A J 8 1890 f New Advertisements Bros Bros Open A Smith Mammoth To Horsemen Jos- Tender Wanted Stop to Rent J HoawforSalo House to Let OH Bin for Site Young Man Eft up ASD MTU EACH FRIDAY APRIL Our Toronto Despatch to Eta Tokosto April under a ou Depot Id Civil MbOl the Got la with it raid for probate to lb will of Aon widow of Oconto ifH Albert uxl Emily Si- J ill It It rumored will Lieut on lb will follow at one ff Mr- John of appoint Qci likely to Mr old Mr from lb Qkt lore- ram Of labor men mitten obtr tftlrm1ndlr melon for ibe bolMioi mod ooH to of over pAitprof It IwdIj of nomin ated at candidate for At at at for of of tfObaeQf Ilia upon Klr towblp on the lblcf Thf a Friday of for TO WRITE ADODT A an- and in for ptnnl at wo Mr lromiotr a for lb fro- Tic Liberals will to fiod anotber noailncf a ojJrinj of almt tli6n and will follow to report Mr of Signal Hon A Ibe Two Riding will open for a of Mr- I An Elective Senate It ii J IoiptJr of Toronl baa accepted that for Local tide anticipate J It ntw line from London to and for for pixeotr travel about III and will bo in ten TaE Lttuas of Santo rt a Mr Donald astbeir candid for Local luUtare not t tot it Col AH Mr A iaanrd bj of Catholics to arparato on of for of ahbxih ptivatdtcdoobfiMiV lUlfQDitiU in doting of a of laid York from a wall known part of try Mr P Relet Is now a of Gotham Mr J from on Visit to of Ontario Bank otht of Mr South iompioifd on to by a and title of will bo J and High School friJtj and to interval by of oar townspeople Call I At totboKcw- on Fridaj last Mr- J Matter waa all bo bid to do to High School to apply to the Education De partment thing ban been pending and wo it if I a wbo for operated by bia are wecka her They aw at at ifajrUlf Uichigtn wo if a and retains aetiro appearances tbojb bo nearly reached and of Medical lion of Victoria wa sotted the Mr Irwin tod A Baker Goal ffgatuiLatiaDbiidan cow entitled to affir a ii- to their will be hot wo doctor After long jean of study aaara at in Hoi Medical Col let lhto men to lakd a practice Egypt Mr John so far from rocired when ran time mo that bo able to drive out Mia old lad yean of age for the last weeks had time At was looked for daily t present ro hopes will recover parsed by local the Uniform bold here a abort Farmers are getting very amicus for fioa weather so can to pat in their spring wheat low Id flaid to bo pretty fan all the rage here Almost a checker it it said that tome people have got checkers We know that come hare all the brain have checkers y hud Mount Ink Drops i In Mr Robert ion tot replacing Mr O J it will and anccour tt Sheriff Mo Conchy It that Mr is a Mr It anooaccvd in the tut by Sir the egttsrooi iat fihery Fiance tie ntr locking to entering is old raying all fail in a dry time the cloud of the old prophet Bible history only the aiia of a hand and yet a copious rain followed Senator proposes a change for the election of members to the Canadian Senate by respective of the the American system instead of Crown appointments and although wo do not endorse hit proposition for the that believe in conferring this power on people direct instead of econd- yet wo bail the action as a sign of the coming change The con stitution of the Canadian in reality is neither aristocratic to that by or it hM failed to which would acvordtd by n of As At coo- atttutrd it it simply an tarty it with important ligiin but working of the which appointment thereto of Wing to the it bos iKarf Id n tort of upcrtiuaUd political a majority of whom mow to maintain and draw their indemnity guard public we slated while we re gard proposition pb an a wo do Ike ho worShif in a potent for pfifi which con only one of obtains while at tni verygrieyanco of which If now of to that body to tho wants of the la make tta rocuiWra to and to do effectually they must chosen by popular ehctiou An Hon member in the gave