NEWM ERA AUG 1890 New Advertisement City Store Par Wines P J Farm to Rent Farm for Sale Mary Add Lake To Beat up grows and FRIDAY AUGUST Our Toronto Mr few appoiotM specter Rear Hon J General of Scolfs t Hi Tititiog wilt Smith Sir a aod Mr Co hive fiODft to for a LtaLtovtRu Campbell Item oil hip The re turned city ibis week- Tier tilled Michigan doling The iofaat of Benjamin Norwich a batcher while scaled earrtage which was the Block wharf Snd- met peculiarly Mi death Toe let Is far a minute it rolled down into the Bar she child ni Wolf too nor mad a gallant to Ihe child and in doing so lost her own IS men was and body a man well floating In the take but Sander tone of the new eddition to at with imposing monies fl aboov Inst of High raorKniss In a few we and there will be a November It announced that Hod Leaner in Peril nest deliver a aeriea in Ontario In a few week elwara do more to the front pert of the conalv lhaa Wo Mr 0 Smith elec tron Id for the in to mora three roach as in the North Riding OrillU Tina to out of of in It If a will lip of flViwM now uHrilQQ il not fill II fccil whew Municipal Daring of the number tufldo to the Municipal Act which of matters honld in ffliD wilt bo brief of of and more or lea affecting ia Section of the Act O is amended the words within this freeholder the lino of Ihe oath of voters Section to tho of amended by adding that the head of a council shall not nominate a in to that olKco Section whenever the of is required to render a fcy law granting valid the is struck oat and oo- third inserted io lien thereof A res from tint Odd Howard in city on hfi in of jArtmeot lopnnit the Dominion to ibfooflb UH Jo in Ha he ran to Sir in Jer to Ihe of the rote by of to to for lb Ugh school of the lite op nlber There now nothing I for the the in StonlTrill torn ihtii where lion ftly Baivur a ihe plat the in for to the The Sir if comet to to tk far for Qoebev waJ him About tdnow tad tik him whj he cot and abolish faer with en both a council ud doc not to bo able to of a mtn at a on Toroato A ionira en of of vKtiaiand brought in a Snperiotti culpable was lo the limetable If a in a ratal part of bed In a the ellaJed to it at the Meanwhile the will hare to the of ItiiL Mr of this town Mr Geo of e- where they for a In Prteb5terftn In the TOororod end of fa the ir J Bell It chili of who been at Reich for three down tod It with her moth to of street Tor two or three weeks On Sonde the Rer of I both tad fa the street were ereeeJiofily and were delivered I IftiOiJ of In the Chrutien to end fether IT is expected to from trip In Bert iff Ate who hi ap of time fcotn a io his by an knock to Ihe Hospllal at Toronto for it hoped the be will soon recover Tbe Chwlev Mich wu ck with of the and for a time hit fiieod no hope of hit reoteiT bat the tare of Dr be rallied and is ranch belter at present The mentioned a ten of Mr A of this Another in the tame piper sp- Terr of the for end treatment a tree- He making hit of and To ronto came town to of J For on the and was cars tut Friday night at Win nipeg lie too Mr Vox of Mount Albert od the to for at St Johna Cemetery He was a a man tea in it at present in The generoeily and is worthy nention a beautiful to the his briber a ticket from good for day to the Deceased had S3 on his life to hit pilots end to two brothers and hare their bereave ment A load of people Friday night aaying smart I Holt this getting we through and hum of the beard in oar midst Mr Wo had a very vain able of partly and lost A fino blood colt from the effects of nn received on the leg which to bloodpoison Mrs Jr been ill for aome time bat we are glad to learn she ia alowly on the way of recovery Mr Joseph baa been ill with the side is almost welt aaix Mr- Thomaff with a fine boy on last Both are doing Well Mr J a Dew top buggy- Ho Eneann to en joy the of life Miaa Eva Spooner of Toronto ie a weeks at Mr A Travis Rev and Mr- of spending their vacation with father Mr balance in hand of Beside this the to the eta to about more making about lait year Holland Landing Tho getting well The crops are only fairly good being in soma places haying has again School on with a good attendance Tbo write would aak parent con sideration of the of punctuality