Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 23, 1891, p. 1

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A era Horning LYMANG- JACKSON HOUSE us slraaar GIVE MB TO KNOW TO OTTER AMD ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY tf ltd accoroJsTr NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XLNo 1 Single Copies Cents Each i Newmarket Ont Friday Jan Strictly in Advance within or at end of year Newmarket Branch A on DRAFTS IjSSUKD AT lie lo J Street Newmarket to good Farm security and York Court MARSH Solicitors TO w CI MOORE Etc MONEY TO LOAN the Dominion a TO LOAN ON GOOD A lTU9i A CAMPBELL AS and A Are- DR A J ft If- 4rtfn jIaIu fcelIojMStolOAM2loSKU W Trinity fii Mlil Member Store Mala J and TO AT CUBERKT Jan 1891 THE PAST Jin ICetQ Old Cor inlLotatJ- A of Calcdoabo Eng AH Stock Low on Farm Isolated Town Tin Shop bed for ill Eie- meet pallor- JHObDERSEHSProp- ffDtfortbaMj-a- Toronio ItapIemeDla will Hardware Store where royUtomencaDbeaapplcd TUB ACCIDENT America lolbeOailneionDiajiac Agency for Aurora and vicinity loan Public Aurora A AH A Newmarket Oxide Cms it and Mortgages and NOTES DISCOUNTED- Land Vatoauopeae rtOSEYTOLOAJi Note collected Old Federal Bank bonding Main Street days no but that the we axe making daring this JANUARY CLEARANCE To clear oat as near possible every dollars worth of winter is aim We believe we are going to accomplish it Dont expect find everything in the tore at half or two thirds regular price If do youll be disappointed But merely winter goods such as Mantles Overcoats Blankets Counterpane Winter Dress Goods Winter Gloves Winter Flannels etc etc are marked down to prices thatll interest if it does not astonish Among the bargains are seven or eight Remnants of Dress Goods one to twelve yards already marked at prices but offered daring January at exactly HALF MARKED PRICE T THOMPSON SON The New Mammoth to King St ORONTO A CLEAN SWEEP AT CHINA CHINA AND HALL OUT JIVING UP THE GLASSWARE CROCKERY DEPARTMENT ENTIRELY OUR Stock of Fancy ncl our before we foils Glassware for trade was bought Radon out shelves before we decided We potting In Other for Spring- floe and handsome Chios Department Now Present at own price TeaSu Dinner Setarom 10pJtceFlnoCblnaTea SetaNo quality for op J com pit id China Hanging and parlor Vawa of and all to be cleared oat away lew Come and bring your friends tee our and Tabic they atoaUb all so for articles are three dealers will cant be bought fur our la true- We it the room clear by Clearing which until all our China and Crochery cleared GROCERY DEPARTMENT Wat oarer mora complete your removed Denial to the Blocks 771tetba Church AlrforrAlolesaFxtraaCtltir- ACTIOS i LICENSES Kka Newmarket CANADA LIFE CO OAPITAL 10000000 DOLLARS Annual and after J Agent year It tine Is especially Jrdera and make fiure of and Price I TEA AND COFFEE A with or areVAased to our building op a flriUc a trade Inbothlfcea JapTeg fci for R A SMITH STORE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SUPPLY OF ALES WINES AND LIQUORS P J- aye on Getting the Part- Article MAIN Era To a Young Man ox Far off in old England In London The broad now rolling Id At QQmber one In the per room firrt floor With two in front and green pal ing A her filling her heart of joy His three little had one by one this TO her fixtt boy Though the grieved for their was oft advent delighted add her heart Id all that city aocouoted great With ita lords and commons its and lit paraphernalia of glitter nothing compared to her hearts hippy glow And all the city contained She wonld not exchange for gift aha bad She felt to hold her anus A tube charms the with him compare operfectbiafeatXjrcaao bright and so fslr Victorias to a Were was tbeir The of hope with his peaIDg As the fond mother a never prayed TbitGriia would life Be comfort when sorrow was rife to answer the Ihocgbt of mind For abed a halo white fear dropped That earl io life hi heart All the better part choose the aim of bis life would ever to wield An influence rich fanrrest to yield All earths richest treaanters above With the light Gods and the of His lore The roll of the yean aa onward they sped Bearing swiftly along od the tide The babe on to manhood to vigor and bloom old age to th for gooi or for ill To piss down tie agej their work to fulfil fond mothers hopes and prayers may And the desired bo attain ha rehire to bow low at the cross as dross oft in communion found By word and example extol Gods decrees r May bis be well spent approved by way choosing eicheirtug the broad j circles with Till the shadows of evening Bod a life thats complete With honors do log victories woo his be for be P CALL A can AVtftW Hear Of Church- Newmarket Constantly on Hand KftoUflih and and other COOT WOOD LIABLE LEADING HOUSE FOB BATKoabaad Largest Best Stock LoTt71awar Etc of York LOW II to la ma a JOHK CASH GROCERY STORE Before buying BEST AND our Groceries call get prices j CHEAPEST IN TOWN A to is auflicirmt Youra uly and a to all P J 0M ALLEY MAIN NORTH BENTLEYS NEWMARKET STORE I PHARMACY est AsrjswEn a Drug Home in Town Im i a carefully eelecled Pure E and A HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE