NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 1890 New Advertisements Attention Office Tailoring Will Starr Montgomery SmiUry Notice JJojd Property for J Stor for Sale J Dale for Notice Mm Wanted I Silver Ctrl Wanted Silver for Sale TV The Eva it AND WITH BACH FRIDAY MARCH 21 Our Toronto Dcspaidi to tlu En and by Ere a P for Manitoba atd Will the work a doable tract city and city bo grant the trial Growd la It their Ike 12th of Joly Patrick by tbe Jala the especially by id with and fc Sir A Smith donated toward food cf lb The total library fir e figbt Were the Print Bills commit tee betareen the city and Railway to be one of mora than ordinary Unci of charter the Ifuhtioo to take oxer the railway the company is to l decided tomorrow fa reference to the loonier it it will allow the wife of alleged to to with her fitter la the libel nit of A returned a of not guilty referred hid that the in a metaphorical tea a a coil of et fil lb5ccn tcr by while trird to rifle the cash drawer They did tie tot the the Ibe The roughs were afterward folly ileoti- fied will coiae op for to day Ibe the aod last wis Gnat from who sis id for cf read from Aurora hiker creating inch being tried in county St George case alone will add hundreds of to our direct taxation thlt year to nothing of others that follow during next nine months which neither joe- tic nor other cogent reason can be assigned why should bo called to bear It is tho duty as well u privilege to point out and it it the duty of statesmen a remedy On Thursday of last at the Board of Trade meeting a res olution was offered by Mayor son seconded by Mr expressing diKatififaction with oar present law bearing on this venue notation and favoring opinion above expressed that the county whore the cause of action may should bear the cost of trial Also ordering a copy of said to bo forwarded to all three Assembly members for this county We trust they will aftain briog the matter be fore the Government Tea of law any bat gllib In of Bute of as in and stand to action of lbs reply to an Hon Foster to Jul speech would bo delivered the available day next week andaa will be a holiday lbs may on Wednesday or at A Enquiry On Monday night last of Commons unanimously decided to which to woaodeJ his Or other hand lion and tho better of the in Parliament by Mr la comprehensive if pawed into law most result In socuriog a better of the Day It on in workshop of railways and In other callings in Ufa it wilt em- from who ax now denied fclessiogi of a and all are pro hibited on day It said this Dill has the fall of railway who fsror the of Son- traffic Tux Montreal likens of from of to from Premier to of old when bo bid to pay lbs Philistines thirty of raiment went and slew thirty and gave their clothe debt of honor Mr from who aro no Mm Wells is spending a few weeks with friends in Foster one of Dig fanners met a lot a few ago A cow fell off a bridge breaking her bock and she died shortly after La grippe is still hovering around Powell and John Carrol the latest Williamson is talking of erecting a largo implement building J invited bis friends to a wood boo on Friday last which was a great success A was spent during the evening There have been a couple of taffy in this neighborhood lately and a dancing party Mr Thompson of North has sold one of bis erecting upon bit other farm bo as to remove thcrn fall Ten thousand miners in North Wale have joined the strike of miners and Tynside engineers have cast in their lot with striking engineers Wedding A Specialty at a Veto Another Example- Daring the past few years as offered we have directed at tention to the serious injustice to which tho ratepayers of this county are subjected in confluence of oar judicial connection with Toronto an injustice as yean roll by growing more apparent and burden some Quite recently we had another striking example After four weary weeks of and and cross questioning of some Rnsi- of St Georges railway accident uit it still pond- pug in our nt Toronto is a civil action of of venue to which the Provincial dies not n portion of but will to lo borne unthr the con- Bend the charges against Mr J in connection with bis North- West land speculations to the committee on privileges and elections for investigation So far as we been able to follow the case and looking at the facts as presented to up in published cor respondence the gravamen the al legation against member for Lincoln is that he obtained or sought to obtain material for himself on the representation that he could influence the Government but it is not proven not even charged he attempted or succeeded in corruptly influencing the Administra tion to gain his purpose His pub lished letters are damaging as they show that he without authority need the names of Ministers and govern ment officials whoso support he pro tended to corruptly to assist in securing a title to the lands in question No doubt from tho tone and temper of the discussion in Parliament last Monday evening the