and regularity and Lug A good of pupils and parent of Sabbath School joined the Bradford Town to Cane and bill from taw La Bon ixferred to It Weter ud of ordered to be paid the adopted for correal which were adopted Tbe be year to lAQ for A to wad a flrs time a THE LEADING HOUSE AND CITY STORE the same occur of this same clause i amended by ting or in aid of waterworks or water com pany immediately after word railway in second lino of said of Section 340 la and a new clause substituted to tho that a debt contracted for railways or waterworks or for construct of tower by the purchase and im provement of or the erection public the same may bo extended for payment over a period of thirty years Heretofore school- house and had to bo payable in twenty years amendment will help in its new schoolhouse debt by allowing debentures to bo for 30 instead Section 3S2 amended by inserting of Agriculture for Pro- vincial as the official to whom certain return have to bo by councils Section relating to arbitration under act is amended by fol lowing aubtcction being added arbitrator or arbitrators shell also at samo time filo with the clerk a certificate of each of the ftaid arbitrators number of hour actually occupied by him or in tho said arbitration and verifying in detail the number of hour so occupied at each sitting of arbitration or arbitrations with dato of each ami fee charged by arbitra tors in of sitting will put a atop to multiplied meeting of arbitrator is amended by allowing councils instead of six in which to adopt the award Section ha an added clause tub section which provide to convictions for violation of by law are not to bo voided for certain iuforninlitic Hereafter convictions will not be so easily quashed on technical grounds We direct the attention of magistrate and legal men to this amendment Section baa words or of waterwork supply ing water within limits inserted after word limits In second line this clauso corporations having waterworks mayglvoabonos of water to manufacturers as an In ducement to Industrie In another Issuo wo shall our by alluding to other made last At noon today Sunday connection was between two of the under the Clair A largo auger out too tho distance the men working on the Canada aide to tali to their fellowworkmen on American end By noon tomorrow the men will be able to walk throngh It is the members of will all he in Toronto week from their holiday when an important meeting of the executive be bald in the filled Political cities mention the name Sir oho of Sooth Ontario Drnrjasaceefor the of and that of either Mr eon of Ottawa of Writ lo receive folio of made by of A stout Wheler the Central sod to hare been The World baa been a friend of the dispute him and tho Warden was only some 100 or it has been in dispute for yean that hate examined the are ready to report as a of cabinet are in town hat not been still doiog all of office and tack of its origin in other quarter the at- to Hon Mr fiRDK to PerlUmeot buJtt Americana told of meat to Canadians last year Who on this Americana Canadianil If we the then the price not to cooiomers bnt If we Canadians why of the latter Now let reaeot he Canadian acid to Americana of bailey year duty on which tea cent a Who this Americana If Canadian farmer then the price not to but If we the Utter as a matter of course the The rule works both ways Ink Com Council at North Gtrilliinbury Council Council Monday Court at Aurora next Court on Wednesday Sullen Life tad to 1 Mount Albert Iter llaintr from with his Holt leached a iy and in dial church hew Sunday night Luke 10 to a large Mr Robert child died on Tuesday was buried We are sorry tg atete that Mr Walton hi been 111 for i The and Mrs Miller of Dundee the Mrs Terry r Weymouth of is of Mia As the have commenced we have and Mia cor The to bony it not le loo our If for Mr Watson In him from Obta Our tide ere very Condi lion but Reeve Hop kins lid cur a with view to hating mended We notice a in our store Mr W Las taken is to fill up iin some of ate Jewell and fa illy and Mm Thome are home again after eluding a few pleasant at the Lake QtteeDBvllIe appearance of my last items in have heard con siderable talk regarding mention of Mr Geo- Wright cay I