Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Nov 1890, p. 3

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r NOV OS TOW ft meeting ftittDS There a A fall line of Acton Box Social under Six Till Stock will be complete in a ill all for fioe Call OstMr Millard En piano a- box of ai- Endeavor rt of ffici p M op till Toe Aboat waaW powder to to tftTUA meeting will I iUuamatoe of Land who mo tti a for tobewbythoSOib fcl Tat A can of lis 5 a the regular to lb t lb b awonol of ah A boptd it Irfvr- lb rart tot W Market There Hi I last SatonJT to will 5V5 butler to to dork potato aid 2 to per Ik A JJomo ft of to fttoSea fcaitefiotltf KUiton itiillal lltr ue i11 beef ttiiit and not lb fit au jriell to tt Too most of for men bad ftto ftll 1l nd direct from lU will bo the A Kcamko Mr A- aiAiii4totk In Froia to pron like either iCJef acw1 ftadjlwillba Doll tSiBtoh lo a to vk4t A a iV twa fdrtd the il in deacriptioo tna- bfltli fi rich pacr t I a la Model a High School Th dog on dUr reaing and a ft bona of Mr EDootliOJxui and wwo by fckrap Editor and Critic earned of merriment rinJog Lb rohJKl of Is men than by la nteM to that good la open to There were on d Room tit crowds from to to Terry ud ion fa which a into with ft Tho Id King jalgaifDt in of the for to docket clMoutfor lino til ttl ttleat employed in 4ch rid but light the job Boys Own it Horn Hour tad ill other fox tt A Good Idea Oraogorille wood Uid all wood for tilt la town matt bo whtrt It It told to bo without tor to the of on thtt qata- lit bo it to ttltrjr of for Sach In with 1st or 3rd would bo to of oar So IOCS t4 how CoMc fit of lf toll of barrels of beer were hipp4d to of fear from from night with them Go it eight hereafter might do it if UI lid Mr bid wetk which he fingert tud conch While the Cooraiioo t ibJejoi Mr J P io tod bit ice Smith of Brad- ford hid a Friday mora Make the of fiot tad get fox at go to work now aoj cloitat p to op in the at UtjoftoS SCHOOL BoifilX ltrt Bdfry ud Two mxMll wot to Tb port for October ahowj a total toil of Ttrtgt a itu- fiid ICr J Diylaon appolfied to In tfaa for tht modal and iht loard td- Ink Drops bo Indian iWhltohareh Alto Coooeil Town Era mi Drying op now What Sonet is Doing room PAEJ- anil- The lltoT and tub A jililt Mtiidiaiod tBi tie Standard It riJt HI I ill Jlpd it railway litoe AvjtjtM- ftllttlt ttt Kalty Hurt tt the by Me- jtxo t in direct from glut J in Japan Sunday tho with the hut took plica to were ttfrdr with though the the Th lo a for who preached a gospel I nay In afternoon arlilreieed the School roll of aod a of Japeotte by the la the entirely upon Jtpio He not teen a for wai eon of a India Japan a pofolitioQ of the of whom are in there art two fiahfimtn At a are iotelligent anil fickle TAty hate railway Army tie Mlcml though at nent the friendly toward the Tints it ca aunt Hot at and the EglUh la now taught in The girl and Wye irflanc tod like a fire the bare heard the fiot In there art the bat they letted for church while from to a fur laborer brat for a full and a wry of fild The ubriptloQl the to Monday the by jti aid a tome ancry Japan aod of the people laogotge to a foil 25 liken la at the and the Iff P J and family for on Style Toronto at Mayor J a and of Anton at Mr of a few In town week with Mr of Toronto of Mr Roche in town Cltieact A Caldwell apent oyer In town with the Sheriff ton from ThaakagiTiog Day ai bit Mr Air and Mr of Toronto oter day at Mr John A Bell of New York of the Editor la a of nitl Ren Mr McKay of it to preach in here next ercoiog Mr R J tho of in Toronto A of formerly town to preach in St hire San Mr ton of Mr A I for homo a week with hit pcrtnti and sister left on Friday to their aboie in Toronto Ilia Mr followed them On They hart all been rati dent of to they will bt greatly and their falnre will be welcomed A pretty took placo at the Charth on day of week tht being Key- W Kelly Oral lister of J A of RapId City Tht waa in cream India ailk with train trimmed with orange She in hand of cream were uatr of bride and of Newmarket Allie at mild of honor waa draped in Cream trimmed with cream She carried a of Swell were dreued in and and oar ried pink had to who not gain United are taxed for in Victoria- thoottnd Pol ish and emigrated to Brazil to the pott throe J Daring and Saturday of week 35000 of wheat were marketed at Brandon Manitoba At high per btuhel wt paid week a colt