Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Aug 1890, p. 1

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N is Morning of SUBSCRIBERS UiiwdlniIr- LIBERTY TO KNOW TO TO ACCORDING TO ABOYB NORTH YOKE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ONTARIO BANK capital m Vol- 32 Single Copies Cents Newmarket Ont Friday August Terms Cash in within or fit and of year Newmarket Branch on DRAFTS ISSUED in Drift w I AS J ftA AC on Firm ecurlly TORONTO A O OS Eodaecr A- E LITE JURE AND INSURANCE August 1890 Block LOAN Etc LOAN- lb Dominion to Wk on wod IT Albir Store MiwrnuM- On At lllltuc OK KICK- Id Block J Life to loan ttlE Co cor ALBION UOILLTOBOMO rooma- lor ffut parlor IT trjvtAaml If pEACUEHoC in Id of wee will wild bun Aurora or it Instruction tarATKaod Broker tfulliMi A I to block 3pJ lb COurch raL The Manufacturers life Accident Insurance Companies- Toronto Wwii J lrttfalHC A Tumtito A IS KIM It JOHN Aucilaaecr for of York MOUNT lAoons tiLoy For the of York SotLco At Addreu box will prompt ftUenilog J Money OUT jar for will corner of a torn- hot pp4noa and Millinery he firti floor to ftreat dciDftod during week Down tain print have had a crowd ol a new lino Fancy Sateens in a varioty at and nearly color At 12a a yard really worth iuor At K till colors Special for nut week A fine 72inch yard of wit cat two a dollar a two dollar and to on all color T THOMPSON SON The Now Mammoth to 140 King St ORONTO FOKr PURE DRUGS Perfumery Toilet Articles from A AND PUKE STOCK OF Paris Green Hellebore and Insect Powder The Lightning Mm m El a J jut as Jlabtoin mc lo With a hi With u hlu u lilkj ftsd bad lriiDi with bis Win- boot bo bit tofc4 Audi hi we Stilt I belli but life Ihlot i I of raj in a heap or Jail j rtA my it Thej d of a wacj I loocbtd coy btJ bid qa to told bio jrtrv lb bid lUl with ttOiJ I old of of It not m I told of rough I to to Just a Wow at and But bo a30 of a JUST Store tru t- iiu I- Main Street South- E WM BOOK NEWS DEPOT lHA0tTt to America iuibibwlnefconofurAuca tot Aurora and viol ally at and Rotary v NOTES DISCOUNTED- Valotlonfao MONET TO w Knit Old LIFE CO li3D capitmani funds- DOLLARS AtttAUUtitA LUMBERYARD Avenue RMx of Cbureb Constantly on Hand and tiding IJrcaMd WE in of CROWN AND PORCELAIN TOP Wine and Imperial Measure All SitU J A I CESTHAMKIKtMIOSBOFflCE -ALSO- DRY CORD WOOD J nam Tbrro ao and him would Julia And akM a bltuia firJ up And fiv a firl- And or full an to alio a My Dp tod fitw6a on IK lew It it Sly wniand for bo bid IIOflHMif cod of fiocj t down the 1 bat him a I I atwaya of my own in ftf He a of pumJ and looked ailha 0 joor Hat btdl A iJ ihii i A little itb like bit re toy lovo took ibfto to Us own tod I I within my way tl mo today One tka- lf ftboira fi J How iulo I bed got deadly killed my I WANTED TO BIOS AT I WE ft if iTjv la cart 1 Aurora Preserve Tour Sight uv NXV FRANK I lo of tit id Uartb RENOWNED Spectacles and In Mgl IN sever Lire inform country that ho mm I after he bo of Motnl ittlascaf Panting and Promptly and Cheaply ALL Mil ltlrACilMtirly- ml AU THE OLD RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE OK OVER thirty digest it Best Stock v NORTH BOOT SHOE SHOP tolnfm of writ ilirr bat all of and Mi la fltatiaia aM AH J Us Wood or Will I lit lht liolueoi OrtCDdCfiwUor I 1 lb of 1 ftif i VTlt SONS MAIS I Was Etc Work Attended to Promptly i Co Gents I hah your MIX in my it the hurt in dots I ln Kirbstxak I It y informs In- cum tl of a ft ill UMUJ Siirce lima acujiht for lifa btva lo atlitfV lot Sioca my by To to rod at 64t con you fifty ioWu to at col You to fooi fcuiHi whit- family all aiiron abort It It didnt out I ff with lh ftrtat and Unn my jail at If Afford f ill Ail Tu7 hewed aio my loud eo tip with aad dawn they en ad iy and a hill Sly a ello did I and and uflpblior tall fto Da I f rcfly I a intfa To oat Do yon uU Via to of t ill of my firm Ho looked op a And bo pointed to contact Ub a the ho flat ho held mo to with flecoea to Aod thunder ero I two If I paid a And If a dkWao With ao to doff LI- Ill two I A Story a Moral- ON AH AMD TOE A who rood of fltbotortra ippoar paper Will kind ma what of water whale picked tip Jonah adds on re cord that a whale throat fer a man to through Of at lh we will hare to tell all about it It record that Jonah at a port on iter ran trying to make now bare la fltory of Jonh reported that ho yens awallowocl a ram Now Lord prepared a groat fith to up of Gtb three three Aud the Lard onto tisbp and it out