Sir a pretty tan hit rf out tbat torn Sir bod it- rioutly stated of Untirio rains cf the is nt and the iotuded to lo bats are will soon be general broke the record A warm day no alo a FJn bats all Ice at A Ol booked for next week Seeding New moon la on bis sawmill was running Wed The incorporation feferbordeiirTofcoto still and probability Ion and apply for a at next Ibe Tbe fatter bos already tbe Initiatory step by air to bo pet into a Is of Cod item yert ago and where i complicity in of Mr who is still oliv frJd of wiuJow as uvea biu io for to a tnorftta Montreal to has aflred at ant the the lariat be on Jnne of TcriUy nil bit the of way ptMriUy the diolriDt the I tut lbs If slits be not for control attd nominate candidates life Around a The Maple Foot Ball Club reorganized last Saturday night Hie meeting took place the Tem perance hall and largely attended J Davie P P kindly acted as when the following were elected J Johnson vice Edward Ryan captain A sec retary Geo A- Elmer umpire Working Coca- Clark J P Ash Ryan and A Short followed in which of the team was dwelt upon Our boys kicked two matches and never let a hall enter their goal This is and well for the coming season of Toron to is spending a few weeks at her old home to our village The revival which have been held in church bare A number joined the Oar Mr Burnett who is to ho us during the summer pleached two excellent on Sunday He has good beginning Sra who has long been a resident of Albert moved out to the fifth of Scott last Wednes day to keep for her eoniolaw Mr Alex Mr Jh3- who ha in Tomato home for a few holidays L of spent Sunday in our midst Mr Harper of Pickering in the village for a days The prophesy of of nor west era concerning tho closing our railway has failed end freight have in creased so that the railway company have arrangements to put on mi daily trail which will bo a Kriit advantage to this place the tivvellin public One of our won took a trip up north last to see if tho was out of bay at the Town of Barrio to trans act business with Our is supplying with very milk Ho keeps good Jersey cows and a good pump We understand our township coun cil has allowed about for getting a docking in What about that went with him and got hie clothe spoiled but wna ton to ask for I The hast council could do is to give him a of broadcloth Wo this would be a good season of year for the council to Mr Fred Snttoo Kith pi tee Ur P laartna Son them California April tttttotera of Soot of a Box Social Hat Tuiy In coontction with the Won Although and muddy a and a time were filtid and will bare one lhay hope won dark and mau to pay it for a lantern to Me one of cor man a law nights ago ero ho loos and carried at be pal on going in for ha ent to Icok bis in the lamented Uolhcr for when there tba hid to keeping bid on before by lbs ha fflt home to tell which it of Mm I be on fire the of and mm on and fliujej control Peter Edwin Davis found guilty at Belleville of William Emory a farmer of Marmora sentenced to bo hanged on Jane Mm Emory who was charged with befog ap ao- before tha fact was acquitted SPRING 250 WILL A com part id a- Apply at wllh two coma VOUNO MA To attend to a Apply at WANTED Cow and aaAnUllnio per roonlh and CUSTOM TAILORING V 0U3ETOLET and all ordinary coa- Apply to 1 WILL BUY- A brick 1 fully Id Town of and a comer lot lO Corners- Many of thy farmers on of weather the past few days have Reeding The grass is turning green arc sorry to hear that Cuoningham is ill bat trust ho may soon recover iEr A alderman Tomato has up seeing place and in Mr has Sick hut again Wo arc sorry to lose of the foremost figures of our vicinity Mr who offered arid has accopUd a position as btacksmitb for Mr Sutton By socirvbiltty Mr made many friends while ub and ho will no doubt form many in new of Mr noted as being a which cannot ho surpassed in his line the beat of to