Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 16, 1891, p. 4

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b k J RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago Backache Headache Toothache 8ore Throat Frost Bites Sprains Bruise Burn Etc Bold and TKICXA1LEIAVMUCI CO ft 1 Toronto Out TRUNK RAILWAY jr jr it a RS Society Register- month Dd on or before roll moon I Irt aI Banco month month ibe month Mood A Friday roonih- a Newmarket- and Mood Lloyd Low A mora Holland Hop KetllbyTirTtonlr it every later national Lessons GODS OF ELIJAH Lord not food the of op by tho be prophet who 1 be of ted ling of Both tli own were by bit iixtb in to fint of the over Not a one of had a Of it iaid thy Jil in of lit More and any if fiitd he of iniquity ope king but Jeboiah Elijah ma J of National tins are la ifiiiiel to trill MrTanti be tb God till day and to tttn Mot tbtot uVr a A npoa Mac- f T by IK- Fill ihit ha bit Hi apokt with a fall of piWio 1IU TO frlnrtUla tot r lb lUj rolliojf ocV Co ttt4t It get Stat from Ibf i low 1 It j chrp that lie j diQ In to A market Whit it i MiM- ud tfid Ud i T win to R A Sail A 3 oil oil for dumber Towo HaU laft Frank fcimlodt coaot of from ajJdax In con- with azUlu labia- Abo a from the engineer Clark rwepUoa of contract arignl for with water From Collector repotting to far and ailing one of lima A from EL town gift towards a manufactory wis re ferred to Committee on A from taking her ttxca next be rone being paid to Fioance Hi AUan Com mended RUnebrii allowed to aell Jlici ASQHMl ud were account of a Wright for paid to approral of chairman of Committee was to rraigua- lion Chief Engineer left orer to new ConndL for cedar were opened The fox were accepted CoBmittM wax in itracUd to or for awarded to ten toi or ftoraiilTs pet Council then stmt lift MaI lis I Jxal is friec3 in Para l The lull and at the al from The in jiilh the Uttbcdiat Sonday School wax fairly attend ed The program J tendered very nicely held by which wai a decided force taking iato atfou inclemency of weather of Out night- A tbok car quiet little hamlet on the Slit nit when Rev Hill of In wedlock at borne f ferida father Koad to Mr Jix- of John of towniUp axrfdeamald Mr beat and breather of the The costly and The left 8 train xrilh of nod good La a jolly girl vd we will UK oar will bo family of White here were all home on Thia u the time they bare all been together for yean ijisj Whiter Winder and J- i hex her patents at LemcnTille Mr Harry the HmilCou College bta lif agrcea with him following been elected I it Sanlay School the jcr fiiperiateadeot Cook Treu- ArBttTkholdtr Bible Claxa Teacher and for all old teacbera were atari The Dominion hare originated a plan by which over worth of are to bo cob that paper to r OToatiofta on wRcniTent of fail i iefi n 11750 In rill bo of valuable a Till fcHiial worth prizes in competition an onoiaall costly and Are also a second for best specimen of open to typewriters all over world On receipt of cents in stamps the publishers of Op will a sample that with WirparKcdlarsJof the J NEWMARKET Rabbits are camiDg alarm in of Essex and other parts between Joshes Brie and it is feared that may become a appears that they and 4rwol and tarned loose years ago In they are selling at eight to ten cents each Moses recently eyes blown out and the 1y also one of nil hands terribly lacerated He was loading the weapon the cartridge being somewhat dinged place Mr- Linton took tp drive it in anil the primer wheal with tbe above STOVE DEPOT rotrSALAGt 70 LIT OF himT bargain All a to Tea- W LEf sfrao fit sad ir sppJy it lNffWirftayaaVM J1 hand a very large of A FULL LINE OF SEASON SPECIALTIES And both in wood coal which we to clear oat at a Big Redaction former price We do not Intend to carry any of are wanting a Stove of any pay- you to make your selection early WRIGHT SIZES SCYTHES RAKES and FORKS Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware TABLE POCKET CUTLERY JOR SALE AT A Northerly or J Apply TU1W J la fort to crop iM HOOT East Society tha Society at to the Bib Ed the did not pott bat ibe following u the Trtsuurf and Vfiiis lo ihow of Totilv By 10 a 132 ss THE JtnTj boat f tended