Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Jan 1890, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JAN New Slaughter Sale J Co Pji 8opplir WN Liu Property for Estate York A- Simcoo Co To Tht- Electors Draper Wood Wanted Black Wood Wanted a Ag Society Beat Ferry Home Brown Board Clark Card Campbell for Sale iTT Bra lira WITH aod Mum lata Hen- bo Mr J W o4lhiircrMti1 of Toronto Mr wplrin to iba of lie ret be will tfc urintiont tie be will lo ay dot tj the lb in FRIDAY JAN 31800 Toronto Despatch Jan 8Inta Nr bat defeated tbe remit triumph In two Mr Till legal flno Till Millar A died at Meg with coach iririt and proicu grow na Winnipeg a ibe city TBI Law of Toronto dopleJ nror log Grand whlcb nccax- that of lllfama liMjd being to the and principle of and to cf the felt called to and with bo ascertain que- Hoar the of the Grand Jary from allow lead tham to a win aider Hon Separate Schools and Tax Exemptions Jl Two recently come before the public of the action of the that of Separate Schools and Sadly exemptions With regard to the in order to differ- of opinion to the tion of clause of the school and Acta the Gov ernment A ofqael- to two of the Court and their thereon we publish elsewhere today But out of decision cornea a still further controversy Although on points the court uphold he views given by Ron Mr- yet it alto his opinion on the issue that Catholic ratepayer are still required to give written nolle to municipal clerk of hi desire to become a separate aupporter The law seems enough to who bear in mind general of tbt Act but the of Boyd aod con thrown sufficient about it to result in such legiilatioo proposed during the of the a formal and explicit declaration the point as to remove the tame from further ambiguity With regard to tax exemptions may be said to be a burning more especially however in and larger towns than in rural municipalities more singular i it is one on which exceedingly diversified and while a general concensus of sentiment that exemptions cover too wide a range when pruoiogkoife codes to be applied each particular exemption baa ite advocate and sup porters and in turn oppon ents- Some people object to church property exemptsothers in com and personal property and so on Then we have single tax advocates who want list of extended until nothing but laud bears fiscal burdens- They want all the security our civil authority affords all the muni cipal government can but want thft frugal and economical who have invented their bardearned means in real estate while single tax gentle man have lived up to incomes to pay the taxgatherer an recoup the municipal treaaory however up a wide for thought and while a majority the rate- an be said to ihi Horns It from oil a at to SpesiD an io on ra it It a Home mini msd op all- 11 beat tb u Is his la fid well In Its earioach will bat it will cot be EoRliih will l- on the titutt court tike in bis Iocs political in pitpAid to for little teed will to on of Munlolpal Nominations When the clerk closed the nomin ations lut Monday morning he an the following candidates pro posed Jackson A J Cane J Reeve Lloyd Deputy T Woodcock Councilors St Georges Want a Moore J ATerry Starr St J Evt Millard J- Rosa St Patrick Ward J Bennett and There was a largo attendance payer the be well filltd clerk declared the Reeve and Deputy elected by acclamation Dr took the r Tor with one his to as Major to that there otter was of ftlUirs was nth at to to all fleecers and hid J the inter tit lit Town In a Town to him in capital skill and in jnblrO and gorcrocuont which hat given so to ianproreixeatfiacil aJYSLCtftnt in in the ot Ur in to the nt Ktcre but In that be hate an to call to debt of we ant to Mayer Jkou be Lai dutitj to his be Lad iuiny to the tg ibe ajrsce- or Cite wis creeled be be bid oily to Eunokipil sanest solicit of the an He would not have Ibet was whoMil bin to that It the that fas the tte During the past fifteen ate vast in We new High School good wad School Hell ibonld be removed the kept op si the County Out 5 mites there are only in Keith we erthlrdcf tans haa to bQiH at lirre its