Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 6, 1891, p. 1

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7 NEWMARKET ERA II jBvciy Friday Morning BY DEO JACKSON IMS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE 11S of the has already REACHED 1750 confidently expect SUBSCRIBERS irrltlflB Medium I the County Mies TO KNOW TO AMD TO TOCXNB6lKNGK ALL OTHER BANK CAPITAL NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER mrvfl with wriua Vol XLNo 7 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday March 6th TermsslOO Strictly in Advance within or at end of year BRANCH Allowed on Deposit DRAFTS ISSUED A old ikmsprorapily attends id to J- street on good Farm a ALFRKDflKAESH Etc SVC Of BY TO LOAN JBJIIfW ON GOOD ft t a- I OK A J- ft Jfmftcr ftittrt to A A NT FOR and Life TO lAX1NTCtsr London Of At UaVd on Of track and Very Cheap A A 1 RAMSAY for Union ScollmS Wig Low do Isolated Town Office Shop Newmarket ALBION TORONTO bod rooniv all trlof parlor JASHAVAWAttn For York ley Of March 1891 EVERYDAY the arrival of Now Spring only a few cases at a time now bat in another week well be in middle of it id earnest of a hun dred and fifty cue already We into last week Frill id Glove Fabric Gloret Goods Silk Handkerchief Kid Black Henrietta of England Cbanlilly and Torchon c all fresh from Europe new goods Next week we expect to show new Spring Mantles T THOMPSON SON The New Mammoth to King St NEWMARKET rtaey Hardware Mai 111 Store A TERRY Newmarket OabaoJM I i Hoora PoetOnla Bloc ihodui SftTlniiatelyremoTcdrrooi FOR ALES Bottled and on Draught DIAMOND Pure t PORT Imported CALL AT MAIN STREET NORTH Get a Wiggle on My Lad a my Dont a Dont with drowsy see la thin or in hash here sad there oat dont Idly by forward pub get if yon try String UTS In a little Dont go hail cold Pigs were made for a work sad bold Dont if jour go with Let it to its old Strike oat bold try Get a Oct a on get Esad Get a your wilk THE ACCIDENT ATQat America iotbuliicuno3tiraoce accident general Agency at iBeconveyanclo J Mobile Aurora CASH GROCERY STORE FRESH LICENSES Era LUMBERYARD Avenue Newmarket Constantly on Hand IIilrfr oilier DRY OTE8 and NOTES DISCOUNTED VaattooNae TO LOAN Collected Federal Street A FULL SUPPLY OF FAMILY GROCERIES Always in which we will sell at the closest liviog profit A trial solicited P J 0MALLE MAIN STREET NORTH F J WARNER THE GENTS F KM CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS after in ojcu two J- Ayent IN ill WATBIES JEWELRY- Will buy any Dark Derby Knot Ring or Windsor tomorrow SATURDAY In the store of F J WARNER Next Door lo CLOCKS SILVERWARE SILVER KNIVESFORKS SPOONS 0 AT LOW PRICES A ATKINSON Slain Newmarket g the work la far superior Y ha do I the get ho Lit A hut wuryuion i df f i much suporlorl our of his- J J and will MKSdiitf Co 3 I took a severe cold in February last which settled my hack and causing excruciat ing pain After without sleep four through intenso sullVrinu I your LINI MENT After tin first was so much that I fell sloip it coiupleto re covery shortly followed John S lAwrfncelown Helen When he returned bo with one of the most eminent surgeons in city a man whose services were sought in on account of Ms undoubted bat who was secretly to ugly rumors about his association with bodysnatchers He did not spend much time in examining patient and walked out of the room me to follow When we were oaUide he asked if I was her father I explained and the doctor nodded his head pityingly when he heard that she bad neither kith nor kin She is beyond my help he said A few will termi nate her struggle The doctor told and one night towards the end of month she died in Wats arras the vow I will never leave falter ing on her with her last breath I need trouble you with details of whathappened after that I went for an undertaker and gere in structions He informed me that it would bo to have the fun eral immediately as hero being fear of an epidemic of cholera tbe magis trates bad issued order that burials should place with tbe least possible delay after death The next night two wen brought the coffin- I was nob at home and my wife coutd not bear the Bight of the poor orphan lassie being laid in the big She beard the men talking carefully and one of them went so far as to give a smothered laugh as they Word screwing down lid She was very glad when she heard them going away The burial