Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1890, p. 1

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J I w ia TO V J NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 1 Cents xxxi A COMMISSION fecial FORM White 8tavrtwaiiNi Bold to J A Newmarket fit Friday JaiVy f Terms 125 Cash in Advance within or at end Newmarket Allowed on Deposit DRAFTS ISSUED it 1 Muii HALL A Message n lltlU lfc dona f tt lbs lio It lJ lb I Ho of Ihi tlut broken J to the How ffiuiy Am wlief I i feilntLVa Ton it iojuj it oo0laWLaeii LAW Old Office AND CHEAPEST ST0C 1 Of Crockery and suitable for Orange Citron Peel Currants lor lor PURE SPICES IT and Ji v of Lb Id A j of MihlDf under will TbpraC I to tOCOKfM- iprmo ICESSEi of rum Wet n and all kinds of FRESH GROCERIES Always in Slock Give Call No Trouble to Show Goods A Prompt Attention to Telephone Ordered ESTABLISHED 1845- stock a largo and well lino of and Spit All too ADINp PERFUMES Of ho ay by or bulk A FULL ARTICLES in Flu ieta or forties Shaving Set Soaps A the Face Powder the celebrated Chamois Nursery SUNDRIES I 1 ftnd Tobacco Dye Stulfs OH Cake Linseed Meal MEDICINES for disponing 10 to 11 PHARMACY NEWMARKET for peter gta Jt for ddeii of pJo Like wtud or fleJ J it is luflJi c To ibfiriolJ tip J An lh grow cold tb Jul there And how little the of Eajrly Travellers street us of which was the Land- formed of county It was not that the Jots that place and all that part iuibury on fide of the of Holland River were from ship and annexed to tip county of York Holland River took from a former of Major TOO made a trip way of Toronto Bay Lake Simcoo and Balsam chain for the purpose itig the country the year ho a Urge manuscript map of the parti by which in Crown of Ontario map is the earliest have of the South port of lake or called and this one and for the Weil half of tbo left en undefined One a the to ar- rive at Holland Landing was Sir John He occupation a and gardener and firet came to America on a tour to examine tho plant of the country in He set out from Montreal and in of Ms journey during sum mer visited Kingston York Toronto IiUnd ia On its it bad Hol land Landing by of sixteen yoke of oxen when and interrupted all further operation at the navy yard on Drum- too laro for its length is feet excluding the ring except the moat brought thoa far its loft at Holland Landing where it now remains to form a curious monument of tarty stirring It has though with what cer tainty wo cannot say that the mate of anchor had in ita passage over the Great Portage reached the Wil low where it still remains but with accumulations of Afterwards when regular naviga tion opened on Lake the Lower Linking was used for larger and steamers At this Holland River about twenty- wide and Imnks low and marshy and thickly wooded with ft uninviting Stnxt the great colonization highway ter minated into the water courso across Dr our in 11 Toronto of Old Land ing it appeared before it fell into ita preaent condition In a cleared apace on tho right there were some long low buildings of logs with strong on win dows usually closed were Government depositories of naval and military stores and Indian presents on their way to Ieuttanguuheue The cluster of hero was onco Fort wo have it written iu old Gitztitttr of It thirty mil from York to Holland River Vino Fort called the road Many early traveller of distinction visited Lower Lauding iu the of their journeys and left records of scenes winch they be hold John embarked hero in when on Ma first over land expedition to Seas and in John who was on hia way to also embarked at this place Next morning says Gait we went forward to a place tho Hoi land called Hollands Landing an open spaeo which Indians furtraders in the habit of It presented to me ho I continues something of Scottish Holland Landing Buffalo from Utter jpt in the styles of the cottages u far South but of mountains environs mm QUERRIE intending and generally hat Shop in to I tly Ho next year but Canada again in and made further on foot from Montreal to Pittsburg Pa and making a thorough examination of botani cal productions of the country through which ho passed Ho a digression at York on Juno to Holland Landing which ho reached on the His entry for July 3rd is interest ing This ovening a company of tho Island in Like Huron arrived here They have been up tho country for two years and have exchanged two companies of On July ho made following remark Ibis being tho last day of abode here I mention a few things more concerning this part of country is between thirty forty imlea long and of breadth but could not ascertain accurately how many miles On the South is what is river Holland which although of no breadth baa yet sufficient depth to allow boon era to comoto the Upper Landing Place which