Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Sep 1890, p. 1

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NEWMARKET ERA m Friday Horning LYMAN it ami STEAM PRINTING HOUSED BEACHED rf OlfEMBTHB TO TO ARdUB ACCORDING TO ABOYB ALL OTBBB fc ONTARIO BANK Newmarket Branch NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol- 36 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Sept Terms 125 Cash in Advance or at end of year BAHSIIIO Allowed on MATH DRAFTS ISSUED AT sold to LEGAL J to Farm OB ltd York Court A Solicitor TORONTO A E Sept ff gjucrroB notary FOR BASE Off Block LOAN Etc LOAN and life OB MAN Soots J A BASTE DO EST FOB ft ad AunwaeiCoiapili IRWIN A Mora Woe Ae 4faM Si next Foil TO IOAX OS GOOD I A SO A COlPBELIMDOie J f PR AJ Tt7ApT It AoCteidL if- Drug LOXX AT CnAXT FOB Oiticti At Old ftecliiir Main JNSUll ANCK for of Commcrtlal Union Cnadluip Eot- I All Slock I Low on Tin gerABW3ii0 Terms QMUlcltghu 150 bed Accommodation for billiard parlor J Prop JOHN IMPLEMENT AOENT And AacUoner for York MOUNT AXBBKT fc For Ibo of York Farm on Short Notice and at AJJrcii to will prompt 77 Firm Property the pa- pert for thdlut few COO at Tweed uid The prices are Add These should bo worth half We ex pect to sell every one of these satU daring Exhibition week Theyre the biggest clothing trade baa seen for many a day The Men and Boys Clothing Department are complete Beside regular lines of and wo sell Leather Robber Robber with lining Real Mackintoshes Tweed Coats end Leather for Hunting Just now were offering Mine in Light Weight for early fall wear Oxide On On at all JASKATAHAOlit Report on atanj T THOMPSON SON The New Mammoth to King St or onto I N STOR E WIN Per Bra Search the Scriptures Bible gift torn Will rtreillng In plan Into Hi loro doth iuplxmUoo lord and heretofore Chosen to g lo to as Ufas Iroa- JIaj bit Xm in 11j ATUrACTl9N The Manufacturers ft Accident Insurance Companies- Head Officii Toronto Ci liberal varied A itt Toronto V Wflftr ABATEIW THE ACCIDENT AMERICA in America lUcIfexclQilvelrlolbobatlneilonDiaraaco aialmtattiatotj General Aenc for and At and Especially for Medicinal Purposes J Main St North CASH GROCERY STORE TEAS A SPECIALITY Oar Tea all creation Try it and bo convinced SelSealers at Cost i Main Street North Newmarket Constantly on Hand and DRY CORD WOOD I II Proprietor till nil I fry paid ivikau ai All oodt Mk tenia Manager AT ERA and NOTES DISCOUNTED M05ET TO LOAN and Collected Old Federal CANADA LIFE ASSUHASCS CO received some beautiful patterns in English Scotch Canadian Also an to from specially in and Stripca Call and for one bring your with you AH on at Closest Cash Prices Only Tour Solicited D Opposite St arra Book Store- Merchant Tailor own cloth made up neatly and cheaply An From to Tilling of rod Ion at adbI fctartntfaHViiig ImmottaJj oat motiU world Ufa lo light rao That can claim or won Gemsofccatly from id tad to lowly who wmt Will of to Spirit From half the tool for God to food wWcb ara fed 4i Ibty joarccj ltd TO Can aid maauUCL Bending low Id pit her mino for day All trill Food and Bat tool floaritb fcolj word to to Christ baa told at to A Cbareb to bo Hid the hflf bo forgotten a pelf to ir taking a delight Id its oft noon and in Nth pet of life Sbuttiog cat all all Tis reflecting wa to know Of oar it a p e copy for or life be Not of grleroai bard bat of liberty a who forgintb tin all mankind to win That a fa to all To bond or freeman all who en Him calL OAPITVL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS and A to ftroo J HOUGH NEWMARKET r m BOOK NEWS DEPOT old Tint jo rolomo r and bo and diligently A TKflOEROf At Era aoo told Of Goda In their with fraagbt In hornet IbowajaWa walk At all and of the aciiitoro talk Divine for u If we teach them mitt will Through It teichtog men tolir- How to do to wont J With meliog out lblr toll Worldly good do ami oLTin deelirfog rooying to her Mother I do aomethlng for my country brother did then ddod Im sorry I didnt time thing for my country The mother fondly fade as took it oareeaingly be tween her and qaefltionod my boy nothing ho can do for 1 what is The are free and there be another you have end Harry looked very condition of affaire No I my boy will be called to war- yet oar country needs loyal raorethaaifc perhaps What to There is ft slavery worse than the aUvery of the Marry For it not only men but ties up the of men who are fro from bo they do nothing to help the poor poor 1 slaTOiy of mother my hoy that worst of all silvery I hilt find loathe it They were quiet for momenta again Then wont on I want you Harry to grow op a patriot that will not bo afraid to risk everything for even the goodwill of your and neighbors It isnt always so easy to in kind of warfare the these brave men Do understand Harry I think I am to team- And do yen think yon will be enough to fake a against this terrible slavery and against it even with your votes when yon older Oh yea in a ana a I want to Do you all I told yon about that good man Clinton who died a few weeks ago How be offered even bis noma to groat at risk of bid reputation and how ho gave bis and work and money to reform