took place two days after The room bad lived was shut up nobody would occupy it for neighbors wives with their glib tongues were always telling so mo gossip about the ways looks of dead girl I was no believer in ghosts even then but I could not pus thut door in the dork without a creepy feeling of Helen presence stall there the shadow that hid always hung over her had grown broader and deeper and thst her eyes were looking out and on mo through the mirk I said hun dreds of times to myself that this feeling was ridiculous but was long before I overcame it thought at that Wat was to reason His face became haggard worn as if for want of sleep She told mo she would never leave me he said in a way when I to him keeps her word Day and night NEWMARKET STORE I HEAVY AND SHELF of Ho HARDWARE OK NOTICE Buggies and Cutters AND FAINTED UNDERTAKING I I I TWO WEEKS TIM OF IT I can ha no question but feel she is near dip I see looking at me if sbn were warning inn of some danger When wo put her in the I could not feel was dead could not under stand how that had been so bright and just a few days before could bo so suddenly snatched from ma It is all like dream and when alono shiver thought that Ill waken and rind her mo in llioso ghostly white clothes I to persuade that be I lowing a fancy to get the upper hand of bis wits and to an effort to rouse himself and to submit patiently to the will of Him who directs all things for the best promised do what ho could and I saw that he iimdn ail effort to drive those gloomy notions away My good wife and I did what we could to make take a now interest In and I observed with satisfaction that the innocent sympathy of Flora Dempster bad a Pure Cod lint Oil Of Llmo nnd Is without a rival Many Rained a pound a day by ibo It cures CONSUMPTION fiRQSCHIIlS C0UQHS AtVO coios mo all OF cases IAhkrihin ah hum all tlTiict on aii PAINTS OILS GLASS FINE CUTLERY for Infants and Children now which became and mora marked woka by evening January when ho snow lay ban a foot on ground lay and I cosily chatting by fireside when wo had ft surprise Wo beard merry voices on t stair and Flora in accompanied by her sailor brother who had fust landed from fall ship and with thorn two of his friends Of coarse had a hearty welcome was taken from them the cupboard and toddy glasses placed on the table Our young was Just finishing account of last voyago when Wat joined He was a livelier humor than I had seen for time and evidently been tutlng Ho laughed as heartily as any of us at the jokes that and storks that were told and bo took his turn In giving a song Ho was sitting fao- sldo at the time and seemed to have forgotten about the terrors and sorrows associated with In fact we all In such good spirits that of us remembered the poor girl who had been a sharer of our joys auoh a short while ago Flora toy wife and I suddenly became numb and looked with scared at each other when heard door of tho lobby Helens door rattle as if some was trying to shake it open Oar stopped the mouths of the young sailor and his friends and they looked at enquiringly Wat had not observed the rattling at the door as he bad been speaking to Flora at tbe time bat when all became he paused wondering what was matter It is not possible to say why we were so startled by soch a trilling Incident in midst of conviviality but startled we were and we three thought of Helen Wat asked where the wet blanket came from or were we waiting for somebodys song I Yea wo are waiting for yours I said wishing to know real cause of the silence The whiskey stirred the old spirit the lad and he burst out with Burns song of grow rashes O Wo all joined in lightsome chorus with might and main as if we would drown the rattl ing of all the doors in bnildiog Wats voice rising loudest and clear- oat grow the that the Uiw I The chorus to second verso of the song began louder that of the but we bad got to the middle of it our door began to slowly open as if comer was somewhat doubtful of the reception be or she would have We did not hoar the latch move but as one by we noticed door opening in that creeping way oar voices became hushed one after another until Wat was left to Goisb verse himself He had got to the last line when be too stopped short The door was now open wide and a woman stepped in with snow dropping oil her clothes and making a ring around her where sho stood