is nine miles from ami thirtysix from York river ap parently is stagnant and water has appearance of flowing in a niotiou from than contrary After crossing there nino mile of a portage this evident ly refers to Nino Mile Portage from and then there ia water all way to Lake Huron It is very that at no very distant period this will the t all to hi West At present no houses nor on frjo North side of at covered with tree open referred to in thoe was used as a cam ping ground by early Indians and furtrudcrj could bo seen encamped at all seasons of year largo number of often from remote din On tho upper lake Many of these aovcral bartering their at Holland Landing which emporium for A large Of the Northern country too freuentlytbo Article sought and obtains by occasion ancestor of writer counted no than thirty of the larger kind cluster on ad joining the Landing annual distributions of presents to Indiana at The cer emony was witnessed by the on July has described it in an interesting manner in bin in ilbrik Atactica in distribution for tho year 1823 took place on August and a description of it left us by tlmnatlvoprcacher Life and Journals Examiner- The Girl Who Naturally you didnt ash him and you would ho very indignant it that you had forced poor fellow into bringing you flower candy or in taking you to concert Ho you didnt ask him but couldnt been any clearer about it than you you looked into his in our moat way and told him how you were to hear great violinist how avoid you thought violets and how you did Winter Feeding Care and of try for profit toad rf KIT- and raain if not the only profit from poultry in is tho produc tion of eggs therefore it shall bo my aim to to best of my knowl edge an economical by which a good supply of eggs may be ob tained when pria aro highest first thing that attracts onr attention poultry I do not to answer question How shall build I as shall build to his own likiu but to simply attention to essentials which every house if our aim is to bo accomplished A good will bo constructed to freu dtimpneas frou drafts without hiding places for vermin of admitting plenty of light ventilated per fectly Provision should also bo against sudden variations of temperature In a embrac ing thejo conditions fowls from a blasts To wo now thn with troughs dust bath and An excellent plan is to range roosts about three feet high have boards about six to catch dropping which must removed every morning may bo placed immediately under this about a foot from leaving the entire apace for Im of tho occupant of a fowls physical sys tem an as varied proportionately as those of a man and it as a necessary that various articles of food anl required to sua tain of body It is stated that a man will and weak aud eventually starve to death if fed upon nothing but bread and probably same of alone or potatoes alone either of which is a good of food combined with other foods but by itself plie but or two or three of great number of system requires Similarly with a Feed her upon one kind of grain only al though her crop and gizzard may be full of food sho is hungry all the time system craving the missing may ho hog fat and still parts of her in starving condition A fowl in this condition doesnt lay eggs How can shot hasnt any material out of which to make them Her ay atom the materials and spends all her waking hours in a vain scorch for them and a fowl so tor tured half hungry ia practically in illhealth system or poorly nourished is out of condition question now arises What shall we feed our to them lay answer is Feed them a variety of food This is proGublo feeding of poultry rests my method for feeding probably ho easiest way to my idiuT of and economic variety of February Floral Hints At this season to think of spring and pUnU in window will start into now and growth if given half a tho soil in the them all sunshine and as much air as can ssfely bo Shower them daily and see that no allowed to collect and work on new shoots a watering with liquid manure once a weok at is better to all that aro making now wood and repot those more room for their roots It is important that this attention should bo given now as a shift on will with growth of plant for a time and everything chock its steady should bo avoided Do what is before plant much of a start up your Fuchsias from the collar and repot them cutting nun back at least half if that was not when you put them away in tho fall live plenty of light and a rich weHdraiBod soil They will soon break over old and by March they bo covered with now shoots and healthy foliagt Those who persist in keep ing their Fuchsia iu the living room all winter kuow very of what this plant is capable of doing if a rest for threo or four months After such a it will astonishing growth in a