the roid Hollaed and Dr placed eltfae the ffcr bis d faithful Carried was to go with Town then the other candidates hating with drawn Reeve Ward A Cans sod Start St Eves J J It Millard and re- lJ Jehu Deaoet and The election hero Hoc frill to SL Patricks and Reeve Deputy and J Lloyd North Geo Held Centre Ward South Ward Linton and by acclamation School Trustees North Ward- Marsh Foray and Goa Centre Ward jDbas Thorn elected South Ward Peregrine re elected LA SO HO For Reeve and David Duncan Bell Stowart Watson resigned Alex Shields Ed -Wern- and Fred- J School by acclamation Win John Taylor and Reeve J by Councillor J Clark Urquhart Songster and K- J Armstrong- For Reeve J Deputy J 2nd Deputy A Campbell 3rd Deputy and Sim- eon Councillor Old council re elected Speaking lasted over two hours Old council Reeve Deputy Baker 2nd J field EAST For Beam and J A 1st Deputy J and 2nd and A- J J A Bop- kins resigned Knight and Peregrine Mr leaves for en to take charge the ecbooL A kftjilj rd- Father n of Toronto among lit Martin of Tort that they are all Well and sis their He the bakIox cow and formerly miller for Mr Reeor here Then were The Cedars Irg and Mr Boms of who to make a visit wtlh and friends before tnrnln home Mr Robert Smelter Mich into came to with in North ahd Rut snd will Monday no reports briik to tbe be ring Hue Mr from for the Chriatmu Ho reports evarylhio In the lioe very and good all He go lo tbe apriog Dr A1 to the of the Office On Friday to some ftO of her friends the young people Denting In ing welts of which were gaily with booting The Town of Is to have another pop ulation the of Dr and family who are to remove here from Deb moat on The Dr was a In the with Dr Scott of tbl town and here very high ly can Mr baa got on good fie good news the of people now sojonrDtog In the He leys they bad sleighing far thiee weeks he left In couple of months and may take his family with biro Mount Albert at the or A fl Brook a afur mar- tit InZaw air lore lo Cecelia Ellea q New a circle the lawn Mr coup to tbree aire wars played In Honor of air air Brooke baring aOjmtRt J handsomely the band cheers happy who moat attractive enharwl Society to he in At- neat week and a large la Sutton the and North the Qutsne hotel halt Sutton atlooUek pm an toth Trinity Toronto has to sve bis iters thereto for the benefit of the Sunday library The of eltjor ltb Empire inUraperaed acd has been well Local amateurs wMl a hum Bogarttown The soboomeeiinf here mat week one of wo hare bad for some received which Starr was of By latter was elected by someone The was toihe slater of three esfca Stick wood lentes for Uooday to take lu Work was Jackson or At lb do Mm Id was present with an aJJjH sod nut torn oft of school She left next day for Edward to lake a day school that John alii vary poorly to the weather Is very at preeoot TheeUren who wrote at recent promotion were aa For ltd Wilton Clark tUnd Clerk Kit Woodcock tlstaiwdoreKjIer Too Quarterly eiamlaetlon btld Monday Deo sod were Clark Jonas and all or well pleased the of the are during the year The school baa for IDs day Jala Mr as The of for the lest 5 months as Vltava will be distributed as soon school Wilton Jr Ida tim othy Pi Ada foiling Ethel Jonas I ante Rose lit Air Draper Jr Jones Ida It mis The Ctiool was held no Thursday Deo and was the or a trustee proceeded with atfons made the result of the poll Mr Morgan Jones by a large quietly A ha Just added to our THE LEADING HOUSE a NORTH For Reeve Davidson and Scott Deputy elected Draper Lite lis Queen week Mr- Walter asrlraa in result but Hi Injt the klngtyll came of the atue Other the fatnlty were hot taostely the was a quiet one or Our UorOay were pretty well attended Alt hands for Omedittely after the We feel Mr Sott will have a rox to hoe than hahal lietyesr s is a fellow sod well eaoajh to mite afiincli As for ccuticiltoiv there will s We tout there will bono auch repotted lba any candidate them all a Wrhawend by will be ell enough Providence np the roads a little there bis been a sate of roil a this piece Mr spending holidays at ran- laws A of cor tjwcapeOptj