My seemed to be stirring from their sockets my heart was hammering against sides with be wilderment fear Thorn was not one room could draw a breath wo could only shrink back as far walla would allow us and dull trembling horror at tbe figure before us Flora with a moan sank floor with a faint Wot sat upright staring with hands uplifted as if to shield himself from some blow It was Helen who was standing there her big dark eyes glittering on man who was to have been her husband if she had lived Her face was white and ghastly as it had been when last looked on her corpso but she was now dressed in a brown shawl and black gown She did not appear to observe pretence of anyone except Wat At first expression was as black as a thundercloud next she looked round her in a vague confused way without seeming to see the people and then her eyes again on Wat who bad not been able to slir Her lips moved as if she were to fapeik hut wo heard no sound Next raised her hand beckoning to Wat to follow her and moved slowly back into lobby Wat rose and followed just like who wan dragged onward by a rope against will his eyes fixed on dark all time as if I wanted to stop bun but I had no power to none of the others had more strength than my self they all dazed and gasping for breath I heard his footsteps going down stairs and then there was an awful silence silenc was broken by a wild sharp shriek that echoed through the bouse and made mo spring into middle of floor it was Wats I of that and it seemed to break through the clamor which bad been cast upon me rushed out to See what had happened stumbled down stairs somehow end was out in the snow almost with out drawing breath I had only token or four Biers in snow when I nearly tumbled over body of a man Although I could not him I it was Wat I ran back to the foot of and shouted for light and help When Ian tern was brought I looked but there was no sign of Helen tho mark of a womans footsteps tbo snow had no to think about it then or would re membered that do not leave footmarks at I never heard of them doing With help of our friends Wat was carried up to the house Wo carefully examined him and found no traces of violence upon bin although he was as insensible and motionless not got an explanation of tho mystery until nearly five years bad gone by Wat was in Canada at the time He He had been in the asylum for two years and bad been dismissed as cured He was quite harmless at rate although ho was a woefully superstitions man He told me that when Helens ghost had laid its cold bands on his at the foot of stairs something in his brain seemed to crack Then be gave the shriek that alarmed and she disappeared That was all that ho could tell He emigrated and determined never to back to the country He had been away for three when I received a letter from a man in Newcastle telling me that a woman who bad lodged in bis bouse had forced to promise when she was dying to acquaint me with these facts She bad been passing under the name of Balfour but her real was Helen When liv ing beside us had fallen into a trance and we had thought her undertaker I had engaged to make her coffin mid who had brought it in the night after she was supposed to have died bad stolen away what- bo supposed to have boon a corpae after filling coffin with stonea and straw He had heard that bad no relatives and calcu lated that he ran little risk in thus supplying the school of anatomy with a subject for which ho would receive a good fee At tho school of however the professor discovered real state of affairs in time and succeeded in bringing back to lifo He was very kind her and his care restored her- to comparative health In return for this be ex- from her a promise that she would toll no one about affair as it have injured This why we had never heard from her but sho bad made up her mind to come to us the night when she appeared amongst as like a spectre Then had been so much taken back by bearing Wat singing so merrily and seeing him sitting so lovelike beside Flora at such a short interval after her supposed- death that she not speak When he followed down the she bad taken bis band intending to explain and he had shrieked and fallen Then away frightened and angry determined never to see him again She had made her way to Newcastle and bad been working there until diedi Flora Dempster Canada to become tbe wife of Wat Forsyth