Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 23, 1891, p. 2

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VLT- t is v ERA JAN New Advertisement Bankrupt Stock Roche Go Loir Bronton Bros More Bargains Wine P J A Swecp-r-B- A Smith Meetings Mr Notice of Isaac Store Johnsons Wanted J Land T UP I DVT AMD WITH EACH FRIDAY JAN Our Toronto Despatch lit Bra Jan lion Hardy has decided tfiiart the American geot for in Ohio for a lot of land to mica of mat- ln the attention Inl aea for so line fleat Toronto Mayor Mr hi He found appears to be on protest tot lie kcowiDgotea there la Its ewe is again seriously Hon J Gibson to hta iV Hamilton The Normal School Trinity Medical School received supply of Koch week It of appeal the decision of to ties in It be This will gire the to I till after next Hon koo will now hare to lock elsewhere for a Mess TOIT HI annual meeting of the North York Liber Association will be held In the Town Hall Bradford a Moo- for the election of officers other important Tax ail There Is great err in the attitude Sir John likely to take on the question of reciprocal trade its Bat thla la the bare maintained a on the book for a it ii Toeosto la Indeed in a friend Hon Blake He has made another donation of towards that which the gift made fear ego it makes a to be need In founding the which being exempt from The IodoHtrlal Home la much of a time orer the The Tola a tie on the night of the A held before when he two and the rote a tie and retaining officer declared elected There to be a nigger In the fence political on the more take piece to day in Durham and North and These will be followed an early day by elections for Hamilton and ooe of the of Brace Nothing lire keeping in political it keeps the body from stag- The Inspector for York County Home J prepared his report for year which will bo presented to the next week Tbroogh his we have been permitted to examine the report this week and the following extracts for the benefit of the poblio generally The Receipts of the Home for sale of farm for sale of stock for board from inmates for earned by inmates 6455 from the County Tresorer which with the balance of the bank from the previous year makes a of The Expenditures for the Home itself include 399460 for food light and fuel for clothing and drugs for wages and mis cellaneous for the farm for im plements for teed and feed for hired labor then there ire for salaries and for conveyance of inmates to the Home making a total expenditure of 762022 and leaving a balance of 7279 in the bank to the credit of At the beginning of the year there were inmates now there 118 on the Home Register not withstanding that during that time there were discharged abscond ed and J 6 deaths Admitted daring 3 v 0 tut North Kewffiirkct Hill But TotoDlo At Of thoeo received during the were children and the total aver age of inmate for the year a little over with keepers fam ily and hired help added the The total amount of need daring year G602sl4 of which were paid for permanent improvement The average per week for inmate hired help and keepers family The total expense including fi per interest on Wick capital invested in the Home is per week for each inmate including keepers family and hired help The above report shows a llnce of c per week in favor of the Home to which we referred weeks ago lot Mr informs that the of convey ance in Waterloo County and most others where are located is borne by tho in on legalities sending inmates there or by private Individ- mil interested which would the per capita a little oyer pen week In making the comparison- It has also been pointed out that at Berlin the product of acres is received while in York there are only acres and that If no between the two Institutions as to the weekly rations and comfort of the inmates bat these are points for Council to consider Thx date of the Literal Convention t Toronto to we been fixfd for the sod next sod the of meeting u uxominoiiitiDja between sod Libeiali every la this wnvenlion ud for their nilny fa will be to duly a npl tbe A ia with view to Baitdiog Lou a which bid to thfl Hods well at the there Rev Smith sad L Jickwo and Mill Jim Territory brother Mr drew of this town wbt copy of the which ill as lea tbo Town of nd some of its public The on Mr Eli Lloyd of North La peer Ubhi formerly a winter not two of enow I hire often complin ftboat bat I een worse by good is cot the dons in si town Editor bad tbo of StoTiffrilIe Satordiy meeting of prominent of since oar soma or fourteen new Imimb66A block and prints real deuces its credit to place end more for electric light among modern improvements Mi of of writer We are delightful weather of here Iti enough for me to go down town or gloves Soow iftacirc vi yet not on ground for but it u trying bird to now vow and there would abaat ilr of who is a on Mr Joseph called to tell that it aboot the gbctt that mentioned in last weeks be bring witneea to prove the meet wondetfnl things that be itpagined It is weeks irince tile spectre lint Friday bis bail on end Tens plan will give an cut it laioiuent their ball on next Jan Tbere will be recitations and also speaking by the Rev Mr Hill of Newmarket end Elder of No is being to make it the entertainment of the season 3 riff in Horn 3 1 1 Ca Toronto have oar for a copy of Hon admirable address on and