Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 Dec 1890, p. 1

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ERA is Bray Friday Morning LYMAN Q JACICSONi IT OB ritisTiKO house HAD WmUHOt Ihs GIT MB TO KNOW SB TO AND TO TO OTHHB NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Dec Cash in Advance within or at end of year ONTARIO B Newmarket Branch AaXUBBAlBJVLUIQBTTBIVBfi on ATKitsvtT Kim DRAFTS IISSUKD AT AS J Ac Notary a aired Newmarket sisooo to good Farm secmiix Solicitor TO AONTO ffCWIDDlFJELDBA Elf Reformer Bloc TO TO J Fir LIT AuoribCiCoaMnUi TO AT Solicitor next Br TO LOAN Office- A GENT Old RAN CK lor of London UnlOD- Bos Northern All Stock Companies Low on Tana Town Property A Ate- Jon fit uarABUauiiiJjri per day Curd lor E1- lou Mr for I 0 Conotyof York it SCOTT Member Drue Store frj Co lima Aa Deo RICH CLOAKS Mantle Stock Mm to grow roach bed tiler We had idea there were so It almost even with finch a weve been to make the we pawed into three of fiae oelog a order from Berlin of Short Hash to doubted with roll collar Plash braid silk appliqoe Short Cheviot Reefer navy to Silk 35 We have stock a Paletot very These we wOl not carry over we offer mem ton week at exactly onethird the price- Sites to JO T THOMPSON SON ORON The New Mammoth to King St CHINA O HALL HAS KSTIT WewrowWI- Mlrouo Oxide all removed ft the Air for iSAHHTAOK LICENSES At Office The Manufacturers Life Accident Companies THE ACCIDENT America tod ibe loan tod And and NOTES VleUooi LOAN and Accounts Collected- Old Federal Main CAHADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO -OAPITAb- AND 10000000 DOLLARS J EttOUClI AUDI Oar Stock with the from tbtts lor quiHtj WE TAKE NO SECOND PLAGE LAMPS LAMPS LAMPS For Parlor If nil to many of be Ik PRICE SECOND TO NONE TOILET DINNER TEA SETS Ono Hundred and array bar a ate Cool aoJ for FANCY CHINA GOODS Rom Hattotoa Siur Slogs tic ia Fancy Glamor Cbma ho baro it and atwayt tea Coffee We Make a Specialty only li Our trade out our if you a cop of Tea or go l Hall for he J we be We want and will yea for J GENERAL GROCErTeS PROVISIONS Always Fresh and no the inJe tOKO R A SMITH a No Safe for Salt aid f varied AMacdoo It jit f Constantly on Hand ind Inclulla nid lrt4d QUERRIES F J WARNER THE GENII F UNDERWEAR -At-so- CORD WOOD MAIS STREET NEWMARKET Buggies Carriages Wagons Etc FlretOlOBB Work Guaranteed I Repairs Attended to Promptly J Canadian Scotch and Natural Wool ftluo Nat ural Fleece for those who cant wear wool Men Boys and Youths Flannel Shirts Fancy Navy and Grey Knit Shirts do do do Lined and Unliucil Kid Buck and also Fancy Knit A low line of Cardigan Jackets 9 OK DO wear Corduroy Cloth Felt and Tweed Hard and Soft Felt Hate the Newest Styles Inspection invited by F J WARNER for On Era of away In a Picked and bod fcnd From and od from nook Wdei and left cm chain ud floor La a S3 hid all from our Not to qallo To t both ud old That nlo mora UghJf than gold Wo read Ihwn ore by And prim Ihem rtfll for dofla With of And an Enough for a all poira Up lo And wilt tham For the world timing with cam With by from which to all from to time from With portrait of dead Of ftHD or hid lb ibcj Forth good of Urd tad thought rf Who wealth and worldly ft rat And And circled from a Ihnjwo Are lit wach till Nor and agea of wa of flod whoa Of Tart with of gold That of bad ait to behold Of op wilh of glittered like atua a wlalafa right And of of who and Batwhcroare the Hi of Their all eft iMbind recording of war Of achieved la aftr Of from To hang op tba helmet the and of honor and titled a niche of earthly r ag5 of both womia and men Who item to write with a From Iho flow their forth to grow To Bad an echo heart and mlod For good of for their ordj to hiod we belter get them A ad iu better let them lie aroaad For maybe aomo that io Had toothed their might power To their tbelr feet to By purer to P Nor is tali lii Id gaejt of A- Von thin friends in annual roeot will bo held in the on Friday ratiing Mechanic Institute It log to Mrs L Hannah of her mother Sat- too week Mr- Satton Mr David Mr paying The gospel held last Friday night was a was fa principally by Albert people A by recitation b Miss an and recitation by Mr- Bod by the quartette club The church was well filled and all seemed pleased with the entertainment Zephyr- Will the hotelkeeper bore to move to Sharon the first the month to keep hotel Geo blacksmith who baa been foreman Joo Mount Albert baa tooted to It of baa hotel property here and will a of it In The anow his and the men who to cut for Jesse at wort Jeaie the people will with lo in it this winter than there has been before A meeting Ml be held in Town next of Reformer burrow that they bo to attend on account of it held so far to of Township general here to bo io favor of for Reeve and J for deputy invention and the Brest The growth of the print of molt phenomena of the century The in- in the and of daily and weekly journal maganea and other periodical cations even to who iU con ree for fifty yea of printing paper lo the United Stated amount to about many in 1890 it did in pound in Many of freight car would bo to weekly oat put of one