rtrJiteoitvt and It a Vk and Powders ftnl fUtHurcoutand Nursery Sponges 1 1 Nail Infant Tooth Full Medicated Patent Spiers ground by Drug of and In SuuJjcu a OK PAINTS OILS AND CLASS FINE CUTLERY 10 11 am KM to a for Infants nd Children Worm la fcdH4 to I it mortar to A Workman That Not to be Ashamed SERHON AT WBELW00D AND iUH BY OP occurs the that tho to Timothy Ho him his the would depend upon a dili gent attention duties of his In order to bo an efficient preacher be would have to ho a dili gent dent He says Stadyto show thyself approved unto God a workman not to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth Paul anxious Jhat Timothy should bo a workman arid that ho should bo a workman who would have no to bo ashamed of bis groat lifo work Of I dont mean that Paul wAuted Timothy to of tho Ancient Order of United although oars Is an ancient order wo dont claim for it an antiquity- reaching back to days of tho apostles It is a graod tiling for a man to so that when ho reaches lifes evening ho can look back with pleasure on his life us observe 1st That wo not bo of befog workmen As members of A wo all profess to bo working men Wo belong to a royul brotherhood for Adam stepped upon the stsge of life to such perfec tion that Infinite Wisdom pronounced Mm very good he was earths monarch and Edens gardener Tho grand old gardener and bis wife constituted the first royal family God designed that they should be royal workers When incarnate Hon of God came into our world to to our Redeemer and our model He aid My Father hither to and I work The road that leads to success usefulness happiness and distinction Is road of honest pur- severing work The grand achieve ment which tbo pagca of human history accomplished by sudden flight of genius but by patient toil by great Wars not flght their slejit Wars la If wo do nothing more than our young men of any kind of honest labor we will ao worthy object rcqufitto manly development law of activity written la on every part of the human organism and it only la obedience to that law that health vigor and may be enjoyed This law applies to the mind as well aa body Wo most practice thinking great thoughts in order to have strong minds There must bo mental aotivity if wo would have intellectual clearness vigor and pleasure The faculties of perception memory reflection and imagination must be exercised if they would be vigorous Every power of the intel lect will shrivel into if not set to work and thus the Saviours words will be vended From him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath This law also to mans moral nature Every moral faculty must be exercised in order that it may be healthy and strong The conscience ceases to when it ceases to be consulted to command when ceases to be obeyed Holy impulses no longer urge a man to noble deeds when be allows activ ity only to his lusts The still small voice of lingering Deity will apeak in fainter and yet fainter whispers from the inner sanctuary of the soul it ceases to counsel and to warn the man who will not rouse to listen and whose fatal lethargy nothing then will dispel until the trumpet blast of doom startle him into wakefulness of des pair J As activity is Gods law written on every part of mans nature those who disobey that law must suffer penalty The indolent person is of all persons the moat miserable Some men labor hard to get through the world without working They along in wretchedness while their neighbors soula are lighted up with the inspiration of doing and thrilling with the joy of achievement The weary will sad plan way of shirking llsoneer hard a nun Will work to keep working As work is Gods law for all men it is indispensible that we obey it bub it is equally important that we make a right choie in regard to the character of our life work It will be a glorious thing when we come to the close of life if wo shall ha able to look back over what we have been doing with satisfaction gratitude and pleasure ij of workman who needs nob be ashamed There are a great many workmen who have every reason to bo ashamed of their work but there are tlioso whoso work their glory Their works praie them io be gates a- A workman that not to be ashamed labor is an equivalent for what be receives for it Every workman should aim at giving value for value Honest work the only sore road to success once If were no honesty it would be invented ea a means of getting wealth The world no man a living ho earns it One of the greatest evils of our day ia the anxie ty amongst our young moo to find near cub to wealth instead of pursuing solid plain oldfashioned road of labor teaches men to follow good old Way by permitting none to enter its galea who do not make their liveli hood by their own labors There are many influences that draw young men into paths of dishonesty a love of dress When young mans salary faila bo meet tho expen diture for costly clothing ho is led to resort to dishonesty Another a love of pleasure The theatre the billiardhall fast horses fast com panions and other make too largo demands to be met by tho results of honest toil Too great haste to bo rich his led many young men to take the