tour ud for nod to rttuluog u J Boyd Hill Hy- Geo Wight fly DaobiitD Ju Fc I ud A He- A A often soar bd from the of or llrercoaipljsiDU Mm to Aud he dot It face llUU bet Child dug le CasttatU The Dec a de cided of by by Hat P ud Rer J Wilkiniou of cre entirely which we Veil attended Mr at Vicdoil boTidjft This Altiongb and to baa to other Mr family here to End tbeir little took lick abortly after arrival grew rapidly Dr Coal of Aurorej celled mend diphtheria lo effort be aaccotDbed to the fell the on Wxbt an Told in borne mother ia now fa a critical of a Mr while were fighting in front of ihop to bitten band to be ren dered incapable of work The annuel meeting was on Slat in con with tie recited Sir Geo appointed io place of Mr Chat Lloyd who retired The element of Vandorf baa been during the put two Cbristmai the choir a con- of entcttitntoent at Tern They took part at the The Glee attended a at Sotton od tbe of new yean So many people a remedy of known certain effect Yellow Oil be had at every druKttorc linATcr clear- remedy la a prompt and pita ant core for cold lame tie la by dub of lb form for a end addle y A lltrdy weretf natter at the nod of A rotuloo of Blood ha If remedy power Wat Ltd and one bottle of Mi Ii darnel In aore throat many painful la In Jfajryard wbffil offered for th cure OOO Kile- Inaltfrof Mood If Impure and unhealthy It with It tariff jour atdoiiWBndnacwefpimdoctorm4lcii3e J fUsII j or rather wiliest a the jtje ill A from litre that AtBf wn Gif will a with the Mir- will to with ibf tMry aatd lly Hik S af K It I t5tHacd Li fi A In ft will op a natty Pec toral for a bad by ofa old and htm helped htm much J nor The social of hold in Proctors church of King on New Years un of the of that toction A tea served tho young people after which a lengthy but social program followed opened the children of school singing Glad New Year best performances by the children club swinging by Maud Perry and by Mus Flora it Harold and Master Oar wood Mabel The largo grew enthusiastic their sweet childiih voices Mr and Mrs Gallagher sang Pilot brothers three lively selections on the guitar and which moved both bauds and feet of the audience Mrs Banting formerly of ang Ihau- tifully the song Twopenny Toll and duet Mies Perry her also deserved credit The Johnson family did not by any means discredit their training The solo Thy Kiofj rendered by Miss at Toronto displayed coupau of voice and wonderful volumo of tone and that the finocxfcutton song May made her numbers par excellence showing training of her teacher Siguor of Conservatory of Toronto Mr If Johnson moved the audice to cheers and laughter comic songs Parmer and She was but his solo Anch ored showed wide cornpsias of ftplendid and quality and proved adaptability for solo singing Mr of recited Mono Water with flno feeling and perfect matting hit Misers appropriate address on work of the sctnool- singing Gather pt the the to reach their homes on the dawn of a New Years morning- Imperial Cream Soda the cMbyvUIrooera At a 36 ft liddr blew overbad to kindling wood In Jbe and Council elect gavr their supper on the pi aft top Hay A iaicp fit Lowell aVit thirty ihootAid rear frtt it over atij buihes lo and tithw aid West had arm broken and another hed teeth down throat while coasting at Midland A few weeks it was an that the Dominion author ities had two hundred letters In in fooliib Canadians and money wen Mr J aurpriid by Baker tin evening of by to a fruit dish and cruet iy an address jme ill la all mam a tic rtcainOw- aTte a lU itiiit srsJd w jr rtlas a ilitai lin i T nfii im cut J of ccsraca ajul la I J in not Lit old aiajjj war No rsh axad la for jirs fiMa or boy ariAAToa i7 GLANCE AT THE PUT IN STOCK FOR XMAS HOLIDAY TRADE Bottled Porters SiMmaasrv Copland Brewing Ontario i Baas A English Ale Stoat Bottled Wines A Champagne Native Wine Giuer Wine Light Sherry Brown Excelsior Port Wine Pine Old Claret pints and quarts BOTTLED LIQUORS Seagrams 7yearold J White Wheat i 3yearold Walkers Club Imperial OUR Irish Tow Irish Scotch Qin Booth IN- sMkjPIHOS fou New ORGANS CURE FOR a COUGH MEDICINE OT CONSUMPTION Co certify that MI HARDS roy daughter of a severe and what