and sho took with faer the explanation of mysterous appearance of Helen School Report IlKPOUTSNAMBS OP i NO EAST V Claw Class Albeit Smith Norm Willie Willie Kent Fred Li qui St 111 Jr III Ms llolbare Maty am Drar Soul- Mary r lit Tab lion II Tab Tib ftT Rli Willi Willi- IL Corny WIwd 111 O fllurUeiviu Stiff Worioya Cliailio flUsko V l KeoevJy A A Ms a KhI A liltligf K Trip to the Pacific Coast Per Bra my to the I two ft the old at I Ida vod tit to be of two ud fifty Iboaiud power tod u la i fatoro la Mr off for the I fraud a DAB Tb out I with cay the half tad lift for rtl Depot Mid to bo fifitl in ftodltoriam of finest Id The block a Chicago foil of ISttoriei Id of And Col wo looking for tod wo foand it aII its grandeur It a terrible exprinc Tbe Aat eight per hour We hired fiotpetlmM would blow off track It very cold od the care oot be kept Wo took to the lore about all At a She to helped ran to door After the to lull or as the train we bJ ran tbroogb it next wee clear Too coll the form long a time Oar attention to an The vked bow far off It wo We all com- laectd to we The told in it one milt We could it Tbe I eonie it ISO The to id Oct except tbiWing oil io- to tie peat Tbo of rifer follow iuy He to the high try feel are wonderful rook to look at gorge ae the I told there wu a to the top from the alkali tods oep weed about lochet high wry well in the of Kup for waibLogi and il for Id iict 1 eta told I op soap made from tbe weed Sin J one night at Silt Lake city It a Very I one of Up and told him I from of ettiVg He told me to be at gate at nine tbemorotogaad he me in fc thereon time and good as bit word By by thought I you tee waa in fatcr and found in one that I aitUing tbe before The are que of from elite to aide end end wood in the r or fcr ami two ittedfMt in Spoiled Ballots bankrupt of Hoot A Ox sold last week st on Friday At- caused the death from of children A north has piled the floating on the Saginaw bay 30 feet high along the shore above Bay I Voting on local option in On ondaga township took place On Mon day and resulted in a majority of- fifteen fox the The Hall Inventor of the turbine water wheel was killed by a train at while walkiog on the track He was old a3 At last Sunday Barber in trying to Ret on a sleigh while it was going at full speed was run over by the vehicle and bis leg broken In London England Hat year 500 children under 10 years of ago under yeara of age nod under years picked up in a attv of in toxical ion A daughter of Mr Tucker of wry badly scalded few days ago was lacing her near stove when a boiler of water was Hi I If dead I could scarcely fiel his heart Iteatlng and to fear that some dells cantrips bad his Ufa away What moaning of could be I did riot try to All that I know was that I had seen Helen after sbo had been burled and that had some how stricken Wat down In about an hour ho began to come to but not to All that night ho lay raving and tossing on the bed always fancying that Helen was wanting follow Into a block pit and that ho must go nost day ho was worst and at end of week hi had to ho taken to a His reason was and doctors had hope of his For months afterwards Flora was unwell and my good wife and I had got such a turn that wo flitted from our la Walk to another at somo distance I did not speak to our frlonds about the of our flitting or of Wats misfortune thing was so far out of bounds reason tbat nobody would have be- lloved otherwise than that we hsd all been toddled and scared out of our wits by our own nonsensical faoolea But it was no drunken nonsense and It was no ghost either as I might known at first If I had not taken by surprls roll Jf Amy Saiockuu Auot- Ill lie- Cdrasik ltlil Jr III John MMisrl llninioii Hi kit Grose II Unlit Junes Jr John K Victor Me- Siuiitl svtty Cook Vlclor Jertnlsh Arch Ibid Ill Teacher I did A Temperance Tale There been 26 A- lodges during year 1800 of which are situated in Ontario four in Province of and three in the Province of Manitoba The Water at has had- Splendid success with the third well At depth of feet they struck an excellent flow of watfir The two wells flow at the rate of gallons a minute Ok In Yuma Arizoua over bouses are in ruins and people aru homeless owing to the late flood It is feared that hundreds of Uvea been lost in the Gila valley Much live stock has perished A blinding snowstorm visited West Point Miss on Thursday The dropped degrees in fow hours and was years The same experience is reported from Ala A thunderstorm has Now Bedford ilaaa on Saturday night Six buildings were destroyed and two churches damaged The Methodist church at Mass was by lightning and destroyed C3 The British lags- has passed a risolution to petition the Government to make the Chinese poll abolish return certificates and number carried inward by thy steamships y- B The Militia hay failed to helmets for Co been bade cheque OBriirn for the called drii and in e Militia in in York World 1891 riiltnids in will bo under in lie west Northern fAt ftliitliuffQ Paul A Irvat for consolidation under nianviii now con- jowelltrs visited by people from the count who void watches from lars had suspiofut aroused til to ask valuu In all buyers have By plausible story induced buy on r two watches articbS but almost worthless and tut no out that they could Irish any dniler ha- A felt Into a boor vat poor and a cat passing by saw tho struggling moo so to he cat Help mo out my dllHcultv If I do I shall eat you said tho cat Very well replied the I would rather by cat than drown InSDchaborrI- mess of stuff It waa a cat said I certainly shall cat and you must promise mo on- yonr word of honor that may do so well I will you the promise So the cat listed the mouse out and trusting to the promise dropped it for an instant Thu Instantly darted away and crept Into a hole In the corner whero the cat could not got him But didnt yon promise me I might eat you said pun Yes I did replied but didnt you know that when I made that promise I was in liquor 1 And how made In liquor have been broken heir moderate tslkiog to by i at 3i50000 a tiurtiiw which will the 91 will with in at I I but a ilk with on sustt lla lit if I Ibo inu farrileljg wins me ol with They oil their lo at for lnt ami an is for the store of the valley aie in aid huh Men of Mantling told lu ihst on of wheat hJ raised psrsctM All kind of grala Jo fruit is a vir I thick of Silt Like cars alt but your that the lake Is mi from dollar fare both way were hauling from like shovelled juts I p loo rust lue a to oil puce 1 Mr iae of old I lb Mr Mr ami ftsnl fa a Mr ii ons of tbs he it lbs a city of Is growing ant fast city u It to ten eats lime acquaint- of Mr lady city who lyru ruootln for lord a to laloa hired a golds went through town it Is under tbe blocks sad was of to us That Is where made such with alto smok fog an of which would be too lengthy for Their largs Is a rdaos of it Is the a small lamp filled with peanut oil sod light Is about as as lbs litis tad of well It Is star In that building Is a strips of bamboo tbla of so Inch wide All but ens or two marked with sod poor fellow thai gets blank Is doomed for fn goes soil smokes awsy his hit We a doomed bad His cue wiafCir tbu Holland AUiut three A Were on ho on the first day at- mow this tb pouring down greats- of afternoon trim present second The in very good condition and soum good The war the only one contested on On account of very able full races did not off John a Diet with a accident afternoon Ho wts walking ahead of two freight cars ami an engine which were running bad bo coupled to Irito when he slipped and went under wheels- His left arm wan covered above the elbow and bin body dragged along for yards nod thrown into a culvert When ha was picked up It was discovered that his right leg had beon broken just above the ankle and that ha wan injured the small of the Sometimes encounter things that far better done than wo could do ourselves Probably everybody has tbU ex Affaln there give to our sentiments In u form Ms fatfr stood out far more appropriate to the Ivt a human bead Tfcy I anything wo could do ourselves were civil as I thick have Possibly our experience In also this time will write yon la not different from that of others that will Many of those who read lag Years with will recall story of the a Qoaker rushing to catch a train and who waa with a closed Ho was just a moment 1200 inhabitant of Another man came up at the same Anions have been com moment who gave vent to a stream polled by the flood to tako shelter in of profanity The removed the penitentiary which Is on high bis bat and whits wiping ground For miles east of the Wag brow said I thank town the railroads been washed thee hut feelings

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