was making fin of him which is bat the truth any person with reaaonable judgment would know I admit waking mistake in connection with item when I a mem of the firm he simply the hired man and we understand that he greatly annoyed because he was as being a member of firm and not proprietor The that through here one QreningdUappoioted of the hear ing the bugle they expected to bear dance Mr Morton had his tbreah- engine badly smashed one day week and it will coat well up to to put it in its former Chantler will occupy the pul pit in the here Sunday next School on an excursion to Jackson a Point per on day day was fine the number and both old and en joyed thoroughly band provided the Mr Stewart ha sold to Mr J Finnie who on Thursday have a grand fall open ing It with sorrow wo record death from typhoid fever of Mrs Ales which took day afternoon She leaves a husband two ions and daughter to mourn their low They the sympathy of the village in their present severe 7 Adam P the Maritime in of Jamaica J Mr Moukmao of wai lQ town Wednesday llrowp la here on a with Mr I alloy lylll with typhoid fever of Toronto It town week Muter Johnnie Doyle wiittlnic In To for a couple Mr J tail of Toronto nee Is vtiltloR with Mr Alex Millard wife and of Toronto over In with relatite j Mis P on Monday to lb Mackinac trip for her holiday Annie on from a of at Mr P Mr car fin spent Sunday town with Ma parents Mrs Tate of North sliUr of Mr A Smith was at Mrs for acoupUof Clark f Cblcsgo sn of Dogut of this town Is over en week Taxation of Toronto log a of weeks bar many Meads In Newmajket and Bar ctor of Holt Id- IadlaaapoU lnl and ton Edwin of on a at Mr Mr Ed Murphy and wife and of Toronto attended the the lata Pox hire Vtalton week Hunter and wife of lodj Aalltford wife Sharon Remember tbo illumination anil garden party at tho Temple Sept Friday night Sermon in the Temple at p and Preaching Sun day morning by Eld at 1 oclock For many years Sharon has been noted for ita excellent entertainments but garden party of Let day night most brilliant and affair that has occurred in our for a long 1 Band and enlivened tho proceeding with a number of choice Mrs Thompson of Toronto and Willi of Aurora Irnth playcd great vocal and cheer fully responded to hearty recall which they received Master Thompson great hill In winging which performance was wonderful in so young Mount Albert were present and selection ren dered was highly fllr and Mr Gilpin of Newmarket alio mot with hearty recall Mr of Mount Albert gave a recitation entitled Flood of Old which brought down given by reverend gentleman vis and well received band playing national anthem brought to a the entertainment Proceeds amounted to upward of which will bo to church funds Mr and Mrs J of Newmarket pent at A Miss Lilian has boon HI thi week Is getting to be around Mr Kelson Elder and wife Buffalo were visiting Sharon Wendi last Saturday ha loss in of limit who passed peacefully Son- day bad been a prey to that terrible tloo but through sill hor wo and to gain many warm The Mrs Feareon and Evelyn Pearson have returned to their homo in Qaeenavillo after a la Mr and Mrs Robert of To ronto visiting friends here Miss spent Sunday with friends in Miss Strong who been visiting At Ireturned to her home in Wednes day The Lawn Tennis Club of viilo would to play tho Now market at their earliest con venience We regret exceedingly to hear that Mr George Wight and family are intending to to in the near future Mr and Mrs Hull of Toronto still visiting at Mr Henrys Dr Pearson will return to from Georgian Bay week Friday afternoon Aug the Jolly Wanderers of this place held their annual to lily pond after which they con veyed to Sharon in a fourinhand where they spent an enjoyable hour in viewing fine workmanship of the Sharon temple Notwithstand ing many pressing invitations to stay partake of sumptuous prepared for them by their Sharon friend they returned to their club and spent the re mainder of the evening Oil MS Keswick Elder preached to a crowd ed house last Sunday evening Ilia subject was The rich man Lazarus which I think was so plainly explained that none but a prejudiced mind could fail to agree with him I am glad to see choir so full in Church