apant lst in vrybghly of villas new church Mr apent In tint lbca with rtlstirea It is to tbe way which trie to the inter- Three hundred Now York down with and one has died Tom and William two of in Toxas have been captured mid shot Mr baa received telegrams and letters congrat ulating upon his birthday Tho earliest telegram to arrive the Prince and 18 floor W Fall Wheat Wheat lo fllS t3 do JO a a do a dt do W a Hay period a a a do 17W a par pound tub do a a a i big Apple bag per a ttheeiklDAtt pair Old IS a a a a a a a a 0U a coco Ifucba W per 11 a a a at is oat ftaVl ID HO Department in charge of MR CHARLES A First Class Cutter and for years Master Tailor and Cutter in the mounted branch of the Armylst Life Guards stationed at Whitehall London a a V tr i for Town Sale Register for irlvnti fit tic and lb Gentlemens Breeches and Riding Pants Ladies Habits Ladies Jackets and Ulsters Irish and Scotch Tweeds v i Jan Hi Mr Adam a haute bit QueuiTllle at Gram hotel et oclock Kvan- Great Bargains I FOR CASH AT LEADING FURNITURE 1 ttrM HVSICUViiarctiauiluUtabrleUu r m North York Society VT la thai ANNUAL MEETING Of above Society will be the Council Chamber -Oay- ltrUCC Jos Glover Timothy Willi Motion and John aa ported tho old were wit reeve and Taylor I at well aa a Jut of altogether too ex- low Jeer cut found but admit limited o uid correct and property with imtUa- bo suit- effort Cor the well of at fthd trout vhtcb no pecuniary ia derivable other or of tbo community Under any of the by will of and pnK lie men to think aboat lKern and will be inoro in accord with public now Iff by it known be cot aod en omen thai the tij- tie Town In today On but of public thanked Ibis for their ay and learty and e eallrd ibe At the fee wit jeara he Lad Ken hid a f Dakota Mr J Jobniton town J I mile Sunday to trrt Mr Taylor el over for a couple of Mr with at with jlitr at Mr Lee Toronto in town with Mends let Mr and P f Toronto tie In town- Ufa Aurora witU Mm J Ilradford ltiine Mm l It- lira J lit two or hveke with friend Id iu loilim oyer etthuaiMtic and town of What ilwa the Jane I ton J with that it will only be a bfore it poiUlattoa lut year it to teller ruary of widely jujical to they trotW rather in jirojrirty m dtrcrard in it 2d per the Town whto xoirity 1 to la valua in earn time Mr have eftailiDJ in tart Mr tod wife Wen their telMirei I with bare Mr Walter took at th main pic Of a Main A tow wuia I In It be toahow 01 In hiDh hit out t pitt end for e lfiieiiury Holler la aMdin ttitlc with brother Holland Landing Undertaking House- A Largo to aelect from UNDERTAKING Iuthla will be found a of CASKETS COFFINS ROBES well tbe cheaper Undertaking a Specialty to at St All execnieJ and quietly lot i in fctalH Of A tiklAU ft few btludlo ateanl altit lrni I will lUveultW- WtDNKNPAT At for receiitlwti or A general etteuJance A the will be Secretary at It utiOQ the y of lt6 J NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT SCHOOL BOOKS WOOD WANTED will elirier of the at for OF WOOD or lo or io be later il AND SGHOOL SUPPLIES OK HAND AND SALE AT TUB- Tenders for Wood it J If 1 will li OMAY For supply or About Goo by the under Oth oil ror the a a ttud Maple Hemlock will bo pert lot lowwt Lot i lis Editor WHAT TO the eod flor- Late lWI nambcr Ao JJctnnln enttcritlte to at of Iba ttcently made by tbe J Iq ltre tut the J la iba a ha to Mr ft end to which He Utter reply Jj the of let a Tta a w Wiipiud latereeL lw who have away Snail oat Lot of tbe nretne of Hon Hon Rev Dr 0x4rtiQ Hon A- L of On Indeed a Town ax J the day not far our InMrjiOiat the lorrad iiMii iuiy triLI file ere toarajr put year a lftde a Tim well rum tie tbe Town nd rate of aitoa He Major bit at by ecclatoatoi aerrke lo the Council It be Into trka of mho bad filled ability bat lit of deputy to to glee a good of end retorted for eHtd to lima be had offer blm before tbe be by vxHuatha to at k bad a lire Inlereat fa toanktpel He tbat UK Mayer no Comity of be bid he beat jud of He wglj do abd If door were made by Meeera Cent J cd to rarditjc both Cane belt to the to they blofi It lo ibtt Mlaa apfedio