NEWMARKET ERA JAN 1890 t RAILWAY jr ft SB fill sfiV A IB I SB SI J33 a ACL the COAST ATKINSON ii haw tttrtd lntrea a iota and nod York bu from Itb lirrofB and 11 to from data u lo bat Ifaair Is E la A from states will Art Bint ill la lb Let il new The mJ city Trie Of IT or impure ih blood from foot by from a com moo to lb went la Cart tic International Lessons The ft fi-17- Golden BiboW I will Mad I full ill kflOTOCoowraiog MM prolirg lb profiled In bo6 or of ill lfc to od fan lb lit iftrr the id Ibe Ttiml f of lb J JafritJ- Ibt Soto lsid tU ft by An of ih he not Cod lit o tod iMrodotcJ od bfira- world jf by 1 Pa fcat Id we to We tow deTtlop- of fopl I I 121 ttttbcy of picntj la lcTc1 of tbtlr the a epoch it tbe of ere power tended ft ici elicited iU i til ppr for of fetor of God- In the li from the old de- fjog jntrlaccj the frtah and Beth the the of John of of Awn lice He tiea Iceotu the to of by ebotd l done awey it Ii i raeomettfoi toajunmftUooftDdscct4t1oue Yellow Oil lttbbitlflWriti3jMd3rolrtmNiy worDOotM raa before lime U blood pore the god Uver me of BtooJ ibe die If Tea It eboaW loocd won to At to 1U promptly by in od elck we rfe u ftte M a for Koddra Ma Joho ted m a of cured fof To Tub jvcU ftuooaDCejncQt w ftect raocnieut wild J tixbojcb ndLfl ftblti lo py work by lUctJ- J- iwoceui fur oorU for a limited period- Wo trust nil win of of To of tone fcicop Id It Ugly Thtaga Thro ratty thlugf vorld re A People who hot Men who far that A temper is not controlled Tongues on which there no bridle hatred malice and all From all ugly thing good Lord deliver us Some Rules of Health Winter cyclone and cold weather ro upon it behoove both rich and poor to tho cemetery To this end we print the following health hint go to bed with cold feet lean with tbo back upon any thing that begin a journey until break hag been eaten take warm drinks and then go out in the cold After exercise of any kind never ride in an open carriage or near the window of a car for a moment it to health or even omit regular bathing tb skin is in active condition the cold will close the pore and favor con gestion and other When speak as little a fiible until the hoarseness is recovered from else the voice may bo perman ently lost or difficulties of throat be produced Sleep the back especially between the blade well covered also the cheat vrell protected In sleeping in a cold room establish the habit of through the nose with the mouth NEWMARKET BAKERY 00 It- Bread TAKES THE LEAD- POWDER Absolutely Pure vmm A ef ino ano be eold In Jfd t- T THE LADIES Fruits and Vegetables arriving Every Day- WDAT SEES TO In of with the rtcf pwpe eie boottug for a sod a All epier to bo upon din bat word of for their frit Thus who no com tbe lifts dootdcetrretoy better ftt here for mock itiliuu Hoe We to draw to ths itVfo Ovoid of Ifcte idot Canadian lu Tuoto by now of its Li favslaftVe to til who an or poultry Tie only trie trip four A Ktocel lie jc office leer can Yellow a euro core for I wajourcdoyiwobot tree be I lb lug l ceo get relief- voo Out Life in Take I mo by fortock ere you you tut prccurs a UooU Oil Vffk It will JruifU SUM Boundary Lawyer Then your troublesome hat put up the and his no longer come to scratch up your garden I Hut how ever did you it without going to law 1 Smith Finding that he turned a deaf ear to all my about his hens I changed my tactics and began to send him a dozen every two or three saying that bin hens had laid thtin After ft while dropped it off and be Immediately put op new fence The thing was done in leu than a fortnight It was a Plot of Author of the J who wrote tbe iu to lie which it J which after lh lis fr they Am hie by pltttsrs ceo le a fiulth girth the work to of a colter hire pro doted Berlin Amrrlesn photo hire had to pey for they be hi the priuieod Ikee fit to tbe lech tu he faraltbed will a to photo at well as a Hi e to A stranger entered a wellknown Woodward avenue the other day and after imbibing a weak drink be said to the proprietor to wait here a few utes for a than who borrowed money of me Ho was motioned to and when an hour bad passed away he was a city Yes sir Did you lend money to a I did How much Forty I Under lane a HuiJ bo liad ft freight bill to into the hank gave cheque for to hold h at 1 oclock My friend you No I you have old freight bill dodge cheque it Worthier and youll ace tbo man again Hut I lie looked and talked So they all do Sorry for you hut read paper Hay I I dont pretend to bo awfully hot Ill bet that chap honest YouwiUl you Even twenty do ha- Hove ho will couio hero by 1 oclock and pay money The bet taken the money pat up and greenhorn eat down to wait At five minute of cloven a man came in handed him ox preaed and took the cheque and placed It In wallet I told you ho anid the a ho reached for handed over but an hoar later after much aerioui the hi teg and exclaimed I aeethroaghltnow were of I V Separate Softool Assessments- IMPORTANT JOWCIAL For some lime post a controversy has wo wAgiuu in regard to the im munity of adherents of the Catholic in Ontario who have not given notice of their being supporters of separate schools from for of schools the result of which that the Minister of Education for the decision of the of Chancery Chan cellor and Justus delivered their opinions on the submitted 1st la or not a who not by given notice in with the of the Act that he is a Roman and a ftypparter of untitled to exemption from ox rates for the sup port of public school that section A ratepayer who has given notice in accordance the Act that hois a Roman Catholic separate school supporter exempted payment of public school rate 2od of Revision try and determine complaints in re tard to the religion of person as- whether such person a porter of public whether that person ha been placed in the wrong column of the usMV sent roll for school whether the name of any person wrongfully omitted from the proper inserted thtrin or in any other fact or particular to persons alleged to be wrongfully placed upon or omitted from the roll The Court of Revision has to determine complaints in re- to religion of the person an- and whether ho is a supporter of public or separate schools 3rd Is or is not Assessor lound to accept the statement of or made on bVhalf any ratepayer under section of I he Public Schools act in he aware the completion of roll such ratepayer is a Roman or not the notice quired by section of thn Separate act or is for reason not entitled to excoiptiou from Public School rates not bound to ac the of the ratepayer section of Public Schools act in ho is awaro or in any way learns ho ia not a Ro man Catholic or baa not given the requisite notice In a ratepayer in any year is ft Ho nun and supporter of separ ate and did not there- from or being Roman Catholic not given of withdrawal is ho topped thereafter from claiming that he is not a Roman Catholic or not notice and if tbo rate payer is estopped or aru A Form of jfflUrtti CaoAdiu Dow of A peat ajrt he fund new and of InMse in by Hid li the only li i why ffcww pile from wc-i- i The- the ihev ucrrcus of then ib to failiof to give to the cheek new life ihe body in itte ftOslscieoiilir is iili4iaj lo the need of diily iiiAing the Mrs t Cooper St St a toc ifujticj rvous of spirit tie ipiViicJ sipetilc ipijiti Annie of Compound cure r nJ as u ever a CAxy cam be soy oierUn for have it on direct Cakes Pastry Fresh and Wholesome COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Family Groceries PURE AND RELIABLE A SPECIALTY Parlors Always Open JJOU3E AND LOTS A North and South Stores Main St Newmarket a si J 0 s CO C i Gent certify that LINIMENT my daughter of a fevtc what appeared to a fatal attack of after all bed and it to all may be with that territlo John Preach Village J luoQrKjultTrHoi at lor choicer territory t 1 tfvi MAY Nun oclJcr JOUSEANDLOT- at tit a to gEVER FARMS FOR SALE- SALE AT A til to J Kfvniiitt ACRE FARM th Bouth II li of Ho IftS Lot 1H lrc and iwm WWaHSLaOK OR SALE- A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Mendelssohn Pianos Organs Largo Stock of Select Sheet ilusio Etc the Forsyth Hotel MILLARD 5 m Id Ibftirtl Kief a and On all I w FOR SALE ON Brick House Victoria lb reiHoc40f iri Lot rear property Appto J NtMtnitit Poll SALE e II rf vllhitairiUin J of CD lie atari JACK A JACKET 1 AMA ALLAN CO SK ARE SHOWING A LINE OF SEASON SPEOIALTIES Annealed Galvanized