short and ho loaded down with llow- ors a good of fall but if in the light and heat all it will grow till and spind ling and be weak but few blossoms Ladies Journal Will First Poem- What may really bo called my first poetic effort was at ten of and was a letter in rhyme My older sister was at boarding school had written foraome of papers both in and poetry and I thought I would show her that had not carried awy with her all tho of family I of a neighboring who could letters in rhyme and so I thought I would undertako samo feat I did up everything at farm ami in vicinity in doggerel ami mailed it to her A young she must have thought me her favor ite horse about to die of was not to rido him her tho trues and flow were all perishing present to upon them and off two very healthy worthy their names happened to rhyme with some words of a mortuary character whole lettey was widely sepulchral in its nature and half and half scared youug I remember that it closed with pathetic lines I must end my letter And it to a Perhaps it will bo better To make tho next in prose Tho to this proposition mo IPS TUB WOODMAb la but upon Lake Sim- i which makes it very troublesome for a pound of chocohde Ho also much of tho goods didnt want to got any of these ho liable to be injured by wcath- hadnt for them ho en steamboat has doesnt get a very largo salary hois braced to himself debt cheapest and moat expeditious ho is and of down tho furs from the resist a proty girl you interior is by that although ill forced him into a dtihoneU position hundred miles longer than by Thats it In plain When end of week comes and ho is dollars short in his money a lit- hoard bill must wait his cannot Ik at to and that should go homo bo for This is first step toward not doing his duty and you him it Tho American man is generous and when bo has money ho will Invito you himself without you suggesting to him what you or what you think ho ought to do Besides barm you do him you miking yourself vulgar ho has a perfect right to go away and that ho doesnt want to visit at your any mora bccauso you hint and hint until he has to you to somo plao of or you presents and that for his ho cant afford it you doing after awhile you will got tho reputation among men of being a very undesirable girl to know and no man who has heard of reputation to get things oat toon will want to ask you to bo his wife Bettor stay at homo for go better finor candy than eat that J at high it for all cut I came number of plants nondescripts LANDING and following of Holland landmark of import is tho old was used during tho ad for many years t of war a left hero in were after ore as which r to go ft of and economical variety food I feed a in the morning a few haiidfuls of grain scattered an floor to keep tho fowls busy tor mangolds fastened to the wall a foot from splen did for the fowls as well as supplying food At noon feed oats and barley alternately or mined and at night wheat and buckwheat alternately and a feed of corn occa sionally when weather ia very colli cooked mash is my main point tho foundation of which is cooked vegetables with mo this usually is small potatoes and turnips although beets and carrots and above all on ions good- For of io ash which will a break fast for hens into pot go about or four quarts of potatoes or turnips with potato parings and wasto vegetables from kitchen When this is cooked water is drained off and vegetables mashed fine then skim milk butter milk a cookod meat a heaping teaspoonful of salt and hot wator to rail twothirds full added and then mess is stirred until all Ingredients thoroughly mixed It is then thick- nod with part bran two parts shorts finely cut clover and part each of ground barley and drinking water is a very item and must not As greater portion of an is composed of water it Is that it should bo pure and abundant and in cold weather With comfortable clean a varioty of food proper drinking an abundant supply of grit and Inorganic matter a good hen can not fail oven in winter months a fair supply of eggs to heart of poultry man and his employment pleasant as well as profitable best card But she was a dear girl and upon her return she and encouraged my poor little rhymes more than they deserv ed grief of my boyhood was her death a tew years afterward She would her mark in litera ture and hope is to day writing in heaven Will in Ladies Home Journal position of liquid lso I rapid as to bo and a part I bolter smell a violet rose of lost Straw fa a A bill has been introduced in Albany to prohibit of Canadian titans on works American Agrieulturitt says that farmer who raises wheat or oats or largely and has not stables with gutters and will do well to straw for bedding If enough Is used it nearly nil liquid manure liquid will hasten position