Jonah the dry land after Jotiah had to do he was bidden to do at first There no for Jonah to he tb The hi fish had been prepaid it and ao arranged liva him no id doubting Their vatuo is in teach Jonah wfci detailed to warn tab against wrath of Cod did not of ho ordered and his ho attempted to make a for another He had for and wished the be duttroytd to mid a ship going to paid fair and went down it to go thoiO from of Ixird This of Jonahs good trails of character fare before he went down into cabin Ho The modern of thu Lord will aek for half being a was of that about Jonah Furthermore bo was a truthful When unusual On and threatened to wreck the be told the that he thought ho of it Ha the Jonah to be thrown and ho didnt want to see a whole crew punished for Ho to bo drowned but he to lie it to life lie end truthful and life waft it be that ho had a tinto of it thtt ho also sick When he on land you can that be started for and ho warned people that the would in forty daya happened to a governor who took he responsibility of acting promptly without hunting up ihp law subject he ordered everybody to fast to wear and in ashos and it believed the moat eity on work of reformation had place through the of the city w spared was not pleased to see killed and bewailed the city to its destruc tion A gourd grew up over him that ho might bo in Olio night a cut hit gourd down and ho a fuss about that Tbooaaid the Lord thou hast had pity on gourd for which thou host not labored neither it grow which catno up in a and in anight And should not I spare that great city wherein aro than six thousand discern between their right hand and their J ft and also much This settled Jonah Ho was not a had man He was honest truthful and want to be just but ho narrow and merciless He an for an and a tooth for a man who properly to tilt unkind hundreds of before Christ came to forgiveness anil the way tohntAved beautiful of truth and mercy taught in story of Jonah will for all time be destroyed by the jeew Of the and of that who tickler slooers with hit wit and who has grown rich on the of blasphemy dis tresses iunorant he baa to In return for faith ha would destroy Have a more Faith A Parrot la a Deacons Meet ing What Of- for Infants and Children Boar aaa I 1 m to y I faatoaa array All from an formula ihspeioiaMatoori all a radical cute alt AciuaUd by ibii OKlre 6 tint I will mM free to who IB tJermia or fall Or atMattaa by by namlo Ibis Canada it first in canal develop ment Second in production of copper Thiol In Fifth In Eighth In railway mileage Ninth among producing And In production of Iron This is all tho wealth produced In undeveloped wealth the Dominion late a still higher position com pared with countries The largest of coal In world ate in the NorthWest The richest petroleum beds along Mackenzie Athabasca greatest copper mine at Sud bury beat iron ore is at Nova Scotia and a supply sufficient the world Huron Mich Aug 18 Only fret remain to be com pleted in St Clair and if delay tho two shields should meet within next ten days Several well rumors been circulated of late of the failure and the death of several workmen No truth whatever was contained In them and they probably from the killing of a horse on Friday by the falling of a bucket upon the Once a it not matter when or where of a certain mot together to state of affaire their little Things were going wrong were many empty and enough to stook a dozen church Even plate getting black in face and when that ia be case it it time to reform bill So the deacons met in soqibly in house of one of th brethren to investigate the of and to tiud a conversation and alas 1 felt upon lb poor minuter root of all avil One In preached too long and frightened people away did not visit enough and that ho and Well have a nod who is so fit for u tin tborforc to approach him and fell him their win a for they prayed before that would man to right anil not him for guiding them wisely in of a Now it that tht ir purpose showed eleArty bad a mistake that they were ibe men to it At last one of moved resolution slat of this church lamentably wo foe J bound the interest of the cause suggest to our pastor the of watching leading of Providence and to accept what- over call Lord may bo phased lo send They resolution with a hearty went on talk- Now in corner of tho room there hung a parrot cage and on perch stood a lino green parrot Lately in country it knew no other language than that which it bad at sea