some of its Evidence which was delivered in last The and the the tin spoken in the high est term of praise the service t the cause of Cbriitisnity which Mr has by In web force the existing favor of the Christian in this age of scepti cism The work is nearly printed book form and will doubtless very large sale Price tOc it for year private TBI put wasoo has in many localities been unfavorable for the perfect mstnricg of grain In some districts has touch ed It in it has injured by rain daring or from fully dry thus casing it to or best while in other localities some varieties bare been shrivelled sod blighted by hot dry Under each all of these conditions cereals an apt to loss a portion of their vitality or to have weskeneJ to when sown a growth Seed grain to bring the best shoald bare its germinating power unimpaired so when plated In the soil the youog plants make a prompt sad The character of the crop Is much influenced by the quality the and reason it important that farmers tain whether the grain they are holding for seed possesses lbs been mads by the Government whereby this can be without coit to and soy farmer in the Do minion who hare he to hare tested obtain the to- be by forwarding to the Central Experimental sin at Ottawa of sacb grain of other seeds A specisl house baa been for this which slTords ample ca pacity Samples may be sent free through tbe mailman or tiro sufficient for the purpose and shout two weeks are re- qoired to complete the Since Novem ber when the season for this wort the vitality of moretbtaelereaboodred has teen ascertained and it that all those desire to the provision offered will samples esrly so time to complete the work and pply the needed before seeding baron The and Mends the Union here met at the residence of the of lie and decided to hold a social and entertainment At early date In the Hall A pleasant and profitable gathering may be expected The a mall of fifteen cents the door will be charged An meeting tok ereniog the of the Bible though the attendance was not Bvs Hill and of Newmarket were very Intcreatlng and much on the subject Irwin and Miss n to aid la the workl King of the Islands died at Ban Francis lsi Smith m to a ii town jg a fritod Ja J of Has it Mr Curtis a lad A of Mr sad Mia at Ur J Mi P P for Keith York addretMd a political night Id North Pctlb A KtiMTsTyotf Him Hoax from Calgary last uaUog a racciTcd the of in on of Wo has anfftred aalhtoa tut slightly tetter Mr Wo Ball be raoffd to two or ihrtt hare on again- of who the at the for Mr Wo of spLdlag lb but mother Mr who ha vary faulr Rat Uillo Society Id aod on Tuesday analog of this week has beta red that Mr who la treated at rabidly a T awl of filoulf Till wet tit gotets of of trat0B Piftiy of last week also Mr of Hiatal a great to lot aod for rid when tin It lb fcoot was lot Father Morris of Befidoat Johns on very North York Society Pursuant to notice the annual meeting of the above Society took place in the rosrket on Wednesday last and was the largest held for years The President Mr A- J Rogers chair and after calling meeting to requested Secretary to read the report It presented a complete of the operations of the Association for the past After to the fact that the fall exhibition in October last except in the attend ant of visitors resulting from in clement weather tho best ever held the entries numbering the largest ever made the report re ferred to general interest mani fested on behalf of the Association Allusion was also made to the fact that an impression prevailed that the Government grant to Electoral So cieties likely to be increased to bo devoted to permanent improve ments Should this impression be realized a recommendation was made in favor of accommo dation for stock and erection of a gallery across the west end of the main exhibition building Suitable mention was made to the don ation of a largo canvas tent by for North York and warm thanks tendered the patrons of the Society for their liber al subscriptions and donations towards prize list thereby en abling tho Hoard to offer more than usual for prizes Allusion made to the fact that J of Whitchurch won the prize medal for best model farm in the of York Peel Ontario and The Farmers was duly rccog and closer union recommended Allusion was lea made to fact that the Provincial Association pro posed offering silver and one bronze medal io each Electoral for stock and wound up with a remark in reference toTownehip So cieties and reports The Treasurers financial statement was then giving detail of all moneys passing through his bauds amount received and from whom also all donations and to whom were paid following Is a brief summary lErjllo To ftiibscriptfona 20 Special services an at con by Elder Chid ley and Revs Broun Moore- building of an English is tgiui was held ben on Mon day among Davis oat of thirteen applicants was appointed assessor Elder while from Aurora home damaging the Ilia bora got away bat search It was found In of Mr Hoi Hogshead by a to late boars has it that another going doable next purpose going to Hamilton for tfaeir TbaChtislian on the fifth fiUtd to its utmost capscity by the overflow from the It has decided the works of Nature produce greater effect the works of Art bat the works of Art have fitted in one visiting the locality recently The Quaker friends hold a