belonging to Mr of got caught In a wire fence and in to free one feet from the leg The of of North one were made to celling of the in the ritlago plot of Roaches point the however parsed- A petition presented to sell to the of the property adjoining that part of the and coo- of the rood I6wan to the town plot of point No in the matter K At fair fast Saturday in the of people the jumper by and Pepper of Toronto eclipsed all hit performances and beat the worlds record The contest be tween and for and was won by former jumping feet inches onehalf inch higher than made the previous evening the on record County Stiver ar retted a man named on morn ing on a warrant charging him with the theft of a watch and chain a gold dollar and 35 centa in silver from Mr William Stiver a teacher near Union villa that visiting Mr who uncle of the toan when he committed the the and flatly denying it the matter placed in the hands of the police After being arrested he admitted guilt and stated that he had sold the watch to a man named Wilson at Ring- wood for watch valued at With Trimmings to match The Best Value we Have ever shown OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT In Great Variety THE NOBBIEST HATS IN TOWN Children Newmarket Markets Floor per barrel 1 SO FallWhwtpsrbuahel OS per bushel OGO Barley per S 35 buhel V44i ReadyHade CLOTHING BYLAW NO Club List for 18 fti h Star 2 on Stock 2 with id all i Sale Rye Bum per too per per dor Butter per lb Bolter lab per lb Apple per bag Wool per lb Hay per too Fork it r CO Oil JO pair per Tarkef Tf4 a CO a a a a a 0 055 a a COCO a CO a a 17 a 15 a 015 a 1 a a OS a a a a a 0 05 a 10 AT THE Assortments Our Toronto Toronto Nor Fall per W OS a 91 IV d -li-iL-i-juiiL- t Mr JCtAifc1 the lghtt If hot the dtlaye in ptoloclo ftiilrtir andalaWaflotuUtor the tut of the op Monday Thukjdit Nor J rear or of It tout credit Sit Sale at to oclock luocb at AUCt will bare file of farm stock eta of lot Win tad of Terra credit except for at Iveelro oclock- tSrob Nor odTlirre market Varrtaof lurt la For term aod A lioaowlll firm tot II till Oct on r except for Wheat per Parley per Oataperbuabfl Bolter roll per lb lb- Applet per bbLvftVP Kay Fork per pilr peril It IS on CM Oil CO 9 rt 05 15 0S3 CO CIO LADIES CENTS FINE FURS Caps Storm Collars c Extra Good Value and Latcat OUR BOOTS SHOES Arc giving splendid satisfaction Old customers appreciate SVH them and will have no others Rubbers and Overshoe all sizes New Felt Boots of decidedly improved makes Terms Gasb and One Price R J DAVISON W1I School of of bare to the Of Iho to for them iba amount toe and a new School ladeairbTe utd bo railed by ihoati And uoder by tbe ibeMualclMlAmcodiAieot iiiijpff by law School yier a Thirty year or utider jkJ Council of of to a period of I And for said debt herein forth be to by a of the bareloaRar lUWe to bo rated for VublloSchcol Boll the ia JnJ ithtr the of Iho of aald la of part tor lotoreatlfl Ja Council of the Con Tuwu Newmarket aa folio L of f IOKOm required be by of the tboiulJ bo ore to lubUo School I That for I loan M aforeiald It bo for Iho lilojorof the to r lobo liaucd Debenture not the BLACK COLORED HENRIETTAS SERGES AND VELVETEENS NEW COATINGS ULSTERINGS VALUE AND QUAL1TV IN LIGHT AND FLANNELS AND C0RAL1WE CORSETS THE BEST- FRESHfGROCERIES J BELFRY CHINA o HALL Oar Stock ia now the best for iLfijira prfia WE TAKE SECOND PLACE Lamps lamps lamps Hall of ihe tho principal a period Of that tha total bo by rate IE DOW debt nod wiU bo follow i Jf Jihdarofieo tfiSl COAL STOVE For worthy if tJit for J iUm tin UlUtlogcoiiiDiUteff J here at i there for i nut thirty or low WraWld bo Ktb at the firattlma by ItUly fco be A wan tooth fcHa to m J a rf jTfaa lut Friday A 1K if with a ehalo trt wt MID a herd rtw ft op rli Cor tUjtaul fealf of ai by Will and of fcfrf ar4 a tlUiwMttUk UxUf MOr Ka to la to a ft ttW4ftajjftlfii to aaixadivfatoo j io with of bat formally In Uijtarf School On of ilaai to the School Board for the Mir hj1 fu itTurvlay a jrotiro a- toe iA It a which the town will feel of The ha thai bull for it will l the archil ay that he it the trouble to of ct he it that It u for that aruvint and will at to At tin the brat in procUa of Viev4 aide It will atcoceliafrcf to the eye an I fheiUtavwa with for The bate- meat la atght feet for fUy and for lojaaod The floor fau two for with aod fthe three room two of which are and