BRA Every Friday Morning XT LYMAN QJACKSON At HI- PRINTING Hid or Em REACHED And SUBSCRIBERS Medium Mo lb till Mfl TO KNOW TO AMD TO PEBBLY ACCORDING TO ALL OTHER LIBERTY ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL Prill CHSSH01UXD NORTH YOUK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday 3rd Terms 125 Cash in Advance within mos or at end Newmarket Branch Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT IHicoaoltd I Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Agency a S3 Money to Properties Bought and Bold RENTS ON MOUERATK COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance TOWN AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk Bailway and White Star Line Ocean Steamers Bold to all Id Canada Ureal ALBERT ROE Main St Booth Nemnarket J ic a to food Firm B MAI All WCpWIDUI FIELD colic Of Reformer LOAN flOOHK Etc MONEY TO LOAN Next door Boat of ibe Hotel IRWIN ic SI Saturday- TO LOIS ON JX A A BQCUti Cbamtorfj of tbt Court Notary Public IN lb or No- IS St Toroo No MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW PEAKS ON It DROWN IN DR AJ Out I to P of Trinity ly4i A Civil York J Firm TO LOAN AT FEB LAWBIE Co Old Cor UbIo sod ALBION TORONTO of Market bed lor 5 Transfer meet alt CHINA HALL NOTED FOR THE- FORSYTH W and IT ftvrt Of Will lu or week wibluj nil with Aurora oral Lao- yicre- J ftLLUY LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of Crockery for NTSl Nose Raisins Orange and 1hU Currants PURE SPICES m Oranges and nil kinds of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES in Stock Give us a Call No Trouble to Show Goods A SMITH Prompt Attention to Telephono Order PEST A CHI UtM Col Ld J York Farm Sales Promptly Attended to County of fialM AUeadedoabort Notice and Price coidioublCAtlout New- tills will si Monty to Properly y will Until ware uiy time market tied to TUG ACCIDENT in lotbetusiiionDtornce for Aurora at fiiiJ luiuraoca office of J Notary Aurora STORE We showing week the Best F at C P Special Selections for Holidays PU OF ALL VARIETIES FIRST QUALITY IN SUGARS The Finest in Town 6 LBS JAPA2T TEA FOR Happy New Year Htppy I Hippy I to the flotltog Collate mi to borne flit land No humble bat ill lb are Hippy good a flidNew Year Happy New Year I New Teat I of cheer of floirp New Year with of tti own It a lutiog are It may hard Happy Now Year Hppy New Year brightly joi you with royally too oar dear and too Wo not look forward way will direct us from onto day racing the New Yean THE NEXT TWO A I Ho Denial for TlyAVt0 OVERCOATINGS SUITINGS TROUSERINGS AND CLOTHS SPECIAL VALLE BOOTS In Variety AND Fell lanctl Hoots a Specialty J STEPHENS aod aod NOTES DISCOUNTED- loan and OKU afUrtitc of Augct Of- htfeet CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS after ill fiftWilln- A CAMPBELL trlitKH io Infirm the public FALL STOCK Weu at Lowest CASH Price the whole a irille And the e whole il a or IOt ftorrifnl nit In III Held or CMS A SNYDER intuit or HID D DJ KtwpfctiCo RELIABLE AND LEADING HOUSE Best Stock tt wMMellat LOW Leading Photographer I MAIN A LIFE A fetoQlhlfitlaol Work The Manufacturers Life Accident Insurance Companies 1VJ- Accljful WUJ Sloven alt the Art Garland Coal Stove with or th Radiant Home Hot Air ml HOT FURNACES all Any amount TINWARE I At0iln WaraofaUkiodiiiifttiufAcHieI All low for atlnteJ ixY Cure by the I hie It ft la Cifii A KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE Y to pre leiiimcoUIef is mi- if I hive I hve It a A GltiiftT Suttei KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE Suit- Coviv Ohio Dec f lfctllimyduirtorvhJllbivaie with Ctte I lute five hid tea of It In none nJ of UJm Since I hue hi I of riflwJ latta KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE I It It of by jfojil a J DRUGGISTS tfffli SS CTrStf Canadian Com lute of John A VIm- Vlcoirttl- J J A a It ASCII BIBLE SOCIETY 1 at lb Toronto- for Infants and Children coT aleep 0UtA to that woke on 2Sow Ywrt J with a groan It a drizzling Sbo had neural- gin in right Tbo baby had screamed with colio during nttrly half weary Her had given her a word of sym pathy or though knew ho was Ho had been moody or days Jaue girl of all work had given warning the before Wont of all Rob ert her eldest eon had not until midnight had fallen in with some idle fellows of late and it she thought to this companionship that hi standing low went dotrn her feebly staggering under burden of and opened windows In my affliction J called onto the Lord looking into tho sky Suddenly a guet of and courago a wept through her like a freah wind Why God was all petty worries just as the wiis back of this cold drenching rain Had no faith at all Was she to