advice once given by a mean miserable old man to his son My son get wealth get by honest means if you can but if you cant get it any way Men forget that wealth has tea greater number of persona by far than it has blessed The Saviour says Tako heed and beware of covetousness for a mans life not in abundance of things which be The man who barters his character for riches becomes poor indeed for he loses the only possession that can bo carried Into eternity Our Ordor Is doing grand work by teaching our young men the dignity of labor- It la more honorable to make a liveli hood by toil though wo may have to go to Heaven from a when our life work is done than to scheme our way through life and at descend from a mansion to perdition A poor man who was commiserated on his lot said Sir I am son of a I am a child of God and when die angola will carry from this union direct to tho court of Heaven The haughtiest on well take off bis hat and bow before majesty of such a as that Our Order desires to workmen who not bo ashamed and consequently it deiires all those who enter its to make their living by their own labor either manual or mental This principle may sometime bo violated like tho beat principles of the best human in stitutions It constitutes of the brightest glories of our Order A workman that not to be ashamed Is whose labors leave no injurious effects upon tho community No man to himself Our lifo work will affect Others either for good or evil holds responsible for resulta which wo know may follow from our life work In all our undertakings and employments we shodld have re- Sard to tho welfare of others both for time and eternity gave a law to ancient Israelite that reads as follows thou- a w house then thou Bbalb makes battlement for thy roof that thou bring not blood upon thine house If any man fall from thence The roofs of the house In East are Sat and the people sleep on them daring the hot weather during the evening they sit on them use them for observatories to which they nub anything exciting occurs in the street or neighborhood In order to prevent accidents it is necessary to have the housetops sur rounded by railings The man who neglected to erect the required bat tlement waa held guilty of the mur der of any person who should fall from housetop and lose his life his negteob There is an all- important principle involved in this law God holds us responsible for which we know may follow the character of lifo- building If a man needlessly engag es in a business which he knows may bring poverty to tho homes of his neighbors God ham responsible for robbing those families of the com forts they would have enjoyed If his fellowman loses life through his business God pronounces the verdict of murder upon him whose wilful neglect or deliberate lifecourse was the occasion of death If we would be Workmen tbat need nob be ashamed we must be very careful that our life work be of such a char acter that others will not be injured by it If I thought that the produced effects on the community I would immediately withdraw from and exert all my influence to prevent others from join ing it but knowing its life inside the lodge room and having observed closely the influence of principles and work upon members and their families I believe firmly that it tends to make men better sons brothers husbands and fathers A Workman tbat- not to be ashamed is one whose labors others richer and hap pier God bos designed that we should live nob for the selfish purpose of psrsonal happiness only but for the promotion of tho happiness of those around as Someone has said that the road into happiness the road out of Lord Jeaua the world superior of an life- We fulfil when wo become like Paul Look not every one on own but every man also on the of others Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Who in the form of God thought it not robbery to equal with God but of no reputation and took upon the form of a servant and made io the of men and being found in fashion man Himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the Wherefore God also hath highly ex alted Him and given Him a which is above every name God exalted Christ because lie lived not for but to save world God will exalt if wo have the mind tbat was in Christ The aweet- esb joy comes into the we know that we others hap pier world is so full of hard hearted and closefisted selfishness wo should bid to any insti tution that teaches men bo forget self and live for others There in not a particle of selfishness in our Order is a purely benevolent society AOUW years of age and during its brief history has distributed amongst Widows and orphans of its deceased members We am now paying out over four- a half millions annually for this purpose We aim at lift ing men above tho narrow selfishness which thinks of personal comfort and pergonal interests only work of Order develops sympathy work is to help tho unfortunate to watch by the sick bed- to relievo suffering to perform the last duties of piety to our departed brothers to comfort the bleeding heart of widow and to for the fatherless christian finds a field for the of practical religion our brotherhood for