We wish htm prosperity in new If the correspondent who tolls about now horse of Mr Hopkins would routine himself to facta it would ho much better for bitn Bod general public Mr A had presented with a to help him blow the Iowa Many of our carpenters are soon to work Mi leopard baa homo from Toronto Town HOP TO RENT portion of iincriato 1 1 vt el at dot lb Undersigned a Alto to TO HORSEMEN ARE SHOWING NEW IRISH SCOTCH TWEEDS FOR SUITS NEW OWNERS StalJIoaa who to ttko a during com loft will find aeoomaodatton At nod a Proprietor TENDERS Watering Id Iba Town of by IbO OF ENGLAND Sjf TROUSERINGS COATINGS AND OVERCOATINGS We pay a good salary to a FirstClass Cutter and dont aini at cheap work We believe this is what you want Monday not rticutin or ftofte PpV COW Just for At Thro ioir over Scot CJ arc meat New met put the as they see Ejta from It A to a demonstration the places where gravel would bo needed King City Iroowlocit aa if ltirociljr on tno may attIOfd of Urn llouo foil RlfcJ In of J wi- A bo afiJ tt iib upoo aHr of litrbt to com rat- it wUhjIji A r all and r ban m fe atJioK i- loiLftf At the hit of of ihf to brt- by Joii amity tut fullrat con JoIpqm they Lara in 3Ath of buabtcJ actl father pray our let atid of Hfflicloo ilm life to out brother iu bit A oil av n Jttx to tbtf by Jfalb of our afaltbful aoJ of 1iiociplf a of oar alio Coy- York Licences Tho for York in the following liquor licentc for the year of May John J J Hill lbi luoalU rxUbiiou Tattrn Julio iliKD iUtf ir John JameiSbirp K A Mm J being Am od O lavoiva Jun C1tA4r to to J OK J A J I SlmVr W A- It Ha U A If Don Chip J Kitely Com Pom A- Sittrr riiftk Sy J P J Allen of Mr John of Git the It Mr JeLUio tw At with hit c10c0u Mil of r with former chamc Ore of 111 with Jobo the a of ut At Mr All J r on fit of Cook of with Dr Mr Sep of 1m Iq town tbfi School town fo- are azKcttoK rt port Id a few Mr at Ml A rt a from here rector for ar- of bo baa for April Mr Hurt eBchjei rt of I put The Matt hew William by person Monday took two valudblo out tho tidbit Ooowua It broke loow from tho as to barn yard wot with Lwt Thursday badly bitten by attending ia our fell and cut very badly Albert iliddloton upon farm fti grove Oar will toe ball with any them bit hi a now Ho buaiataa Walter to he to The now verandah It a great lea proremeat to office atom credit for of Toronto baa aboot be la trying a by on oat A to a wood of whan a good coo Into enjoyable In the Ing Another at Mr Ktoja a groat Richard to Aurora tuovca into the vacated by Welts into the vacated by J Ross opened sale rooms in old foundry for Tiitinrry Hill ia almost itnpis- s often coining up One got last Monday The man jumped off and KOtatuckfat A party comiux behind to tha be fore he had entirely It a long time any sporting event created such an excitement in King City oa Kill Much of luAwfrn Cull and 1 1 Hall late of fame but now of fihooti The mutch to at and accord- ft town IkII had forth note for lioVLock- the isittowlks and tide crowded with gentlemen way with hurried atop RilU A casual li2Crvr could not lea that each face loro tract of anxiety ahowed according to amount placed on all having lcen made to hour of excptnne by two of 50 side At minuter to the preUininarka had been had scribed to the declaration of the bait taken the two ftdvnucl in alio front qnd ifviiinijehcfra of the crowd amid liratbbfs the Gut ahoi wit fired scored a for Cull Halt followed with a banker The lets one point for then wont on till cloeo of the aeons Cull Hall the of Hall would not throw up but unbound ed faith in their math tiro wo and at atood for and for Hall making total Coll Hull It but fair tosiy hooting all at yard Call winner by poiuta the match and by It juit what I In the Hall gave a number of friend a grand when waa fought over with touch larger Of will admit were rattled old ahooten their head and veracity of