of the many great publishing and intention have taxed to supply material for and the printing it cow iata exhibits some of triumphs of inventive The newspaper had a alow growth until the steamship mid annihi lated distance and made all the civil world neighborhood then if the conditions for which it had waited it on a career of development such the wildest not barn in bU moat It today potential of all in moulding opinion and directing the of newspaper has faulted for it to suit the do mauds of reading public therefore caters to various It ia too often an in affaire too often intensely parti politics religion or an wholesomely bigoted la sociology But all defects the newspaper is next to the school educator of our time and amount of good that it accomplish should make tote mob of the evil that charged to account The daily gather from the pulpit from legislative halts from and religious conventions from scientific sociological bodies from magazines book interviews and all other of information thought tho latest view on all of every that attracts pull attention Tbu cream of current thought found in editorials and printed in leading daily papers results of learning all ages arc condensed in utterances When they are and ooUtod so as to give a just aud of present opinion on a issue who can con- of a more powerful and educational influence than such collection The Inventive Affe GLOVES NEWMARKET STORE Dreg Town LA received a Pure E and A Forestry To the Editor of Era Sia tarries of tettera you villi altoir there fait awikealog to a of fact va plant tod prerva more bit In habit else the fertility of our bava lona a pitta this apriojfp I fount lfTDK ptogrfc were plati of pxerred- I not en able u0 to complete tour would your neighbor hood aa loUrtil la the matter would a letter amweriog aoy or all of ll and to what of for or piloted and bow piloted aratbTlricg- of hire act out how the 3rd Whether fenctd out of any of a your sod it aciwMi dlffireoca lo or Ac you may observ ed the clearing of What rumor if aoy bo likely of affairs Youra watt to all who an Early Stage on Street the publication of our attention has alighted upon art passage in he jonrnoy by down Street in 1834 On that occasion ho to Toronto from his home the forests of township fc reached Street on foot after much difficulty bo continued teat of tbo way by stage days Journey by way of Street easily accomplished by at ago ad oldfashioned convey ance enough swung on leather strspa and subject to jorka from lose on rough road innocent of and full of tin A follow pang eager- by way of told mo how an old man weeks before had jolted qo violently against the roof to leave marks of bis blood which not worn left for My friend advised me to keep on my which I had bid ftsido on account of tbo beat of tbo day and I was not alow to adopt HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE dUeolof and Family a Urge of I low leg Toilet and Powders French and American IVrfuuVa Hpongts Nail Gentlemens Full Lines of Medicated Confectionery Patent Medicines frtihly ground by Leading Wholesale Drug and Spectacles a Siuhx on 10ru 11 to SOUTH OK PAINTS OILS AND CLASS FINE CUTLERY for Infants end Children Secret of Success P TO To moa would in tills world and reach ago of fourscore with and there la little to bo llutlwlli refer them to a of ray own roka of action Briefly I would Bo do not much as you dont a moke or drink depend upon owe personal exertions and do not important affairs to a third portn dont too many irons In the fire do not get aboro your own all bo Ad your business on all toll too and that your claims and made to are fulfilled It does not to have a sinto do away Nor does it pay to take money for for which yon do not render an alent best working years of a usually between twenty- sir and sixty but much good is possible after year mirk boon passed I can for mysetfi that moment of my time is put to and though I calls and I enjoy a day Both work rest joy alio should make op of a life P lo Journal Writing a Famous Poem- OurfowMust Not Ring Tonight was to me the reading of a called Lore and Loyalty in April I thon country school girl not yet residing with my parents at Litchfield Michigan and under tho pretext of working out mathematical problems with my arithmetic poem roughly on my I was forced to carry on my literary work- under of opinion of my that my time could bo employe than in idle and rhymca I tho first copy on my stale between four and six oclock in afternoon but much time has since been spent in correcting and revising it I had no thought that I would be to anything of notice poem published in tho Com mercial Advertiser In fall of upon receipt of my manu script at once wroto mo a length letter of congratulation and praise In which be predicted tho popularity for the which they have had no literary friends not oven a literary that time and did not know the simplest rfquiromentg for preparing my manuscript for publication Cm scemeti at once to attract It mo from a shyobcaro country girl into notice and brings to my aide yearly hosts of new and delightful friends Wherever I go my friends era there before mo and the poem