of straw rapidly converting it Into a valu able fertilizer similar substance decern- good hast or it will do no good It coats to wrongs than to bear them Campbells at was de stroyed by firoyesterday Burglar when being sentenced Hamilton on expressed a profercoco to spending years Kingston Penitentiary to eighteen months in Central Prison obliging Ma gistrate gave him four years in former moat dangerous places still to prove tho safest It appears that roads in Now York which ought to bo very much dangorous than sur face roads really safor of the two of passengers carried by the elevated roads last year only killed and thirty- two injured while aurfaco roads carrying only killed 16 and injured Daniel of Ontario Investment Association Out died very suddenly on Tuesday night of last vteck At about oclock ho was playing in parlor with his grand children when all at ho became faint and fell upon floor expiring almost immediately John Burnett a wellknown stock broker and of directors of Ontario Invest Association on reading tho account of Mr sudden tak ing off tho paper next morning remarked to of tho family that ho his turn would next and In a few after dropped over In his chair dead Chicago funeral of of Mr Paynes children took here today Mr and Pay no nimycaold daughter and Mr Re prog to cemetery at a car driven by Anderson At tho cemetery road the Chicago and road tracks was over cks a train and m brown thirty wore killed and recognition An- hurricane has done imroonso damage in Germany Que a on Saturday coon Bay is upwards of inches in thickness Firo more Aurora removed to Junction on Monday last Comet tT The port shows year to K Si a party at the residents of Mrs John Brad- fori 1Kst week S- announced dctormioation to ho a candidate for tins Presidency in Grippe has stopped work in a number of the Iarry Sound Lumber E7T1jc Waterloo Railway ill open for on the 1st of February There baa a prolonged niMAtrjrm Hungary many have lost Adam has 1 1 1 from pneumonia induced by la ilr Jnmisnii will not re in- bits usual prohibition Solu tion at sirssioii of When mony it sousr than man in for it makes scarce A supper was tendered Mr and at the Sutton at week Mr is to lecture ia Montreal on the pro on com mercial relations of United States Sneak thieves visited Mr Bumbles roosts Hill night last week and carried away nearly owls The joke about had a great run But it not marly as a run as illhieur is having as everybody nose Mr Stanley to a friend My hair like but it crown of a busy and I wear with regret as of Nellie Illy arrived New York on Saturday ac complished hex trip around the world in days hours and minutes A little daughter of Mr it of fell through stable loft recently and was so injured that she died next day and Miss Scott of Toronto to an en tertainment in Sutton Feb to assist of the Presbyterian church A Lisbon special says dis pute between England and Portugal aspect i owing to Lord Salisburys policy of conciliation EST An estimate in Now York places total production of gold silver lead and copper during at against 311592 in K A largo deputation of bankers i waited on Minr of Finance at Ottawa on Saturday ami matters connected with thobmliug law of Dominion Alex Rob on the Scotch line of West was pro with a gold watch and chain for services in church work on his departure for Toronto There is distress in nineteen counties of Southern Dakota owing to failure of four yars crops Thousands of families are in want of tho necessaries of life Echo say that Mrs Bailey catching a got her in the chain and was dragged around fleld in that way until tho finger was torn out Th for receiving peti tions for privata bills in tho ion House has been extended until February and for pro- such hills until February Post Department of Canada letters postcards 364- A ft70 AAA occupants Payne and was registered letters and frt letters or nearly illions all besides newspaper circulars t of a years imposed on Most the New York anarchist used in a speech denouncing hang ing of Chicago anarchists has been confirmed by Supremo Court A new bank is to bo establish ed to bo known- York County sod is to no branches outside County of York will have a capital of ami Mr Yarker will prob ably bo its manager Friday last J Ed of with p painful ino a with his broke glass cut tha In two fing i will remain stiff It is that bushels of what in at Fort William tha that quntit of farmers and a is Consider ably in of that generally poaed and that about a but remain to bo delivered In wfk forget for I jmpcrlocV of the when tor Mid Iho digniiyftf Iho row much lets iK hjf the badly fractured were Both child with were Hoi teen a aj- tfi in fig wa stopped whan found hhi and body dragging for Us w as

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