committee to whom the case has been referred will make a full and search ing enquiry ventilating not only its bearings in relation to the member for Lincoln himself but also in rela tion to the members of the Govern ment to whom allusion is made in the correspondence referred to and the Department said to have been corruptly influenced in tho trans action Parliament cannot afford much members of a political party in Parliament to allow im mediate followers of the Government to be tainted by such scandalous and dishonorable acts as are now laid member for Lincoln Ho must purge himself of guilt now hanging over him or Parliament must purge itself of man Mr Merrier on his offer and hope that it wilt tend to smooth down bitter feelings in Ontario So it aides to question Asdics for the of held at Brampton last week another of the adrsotsge North by f into a Coooty There no prisoner for trial Mr Justice was presented with tbecastoomy white kid glows there wers only one of which was withdrawn whole of the court luted hot day Tbe people of this paying dearly enough for at Toronto snilainiog weeks Courts North Yorks proportion of expense io St GeorKO not yet concluded would alone pay ths entire a yttity Conrt here Life Sharon J Smith of Toronto is to lecture Wednesday in the Methodist church No doubt it will be a treaty Mr Amos has been very sick this week with inflammation About young people attended a surprise party at Mr the other night and had a time Miss Jessie Manning of is spending a couple of months at her grandmas On Wednesday night of last week a number formed themselves into a surprise party and took the resi dence of Mr Black by storm Had the roads been more passable the company would no doubt have been doubled but as it was and ex ceedingly pleasant and agreeable time was spent ladiee had provided well filled baskets and between the sociality and enjoyed themselves well it was nearly oclock before the com pany separated During course of the evening following address was read by Mr Homer and the mentioned therein were made by Mrs dell We your friends and relstioos moil of whom yon bare associated with sinco child hood assembled hers this on the era of your departure from amongst to In slight way our of yon and yonr wife disposi tion peaceable and womanly hearing been and apprechted by all with whom von onf contact The church will in you your wife members so J help er has heard it all times of right and truth Mrs BUckhualwsya wbeo ityU to tha wants of sick and shall surely not lose her reward In yon yon hearty icn1 wishes of all We with novr home io the nr sudtjnisOv trust that a kind Pnmdeucc will for good guide you in sll your Ufa In token of our far jou we present yon with this sod Mrs with thst in rvmiod yoa of an friends Mr Black replied in suitable term and while appreciated the gift the of address and of their company all never be forgotten They Iave next week to make their home in North West The Misses Arthur of Shanty Bay been visiting at Mr for two or three weeks Miss Moore has not returned from yet where she has been spending a weeks Miss Ethel Pearson has recovered from her recent illness and is around again We bad the worst dose of mud that we have experienced for a long time around here Everybody was muddy even and the got under wagon in the mud Maybe some of your readers will think this is all mud still a large number of our citizens attended party at Mr Jay Deans last Wed nesday evening whore a very enjoy able was considering the experience in 1 of Old Ireland passed off very in this Mr tho agent of the Organ in town Inst uncle has ornamented his parlor with on of that pattern a beauty Mr Wrights sale off Friday last and was largely at tended Good prices realized As Mr Souls was returning home from bis horses became able and ran away considerably damaging buggy Mr Myron Silver of Sutton spent a here last week relatives Mr and wife and spent Sunday before last at Mr A- of Toronto formerly of this place spent Saturday and Sunday last hem laj says ho dont like to his name in the pfckr so often so I wont say anything lie tore all the same taken to tiding on horseback no doubt on account of the had roada The party who walked off with Mr- whip tho day Geo Wrights sale will no doubt save himself considerable trouble if he returns it in tried lately as will get it merchant Vb A Good rami WSJ- THE LEADING HOUSE WANTED Immediately to ffo to Toronto per month to Una ISAAC a Newmarket WANTED IMMEDIATELY A rooogruBn farm at to Ad CUSTOM TAILORING L SALE On no w for board Sic and bo toll at a Or or a flvi for In at DEPARTMENT Irish Tweeds NOTICE ON and after May the Di rector of Lo rail- iuIcp of 5lor nLanJ all for to pay tho data GENERAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE of tost fltaoda In the York a anil Stock Aay office Ih A anyone a For full apply to VALUABLE TOWX FOR SALE of lata Joe UK TO Tiir Mr hire to J 2Ah not by county the of hut by the ratepayers of York and Toronto and is n part of the