parlor concert every week Mr Sidney Leonard goes oat of this week A lodge of of T been organized with about Messrs All and Elwood Leonard spent the holidays here has gone to West To ronto and her place in the public school has taken by Miss Mr Newton Sproul lost a valuable mare last week It slipped down broke a leg near the thigh ruptured a blood vessel and died in about half en hour At Mr Neil on Fri day evening Jan there is to be an Evening Entertainment con sisting of a select program and garner North The new Council met for member all present As their voices had not folly recovered from the great strata put upon them during the election campaign many of their potent utterances were quite inaudible The officers appointed were John Assessor Collector Board of J Graham and PL Draper The much talked of came op a proposal to lease it to being laid farther the whole affair referred to the road and com mittee as to whether the offer to pay for timber and open it free of be accepted that beiog the best offer made If this road need ed by anyone and can be opened tree of expense why not let it be done more th a few wish for it JOHNSONS MUSIC STORE for dollars warranted NEW PIANOS From the roakers to The 1 To bo tho boat or no safe Knights ORGANS Now end from from TO 100 Warraaied or M Latest Sheet Music At equally tow due tiauuter t Tola i7 yoillm to ditto 1 and CO 15 CO A very serious accident happened to Mr Jaa engineer at the tannery a couple of weeks ago His hand was crushed between the roller of the bark press and although no bones are broken the flesh ifl bad ly torn and mangled It will be many weeks before he reoovara the gee of it Mr Ben Price is the happy father of another daughter Mr Hiram Hamilton of the Model Farm and Miss Louie Richard of Teston were united in matrimony in Dec the ceremony being performed by Rev J Caldwell formerly of now of Homings Mills On Friday evening lnt they were visited by the young folks of and to tho number of about forty Plenty of taffy and oranges were provided and a very pleasant evening was spent The eve party of S auccess the proceeds amounting to nearly fciity dollars Anniversary ser fiions were very ably delivered by the Mr of Richmond Hill Lowell I this place received a fraternal visit from about of Rising Star Square on Tuesday evening A splendid tea awaited the visitors after which they in reapono rendered an entertainment in a very worthy manner The singing of Mr Shell was excellent us also the music furnished by tlie orchestra- The Soldiers also were heartily A Stump Speech by Brown and a dialogue entitled Making Soap were loudly The fast and certainly th best piece on program a drama entitled Sailors Altogether it an ex cellent program The general is that better entertainment given in Keawlek All alive in the Hollow once more The School Trustees deserve credit for the course they are taking The School House is to bo thoroughly repaired next summer and placed upon a stone foundation also to be brickclsded which will make a grand job of it section is making good use of the snow by drawing the stone and brick to complete the job Dancing is the leading topic on the fifth A very time en joyed last Friday night at Mr Allen Matters The party was kept up till an early hour Mr Snider hand- led the bow in great We can- not see bow it was that the of Rice Lake was not there There considerable complaint about the the being at hind end of the loads though that id easy to account for as the boss skider had no sleep on Friday night and be could not tell the tops from the Our council met on Monday the Mr Jones of Albert was appointed assessor We hope he will do his duty for there is much need of some of lots to be raised and others to be lowered Mr John and Mr wero appointed auditors senate question was not settled There is talk of a senate composed of three men which will take the upper cham ber and all bills will have to meet their approval so as to leave no censure on the council Mr Cunningham Mr and Mr Douglass are spoken of to form the senate say the greatest trouble they expect to overcome ia to keep Austin down in lower cham ber The senate will receive no pay only the honor of the upper chamber Mr Charles Travis ia preparations for going to Dakota to try his luck We wish him prosper- Election are dying out and trade coming to light It is of conversation and coal oil in Mr gave the farmers some points which has set the people thinking talking over Johnsons Music Store One door Simpsons Dm Store i Public Meetings at tbtf foliiiwlDg BANKRUPT STOCK BOOTS AND SHOE Being the stock in trade of James bought froi the trustee in Toronto on Monday at 6c on the dollar The goods are largely of Messrs WBHamilton Cos mm and are Al in workmanship and quality of leather stock we have placed on the Tables down the Centre of tS Store 80 feet long and are marked much below their in order to insure a quick and satisfactory sale the price J paid on the dollar is very low and enables us to do so I We have also two other sales now going on which us quite busy First the sale of the Barrie Stock Goods bought at on the dollar and also the sale of Crock ery and Glassware which we have been obliged to remove the 2nd floor this stock we are clearing ouiat Monday Eyg Jan 26 KESW all Tuesday Evg In the Temperoa O Jan Have you any idea the price we