Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Mar 1890, p. 3

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NEWMARKET ERA MARCH Id Laconics OS IK The Station BDiciofBwrifofDiTWdnJHnaa- mating lc Prc jest taltfr JgioSlt fowl to rtilK per lbs uJl Life After Easter to be to In are jjiri fli Japanese reel original retire lfc Kill ta Witch it A Idea A excellent jcrtzciiy to is oar If Tbo him op to certain to bay all at to it lUtf will be are of and are for tba coal weary be pi oil lb way after would to in week- Something tent tt electric early lien it to be To repiira Wa do not bow to appreciate tie eltclric I Ilowcrtr not the ID- for three Board or There no tbit the ihorocgb iaoiUrjln- the put four or fire a to do with tod kindred bate it a the Board of Health ffeJrfiJy efeoiox to to 15th of the Inspector to mike a li5igbiaspsiiaaltF thai df Tare Tho disgraceful iGlirMaate at te the ilir Aailoiuif ef ihreat that titers to irsoa wlo in a ltik it3ictt ted i le to is last week i react at the effice aalflit IV Office a in from jear a WIS let up Mb nutter letters this there a milter entiled at log at to North which to tMj Ajtother The Ameri can and Con Mil lut fUtnidi aad They at from to etch which they hen Home On larlMr Comely of le a of hone node hed at the Hotel the to for home crowing the Haroa bridge they of timber on the way to here left their race they the pole fa front of the Fitter aad aloog the Town Line Both bogy and were Too Looking For something nice la the line of New thea go to J J who biTe tbe to town Answer to Inner a tllKD A a t- A Honor Boll Gertie Wright Wright George Wright QaeettfrUU Bill milowdale Aim Lowe If Holland landing Blbartn Aurora And choke id Art for and J J Be a regal a t- tiog of the took place In New market Honor Jadge Mor gan were only the docket it of and Aaron were well to the the attendance Two or three hid of clearsighted of His they toon a ehipe that admitted of If there was more thin another that was the ft was the of legal drawn by experienced men Aecmle good deal of to a thing and was and it is here where cbertcter The conn it before the of com I computet the to Neil Court here SebTuatWail Paper At Book Stute which fell at tf and a they ate the and town Stephen an old man living at North who Li to ho a little demented before the on lbs log alarmed given op the poor fellow that ha bad fcen annoyed by atonea at bis shanty and he only by way of frightealag tbem la he to find the and hart fined Florida and Bakery Ink Drops March this oal and night bow at BaUsabme Sat Next Lady Day Only two weeks more of Lent iely is Doing GRAPH ED of Bradford riiiUng In this Cook of Toronto town a coop of thii week of la yesterday of of J Greco 1 here on a rtait Mia Toronto is feodum Mr Wright Sir of It t EDO this wtAL Mm A of rtfr it her thii Mr of Brook coop of itjt week f PATTERNS THE NEWEST has been her mother Mil- i Co A th Directors took place on Wed- afternoon 27 The Board de riled to all over which at A lie the regard- pkttcoari It decid ed the lit of May neat be raised As there in ctcae proximity the Era wonld by appropiUte Cemetery eta Any lo this will noted with public tame at early And at tbls week a Artist got a winter scenes of the Vfattr stud jrrj the recent cold soap at the and Me them Since lit talks wtie aided to the InstEtote lilrity Las increase In lie eta crista Messrs a ntw sign around the of store bare aUi fo a new va Piano from the a he of Sir Flay The Night Class it of from j town ruorniog at A services la will St Marys For to St special itroinil Inlay evening of last week at which by Iter Father Mc Cabs of r father of and Fatter of tils tiro tend morn atl alio at at a On Patricks received holy and at 10 Mats celebrated by Fithtr by a very Interfiling and do Father Gallagher on the IMiick la Ireland and Me la to The choir render tie at thii Next Maes wilt be celebrated at p to- A Forcible Argument- Satotday and Monday gs ia different at a pry the achiiel fir the jnr- few of the succor tbry not only fattened with the Diul catch bat 1to railed ft tbanay hut that for the train was to acd lock IMiwy ncvraicoious way of it It wcQid a act the sit the tail nay which would le very much appreciated ly travelling pub lic if one of the waiting rooica left un locked the of the midnight it is always late and tbe isexcttJiagly dieaiy for jeople I walk ptatfoiui at that boor the waiting expected friends or to take the train Since foregoiog was pat Id type to light which look very as though was Satardiy night the Miliar J Co adjoining the facUry Timothy it by some person