Ana Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware ShoalhlDK Paper Tarred Felt Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OK CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steol Carriage Trimmings Jacks kept for Hire Agonl for Branlford Repairs JAMES v -INCLUDING- rtincllAiial to Wort women to proixr a fair ft Av to a All and aUncUreoru make life uKnitro for Us found in Mr a pualllve oaranlH from ininuftcturvra bat It vill jive In jvefjCEi3j will l on lotUwrppcra out ikt or or not the of muni alto audi without by appeal A who wrongfully at a Roman Catholic and school supporter any not appealing or a not notice of not nor any other estopped from is not a Roman or giving of DR PIERCES PELLETS Purely Vegetable Perfectly Harmless AS A LtVER Saws Hand Saws Chopping Axes Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table Pocket Cutlery also PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Examine Price J A ALLAN til in Just receive some beautiful patterns in Scotch Canadian Also an assortment of to choose from specially selected Patterns in Checks Stripes Call and see for yourselves bring your friends with you All goods made on the premiss at Closest Cash Prices Only Your Solicited Next Door to Atkinsons Jewellery Store Merchant Tailor own cloth made up neatly and cheaply Vmtm ml fchftTuwinuipof iih Ut North Hair of Coo II lull lot wrM lfjQ thin All vr J to Id For J to H St Central RAILWAY COMPANY In the Surrogate Court OK IK COUNTY ttuiirirtfctctl a llnn KM go- In ihe ALEXANDER Deceased paper may IO by lit your paper a Michel of tho violet etc If the is too dry it will readily scent ft retain it for a Ion time At ftp on while Mr tonio of electric wires in the jewellery store of Mr Wilton he hud hold of of wires and was to floor ho laid in ah His terribly but apart from that very effects will follow A forth fori raU lb in wot to lbs In towns of corv fill- to loo- 49 HOI vtst 4tU to cut 11 to lb mwMiM to Bandar It ft amount of vegetable matter to form a layer of coal being estimate that present growth of world would make a layer less thin oneeighth of an In and would a years of vcro- to form a in United States an area of more miles of coat fields and more than ton of coal were mined this country last year enough to ran at centre five aud a half feet and a half foot thick Colo- scientist say that enough la to tho world tot year will la tart ton L 3L ft u Cl HI Ml for til I A j tror lower brunch tie I a lu or Vllwi jtiiii in io lotxebnvilif by Oh- City for liDWo nil 1 tun ol Hi- a w IW li DUNN BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND f rt ll I ill iVt v li tin I An to AH III- AIM a iblitUirntur til ho ty itit hri iHivm ftllMU llHWtMVlirvCr I iht l I rj I I t its iirl I Mil iiijon ti BEAVER Roller Mills FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR I Best D 5oo or Money I Straight Holler i50 per Barrel J Crystal Flour per Barrel your iuv or with my DE1MIME lor I el hi in lime of LIM1TK1 J Jy CHPEARSONCS- Prof MEMORY DltCDVERYANDTRMNlNQMETKaO EXECUTORY NOTICE Children Cry for HIGHEST 0ASH For JsllTsry WOOL MAT WORKS aJs I of or sll creditor tod icj- Estate of In of who o or ITtli ly of by xit to Henry tin- or KtuffHirMt In Mj1cnln of 1lJi 14fiu itut or mo in ins Ontv ill L0r Anil fcutr will IhcrtOf to ny collet no uf or Deo lira lot WHITE rt4iU4lS Jit LUMB ERI LATH SHINGLES ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH DOORS SASH PATRON AG PAST CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO- TURN OUT GOOD WORK OAR SALE FOR SALE I Jhob lbeOodrrol York ft I Em Of KlEk brn an of CrcMililvn Pircli Id ibf f fclootWtcf jlrj Ia of bh of lu driving will received TajeocdertlfuiddofnM Wstjwtortoy 41rta JACOB WAbTOS A Karl by Jco fKro ft very Eft IbU require to itio if 4UETWNSTvOEOnOH a THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West Choice of rk Km f FREEMANS WORM to I a Wood or Stave WANTED a I OK PISE j -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CAM SONS MFG CO DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION ERYSIPELAS- SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN DROPSY HEARTBURN Sfflpsiait HEADACHE OfW A COOK BOOK