of our connec tion with city for judicial pup During yeara and present of then of thia sought to this grievance removed At bis tho Council brought the Gov ernment but Toronto Aldermen aain intervened mid At admitted of York had a real grievance onn which Ion Troaiurer ought be remedied and so stated to deputation of the Comity Committee yet Mc and who accompaukl him aa city deputation the Mayor declined to join in for legislation on the ground that it might detract from centralization of legal DC at Toronto This fear how ever had no foundation In fact it purely imaginary lt us County asked such in clingo of venuo case as would compel counties where thocauicof action to pay coat of trial Now bad I ten enacted and in operation at tho time would par ties to the trial who op- pliotlnnd tbe chango of venue from making tbo did because the county where tho dituter occurred would have tbo to pay Not hit of It could tho operation of such a change a urged do- centralisation of legal at Toronto York County and thou interested in e- this remedial in interest of common justice did not in any way to Interfere or tho liberty of securing a chango of venuo all that was that the county action should bear ex- of trial And wo still con tend this is but No good can for making judicial county of York bear tho burden of adulnlatorlng law for whole and wo still if the present system Is to con tinue our member should to It that ths re- coupe of York direct consequent upon to- Ox lt bnlifriai the J Litre at a ViMria Well done for the boy A farmer wished to secure help for his for two or throo months but could not find anyone to biro so Willie went and to their returned with a young lady and had a document from the Rev Mr of ML Albert to show his par ents that he had succeed in getting help not only for hi mother hot a helpmate for old farm er thought boy was rather young finally ho concluded it was well done and went and bought furni ture for sou Joo wishes young couple much happiness and in their future life We are sorry to that wife of the late very low and is not to recover Wo with family in trouble A ajfin in the Ottawa aonoaucirK that th ficidy Hit for North anil bar uh It listed that the Co will work trail and Hamilton the of lco Li Jtht pirly ate in thlr work At a at lVtc- Aaturlay Mr John candidate in for the Aaxuibly A from tint Prof x hitn the a Kill occur t today atd and to Pacific Ottawa Kill 1 on 9lb but will return time to of In May MiL caption will La which ha wilt jthtng Sir tioigo f A large company assembled at of Mr Geo on evening of lost week on occasion of marriage of Mb daughter Sara to Mr Malcolm C Armstrong by tho Stewart of assisted by Mr Armstrong brother of groom of Dakota bride was beautifully attired in a cream colored drees and lace with bridal veil and and her Mils in pink with lace to match J think acting as groomsman After usual congratulations company sat down to tables groaning under dainties tastefully arranged by Mrs Alter tea varioua a kept company employed until night was far advanced bride was recipient of very many coaly and beautiful preionts of silverware and glassware Ac amounting in value to nearly Tbo happy by train next on their tour accom panied by tho well wishes of their many friends atio balling thru tot May that no ft tKii tort arill for May wtfat If the Las aad the hit will irpwt for day ducic the fuoath an we nolle Ihn day the Pith For the tit inotne tog from From prlrito In- fnsitloc wa learn that snow Mao wk asd torrid out I grata tho prairie of Amotion la In a heap of alltged piactlcea of rceUr P Crawford to a but eight artaolattco a from to ad alaocnttlcs atlpend altc- father like a blot adtcldad majority of pnaal thiChsicbof not If wooH mors and leas dUplay and should that IUU Holt Glides Notwithstanding unfavorable state of roads a party as sembled at rrsidencoof filr of this township on Wednesday evening of last week to in a form respect his past ser vices to the township After having themselves to fullest ex tent in various amusements and inner man having been fully satisfied party wan to order by the and Mr It was unanimously voted to tbo chair after which Mr read an address and presented Mr with a beautiful goldheaded cane bearing his engraved thereon Mr replied In a manner thanking for favor which had conferred upon Short addresses wcro then delivered after which tho meeting dispersed In high ML Albert Brass Band was also present and proceedings for which they wero pre sented with a purse of 910 Mr It Kay has purobascd tbo farm owned by Mr Johnson Mr Goo Smith has rented Mr farm near Newmarket and moved there Mr Joseph family have to whero working- Howard Mr J A at Keswick Items The result of on ice last week were as follows insert 1 1 3 COLT KACX Pollocks Patriot 1 SUppard4 Ethan 2 Drapers Bar Best If me races on Friday declared off on account of the weather There was a largo attendance at races but had the roads and weather proved favorable would have been double number present John