anthem Sunday evening exceptionally the solo by Mrs Walker Pros- being also rendered Mrs of Brougham is visiting at her fathers Sir Francis Morton end friends in this vicinity held a family picuic Tuesday afternoon on the lake shore moat of family being present After a sumptuous repast they enjoyed them- selves bathing and boating Miss wo are glad to say much better and is to be out again The Methodist Church was well- filled on Sunday afternoon last John of Christian Church New Hamp shire occupied Mr was born and raised to manhood in this neighborhood hence a great deal of interest was mani fested in hearing preach- His sermon was clear and forcible ex- position of word of God subject chosen thn four corner stones of Christian faith was handled a masterly manner John ny as ho is familiarly called here has certainly improved he last preached here and we predict for him a brilliant and wo trust a useful future in ministry We had wedding last week from our village that was a surprise party to everybody and their uncle Wo congratulate our old friends In doing It up so sly- Of boys had to have a fun and waste some powder In honor of the They say that Undo Moses set them up two or three times at hotel and now wo presume he will be permitted to pursue the even tenor of bis way Mr- still prolongs his slay with probably finds afr more congenial a short distance from lake Richard Morton son of Mr Ira Morton met with a painful acci dent one day last week He was running acre the bam barefooted when he stepped upon the of a fork and it ran through his foot an ugly wound- The annual report of- tho Keswick Methodist Church Is most The receipts amount expenditures a interests Exhibition firat were marketed in Winnipeg on Mon day and realised per Tho Karl of Aberdeen who Canada baa telegraphed willingness to formally open the Industrial The return of the Canadian Railway for the week August show iocreasa of over the tame poriod of last year A telegram received at the Department on announces death of P for South Bruce and at on Victoria great attention to the ttoriil which she tend out to were the favorite flowers of deceased and if it they are obtained All the wreaths are made the gar dens at officers a cent oil a smuggling neat t Anne de on Wednesday Twenty of whisky wore of being on board a and the nine ware found hidden away contraband and the bateau were brought up to Quebec for mer being placed in an examining At tho bridge over the big Otter Creek on Talbot near gve way last week white Mr Marshall over with a toad of fifty of throwing alt in the water beneath How Mr Mat- abatl and team death a mystery they fell fully fifty feet Fortunately received only a few and t3L At ft meeting of prohibition ists held yesterday in Montreal a resolution passed declaring it ad visable to have an early conference of the Dominion Alliance the prohibition party of the Maritime find new party with a view to a common political action The conference will bo held about middle of September Mail Mm Nancy vho Uvea op outskirts of Toronto has on a charge of trying to her Tho woman charged olio with keeping a disorderly and it she wanted to got rid of children they were an en cumbrance spread Van a on their bread but of children being took to tho police- Aug During a heavy storm hero evening the southern wall of stable car I6tb and Passenger Railway Coin panics blown down carrying a portion of roof with it and smashing a number of Four persona kilted outright three probably fatally injured and others leas is and is probably dead Twenty or more kilted Quo Aug About a week ago a Mrs Cote living in Township of Portland East wont to pick berries and left her infant In cnargo of Hiram Now ton sen White Air Newton In roar part of bourn ho heard A cry from tho infant He one of an idiot about years old devouring child Mr Newton summoned assistance and It took four men to tear it away Ita breast badly eaten and it died shortly after deration of Lieut Angers by the Pope is a wry on the part of romirkii of friends of the First Minister to day Tho decoration secured because Governor rendered to by signing the Jesuit Bill It is expected that now decor which carries with it the oft talked of white breeches has been