the matter not yet ended Bin Hall no quitter but willing to begin ho mitt it a aome treachery in tho ho lag to a atrange gun and accordingly entirely at mercy Of the owner to arranging fright We look for more grand and will therefore now refrain from farther Smith Fire A Water m reply lo a communication rt from tbat la la matter A from Main and laiiruaia1 id It alio iba A Water com to admllf Clerk waa procure do adoplod A of Own Aral reo4- Ids a for town wt a flrat and time black fllkiilo Council adjourned WASTING To a will flud lo Ibacor- of Church aud Tlcuolby before WILL OPEN SATURDAY MORNING APRIL I9TH 1890 IN CANADA UNITED PACIFIC COAST MANITOBA lKHttlNS ia quoted No bard wheat at cente in Winnipeg of David burnt early Sunday morning a case of incendiar Jam it unoccupied COAL ONE WILL NOTICE IN history of this Town of Newmarket that we aro bound to make of its leading events the Unprecedented Bargains during the sale of the entire Stock belonging to ESTATE OF THE LATE A SMITH these days of finespun advertisements and keen competition must be your word Remember success no longer attends those who only assert but those who actually perform and those who can perform are those whom circumstances favor Now a glance at the situation and the determination accompanying it LISTEN We have purchased this Estate which is in every way firstclass for or within of onehalf its price and we are determined to put it out at a less ratio viz Half Price Only draw your attention especially to the Crockery Department of this Estate There is not a table in this vicinity but should be ornamented with the GlasB or Crockery ware at tho prices we can offer W DENNE feed Sit GENERAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE ONE of test County of York a largo Children Pitchers Great Bargains I IN FOR at FURNITURE Undertaking House A tJtcadiuBQi H1 bo fooad WeUHUecitt of well at lb lint idi stands In Slock Term A wanning a For till Ajgtojqtmo out A S P TO GIVEN AWAY lit On Cabinet coQUtolQX half dot- Spoon Knlf All and heavily to iai illvor Value 3rd- boat plate of Value Jiuio are not cheap but aro ol ftl iboiioro and a Card Piece Tea Set regular price 275 our V china r 11 44 iV 450 iiv 1500 100 piece Set regular price e iV 11 j J it w i- r II n 176 -ji- 200 These arc only ft few of the many to and Table reduction A China Cups and Saucers half price Hanging and Table Lamps same reduction As this line is particularly large we purpose making room by using strong lever of Half for First Class Goods CANNED GOODS Corn for 26c Tomatoes for 25c Salmon 2 for Finnan for All other Canned Goods in proportion lbs Tea for COME AND GET SOME OF THE BARGAINS purchasing power of your dollar will be found wonderful during this sale And we ask all who anxious to got the greatest returns for their money in a gentle yet firm way not Id spend one dollar previous to a visit and inspection of tbe lines we have for you so cheap viz China Glass Crockery and General Groceries Qualities are strictly firstelm REMEMBER THE PLACE How R A SMITH Wlgbt lo AH JC1 It jflt a tad now In Uxor I At the a pleaded pnUt to a charge preferred him Act of hftTlog of chftito a tho regret- ting ho not merer more on of k an wiq it l of Iotq op Mr too April rineao by iirAndrtv WAUultoouula on of to Mr of 1Mb Ion IWy- Ur ffSt Do- tomb bU bout on mo Atll fa ia Ju fiioa J BOOTS SHOES Cheaper than Ever Vegetable Flower SEEDS PROM S flRpQ MRS BAYLY BRUNTON BROS All Shades All Qualities All Prices rtOY ftnd ff 0nlbo8lbof ApiU lolholiouia noil to Allen QUEEN STREET their own Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED Beautiful Patterns Large Assortment Fast Colors Low Prices WIS if ill Ibe tiolu OK mbu tbfrneUrjrorUojiUt1onoolhfN Fine Ordered Clothing Ordered Clothing Department is complete in every Sway If you want a nice suit take a look at our stock iVrt wyw BRUNTON BROS I V