go with a whine and lamentation to now year God in it She stiffened herself body and soul With tear still on her check the choking in her throat she began to aing a gay little catch of which was fond and ran iuto her room again to pot on a freah collar and pretty cravat had twenty things to do before breakfast but sang on while aho was about them It wag a foolish song yet out of it a singular courage and life into her heart With prayer and thanksgiving and known your requests to God she remembered She passed through kitchen stop ping to wish Jano a New Year with a joke wih and song and ail fell into J ft no ri Irish heart liking a biasing rocket into a dark place chuckled as sho the potatoes The work at was not so heavy after all and her fielf had a pleasant way with her and tbeto was tho now then Id two months would have enough past her to send for her sister an an its likely Tim would bo about that time Jane soon brought breakfast with checks and a smile There no more talk of warning from her Mr lying awake in bod was tempted to wish that morning would never dawn Ho was a closo- man who shut his trouble down out of sight But weight of them just now was more than he could bear Things wrong at works day ho discovered and petty fraud- Ho was growing old he was times Younger manufacturers were supplanting him in tho market Sharper eyes than his to watch men and tint book As far his concerned ho was in a moat mist ratio blind alley from which ho saw no exit Hut the hurt which was the sorest no matter of business Robert was low his Greek and still lower in hit Ho was growing running with low compan ions What ho had hoped from that boy I For himself ho had no ambi tion but for Ho was to bo a great lawyer liko grandfather But hero ho was going to dogs at nineteen I For days Mr Ayre bad borne in grim ill humored silence Hut now in stern despair ho felt ho had been silent too long Ho would peak in a way which would remember to his dying day Ho got up resolving as ho pulled on his boots that boy should cither turn over a new leaf that day or leave house If ho is sat on going to ruin it shall not bo under toy roof Ill not palter with him any longer ho thought his jaws set and Til disown him Just then a cherry song sounded through house Poor Hetty I had sick all night and with that crying child and there was facing new year with a song I And have behaved like a to her thought Mr He very fond of his wife As he stood shaving himself ho listened to her song and his lips trembled a little Hetty used to sing Rob to with that ditty when he was a baby What a big fellow ho was I in every way There was anything least mean or sneaking about Bob a affectionate lad- He listened as be the razor counsel with in glass There could be no doubt that Hetty had twice his courage to duaiter It her faith perhaps he laid down ho to himself almost with a smile I was too hard on the boy him chanced Ho heard Bobs steps on tbo stairs and opened door waiting Bob had wakened with an aching head Defeat at school the fool talk of his last nights comrades his first drink of wbtskoy all tore at poor boys brain Ho sullen and ready to fight His moth er would both attack him no doubt He was tire of lecturing He would cut loose and his own bread a free man Just then his reached his It was full of tenderness and cheerful hope It was that old song she to be always singing He listened with a forcrtl scowl But presently softened Things began to look brighter It was impossible that life had reached so a crisis There was the savory sutell of break fait coming up and children laughing and his mother He came down with a sudden throbbing of Could he go back and all He had been an inno cent boy a year ago If father would only for a minute Just hern his father looked out of door Rob my ho called pleasant- Yes dad the boy answered stopping eagerly Come in want to have a min utes talk with you You were out late last night often out Robert looked straight in Yes father Ive been in bad company know it I am of myself Your mother not give you up said Mr irritably ShO has faith in tee how sho begin the new year with a song Between you and the trouble at the works 1 fee if my reason was going What wrong Rob Sit down father give mo op Have a faith in me With Gods help Ill start afresh Dont give me up Mr Ayre looked sharply the boys face It was honest it bore mark of no bad passion Per haps ho not understood Hob perhaps he bad made some mistake managing him Why do you waste your time and my money Robert You are doing good in your studies Father Rob boldly Ill tell you truth I books I never shall bo a scholar Let me go to work me in the factory to learn That is what I have wanted