conferred on a Conservative the members of the Conservative will leave those of Mr alone It is that of legislative at will be made a gala connection with these Papal decorations it may be stated that they aro becoming in Canada The two highest are those of the Cross of Order of Gregory Great held by and his First Minister Sir lector holds second decoration of the sacue order HAVE PLEASURE IN STATING Children Cry Pitc Great Bargains I FOR CASH AT LB Undertaking A c from UNDERTAKING foULTJ of COFFINS ROBES apecleltyr That their Stock this coming Season will be the ever stored in the We are at present having an alteration made on tho 2nd floor which will give much mora use of the whole flat than formerly ROCHE CO AND ONE PRICE call to at ifourorJ All promptly jmiilahuaco I Oar fOhOsroAuisalsC0 Pall a fr CO town IU HIT 3 Morris a soil inil- by J Mr- to altotKtTfOjarAct or J P lV and on Ion J Smith and tow a lb nd last as ilr her flSnSjroar la Em on lost Wo a It days town on iht of flimuel t- tnneAl at Saturday afternoon per per JUtley per Oat per titi lira per toll per lb ft a a a a a a Wool per lb nay per ioo Pork pec Rett per par wlr a a a Old a a a a 31 Si OW JO OH CO a 1 CO a OO a 0 a W STOREII Is the Place to get your Our v Flour per barrel 1150 FAHWbut perbuthd a Wheat per a a a per bosbsi- a a Itysperbuihel a iiri per too a Short per on a Kirsaperdos Ypll a IS a Oil a ft JK0ADH0trSB WW ST will prompt ftilontion SibeHisiheifs- TO On St Wast Apply to F ARM FOR Aug Mexican CharHo who years ago a big haul hero by giving away a gold watch with each of medicine sold struck the town again fakir had another big crowd as ho told virtue bis corn care The first purchasers word returned their money with a quarter to buy drinks cent had fiOo or returned to the cigars Then came the watch scheme covetous desire of fools had Wen cleverly raised and bills came In as fast as fakir could stow them away la spite to the warnings of who knew the dodge fakir enclosed watch In a and each purchaser to bold it up in air so that could know- who to receive another great gift- a brass pen he had for 91 purchasers This prevented dupes looking at what had until had bad got in that ha could and then they found that for their good money thoy had received a brass box with a watch face a brass pen and sawdust or staff equally fakir was pelted with and stones as he drove off he kept guying the Crowd which followed him clear across the and around to hotel gad It not been for the help of It hard with Mm lletn South lol Ifl In con East Apply ANN LARK PO BENT I la A tick Store with room Block occupied toformilloo to WANTED A lotrAo i Applr bag lb a a DCs s par a a a 020 a TRUNKS AND VALISES GOOD Kept on Hand S H SO BO a a a PHARMAC NEXT TO POST OFFICE NEW STOCK OF STRICTLY I T17E big run Come ALlJl ftQdicoour Oxford Tie Shoes I Far Met Women Itoi Low DRUGS MEDICINES AND The Largest and Best Stock Sponges Brushes and Perfumery Fancy and Toilet Articles All Sizes and Patterns of Dispensing a Specialty Medicines warranted genuine and the best quality MoOWKTOOK Manager i BRUNTON BROS WANTED Apply to JOHN Avenue School WANTED wlllbc petition to lb School for JA8- or to A com it will held tie of J misty Mbfof Auijuii Cora re- oclock p Ad A decided lfcud will I la lot lht VribitsHsui I IK CANADA COLUUOrA STATUS MANITOBA COAL l COAL First Class HARD GOAL for For WM DENNE BOYS SCHOOL SUITS You will want some New Clothes for the boys school opens and we are prepared to sell them to you at prices We are the largest dealers in this line of goods aw buy for cash direct from the makers so that we can cut tn price very low BOYS GIRLS SCHOOL BOOTS Most people realize that it pays to buy good shoes ft the youngsters going to school Dont buy cheap goods for you are throwing your money away Our boor and shoes are all solid leather and we guarantee every pi of them The boys wont kick out our boots in a hurry p BRUNTONS BAKING POWDER In the town and for miles every good housekeeper Has Powder It is absolutely and does better work than any of the expensive and is sold at only per pound There is a lot of cheap alum and phosphate being sold Beware of such trash as your doctor will have a bill against you BROS NEWMARKET i