appeared to be a fatal attack of diphtheria after all other medics had failed and recom mend it to- all who may be with that disease John J French Village DRAUGHT LIQUORS Iseqnullj large and op to the standard for quality A Cat Solicited J NEWMARKET received some beautiful patterns in English Scotch Canadian an assortment of from specialty selected Patterns in Checks and Stripes Call and ace for yourselves bring your friends with you All goods ma do on the at Closest Casfr Prices Only Your Patronage Solicited D Opposite Starrs Book Store Merchant Tailor own cloth tip and cheaply POWDER PUREST STRONGEST BEST MO Ar juuevt CAKES of Good in to liquor on a wellknown of dropped dead in hit bo Saturday even in 3rd He a wife aod eight a cyclone near Sherman Texas on Wednesday afternoon sev eral blown down An infant four adults wr at ill 1 Li I AfJL i Oat rtlr 4 all Lt Pi if aOl j all iIb ft fjMu III saJ lilt I 111 lsrtlssllivVlsJir VUhla MIS I svfVl J aarfiii Us JimsIi sat sr4lliwsvl sas slim ntiHfln stt jsr I afTt aVpBt tea MsaUC4rf ttMV Tapani sst i l si tea J J Lv fit a sans as JV s ati an if af Mi f IE ELI laws r 1 a iiJi a fe I afvVsi 3 J J ft aw pa I V1 Ik rj sl a- i Js lL a aa UsM SCOTTS EMULSION Mr- of went over to King to vote on Monday but while Riv er on loo tho horse broke through and had a narrow A from a Bridge atattu that the pipe for natural gas baa been laid tho river to Black Rock and Canadian gat now In In of the workmen on iron bridge at Pickering in to driveIn a of iron broken and entered cutting through the ltd The wound viry painful but it la hop the aiht fa permanently In jared George aged of Sound went out and not turning to dinner search made ho waa found dead ft fa thought ho have fallen en hit gun contend en- his coming near A girl In family of Mr Woodruff of Pickering wing a to untie her when fork flipped and the the ey of Mr Wool- 2year old daughter The alght and the will ably to The child taken to the for i J i Methodist i l mi In Its First Stages as Milk sure you all I t S at ISO i la asl poplar ccrUQc futiiiA4Nt laiyti rail at claw of for ArchitectI Edition of A Im i rttMtr- W4 rail d xtvtapHviatudlM A CO who AT iiO PATENTS I apHlC41nri for Wo MLfl ftt TRADE MARKS in Pat ad appl 10 LaTsra4lOT4i iTfft aJ l tor WW sUVMK doa FARMERS VOW la tat to try MysaaEoyAii IfMJirnl Poultry WJ Hotel at io J- -ALSO- PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Stock arid ALLAN CO sale THE lL4lmto ftb TOacreaarLolSIoirapSih W sib W 5to sod AH Ifloin ore auxluxtottaioIpayniBQlatlilbopTef AIM ID of roc to CTJT0R8 NOTICE for TENDER by tha I iihos Hiram Moor- tl old sLtuidr SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST 6FFIQEg LEATHER French and PeifDoiuV Cooita other THE FINEST GOODS AT TO SUIT THE TIMES MBnaaer 4 j THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West Ont Choice of Head of loolodlDpibrerearliitTjt by Dirt lib fame n in ireated lkmfoK HMdHQOsT DUNNS BAKING POWDER THEC0D1CSBEST FRIEND ROL mm R I USE D FA OUSEKEEPERS UNTLESS BRAND ilyflour ON THE MARKET Satisfaction p Leave your rdera at the Mill or Money Refunded and ensure Prompt Delivery V DENNE NEWMARKET Best and Cheapest Fence STEEL FOUNDATION BUILDERS IRONWORK Office Railing lawn Furniture FOUNTAINS ETC mijIBaii ffif Tin ONTARIO on Agents Wanted to Sell Oar floods Town AT WORM POWDERS tarxaiira I in at In CLilOranorii Preserve Your Sight FRANK Latoot A RENOWNED Spectacles and EyeGlass8s d1 for I Us IrlAnro AAtUE the woatkx ill roanx 9ALB AT LUMBER I LATH SHINGLES AUK NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH DOORS SASH FOR TUB OF TUB PAST SOLICIT A OF SAME AIM TO OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES a THE CANE SONS MFG CO DR In at Victoria ihbonura Theuruo of fiinc IS ilc volt hlivthcilol io ua a IlMiiltAtur ami 111 Art of Throat will from p a toe J Bora from etc a the StombcK unlock Blood and removes purities from Wrnpls the worst Scrofulous CURES DYSPEPSIA CONSTIPATION HEADAU SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN DIZZINESS BULLS IfOOMa Kill BALK PROM TO MoathaUrAdl al Wood or Stave 1 I WK will ray lb THE Wit SONS

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