are selling Silks at J not coipe in and see they were bought at on the We are clearing out lots of Mantles one lot at cent and the other at one dollar C a Hall SUTTON -ON- Jan In Hail Will aucad Ink Drops VolQtDo40a No It or the Em below raoroio Very Town Council Monday next patty at Royal on SlsigbiDR i Almost Valentino Day will toon be bete Sercril crowded cut tho expecting ft good received and adopt then proceeded to the election of officers for current year resulting an follows field Vick ifcCarty Thkas A J Rogers John Jack- ton J Woodcock and ft Mr Woodcock de clined to sot and Mr J was elected liie J A and President elect J then took tho chair and addrcucd meeting Oa motion Mr seconded by Mr a vote of thanks tendered and directors of tho lor their Indefatigable service and to which Presi dent and 4 The meeting then adjoorncd and the elected Board their firat tratiacting rou tine by appointing Mr Ac It was also decided to hold next fall show on the and of October unless something inter- The Board then adjourned Children friends of School hero aro at their Anniversary next Bun- day and Monday veiy of tho charch Mr Irfje will prcAch Anniversary on Sunday at usual hour of ser vice oclock On Monday annual entertainment will be held tbe recitations and singing by School committee of management have been fortunato in securing gome raro musical from other places The Glee being a part of choir at Church on Temper- Circuit will bo present and several selections This Glee very highly of Mr Isaac Gilpin of will several solos The Misses Large of will also help with the musical part of entertainment An evergreen Onto fa to erected in the front part of the church on which prizes for are to be hong idea of the gate was suggested from is gatu that stands ajar- Mathews of Bradford and Well wood of and Wilkinson of Button West also expected to short addresseav chair is to occupied by Mr of- Button West Alto gether a treat fa In storo for those who attend next Monday Our hands last week Mr J A York Is new propri etor of Newmarket in Christian Church last morning and to large- and appreciative audiences of the Methodist Church was occupied last Sunday by Mr Travis whofs visiting at QutensvlUe The Misses of West To ronto Junction were visiting last week at their Mr Israel Mr M P expected to a meeting in Temperance Hall on the Pre Trade Question next Tuesday evening Castor Great Bargains FOR CASH AT TUB LEADING FURNITURE I AND a Undertaking House A department will be found a of COFFINS too cheaper Hum Undertaking a bl calls to at All orders JMKtAUirACof JOS J If MILLARD rn Pn SUBJECT The Trade Question Cfaalr takan at Ladles we toalietitl TAKING NOW AT Prices R J BOOTS SHOES MONTGOMERYS I Arable Toronto on Years wife of of tracxKKa Ker Arnui MIta KDIe lo Mr lIurLtTi Aurora J on at tho to Hoover of Stark- EXECUTORS NOTICE to hereby In of ll Sec of Chapter HO of the of ill other having claim against Estate of Isaac Toole fiaat In the of who died on or the of February required on Feb To by pott prepaid to market IheKteouloraur the Mid lAO a addrcaa e fall their duly at ieirjd the securities any further take nolle iliAt on after dyof 1531 the assets of mar bo distributed tho pirllcj IfiCrftOs paving rcffArdonly to the which notice Aod nut bo llnblo for any part oaof they Mull nut at time of of d at Newmarket 19lh of Jan S wl ftRT TKMOVKl4 The vaarentovod bot from a roiiiover Work and bo to- GOOD In for a It JwIok USE TO Wilkin Main or to W ANTED- bc iMWJistce-InToronW- Mil lnit Walts Of of IS- tho city on Monday to no Into Or tho Journey much for father went with bin remilDra to the The remain wore forwarded to fester day inoroltg At Peter A llavlr I ard lOdaja recovered from par ly stroke was taken on da but auoimor on the had frequent re thaepalL at child the of hi death hot Mm with her natural eimpalliy attention of VAIN ST NORTH All orders wilt fctitDtloo J Vete ftbeHlsehfeijf- OR Apply WANTED FOR soioo fliat WILKIN IWS from mho particular uh tot Farmers and Stock Men JUST A OIL CAKE CHAW Huron I CANADA COLUMDIA MANITOBA KNOLAKtsV Si CARD OF THANKS WK una of IN Is If lake preal pleasure In younnd Bon for prompt for N 1813133 To B SEALED u to s BID AT of ft lor b at ft- at IkvaittOffB at WMHi 11 order J TO LOAN At on by L DAVID LLOYD It Conveyancer fct Ationccni aftd ilohtrtAll MuiiiaK viaVIim coiner of let nOO ARTS always bis work Is for superior A USE people the BO they cad Ret work so ECAUSE- undcfsUndf illtil BEL but their our collection J tor Is well worth a and you vrlll bo GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Are the order of tbe day in Ladies Coat Caps Storm Collars Boas c Fine Black Rob- Gents Fur Coals Heavy Cloth Ulster and Fine Boys Overcoats and Boots Eight doz Men and Boys Warm Cloth price cents now 25 cents each A Big Lot of Goods marked down from per yard 1 Some Bargains in Tweeds that cannot be resisted The lucky buyers will be the for the Special Drives will not last long i TERMS STRICTLY CASH R DAVISON of I V7 BRUNTON Linen cloths and Napkins at manufacturers prices Linen Table- than m White and Grey Cottons at prices that will make you wonder J BRUNTON NEWMARKET All good cooks say they never used a Bakin Powder to equal Bruntons Baking Powder is quaranteed absolutely pure I i r a-

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