country needed so that when be died it said It lb a national looa Hat jast kind of a patriot I like my boy to grow op to be For it is the patriot oar country to enlist under her banner today Half an hour later Harry was standing on the curbstone below for mother had given him permits ion to go whore ho get close op to old for a little while ho said Ho attracted at tention of many a mother he stood there ao alert and manly face kindled with and fibre of hie body aglow with life and animation wholly absorbed in the proceattoo filing past faim Soon among troops came down perched open shoulder of her a dainty little twoyearold girl clad all in white How it pleased and rested one to hcr and bow proud Iter father looked Harry watched her with then ho became of some making a near and father came opposite him the half- fellow rushed out If in tending to trip him up and unseat maiden A murmur of horror from tlioao near by Quicker than thought Harry in between thorn Succoring IM when for help they I drunken man aald and cry There tha die nay to Jim- lOtb NEWMARKET STOVE DEPOT BARGAINS WE beg lo Wo now on a complete Block of and Fane STAND HAND BRACKET HALL AND HANGING LAMPS SOME NICE NEW NOVELTIES A call loinspcct our stock and mo STARR m CKNTK IN SECONDHAND VitL CURE OR RELIEVE 0IZ2IHESS Of THE HEART ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIM Goal dyspepsia indigestion jaundice salt rheum heartburn headache DOWELS OR BLOOD fc Of J Ally In VcIntclliunilorlKtid a Vint lit r 1 Kan WtUliiplon tit lino bfCAf pot io Coil Hi QUERRIES CO MAIM fiTHKPT Buggies Carriages Wagons Etc Work A Twentieth Century Patriot police had ington street fatting back hock op and into narrow mounted followed to complcto this work with the hearts of And children oven men who havo hut could no further Inch of standing room And now first bushing vast crowd into and then forcing them into loud deep of tho urges upon thorn How like a hero old veteran looks 1 how sacred tattered flflfja I No they carried proudly avgol by thooo aching hands for as grasp precious standard does it not that giving over again to country- ready again to to make mn Is marching Harry Walters and his mother were sitting in an upper window on Washington whore could look back into the face of the out his arms toward tho father had well lost his footing suddenness of encounter of approval of tho crowd about him Harry breathlessly la the little girl ell right isnt hurt is When satisfied that was safo ho went slowly back to his mother with a fresh wonder in bis young heart as to why drink which could a man do a deed haw had allowed so long lu his country I Ho told tho story to his mother In his frank way little realizing bis own bravery in tho affair and as bo settled down in his old by her side to watch still oncoming ranks of she murmured thank God ho will lovo his country and live for her as his brother did Ob Mad thee we lor cut J oar And st die fat lhw Repairs Attended Promptly How Murdered TRIAL Of TEX On of last the dead body of a found In the growth of a on the edge of Mad Lake Ox ford Two bullet in the told of bis violent death made and evidence was pieced together telling a tale of rime utterly that the of a SVDIno seem tame beside it troth of the tale made up is being at the Oxford which opened the of September and which will in future be of of hells trial for of The cut from clothing roaefe which could lead to SdeutiGeatiun but by One of those oversight which tfco most LCD LITIS a new cigar case left upon the name which Darnell led in first place to identification of the body was a young English man eon of Col of Her Ma jestys army The young man to Canada io the steamer sailing from Liverpool on February object in coming out was to Itiveatigate a project which had been by one J Regin ald rebel I partner a stock farm near Niagara Palls which to be rebel had sought to get money from but without avail old gentleman declaring that eon reported to him from Canada that the business satisfactory ha would pay the money agreed upon 500 sterling With sailed ami w Flo and a you a named who had made with to work in Canada The after a short stay in New York went on to offal thence almost iimiiedi- to Niagara Pelts whence and started the of February to the alleged farm and they got off at Eastwood station and started to walk- was recognized on the road having been well known in that section of country Ho had lived at for a he himself A3 LORD S0MER3RT spending hie own money and other peoples as well and omitted in his to a number of Crown to establish that farm being a myth the man dreaded exposure that ho walked his victim into the swamp on some pretext and there deliberately shot killed him So for as baa yet been made public they no di rect to the deed but they claim to be able to show that ho soon with near and go ing in the direction of swomp and that he was seen returning from it alone m It is tree that when the dis covery of the body and the cigar was published promptly went to Princeton from Buffalo and hem identified tha as those of his friend Frederick But the Crown officers declare that this instead of being presumptive proof