which I gave to the pub with no right reserved I lo it has made a fortune for other end dropped golden coins In other has reserved j party to the agreement change bis Always be on Hand Or lilt TUX S WHO IB Are you going to do anything it bo do it promptly The lotigor you wait end think about it and dreed tbe worse it will be Try to always be on hand Life is great deal to the person who prompt ly what bo is required to do Dont keep your frienda waiting You faavu no right to tho of other people If you are half an hour behind in Mailing en gagement- na a dozen other partita to break engagements and untold perploxities and delays may out of just that of which you look upon a trifling thing To an active energetic wideawake person there nothing more trying and annoying than to bo made to wait Brace up and make effort you shiftier indolent folk and see if you cannot to time If you have agreed to be at ft certain place at a certain time be there with- out fail you are sick or dead either you might bo excused bat not otherwise If you are man dont keep your waiting dinner you there some and and generally there is not Waiting a dinner spoils not only dinner but temper of woman who is managing it If you are a woman and your hus band ssys ho will bo around at four oclock to toko you to drive be ready for him Have bonnet and gloves on Dont have him on for half an hour clinging to a fidgoty hour while you leisurely get your wraps look at your back hair in a hand bant up your parasol and wonder whothor you had bettor take an extra or not all these things attended to and do elded on ban A litllo system and a good deal of determination will help you to bo prompt and after you got in habit of It you will like it It la to do business witb a party who ia always on end who you know will boon Ho besots and confidence in every body with whom ho cornea in contact Ho is a power in society lie Is a blessing to world ho dies ho will be missed Teach children early to bo prompt thorn to respect a promise Bring them up to tell the truth and atlek to It and to scorn ft A broken engagement is a lie it Is worm than a lie and may cause a great many more compli cations than a lie Co in but you once agreed to the terms of agreement It Is no email thing to get everything and then seeond for Its author a wide circle of admir ing friends The and only rev I ever received for poem was three years ago when the editor of Brooklyn Magazine re produced the in a antegraph form which I had given Mm with a delicate sense of jus tice he sent moat complimentary check for privilege of re- prodactioo It wax quite a aorprise to me but none less That editor is now present editor of Some Journal rush into heedlessly consider all the sidis of question deliberately before de ciding but when you once de cided by that decision How many times you hear it said men in Rainess Ob you cant depend on anything ho says he dont know bis own mind two minutes Always be on time Lire up to your agree ments you will bo prosperous and respected Wilson Star Wad What shall we read Rather what are we reading I The world Is flooded with litera ture We oant read It all We most select Young man what are yon reading The newspaper the are de tailed history ear own time Suppose they are should a young man confine his attention to xnoh his tory alone Perhaps not Well what else are yoa reading f Oh a little I re member Come now have you read a good olid book yearl Lot me see I read a story or two Only a story or two I Do yon candidly acknowledge that yon bare not read a novel of Scott or or Thackeray a book of Milton or a play of Shakespeare or a book on science this year 1 fear I make humiliat ing confession Did ever read one of the works just mentioned I gut I did well I dont know perhaps I did but I hoard about them Do you know of your compan ion who would ay what von hare said if they were as candid as you lb be I dont bat any of them read anything much What do you and they do in the evening Oh bum around What does that mean Oh we come down town and bum around till bed time I wish tell me exactly what you do in the evening To tell the truth nothing But your future depends on what you make yourself when young Yea I know bat I dont feel like staying io and idlog I have lots of companion end none of them do so But you should follow your judg ment not your feeling I know that and I mean to do better You cant begin too coon Mixed Up Babies TWO A lie TO its not mine I it this is And tho conversation can for minutes Mrs Patrick and JqIiq Houston who both live at street found their babies mining when they returned from market tbo other day and after a search with thrilling incident found two babies the bed of a young man who drives an ice cart and who rents a room from Mrs Bays York Journal Both were perfectly and both women claimed same child Both were born the of May last both were boy both had brown and each weighed eleven pounds end a half Each mother was jealous of other and both claimed that her child waft the better looking little incident caused no end of talk in the both Mrs Collins and Mrs Houston received COXORATUUXCm which they took in perfect good nature