having in prying op a wicdow no the west aide Another window on side of the raited from were only article missing fa a thin ground twoloch chltc window station with the aire of that Implemtot Evidently la prowl ing and ace that their premise i are and bolted that at night Bradford was troubled with bur glare Monday night last Just In Another lot of that wall paper which Lowes assort ment one of boat la town ilra Joha of a week with town Mr JfeOWul of of Mr was here this week on his way to where he In to of the Fox family were home week attend their Mr Fox from Mr Fox from Iowa and Mr Fred Fox from Tomato Mrs A Smith left for Ottilia on Saturday accompanied by her father who has been with her ever since the tragedy very warm who also a few day a with her Mrs- of Toronto The mioy Mr J will be to he welt in be ia manager crockery stores 11a Auijibe and at Mr A for whom he for year and and man and could ntd he Mmaiit t3 of bottoms He aids He wiaelwayaln was in bis employ of going down and liking at the furnace frarir was very particular this fellow I am positive arver Conimitjel and I thegttty foaod out My Spring Stook is now complete in all the Newest Designs Richest Patterns grade with i i ii rr ii ii TO i i Ceiling Corner Pieces to correspond this Springs Stock has For value and beauty t- EQUALLED In this Town Give it an inspection at your earliest convenience v ui Clou regular of t North Farmers an lr In the Council An- President Mr for half an boor on Idling at The Secretary Mr J W for lime their reception at Icititntf and com Mr read a vr on construction JM a- of Citing Ja Lis highly ly jiftseat A rote of JJ ft Webb for aoue on vacd that fa the oar te will constructed this A from the of bailey was A vote of teetered for ball the take at ff who Methodist Cborch evening missed a rare treat For fully one hour George Brown of with that enthaslasm and eloquence on the of Foreign Mission the was held with attention rareraad had a vast which were predated that spike and left luting of the of la fie speaking of the difficult bare to be helalodcd the error In the heathen frrtligtoas livta of tba people who go frota religion hods and apathy of WOplthl tut year of spent nearly en Foreign alootlliraseav ieople there one only lbs of to tea a that Bat the of great en- ho year ago there were only mission fields England America atone have ago there were only 170 of whom 100 today there aied000 Many personal of aaccees and hardship wete given Io with to India Fort River the Upper fo British Co- InmWa The of former yeereU cow overcome and don are opening to evangelists fa Araweieady to embrace The speaker tbea the of womea un der end while he com the In Foreign Missionary Society he ante that the ttoa not know bow much thfiy owe to and how many of their wrre anffcrlog for lack of or not be one who coqM join It women of tbe world to object tempt and tba to Ms At tbe and vote of thank moved by Mrs Jack wooaded by Mia carried with applaoae The amoaaUd to the after the earn day lilies at the regular of the at J Madera farther foeda Three mere were to the Town March IT USD meeting Mayor Jack on Woodcock Millard Belfry ttenuo Mile were Close for Fire Hall Jotin wood nation cleaning mow My Cloe do Wc Maine Clark wood wood delivered Priest of Inferior tbe Clerk aotboriil to arrange a atltemeat A rectal composed of Mayor and Cane to confer lizard re new tender of for accepted Toe Auditor to tbe foreiatoloallon J and other thai Money be rvalrvlotd from the f arms referred to a tee composed of action a deem advisable The Road Bridge com payment for two stone also that were the water dropping from of cor Mala and property at tannery abed property Water at and waa to tbe cause removed by She adopted ilr i com reported error la return re Watertakers Mr being charged with Up Instead of two account of A Campbell recommended to be paid of John fur Finance com reported account of correct adopted- A ByLaw to establish a police lo the council chamber through lta virion a A to appoint a cbler constable twnreadlogaaad referred back lo ByLaw corn Mayor latd before council a of of Victoria the of for which she la- the thank of cor poration- Council adjourned Sutton Friday laat in veer died at TV was of ill and best known of tow He will lift greatly for ho was ever praise counsel Mould tnko a ftcilo writer h but all unite in that lias from funeral and laid to in lovely church yard at St on the of hie to Reuben look out for cattle to tear that there is now soma hoped of Mrs Frederick Shaw has door for back Mrs Donald Donald also much improved in health