if innocence only proves superhuman nerve of the man who would another in daylight rfnd then cat from bis victims clothes pieces upon which his name written declares bis innocence and baa had and engaged to confute and confound adversaries from what has been pwbtfebed by who are friendly to bin it is that his lawyers will attack the soundness of the Crowns theory of the murder They will call attention to suspicions pointing to other persons as guilty ones and will try to con vince jury that the detectives having committed to declaration that guilty had devoted their whole work to attack upon his and not to of finding out the murderer Id no Canadian criminal trial for years has boon such an array of legal talent as appear in Friday afternoon last the grand Kb Am lis Mr and Mr A of Sharon spent Sad Mrs The action of Mr John gainst Mr Newberry Button of to recover possession of the east half of lot No- la the con- of the Township of Markhfcm which has been before the for than a yeer and a half past was disposed of on Saturday last before Mr- Chief Justice Armour at the Toronto and in a verdict for Mr Batten Chief Justice action with to be paid by Mm to Mr Button point dispute was as to the meaning of certain words in the will of one Bethel under which both the property Mr that Mr But ton a interest in the property ceased six year ago however to confirm Mr Button in hie of and title to properly and cholera are cens ing reach portions of By tie lou the Turkish i concert Friday a socceas The which was occupied by over people Miss rendered her selections to the appreciation of all but the sing Mr Fax fairly brought down tent The beat of order was maintained with one exception dur ing the whole evening seventy members of the Mechanics Institute daring the week before so that mem bership is more than doubled director decided to hold camp conuurts annually Taffypulls are in V0RU6 once mora Mr treated bis friends to the stuff on Monday evening Rev J and family of are with Mra- Richardson Mr Wells has been suffering from a severe illness but is now re- Sutton The yacht which has had so many mishaps launching and loading Jacksons at last on the cars on Saturday timbers gave way one about on the love which ceased a great deal of work She was to Toronto on Monday last steamer now at Jacksons Point where she will be laid up daring winter She will be placed on and thorough overhauled- Thirty feet to be added to her length a new bow is to on and altogether will be the palace boat take next season An accident which might have bad a fatal termination occurred on Mon day last Two girls were play log beside the river behind Osboriaea shop when one of them a daughter of Mr slipped down bank into river The water at this point is very deep and child would certainly have been drowned bad it not leen for mind displayed by little Laura Instead of running away and screaming this little hero polled companion Al though entirely submerged latter was none the worse for her wetting hut It is well she bad bo bravo n The population of New York city is an increase of 2547 per cent since EST Hot weather has caused a great Increase in the number of vic tims cholera in Spain Two gamblers shot and killed other in Chicago on Saturday night K The crop of in Brad ford district far exceeds the demand Large quantities have been export ed One negroes were poisoned at en Alabama camp meet ing by pork in which bad been placed The of the sew ing machine factory at Hamilton to an American Company baa been com pitted mob of strikers became so riotoua Sydney Friday that the military were wiled on to clear the street Alex who was caught in playing green game sentenced at to three id estimated there are now about with who are resident Barrio and Considerable improvements are being made to the exterior of St Marys Church which add greatly to ftppearanceof this fins edifice A County Trottuser Down- fail Lang formerly Ontario in To ronto Saturday morning by at the of tho Whitby police county fundi In which there la a of aaditora about a year ion and ace it approaching before It l0 the book and rtifligned A warrant for AND WOOD COOKS D a WRIGHT for Infants and Children Cotxcrn Street reached them Walton had been explaining to her eager boy who tbo mounted were and what all tbobanneri and various In- meant bad in- then tat for aomo time with hand tightly in mother and hie fixed on the of men Ho was thinking of Ms own bravo brother whom he had cover who bad given bit- for Mi country died on the battlefield had often aeon hit beautiful in the round gilt frame in room with stars and ways hanging over It At this toft home for hi In his life bad him of Mac and a word which brother bad worn on the field How proud bis brother at this moment I and how ho wished ho to comfort bis dear mother for were falling very fast from her pale I his arrest waa In Juno acted as it was alleged that ho willing to replace what ever shortage was arrest caused great surnruo among his friends who thought tho matter bad They ropadlato tho idea that ho dishonest attribute lug his Langs family the settlers In Ontario County He soeoeoded Ms father In the about