Pollock proprietor of K wick Hotel who recently moved from doing well and has already made a favorable impression Will Morton boa sold his atom to Morton The former talks of going to tbo Tim is doing with the public recover from a attack of bronchitis resulting from la grippe Wo bo may foon bo well again preached excellent Sermons last Sunday in tho Christian Church here In the morning largo congregation listened to a very earnest and eloquent discourse In the evening sermon though not so eloquent elicit a very careful study of truth revealed by scripture This is what rtquiros and less church dogma and doctrine repainting and hero is and the job roll Is much credit on tho contractors Moaners Allison and IHylhuofToronto ceiling of it divided into six of a straw tint surrounded by of TJm is with Stencil patterns and llnnst tho different color walls into upper Is painted a tint of light On the lower half the color is a plum chocolate A pink band with green stencil divide colors which also run over windows at top in a crimson block and gold pattern largo celling and wall is tinted a sago green re lieved by a of reddish hue A large frieze rurt below tho cove forma the top of wall plain in window been replaced by stained glis which also adds to of Church Church is to bo for Divine Service Sunday Inst of who an able to preach and evening friends of church looking forward to a grand Our popular merchant Sir Morton we ore pleased to has purchased store that bo has oc cupied for past two This looks as though ho Intends to slop with us which will general satisfaction tho is in splendid condition for driving and boating just now a bono from Mr Patrick Council Is picking up oho or two carloads of horses Mrs of Toronto Is visiting Mr lsaao for a fow weeks Mrs of Albert Is visiting at Mr Win away for a weeks visit at her fathers in Toronto will offer for aatn by auction on the a of at two in the that homo am lot lot No- 1 and No Jon of atrot iho Rustics of IS lata RoMmn of of and In Dated tt Kenyan knocking bottom out of hard times on clothing ques tion Dr of City Mich is calling on friend and also the sick Mr of took a trip to Torouto Rose is still very sick ilr John of Pino Orchard was at Mr Peter Belfrys on Sunday Mr a Baker of W who has been visiting parents and friends for the past three months started for homo on the 11th Mr has returned from reports from three to four feet of snow latest arrived was a son and heir at Soula on Inst Mr Geo horse which was tied to tho tie post broke loose mid thought it would return to In doing so it made a wreck of both harness and town of Newmarket Notice Si muat atnlp In a vanltfirj loitKUongii the which to the which persons inter Mill so trillion Sir March It iclvn that nil tin thia Corporation for April Town will of arc to ii of In contractor from vanjia further coil DAVID LLOYD A S Presents TO HE GIVEN AWAY Children Pitchers Great Bargains I in FOR CASH AT TUB J LEADING FURNITURE II Undertaking House A LaritaHtock toaolcctfroiUt I undertaking dept n bo Of CASKETS COFFINS AC11 ibo theater a atlPDtlcJ to at HI All Ordori and quietly aflLLAHU CrAille In lorn on wife of Mr Wright of March or Mr IlflJljUf a AUat at J to Hannah Jam of lV iir ft King by Mr of Vauifban to Aunt Coleman at by Mr of to of At by Janta luvld to fiutlon init by aha luv lb lUker Mr J lb lowublo KICK rl of OC Jf4UrdMr l mVf la ibd Toedy of week tit farnUuro factory in Ont a off a poller when it got ftodwu thrown back aft wild S J One half Sugar Shell All to for tod Oaeoleitnnt Hat quod Vuliio of allvcr hut quality nil to and get a Card BOOTS SFOES Cheaper than Ever -AT- by ScaloSatem every time 3wT Holland Landing Public Notice NOTICE horobylKlven School of iho TOWN OF To all aod who aro tub law It ycaral will bo STRICTLY I Hoard WHOLESALE J- I SUPPLY Country Storekeepers than andoa Titmt A RESH Vegetable Flower SEEDS FROM AT S OS OUKO year old rcaUtprtd Hook 3rd la FOR SALE- old Apply to BOND and Jit- HILL AM AT JO Scotch Tweeds Canadian RCOATINGS Style Pit and Workmanship ARMERS ATTENTION I THE WILKINSON PLOW GO Have arranged with Mr J ROSS to keep a full lino of theiv Ploughs Scrapers Repairs etc at their Works -M- Farmers can their Ploughs Repaired there as usual J CARPET ON tho yearly In IIiili of iindortlictuil has concluded to a a for Site JTCIIKIKOTOS Shop Wellington Aurora FOE SALE NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT my atUolbn will Quintltjol Drain Tile of Various Sizes ClOiaASon A NEW from now fortatoala by WALLPAPER of my which a all Ik aod fiotst Vy with MATCH Ceiling Papers Corner Pieces and Extensions Correspond The haw with cue and In tho A call I they fail to gin in value quality to ioteciltoR iiitchaura i STARR CENTRAL TELEPHONE I BROS CARP Hemp Carpets Wool Carpets Union Carpets Tapestry Carpets Brussels Carpets ALL PRICESGREAT VARIETY Floor Oil Cloths- All Widths Linoleums at Low Prices ks- t Lace Curtains Art Muslin a Cheriile Curtains Bruntons Baking Powder i TELEPHONE CONNECTION a