lb was evidently by talk of brethren add head on one side as if it wished to master subject under consideration thing was certain it meant to have say in the matter as soon a opportunity offered The chance came A lugubrious brother in a long mournful speech was still wail ing their unfortunate and coining to the close brethren I am sorry are arc our minister may bo a good man yet think of it as I will I no remedy bat Work you luhUrp work Work you lubbers work So said and abruptly finished lugubrious brother speech and started the whole into a state of abnormal activity at the of the remark good brother who owned the parrot up in anger ho was but a men and made a dash at the cage with a foil intent of teaching the poor creature alphabet by twisting itn neck Stop brother atop cried one of brethren Youinay wring the hut you cannot wring the neck of truth bird is right and we wrong Work is remedy after all they all again with the cry of parrot ringing in and Dear good men most of they hod sought easiest way out of difficulty and had a mistake minister had so fully pied their attention that they could not think of then own The had put to with solved and their own and obliged to see if the pate hod not his they This was conclusion they and like they tore up lint resolution weri enough to another lhu went and in church to had mind to work- went out to tho highways and hedge- and wanderers to coma in Some took of visiting and others helped in any way thoy could collection plate lost its gloomy it looked brighter and for pastor ho plucked up fart and went ahead for all world that the leading must put on speed when the horses behind are pulling with a will As for parrot it lived to green old age and like the youth in Excelsior repeated its motto to end With a convulsive croak and a merry of tho eye it loft it a legaey the world Work you lubbers work Work you work Whitby It will take a powerful deal of agitation to A Monster Piece of Granite Maine claims to have produced the brought to light Granite Company recently a abaft grauUo which ia the of ever quarried any and if will bo tho highest and of standing or so far any found In height it if which was Alexandria by and taken to Rome it is atill standing is 1U5 high while VlnaUiavuu font Ion square at thu and wuighs tons It is aaya that the company Grain or own not an for anything of tin kind they it would a fitting con tribution for to vfveted in of Ira Crop Reports ilTho Dp if bulletin dialing aithcrop It area of fall ii 171000 Spring wheat greats by peas by ami Lay by of of by- and of hay and clnvrr torn with ftiv average of fcight is of bushels wheat in and In but an of in in beans aud hay and clover wheat area is average of eight yer by acres and the barley area by while the area by acres by aiidctovar by corn by buckwheat by roots by Fall through taoat of Western Ontario ii of gooillfuaUty unusually tin crop Spring will lv better than fair hut is to pro diet for certain light Lord Stanley will own Breton railway rate this year will bo mills for general pur- and for Mr said to bo ling to the Quebec to an Protestant A gat well at Oil the flow of which is three million feet per day The of war Can and Thrush are expected to in Montreal on Kept Northern Rail- way ecuired tho Manitoba road on a for a hundred Ottawa has finally closed with tho for build ing of an street railway Two thousand dollars already in Winnipeg for the memorial fund i Island Park unt a tuber of it on August fu- tho Papal order appointiug Dr bishop of wealthy their wive through Montreal in route to over lelo in Canada about rf of which lo church Die has been m a low A St Paul despatch the crop in county North Da- total failure and some the already asking for tusUtaoce ft the Equal can to not get in Toronto Tail paid for seat while the two got there for Four masked burglars entered of Michael Shelby an farmer near Ohio on night bound and gagged him not a great deal will rank Grit class robWd him of convince members of tho Logis that habit they faavii appointing themielves to all with fee Is a most Immoral one But it is idea that premier of this province shall reward those members of the who port strongly by appoint ing thorn to good fat offices Is one of great danger Is great evil of free government and the of it as at preseut administered ft fast leading to the notiou that all office should he the vein of the people What of can bo looked for in of a member of parliament who knows all be hat to do