puro religion and God tho Father is this to visit the fatherless and in their aflliction and to keep himself unspotted from tbo world There is nothing this sad world needs so much as sympathy needed in home In church and in tho community Christian sympathy is mightiest moral force in humanity and it ia the power that is going to win world for Christ There ore Bad hearts that hunger log for a hind grasp for words of tenderness for tears tell of hearts that feel Our noblo Order teaches mem- to aynipathlso with it sends them to homes of sickness and sorrow and to those are darkened by the prenncoof death on missions of sympathy and help sympathy Is always practical It can work as It has a hand to help as woll a howl to feel can contribute plenty of tears for tho unfortunate and sorrowing but can contrib ute nothing Their sympathy Is expressed fa words but never beautiful deeds plenty of golden sentiment but no Our Order that should be practical There is many a widow today from whoso homo the light has vanished from heart joy has departed and who for a touch of the vanished hand and a sound of a voice that la still and lot- fa rendered less hard her icart leu lonely sorrow lees crushing and her loved ones aro shielded from want by tho labors of our Order Does not Ho who is a to tho widow and a Father to fatherless look with favor upon our fraternity ia doing Sorely members of our Order workmen that need nob to bo ashamed when wo consider the char acter of work they doing Earth baa no gems that so bright and preciouH in Heavens sight as tears of true heartfelt for auch the tears that Jesus wept ndlat jail cttatod fortuoa No that from do Not stats Mas arab Nor too gilds mora floss virtus manly Col The mission of to and enable men to lore their neighbors And who neighbor Every one whom misfortune or aorrow every whom oppression has wronged or slander has pieroed every one from whose home loved ones have vanished and around whose heart has gathered the darkness of disappointment Thy neighbor I era with want Urn Whom hanger aoadi from door to door Go and him d A workman that not to be ashamed Is one whoso labors glorify has us and redeemed us in order that we might glorify Him Paul Ye are not your own for we are bought with a price therefore he to glorify God with our bodies and our spirits are Gods We cannot glorify withont con verting the only foundation upon which we can build a lifework that will endure the test ing fires of judgment and bring ns and honor in eternity In order that we may be workmen need nob be ashamed in the great judgment day we need to be true followers of Tesos Whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My words of him shall the Son of Man ashamed when He shall come in His own glory and in His and of the holy angels In another place He says Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men him will I also con fess before My Father which in Heaven But whosoever shall deny Me before men him will I also deny before My Father which is in Heaven I do not consider it out of harmony with my sacred office and this sacred day and sacred edifice to ask moral suitable men and especially christian men to unite with our noble Order Tho work we are doing in visiting sick watching with the dying and caring for the widow and fatherless gives men of true piety golden opportunities for speaking and working for We need christ ian to carry on this work It a need thing to belong to the OU bub it is not enough wo need to belong to Christ The lodge can never take placo of the Church of God My beloved friendB come to Jesus join the glorious brotherhood of Gods children consecrate your selves upon the altar of your Re deemer then you will bo able to do a work of which you shall never be ashamed a work that will bring you happiness hero and immortal glory hereafter It produces a sweet joy to know that we are being made the means of blessing to the bodies of men bub ib produces and unsspeak- greater joy to realize that we are made the means of blessing to souls men The Princess Eugene of for many years devoted herself to efforts for the good of her people Visiting tho cottages on the Island of where had her summer residence was touched by findiog many eases of hopeless suffering among the poor women It had pleased tho Lord shb herself should be a sufferer from incurable illness sympathy prompted her to do something for her poor sisters in sorrow She thought how good it would bo to build them a home But a royal princess thero was a limit to her resources but the love of Christ her and that lovo knows how to overcome difficulties The great question was how can I get money alio had a casket of spark ling gems of great valuo of which thought much and asked herself and then royal brother the may I not sell my diamonds Consent given they were aent to England and realised a sum that was more than to build the desired home Time passed on and although tho jewelbox was empty asylum was full It was the constant aim of this noble christ ian Princess to bless the inmates spiritually as well as temporally A woman who wna peculiarly ignorsnt and inaccessible was deeply laid on her heart I prayed much