years ago He was well known as a cricketer having played on tho International team and about ten years ago against Toronto Ho was widower and years of age The prisoner alien east Satur day night by Chief of Whitby Mr David of thrown from his rig on Saturday evening and instantly killed through his team raining returned a bill for the wilful murder of Fred and arraigned on Monday morning when trial proceeded without delay 11 were taken the grand jurors who met at ten oclock Four and were occupied heating the evidence Among principal woro who that Dor- at Esatwood on afternoon of of the order MUfl of Woodstock who got on the train at IWIs on of states that nod get off atatea that known him during his sojourn in Oxford county will bo of tho most important was privately taken to Prince ton where Bon wells body was and alio at recognized face as that of man who not off at Eastwood with Daring the deliberation of grand jury thocoartrobm was packed square in front of town hall was crowded by mn and women all mora or less excited As tho day of the trial approaches ment increases and It a almost at Nearly all the rooms hotels and engaged by from been mado by the Crown to provide accommodation for wit nesses during their stay at Wood stock Grandmas Glasses HOW lit BRVSUAt Freddie have you scon my Year What you on your nose and through Yea where are TIogIasaea that gave you Yea 11 For a present Yes tell mo where are Aro they tho glasses that you read the with gramma Oh yes 1 Im getting Freddie Qui them for me that read about David and with and throe children In tho farnacoT Yes Toll mo they are and quit asking many Do want to read with them No I want to What you going to sew gramma I want to hem afow handker chiefs For mo No for grandpa- Where are glasses you Iittlo torment Yoaeaot sew with glasses can you grammar Of course I can cant aow without them X thought you sowed with a ov log machine gramma Ob you aggravating boy I Look right at ma I Now tell mo where are Havent you aeon them lately N took at St at the rato of ft thousand guineas nightly for nights autumn she will appear In England for 600 la London An explosion of gas placo on Friday afternoon in acolllory near five men burned to death Japan stata that were destroyed and drowned by floods in August Fire Ban JcmaeM destroyed and four posts and caused the death of seven per sona At Chicago Sunday evening switch ran train killing net to live and many slightly Warrants are oat for or- of Frank y Dickson a young lawyer of Philadelphia for swindling Sexennial League of by means of deeds Mrs Margaret Barry aged years mother of Mrs and one of old settlers of found dead her hod by her grand child morning has entered into a contract to supply Gov ernment with an enormous number of rifles Half a million of the poos will bo delivered within eigh teen months The seconds of in duel with chargo the latter with having wounded La in the hand after bis sword had been at the com mend of the seconds to halt Fire broke ont Thursday night in a in Berlin occupied by named his family two daughters aged 1 and years their governess and a maid were to death Bishop who arrived at Paris from re- porta that the Uganda miaaions ore in a prosperous condition and bat country baa one of the finest in British Hon who Is deeply thankful for the many kind in quiries as health received dally progressing favorably but it will bo four or five weeks before the results of fever will allow him to A in wrecked on tho Reading Hallway Friday nveolog when killed and a largo number wounded The disaster was owing to wrecked coal cars on track CS A number of delegates repre senting foreign colonics in Manitoba will bo aont to tbeir old this fall in Interest of immigration Thoy will bo sent to Sweden Nor way Denmark Finland Germany Hungary Bohemia Belgium trips will them by tbo and steamship Hoc Dr J Tabor narrowly caped being killed at going to Toronto on train and stood on ton plat form until engine started then walked out to step on the car and jerked off bis feet end was noable to pull himself up Fortunately for old Conductor saw his predicament pulled the bell- rope and ran to Mr saatit- Mr Tabor was the length of tho yard and would been caught in switch but for Conductor promptitude in pulling onto platform of car On Friday of last wek a young man named visited Ho said ho hailed from To ronto and made application at Mrs Smiths boarding house for board lie was accommodated and on that evening was Installed of household He claimed to bo an artist and stated ithat ho go ing to form a this city A sample book of exquisite work produced to what he could do The man created a very favorable Impression and no particu lar notice waa taken of him Ho in and of times on Saturday About oclock In afternoon ho told tbe landlady that ho expected his to ar rive In a short time and requested her to have It taken to his room he compelled to go down town left the and has not been Shortly after depart ure It was discovered that he made gooduse of his time in the house to cash and valuables from the rooms of several of the other i J

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