until lost bit of pleasantry which proved too much for them morning Mrs Collins lira Houston left cherub sleeping and started out to do the days marketing- both asked Mrs who lives on second floor to have an for children Mrs afterword found that she herself had to go out so after taking a look at sleeping beauties decided that would bo all right their mother returned and went about her business It woe only half an hour from the timo sky went away until mothers re turned and found their miss ing When the darlings were found placidly every woman the block was brought to give her opinion to which was which- No one however could tell baby from other and things looked as though whole business was going to result in a very interest ing fight Matter were finally quieted down a bit and Mrs Collins and Mrs Houston took a cmtD though latter we sure she bad not got the right one the Argument both babies began to cry Youve got my baby I can toll by way he cries shoo ted Mr Jlouiton Get out youre Ml have that child it I bate to steal it replied Mr Houston thon Mr who owns a milk rente to the assistance of the women 11 Lot both the mothers go out side ho said and Ill cover the kids up with a sheet all but their feet Then let the mother come in toss up a penny for first choice and whichever gets which why let them no more talk about it After some talk that wus accepted as satisfactorily Mrs Houston won toss and her baby Mrs took the other and both shouted with glee because each had got tho one she wanted It Is both women are satisfied though general impression about house is that each ha the wrong baby Just mixed the babies up could not bo learned it Is thought to have been A correspondent writing to the OrUlta Packet leys As an instance of the ravage of drink so little I may mention that eight member of the Rama band of Indian have been drowned while under the of drink since and the same period j three the band The Editors Shears IB BITS WWU Snow fell heavily in England Friday Bradford bras band ha been resurrected OS Three Aurora man go ducks on River Barrio a A at reansoitated last week KT Mr of u ha lost three children from About person were con firmed by Archbishop Walsh in liito were re opened last week diphtheria having at last stamped oat sy A violent shook of earth quake was felt throughout the of the Danube Friday of fired off I cartridge with a of stone and now a leg John Jolca died at on Saturday Inst at the ripe ego of years months and days Montreal High School was burned Friday It rumored that two of tbe scholar started the fire Mr J Van Horn of tho Standard Bank on hi removal to was tendered a banquet by his friend A of town are going to Re solved that the is more in dependent than farmer by flood reported from England Germany and Austria The Goethe at Carlsbad baa swept away Mr Frank Gray of Ballao- baa joined the rank of the ben edict On He married to Susan Coulter of Renew In the same manner Joe T Clark who retiring the editorship of the Pickering was by his friend Friday Mr Clark to- Weal Toronto A load of barley Smuggled from Manitoba was selied at St Minn There a differ- once of cent between Manitoba ami prices Mr Meant Forest killed a spring pig old which weighed lb This weight shows an gain during life of the porker of lbs per day A Rood record The year old son of William of was knocked down by a wagon in Allendale the other day the wheel over y- him neck He only lived few Kl I Awde on Thursday met an innocent fanner from Aurora at St Lawrence market Toronto offering light- weight butter for The inspector cautioned rustic disfigured butter Two yoong upon iho deck of Learner when of wind caught thn carpet and one QYfrlwMiiL Ho with a ducking The of have very decided to ftboliili ho tea money for church purposes and tho people will bo to givo of bam sandwiches and chicken pie from County a uiden outbreak of in in through portion of the county a daogcroue and a groat many oro laid up ho look out and attend to aoy- of An old lady Mr over etreet crowing of at last week was by hunting engine Both cut oil tho knees Tho old lady who past of ng and was too deaf to hear tho died tho of accident an alter Mann of has taken rem the field of John of North yelling ho Mr equally to him heifer will probably not Sir master nntil after next court day and will likely bo in great until Herald Sir John of Baltic ha returned Manitoba away for fivoor six weeks at hi- farcoathere He says the crop there the he ever any where but unfortunately for people it rained nearly every day for three weeks after qaaotttiea of spoiled in stack and a great dear will not he worth more than per harvest In Manitoba is omethkijv entirely for I i On afternoon list week ft terrific explosion saw mill of Patera Midland the boiler J exploded end went through the of boiler boose moving i two boiler about twenty feet On of corner was knocked out of mill Several of tho men had narrow escape hut fortunately no one injured boiler down on Mr and he with his heed In thfimnd the boiler reatiog on a heavy Hugh thrown yards and and Wheeler ware knocked into ttw bay Ji

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