is to stand by the government for a few yrar and a fat will he provided for life I It can bo easily seen that such a of robs a member of any to serve bis honestly so that in electing a man to the people aro simply selecting a member to bis vote and influence to tbo and most lucrative office ha can for The yield is expect to be light per acre- The rye crop baa given a fairly good yield and is generally well secured Them is a Air average crop in pew hay crop is may- in a very few eastern Corn good in Kent end Essex locali ties but not bo good in the southern and central counties of the western There is of corn fodder particularly in the east of the fruit crop not will ho third of crop uuil be Plums ar a failure save hero and there Grappa promise a glorious the Like Erie region Sax Aug- A letter from Guatemala a procla mation has been effect that nil men who are ready for military duty will bo shot Nearly all thnmenwho fift wint to the front have killed in battles with the If inarch to the city the letter ho will probably sack tho town The Amir on safe for they receive pro taction at the vry vant oven on planta tions Ha been drafted into the war ami not enough left to supply food prices at a still irid tin city About al- toft tor to public Alitor ro thou by and drifts I into army Aug- 19- A occur on Railway thrii a a grade there and social front to climb grdo men train in two leaving part standing on trick mail train horn Midland round curve the engineer not feeing or not paying attention the ihgtuan Seeing a collision evitnhle engineer jumped and severely injured The stuck to his post and escaped unhurt The car of the mounted the locomotive damaging the stack and front of tho engine The injured Janus Dean of Midland driver cut on head ait ami arm seriously and knee Mrs cut on and Tip- front truck of tbo passenger derailed A wrecking gti from Orillta was Bent up and truck was cleared at architect for new Court house in Oxford county has dismissed and trouble is threat- over a for 53000 which he has gien a factor A young woman named Julia Morrow to burned to death during iho firo at Island on morning of week MosiREAtjAug 10 A cial Cabinet meeting took place today at which Hon 3Ujrj and Tur- were present Mr was appointed Attorney General Mr Secretary and Mr Mr was immediately installed A arc 1 g luuiyuijij Ibui a ill cirtloa ttii to Whit for 4 of iileMiiiuj with tie f It sioilr imuMj art for loteadid jwrpotf If to wads mod sloib ite of at ujlod fifiT to os comfort to lha A Iph despatch it rporlfd P Thompson a cab inet who has a wife and tour children living in hai- eloped with a woman named Annie Bracken t Dennis barkeeper of Brentford was asked by members of a family named Lane to help ate father and son who were fighting He did so when oth of them set on him in the Lane bad leg broken A of thirteen minutes an ocean voyage not a great deal but it serves how Ikill between steamships The Teutonic which the record by the voyage in five day hours and minutes is now queen of the ocean Her speed shown to whet a phenomenal he power of team machinery has raised Liberal of Richoioid Hill At Fire ting on prudent question was asked what Liljout tht clock of the clock the won at tournament and whoso tick not yet heard in the Fin Kail As Alderman King his net present no definite iMpEiikiatioii givi Tlo thought howov3r it would forthcoming shortly Soma of the thought it had been in Torouto long enough iLKKiiiAiinn Pa At i oclock ftfternoon the that la locality struck city It up river but from what originated not now known on of its awful heavens as black night ho wind Mow with moat frightful velocity Whole rows of trees blown Following tilts unroofed par tially blown over or do and worse thiin all vUitHtionof death was sent upon number of people How many wen not known at this districts in several sections the city in and women and children crying and wringing their in Shootiso Word comes from Georgetown a shoot- affray which took place in that last week A employed mills in an intoxicated condition had a row with Mi over which malt- ing but not grew and worse and began to abuse Finally drawing re- ho shot her three shot struck in put was slopped by the bone and the The second struck in the inflict ion fi wound The third went through her wrist breaking it Mrs SlaUr then with the brute and in the another shot was aocidently the bullet going the mans arm Slater was jailed

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