for that woman she timo came paying her farewell visit to tbo sufferers before leaving her summer rotreat for her borne in tho city matron pointing to this very worn in said I think you will find her changed The Princess approached- her bed and tho words greeted her from the now almost wero I thank God that the blood of Jeaua Son from all sin and that Ho hatb mine Tears were running down her cheeks They were the tears that expressed the joy of soul gazing by faith for the firrt time upon a loving personal Saviour The own eyes wept tears of joy and she said In those tears I saw my diamonds regain Every diamond Had been transmitted into a brilliant gem of eternal glad- There a present joy and a glorious and reward awaiting those who surrender their hearts to Christ and consecrate their lives to His service that shall be wise shall aa the brightness of and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever We meet the results of our lifework Let such Uvea that we ahall not be ashamed of those results we sowing will ripen Into a har vest of eternal glory or eternal shame ads of shall bloom bright ra we sowing seeds of discord I thill ripen wrong Are sowing of honor forth grain At aowlog seeds of shall yet trap Utter pain friends of the Sunday School of this placo intend having a aooial on Friday evening A good time is expected Mr Francis Kay and old and respected resident of this place aerioualy ill at present His many wish Mm a speedy recovery Gam Swamp had a grand time the municipal election Eat drink and be merry was the order of the day Aurora The Epworth League debated on the question Resolved that women can do more good in christian work than man and the negative won A shocking accident at tha home of Mr Wo on last Thursday afternoon which resulted in the death of their little months old Mrs had been doing the family washing the day and ongoing to hang out the to dry took a pot of hot water off and placed it in a back room in order that it might be opt of reach of the children her absence how ever aome of the elder children opened the door and tbo baby wan dered tho room and fell into the boiling water The mother hearing the childs screams once rushed to ita assistance but before her arrival the little one was so badly scalded that although medical aid was promptly called death ensued a few hours later A meeting of King District was held here and was Well attended following officers were elected for the coming year Andrew Bell Aurora WDM Foot ML Albert Rev dtowo Chap E Proctor Aurora Sec Geo F Sea White Linton Tress J DofO Lect The third match of tho Canadian Rifle Association was shot on over the several ranges of clubs and waa a grand fcuccesa Midland club came out beat in the match twelve teams competed Ob same day snd over the same ranges the trophy match and won by Mr J of King City President of the Association next match will bo shot on February Tho Annual Oyster Supper of King Plowmens Association takes plaoe at Hotel A big time is anticipated can bo too Whit seeds oar bands shall sow Lota from Is sora to ripen Hats from bate la to Seeds of good or 111 wa scatter Dot a glad or grievous Waits as at day Whatsoeer our sowing be its traits mail st flour mill at London was burned Friday morning loss about An extensive phosphate de posit is said to have been discovered iu Township A strong flow of natural gas was struck while men were for oil near Comber James Collins a farmer was nearly killed at a railway near Port Credit Friday night loss by burning of carpet mills in Phila delphia on Friday la over insured for A crowd of about Russian Hebrews men women and children landed at Dover with tho in tention of emigrating to the United States Two girls were killed and half a persons badly injured by an explosion of natural gas at the Hotel Marvin in Ohio on Sunday Between 00 and pounds of opium valued at about was seized on Saturday while being taken aboard a ferryboat for San Francisco toe or lake is reported to be inches thick Teams are now drawing grain bay from Roachs Point to Belle thence to Lefroy An Indian named waa hanged Friday at New West minister for shooting a half- breed named Bee last her was or old Arthur of Detroit baa atarted on a camp of fortysix days Ho to beat If ho Buocecda he will get if he is alive in thirty days he gets board of at Van couver has passed a resolution endors ing bylaw to grant for a dry dock there and a moss meeting of anbsequently held backed op the board of trade KT In Chicago on Sunday Knights Templar suffered the of a piece of cuticle which was trans ferred to Sir Knight John to heal a wound in his thigh by removal of a cancer aome time go J Three Indians boys ran away from school at Kingfisher Oklahoma tho other day to and were to death Several hundred Indiana are looking for the school teacher with object of re venge John Woodruff of Pickering mat with a very engaged In feeding ft Urge straw driven by horse power of the fell over the feed board and in removing it Mr Wood- raff had right hand caught the cogwheel The aecond and third Angers were taken and the of the left hand were also badly

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