CaII MONTGOMERY MORTGAGE SALE Farm in Whitchurch THIS WEEK WITH MORE TO FOLLOW GROCERIES which will will at time of s FRESH TJKpEltandbyTtttueof dncctl PUBLIC AUCTION I NORTH AMERICAN wA OH day of el Id forenoon The threeflfthaoCthe of lot and the haUof lot No In the of the Township of about the Proud farm Ian eery good farm and good Teems of per cent at time of ihlriydaya halt money and secured to Ave with at cent further apply to J VandorafloMcltor DitcdithMnKhjIat- Newmarket- BOOTS AND SHOES OP best make For Nobby go the Norbh End Accommodation Store STEPHENS now for Tow LEVI Line IN CANADA COLUUBTA UNITED STATES COAST MANITOBA MONEY TO LOAN ill flrtteU DAVID LLOYD jl ft- Ira mI W tit p AleoaieaUit sod WLVySlal and BRUNTON BROS Spring Stock Complete a a a We guarantee better value for your money any house in the county Our Stock of Suitings is very fine and our is the best Order your suit before the spring rush Our Prints and Shirtings are specially select and we are selling them below mill prices Our Dress Goods Stock is immense If you a good dress for little money take a look at our goods As usual our BOOT SHOE STOGK contains the best makes and such a class of goods cannot found in other stores We guarantee every pa we sell or money refunded NEWMARKET I

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