Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Nov 1890, p. 4

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fc NOV if jr a a am A IB Sax MM MP If the of clerk to blonder od thereby nil from unpardonable Society Register AFAAK moon Encniptnnt lit ooJj3io month In month Albert ttovttt moot MO lb Editor I nut tin to Local for Hon Mr reelected Hon Mr of Cc2miiTi for a elect a In Vic toria to ft occasioned by the expect will cox off of next ttMfXt On Tofdiy of Sit Cutnijibt addressed hit of Sooth Harford tod solhamstJc Mr on DOPuIOQ 1 CMJfo Toronto unoaocM 111 will of two It lo of month rf A In itccCMTiawonXb fcd Amon- fct Notices for lo not oarer At the bowel lbs but la tent find to Dr Tow IeriExirut of bowel djntDteir etc It a iqitcui no- International Lessons 1815 aimed relieves Baby for Cuter Abe dour to aaCblUneteptbeaOtjtccte A Boys Eway on Breathing We oar lights our ftnd If it for our breath wo would die when Oar keeps tho life agoing through note when we are who ftUy In a room all day should not breathe They ehoold wait until get out the air in a room make bad air celled Carbonado it doge A lot of aoldtere once in a dark hole in Calcutta and got in there and killed them Girl ruin their breath with that squeeze the diagram A bid the for the right kind of The Compass In the Watch- A correspondent of tho Loudon lends the following A few ago I standing by an Ameri can gentleman when I wish to know which wai north He at once palled oat watcb looked at and pointed to the north- I asked him whether he bad a com pass attached to watch AH watch en he replied are Then he explained to me how was Point the hour baud to the boo and the eouth u exactly half way be tween the boor and figure on the watch For instance that it is oclock Point band indicating to on the 13 exactly south Suppose that it is oclock point hand indicating to figure on the is due south My American friend was quite surprised that I did not know this Thinking very possibly I was ignorant of a thing that every one else knew and happening to meet Mr Stanley I asked that eminent traveller whether be was a of simple mode of discovering the of the said that he bad heard of it I therefore that tho world is came state of proud of having been the home of the inventor of the compass I do not know what town of my American friend a The brain eland most abuse of any En body Its beet and stimulant it The worst and most depressing thing to it is The moat injurious effects come by using in early life Young people should never use liquors tea or coffee- The latter two may not exactly do faann bat they are conducive of no good They act mostly on brain and injure its growth very materially of sleep is necessary Eight hoars is not more than enough- Steep is the time of relatively lowered ex penditure and increased repair Some Journal i OPENING UP THIS- WEBS ALL LINES REPLETE WITH FARM PROPERTY IS THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST M i OF- citizen- Text esico of Ho From the Herod Jam ii to hill in lbs of Ha wis teat back la whom the finil cot wiih It his ova looxeoo sad he McriCAt At the clew of Hit life G by by sad ho At time Pilste could not reltse Jtni to du He rili st Am iEob safety be left to of Itfo To cr Christ The Oka Trouble Settled- It will never be known this side of the whether of denunciations by the press threatening declarations by of or of conferences sy nods the Minister of Interior brought to face with a grave departmental blunder but certain it some potent has brought justice for re ligion freedom of conscience and rights of Oka In dians of Protestant faith fact ba recently public that the Indians have received as their grants of and their eight pairs of blanket for dis tribution without distinction of creed ft is further intimated in this connec tion that letter sent from the Department of the interior announc ing that Protestant Indians who to remove from the Oka Re- would not inthoOov to that band was on the part of a clerk a huge blunder it certainly was on the part of somebody not only of the implied the Indians it presented Govern fa Wing a party to an of coercing a of the Oka bind on account of their religious faith It was a blunder too which would have become painfully appar ent when time for tho distribu tion of the annuity round According to of the Department the money and blankets am handed over through their The Protestant and Roman Indians of Oka form one liindf without religious distinction and both chiefs happen to be Pro- tstants the head chief being Tim othy Not to have made distribution In usual way would have implied the Inauguration of a rear Indian policy that Hon Mr would not to have raked on the floor of end not desirable as it would In volve a cbango in dellog with other bauds Waldo Okas given thy money and blankets to Chief with Instructions to distribute the same Co Roman Catholic Indians only would have stamped the action as other than a blunder and aroused such of indignation would probably have resulted In the political decapitation of tho Minister of Interior Of course annuity did not amount to much to each of the tribethe largest sum paid to any family four dollars but wu a principle intoned in the ijtiste of tbe Department Intimated