Literary Society a at on Friday even ing lut when recitation music etc up An open bitfl will onoweck Friday from Our Toronto ISX Fall bushel Spring a SI Wheat tier bushel Barley per Oils bushel Hie per utter lb bag per Pork per per lb 4 pr pile Clover per Seed Wr I L a lr ii a 3 I ft END tfWVttHNwy rtVB hi Una jr in J a a aw I a it Oar Newmarket Markets March Flour barrel ft Fall per Wheat Wheat per per bubol Gil per THIS WEEK If the individual who the street at the end got hack to it would bo well for Ma to call on Mr pay tho thus suing further trouble Glad lo note that Dr Mr ft have again auccessful in against g English Worsteds Tweeds v Suitings and Trouserings if Tito nd connected with Andersons brewery at week At laatweek Axdajtb and Johnston found guilty of stealing buffalo robes to six In the Central prison Indianapolis had a fire Monday afternoon It caught from in a largo house and the wore carried to top ahaft Suddenly roof upon which several fell and twenty men buried in the ruins on stock and building over Bradford March Burglars had an industrious time this last night They entered Mr A Thompsons store and curried off a revolver and a quantity of cutlery also tried to get into safe and till tut failed Utter being fastened with a patent lock then visited Drift Boas store and got a gun some pocket knives and a quantity of cartridges ammunition alto about one dol lar in coppers- an effort to got Into safe but failing knocked the handle off the door They admittance by breaking a pane of both store Mr was next visited entrance being gained through a window They carried oil an overcoat a pair of boots and cap and to finish the nights sport hoy took a horse out of Mr It Stewarts stable and rode it into country the animal being found in tho stable Is a the Mr Would allow mo in your or to correct In hi Mm- a at ibis Tillage Fair Hay stales that your irj bis of the charivari jrcurre1 at plic as to lead Mr little along vith tbe of the boy ai I you are a r play I will giro you a cor- settle Police he I you a of the setllemt It 1 uietouO ftlit Vhy a Of of his rrport In I r be wt up as of truth- a truly it Is to find one so but way We He a a in vhleh Han he fell air of lli brought tfar ifiajtlitratM at bat by whoa I only boys by loie on grounds could cot be act It be- to to falsehoods At ti mo Mr had at least a out of the si sthaterer of It fire noise the lirajirsidt Fair the sUltiueat that a Mr limit hid aj of a boy atd be a hands bo to the of the costs to Jlorr of Mr il la him to to ryj hare the I True Mr Illicit int alo the lawyer Mr Ifatelt fcr day sieat la Sot ton would Fair y obtain the he undertakes to ao ycu tba apace your lea lie papfr 1 hare honor to Mr liter ymi March ISM Potatoes lb tit per Perk Beet per Duck pee pair CtorerSoed per Seed per per kfnai on on OS S5 SCO on ti Jil 0 to a ISO a Oil ow 1 a 10W a a a 009 a a OH a Lloyd for taking km utateAaeut Issuer of Mar Also for alio for Lire Toronto FIRSTCLASS TAILORING GOOD Z IN- Another Consignment of Honey Just In J STEPHENS SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT HEADQUARTERS FOR DRUGS DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Shirting Tickings acd Table Linens A LARGE ASSORTMENT CHOICE NEW PRINTS Sale Register March Mr brown will have of acock cm of jr trim- credit soma except for tort Aucl j j IDdeikq torn J OarlaoEiirLll hare ImporU on lo tbe of North ever la toil KnglisU ami most Floe aut toSUt our atockoldruslieutlretDewauu every All the oa the market kept j dispensing department call public to our the oilier branettea of Our tlbua of firora la Uiiifj by a ami work tome lmfoia5ble SEEDS Heavy Goods Still Clearing Out GROCERIES ESESH J J BELFRY i would Wa can roods that having to of Oral of Flower Field and Garden ltd of other and to our a call and will W8 MOVED Jkoaary Kef uoftserved of aloe on tut I to tbe fiibooo of Kai QwllllmMirx- Terme7 over Rate at oclock KaTanaabauoU Children Cry for pitchers TUB OLD RELIABLE FOR THIRTY Largest Beat Stock OW Li BOND AH recnoiefl bit to iilKiediHiifUtbBUrotlobQypWWie PRICES ARE REDUCED BPlWIAliVALUEIKMANTLEa lb Ararlon and LA A SURE -18- Warm Boots and Which can he at Bottom Price at IFFIS Who baa purchased tho wtllsclcctwl of J CALL AND SEE HIM B Lata of J- OPPOSITE NORTH HOTEL mi English Scotch Canadian Alio an of Panting to chooft from elected in and Slripea Call And for nd bring your friend with you AH good made on the at Closest Cash Prices Only Your v d Next boot to JeweJIy Slow Worchant own op and JCSStZgiraii own up p

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