Tba But flyor reached by two at tod of the cor it to laatmrut flof La Ixitlool The rlan roomi flf are of etraogr to tie aici admirable or are it hot dV hy tit School Co 4aca a week from take a at aod will of a the ait to tatefcd apeittof thirty A 1 J before Irl urn AiiiiaUcrhncaoii fcron Avenue for IT if ASTRAY School Reports for a CtuaKdltli Clara r IK Fuller J It Ada Klrb- oitf WrlfliL al Lilly Kitloy Jr LkrJic P leic If CelU E- lint every day Jamet P No Clam U In iJe Laura Lund Nora J Teaeher In 111 about the middle of Kept- POUR Two other two red Two Owner to pay chargea J JUDICIAL SALE F J WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER UNDERWEAR FARM PROPERTY IN Max Win iOl firJrd Jtowlad Bam Julia Woodruff It AmyOaftb AHI Anbor Mwj Ml 2nd Amor iUljjh MolUn Aim WVUi Arnold iA Hi Often Mf ArinHftnK US lolHraltb Arnold IK lb Mo- flfTorootolnlli touutr Jet- lionco John Canadian Scotch nnd Wool Fleece for those who cant wear wool Men Boys Youths Flannel Shirts Fancy Navy and Knit Shirts do do do jcd and Unlined Kid lluck and L Astnichau Knit A low line of Jackets for Fall wear- Corduroy Cloth Felt nHIO and Tweed Hard Soft Felt Hate the Newest Styles Inspection invited by J WARNER M II l ll ft I it ft 1 if I if ft AM MM iaa ism I3M 15U 1310 166 Jl Mia mm 3U9S 5ii is SI0W ia 1UK war ISO IW IT I30- ISJ sax 11533 tun KOfil K0 WOl 0J1 ft6l M61 fttoai dM3l turn TOILET i Over Hundred Sots the new fcii ml ilowa lu You a while Come and fcr r FANCY CHINA GOODS it r it he is Jo k Tea Coffee We make a Specialty iho Oar Jo litiiA out car Jf wiul cap Tea or yea Hell It jrotl nil be AQt your ril gito yen Til GENERAL GROCERIES PROVISIONS all Always In and llielrdJp No Safe for Sale A SMITH herd owned by iC K it two 180 rftlttftdt died Not 10 an J of Mr Hubert a near here were burned with ihe contcntr Among tho waa fteverftl hunt Mr letl of city died at noon from of blood Mid lockjaw brought about by ftUppinjf on a nail a week nail of artcrli In bit foot and Mr tookrUhoJriiftgfnedjtb ricao In ctacstiig the Nothing of he when ho Mt a of In who at once ordered Mm to but of bat he succumbed at the time abated a widow and of a family to mourn L of lliy of Mv will ffri for lUfcree at lwelrercwkavynAii the day of 110TKU hi the Village of of Id the Con of V the lard ro ell exeepl About all la well eJijiied rn11uy The cnritHC of a frame a frame barn aa on of wo aerea LA be at Pi Ye rt Helton end tbe there after Court to be wJS bo aold to a eervrxl IWf-rto- vendor will not of will only are In their pome elott A VendiHe Cheapest Fence IRONWORK Office Railings Lawn AMD FOUNTAINS ETC Ms ONTARIO Agents Wanted to Hell Our floods Every Town A TrrooPia Vendiu day of WoternUr Oradaaled at jtir ir1 exam- tho College fall lljjie to and una fc la act Wood or Stave WANTED debt aod of Avo Mrauatioiaibd pueblo tlqa itu from to In title llraaUeTlrt Corpora for prorUfDRafud to year xulMJo- bo In and every ar of yuan of of on alt rate- property In Municipality ItAblt io bo for 1uUJo ftcltooi by pet eume And put atla for Of tbu eetoraiaml ana mere or to cmie duo bo arable a and of the in the atid in addition to all rafiod aod levied thai force the of lojjleri I tiilte of iho Of Town of Newmarket bylaw veto be coruttl by at the placet awl on and timet Council for t tor Andrew Ward at the Uarktt of lfcW to the forenoon RAILWAY TICKETS Brand R TICKETS TO ALL POINTS ATKINSONS Ticket ABcocy NEWMARKET Z w WE price Standard Hovels fildtr and other FOR 100 Wall Urn- ai4 offer TbroHt fc only meat faaod t to liar Hotel from SowefrUjoutakrift WBW or Dominion Publishing Co COW to of torn La to properly If not by aioodeii at lV OH or timber or at ihe oribtrn Itioo of For pir- apply to THE BRIARS FARM Button Oat or SO Head of Of fcoj ih boor of imltur ana the day that that ltttnrolrR Officer afternoon for XL bo Deputy ud 1jfntQ Jackwo fc for And row a Ward day of AD and tbe lit at the hour Hie time and hour and wborotbelto turn op Officer abfcU turn op 4loiilh1i moll of the hour of are fixed tbe Lime tod placoand to at at tbe w if the yd of the pernor Of el In ibe Herd Hook one BTATUTBtt the Officer LDteraTM In tie tbla ftlo tb faaa lou aad eh iIb rmajxeilQUia fif 7 ftftaflBi or IK fliai to ih Baa day Ho- your Bwti acd Sbo fill it I your to buy at SPOT CASH B00T ST J Toronto to ftoja TRUNKS and Alt at Bottom and I Sal H

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