the repudiated letter that could not tolerated though It to- the forced of Mr from the or of- It wall for Mr that he All rtabUla Ufa aod tie but capped lbs race by energy vukotsa coertlpatfco by compttUly I Blood Hilt con fers an DandrafT Qraal and timely Is sbown by Extract of Strawberry on band It no tor cramp all or locatocas Days Labor for a llrer la to abalf of bUc If If prefab bUEouoetiaod Blood per fect liver Lo mod all liver At Of have not Tartar Powder wo all mesas Lb em lodo so as It ib beat we ever are iUy deilcicms a mistake often rtoa ibey a of Blood Blum an effectual core at of time moan Liniment Doro Federation an to extend of Dr Fowlers of for cramps diarrhea dyeeoiery all rammer the To I Who would bare thought it left for Torooto predate world fa ibcAie Imperial Tartar ever Idi It ibo mo3t biscuit ever eaten Cored trom prioMc jc jUfJ by cdla the formula of a for pvrrnanaDt mm and all Lour Afreiion- a aod all after eUil Its curative ibou It bit doty make to fellcwf Actuate tbla motive and to relieve will free recipe or foil direction for acdtuiof Be Dior with jojr A Nor Y wwl to of Bench of JDJiUcetoib there be offered for la parcel with the Approbation Matter JaineaKava- AactLoooex at tLe A or at American Hotel THE Town of Newmarket Saturday the day of Nov t or oclock tot i5 of fourth of of more or lew- Too la and fenced Tdtrelia a barn liable thcreoo mad a orchard It property la on a good mid about 3 from church a Quarter and about a of the parch jjo Is bo paid at the of tu vendor or after without Interest into Court to the his action The vendor lU title deed other lo hi or to fltindLngcon- toe Court for apply to JOHN Jl03liJ0 Toronto or to the Vendors Chief Clark Dated Jwil SUPERIOR QUALITY AND FINISH AT THE- NORTH END ACCOMMODATION STORE STEPHENS A Girls Own Brother But my own brother Is that why you shouM take his courtesies for granted nod never say thank la that any reason you should not try and an evening at home of him by to seek his aomewhpn la thataoy reason why you shouU think his opinion of your frocks your or your worth consid eration Is that any rcaion why you should appear before Mm In a clumsy wrap per and with your hair In papers la that any reason why when you a roan visitor he should made to feel that you endured your brother when there was nobody also but that when there wsa well then It was different It that any reason why you should not bo glad of a or with him aa your partner la that any reason Why you should not listen to word of about other girls or their brothers that anv reason you not bo Interested his story of shooU log or when yon do to the tatt from other people Is that any why you putli to wall except when you Men and then claim bis atten tion your rightl he Is brother you ought to bo tenfold more considerate of than of brothers of girls he Is your very own brother you ought to study bis taste and cator to them tho books that he and suggest others to him stody the songs ho and Ire glad to make knew ones to him In this way you will inak brother your own and to atstr will be the among girls Are you your brothers keeper In a bat do not keep by fetters formed of Illtemper and lack of courtesy but by one made of every feminine and brightened a sisterly That the will you yoiir lore and make you worthy the heart Of some girl brother too In The Ten Commandments bow hkaltb May be From a paper read by Dr Redden of Kansas before board of health of that state following excellent health are taken I- Thou have no food than at meal not make unto thee any pies or put into the upas of anything that to or in the waters the earth Thou not fall to or to trying to it for the dyspepsia will be visited upon children to the bird and fourth generation of that cat and long life and vigor upon those that live prudently and keep the laws of health 3 Remember thy bread to bake it well for he will not be kept sound hie bread as dough Thou shalt not indulge or borrow anxiety in vain fi Six days halt work and keep thyself clean and the seventh thou take a great bath thou and thy sons and thy daughters and thy and thy maidservant the stranger that is within thy gxte For in days man sweats and gather bacteria enough for erne wherefore the Lord blessed the bathtub and hallowed it Remember the and hath chamber to keep them ventilated that thy days may be long in the land Lord thy God thee Thou not rat hot biscuit Thou not eat thy meat Thou ah alt not eat thy meat or highly apiwd or just be- hard work or just after it not keep lain in thy nor with or with his glass nor any thing that is thy the Shot When my of think of it as A land sport and there before our minds eye virions of a now shoeing and jolly end skating and fishing and if wo a match at lacrosse Can adas national gamp an American and we wy manner in which Our friends from across tho border aftrtr goal and proyfd their supremacy over us in branch of sport But Is branch of athletics in which Canada excels us and alone but our and Scotch cousins across the water as Well I refer to putting shot For the benefit of those of readers who am not familiar with this branch of athletics I will ox Weekly ILLUSTRATED baa failed to It title audit a regard to enlarged usctulocei and a it artirtto noil