it Mr Win epaitt the in to city on of To to a rj ilivi aac- KateuSiL Milt with Ibelr Mia Mr- paid a vk wllb Mr Mr of WilUirlleMfolowp Tuaray He In Kut Jjury Mr Will VuajetwDj Yj fraonpleof egrw with A Day- Mr family of Mr ltariu Mr and It were In week lUnford Mr end J of New The with it rectwM many old 0a relellree ibuei from a J- ware Mr J J and fecally of Since tin low and aatfoi a great deab Mr Albert viz peon bad of aertraj jtu frta wblte by heavy i bit back of The norntnatlou vary quietly JttpDarJj ball Vr Icluve the chair the to lve an They all a re and or the Toe chairman tbe new aay They all t the on Monday After a few cptlua by the for trUiati and ij who ta well weeded to think the and elect beat tutu for of Councillor Grant Vice Councillor Lok Teal lor Chaplain WiKlrby Herald Sydney Mr Win Deputy Herald Naomi Aaalalaot Hta of la lax VUabad abow uaklof redacllou of two mint duller laaao afOke very to who are be on our I to be good will reeolt the to be held In the Ualbodlat neat Holiday night Her Jobo A Gardner tod lura to boar oar former reelected re appease to he act In nnd are tote or ibat I- for In on what know iol It la Ibtlr duty ioyMbyUwOj knu w there la every they Friday the wife or A a ion- Dec at To route wlfeolO a reifdccceof the by Iter J Andrew Mould to Martha all of North lai40AMKLxriya At Iba by the llav Kara King to daughter of of luiajr At the Sutton the by J- f- to to daughter of ItoUrt A at the residence of mother by the Dr of to at K of haul- Jarrnar iOKKKAt the borne of the father I Mi lb Mr William of the of of of fflDIHAMlKuvrU the realdtneeof the father by Ferny Jr At iltb by Ferry Hoover Abrahain Hooter to Hoover lien lloifir all of At the ilaluprlie by the Fercy Mr Davldaou of Harriet of the of the at Ma t- Die 1 j Mr incU1r UcUuiti to Jwarall of the J the of lio of UuuMYAieikorrlly J luugbby at rtatdaicd Mr the HAiinioViKaBy Iter J by at the of the rather ou Day Mr Win of to the J at the or Abram on to of the Itle the Id- father Deo by the iter Mr J to on toe Fcler irvla lae ly tbe iter Mill a Mourn AK of the Mr Win- Cecelia of Klojr At rteldaboeof on the W Mr aTTh happy left by train lor amnion uj other Interest in We at CASK OK NORTH BY- Aijy li4Vaeen fit to fur 1 loecpt In for support I you tut In over my o rtr when I a pirt of fruit to be lat tin in for my give toe a will In rMuru en to my I reiaialn truly IVeaLlilvP there mil wlib my Ihrniih A ihouh I in am An I- Worth Arid I YOU WANT stttutstb the Mil and LOWEST FRIGES KNOWN CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE STARR At J MONTGOMERYS REPAIR SHOP MAIHSTlOlirH tau orders will receive ad prompt up FERRY CO Largest DcTiMlre wtr foe m ago riHKuuderalguedbatfitoluforro of rrouiilt he baa opened a the end of SHOP ataln where be execute all at moderate cbargea racial lrn to Ihe of all farm liurlauauta ovaaoit IKHDH WANTED 1S45 Mm to take order for Salary or make a euc- SALESMAN of out who will work fallow my In- Will ami pay your aalry or every ESTABLISHED Have in largo and well elected Hue of Pore Drugs All LEADING PERFUMES 0 the day Colgate by or bulk A FULL LINE OF TOILET In seta or tingle abating Set Soap Face Powder celebrated Powder SMOKERS SUNDRIES A largo and well selected of and Dye Staffs Hone and Cattle Ground Oil Oak BBNTLEYS MEDICINES on baud Drug Store open Sundayi tor to to and to pm BBNTLEYS PHARMACY MAIN ST SOUTH NEWMARKET For Sale by Tender Tin LATE Or Hi In of no for of ho a tlieyrutii riHinttr ilihty- four a ahty f a JwllUc J j i auiA nearly all Ii alio of Turn Kail Of It eitftbou buyer of water Shu of tl North- IriUiUcrof tno CKUAH of February li Kir urcel No- tor not j- tiian iiiiinu or any nut mo- KeUlAby A W TENSERS ibo up lLjOl For a roaUign Saturday Jar y or At tEialoUracituorab a Tow Yurie Plana May attbaUvaa I Jan itfjj fcfiorwbico follow wrdaufacKry rry by too J hi BRUNTON I NEWMARKET aa a Our Ordered Clothing Department is without a rival North of Toronto la first class OUR STOCK of Cloths and Tweeds is very large and OUR E3 a Will be found very reasonable r

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