literary cellcace Is wdJ a rorO aodloieraUoff tnocotatle and achlore Special In Mltlcalf oocyst aDdHiUcoo- to cotuojcodit loo past the be public Asm family LDjkc afo to Per Tear WEEKLY Oft ilAOAXJNE PEOPLE SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE Wo constantly on hand a full line Medicines and Toilet Requisite including Milk Food Ridges Patent Food Condensed Milk Food Carnricks Soluble Food Teething and Soothing Powders Syrups Cordials and Worm Medicines TOILET Boxes Violet Powder and Fullers SHOWING A LINE OF SEASON SPECIALTIES SCYTHES AXES and Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware TABLE POCKET CUTLERY ALSO PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Examtoe Stock and Prices J A ALLAN CO SALS OR TO TO Wood if AND LOT ins gOOSE AND SHOP to gQ A0RES OF LAND- Apply M T T of and of Stand aotueious In boot thai now a lio of trail a call from any requiring aoy ihiog Id lua Hoe of choice LET Ih now SALE AT A BARGAIN- of lo Of Cut Apply io J JJHOP TO RENT Iholrl of ot lb u AIw lhre ale Apply to 11 J ARM TO RENT lot in I a whin In Good or lot Two bruib wish orchil aprjjoatij to MARTIN tot tfai3rtbP0- SALE AND PORTER Dispensing a Specialty Genuine Iho heat Quality ic in tAc United da and Vol of with first or Jaauar rear WLcd no liiiiti is with current at order- for or pea to doea not Dieted per provide a x per for volume mall receipt bo Oiler or Droll to art CO order NEWMARKET W HARDWARE STORE Bottled or on Draught The fcl or jWja io of aod V T HE Or aoJ Wacrcaof Ml a North Coo Mb ICO Atb w 10 itU ot baa wild thrron i good ladlaaruadLlinmjb All WKWilAKIiKr y Provision Store north CONTAINS a of Family it that aatODith OUR TEA SUGAR A TRIAL AND itaoa a kooJ thTova All and rood Alio ivaral Lota of market For VawmukK LOTS FOR IS THE J f OF N iiTiJtrigDcO J arm properly on J grovel or cd Town of North low lU3ma For Halo rrV 5 Co a severe cold throat end lyuge on mo lo entirely lose my voice For six week I had My wife to try LINIMENT end for after only three doses end flit outward application my voifu returned was fthla to Army nights I had teen to eujOy for eix weokf Charles that a hall of iron lead twelve to fityiix pounds The weight which is howover it con- imply in or thovijx l hot violently oat from to a great on The fihot usually put from out of a seven feet in diameter A curved two long placed on and tho stands with his right heel on that part of directly shot is held on of hand and near ear After carefully on rinht le a iuick short hop Is tftken then a short step with and finally a step with right at drawing left hack to aid in recovering balance As last step Is taken Is pushed suddenly and violently forward and full strength of every inoiclo from on extended stands to shoulder is applied in giving momentum to weight In regaining his balance tho mutt cartful to step neither upon nor over toe nor to touch tho ground forward half of clrolo with any of the tfOdy either of these acta constituting a fool It Is evident from what has that tho firt essential for successful a strong and uniformly developed body ana trcondj to en ablo athleto to best ap plication of his strength Tbo higher la which two combined farther of course will ha bo R H Rimed lha uittt to Sold Bjermuda Bottled to If will tie limit to not ho for I run he time money Well If la try OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD Oil I call It Iierniuda CONSUMPTION Bronchitis Cough or Ha vera tilth the rnot tire It Another ihinp It fa the stimulating of It will una sale at jour in wrapper lie the unified As libvxf HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PAINTS OILS AND GLASS FINE CUTLERY J AS POWDER BEST CONTAINS NO CI Alt ttTAICI TOMT0 sf t IBS BEAVER ROLLER MILLS HOUSEKEEPERS USE DAUNTLESS BRAND familyflour BEST ON THE MARKET Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Leave your Otferi at the Mill and Prompt Delivery V DENNE NEWMARKET Farmers Threshers and Millowners use LARDlNE MACHINE OIL I Try it and you will U89 no other Every barrel Are of the Genuine Mao Cylinder Engine Wool and Harness BROS CO For in Newmarket by TORONTO J A WALLAN Goj A rri main 100 FARMERS iifftitfoif a Town aa be from the Water works syilem of Ilia of properly on to itwt lots or will a of Twenty who trt rffr of a landed apply on WILLIAMS JU3EPII WILLIAM MUM AND OTHERS TO BUY RIGS AT THE would Inform of Mount Albert and tut I rouodinif country that manufacture WacoK aid Cutter Mr- fihop ard fctlt sabBl Iba most with Kent and SabilanlUI Painting and Trimming Done Promptly and Cheaply ALL- him a call before It will pay you WW LUMBER LATH SHINGLES AUK NOW TO 8UPPLY OUU CUSTOMERS WITH M0ULIC WAiimwnxG sash THANKFUL FOR OF THE PAST SOLICIT A OP SAME WE AIM TO OUT GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Preserve out WtiAIUNO FRANK AH US Iito of firm Spectacles and EyeGlasses and lcn mot for jiycArjscdputa In unbounded They ar near tiro aud lut many FOR SALE AT DR WILD TRMBERRYi cures lOleraMorhui Iramps ALL SUMMER COMPIAIJ FLUXES OF THE IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS TDK OLD THE SONS MFG CO FOR BULLS BO eg FUJI BALE PROM TO LEADING FOB THIBir Largest Best t LOW It WO frt ifc

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