all my life I dont bow the work is Mr Ayrea countenance chanted as if cloud had vanished and whole of tho earth bad lightened Here was the answer to riddle Of the boy was meant for business no was cool shrewd hon est wideawake Why ho so blind Wo must talk it over Robert We must it over 1 His voice fairly trembled with ex citement Ho shut tho door Mr was called a dozen in vain to breakfast lift came at last with Robert Both had bright pleasant faces Well mother cried Mr Ayro Rob and I a grand schema He is to bo my right hand man in works Confidential clerk until ho learns hn business and then junior partner What do you say to that I declare I feel as if a mountain hud been lifted from my luck Rob was standing his moth er Ho pulled back her head and kitted her nothing hut happy tears rained down her cheeks Im going to begin nil over again In- whispered Thank knew it would all come right break fast Mr setting to work vigorously while tho children drummed on their platters But Rob stood by his mother gcutly stroking her hand Dear old mammy said he that woa a good song of jours this Yes Hetty said her Your is sweet as ever But your heart seemed to bo singing today ami to good purpose Early Munlolpal Government The government Up per prior to was in a very erode condition It appear that in early before the establishment of township councils inhabitants of each township met together a year in Janu ary for purposo of choosing cere for tho for that year Chief of officers were wardens or town war dens as sometimes called a name now used a vary diiror- and to the chair man of the modern County Council What the duties of wardens were is not very clearly understood they continued tobolect- at thu annual of habitants until ns the year when thtty woro replaced by municipal in with an Act of Parliament in that yean The municipal system however had Undergone great even be fore 1850 Lord Durham pointed out of old iu his to Imperial Parliament upon the sloto of Canadi an by the of the Act at the firt of Parliament of in 1S11 entitled An Act to provide for better internal govtrumwit of Upper Canada by local or authorities there in Act divided country into several districts in each of which council was to bis Each township within the district was obliged to send one r more to district council By this division this which now longed to Home meet ings of were held iu regulations into force in and according toeppeictment in January of that the inhabit ants of tti03G uwnships which had population to merit met together and them This was the beginning of government in Upper Can ada and a tor tea are of these Tho township representative then elected chilled for the time As already stated what is now County was with Homo District during 1812 but this did not long By tho end of that year a courthouse jail had built iu Sim- toe District was by proclamation severed from Home District of then embraced the whole of what is now the County of Grey and it be added that the temi3 Home District and County of had been in use since of last century the latter being a subdivision of tho for mer the 1812 therefore the representative councillors from varioua towuship3 of county of went to the district council meetings Barrio instead of Toronto District Councils were aholUhrd in 1850 ami present County Tho terms Reeve and were then first applied to the representatives of municipalities who up to 18G7 were elected from among the councillors themselves Since Reeves and Deputy Rcevea elected by I ho direct voto of people aminer 1Kb Around the Id Too lata for Pleasant Valley- a coo lo tut year of Oar which of to mi Tiy Mia of It a at Mr Mr of Toioalo a few filter- to heir Mr 1 1 lug from REMAINS At Bradford wrote at Entrance Exam Russia is putlilnn tho work of fortifying alists Crowley and Hunter are at St Marys Britiihiquadron of action has been ordered to Gibraltar It cost for indigents during the past year A severe raged in Minnesota and Dakota Sunday A serious revolt ia reported to have occurred in t Three lives at a tire in on Friday night inches snow reported from Batoche Eire in New Friday of over effort i to tbu Brass Many have Holt Circle The lut Dlfht a ibo rv4iic4ueJ Ji- apjioiotmtiat ike mho Lake part Mr the with lj by Mr Kills was lbs Cr pngtam much idtia wbd toocS Id tbe tc so of revolutionary laiyi J ilr aoJ Hip Mr JofaoGiUiQ f amount in ltd aa1 uut4 by tire which swpt for of sirhl several of tint docks North Ami South ti- show triou the firt year of tbu Stalin Tho Austrian Joveriiment reinforce its of an Italy watching 1 rriilenl A fell on Vancouver killing four out of six men in the Hall one of the scaped from penitentiary at on day tSThe pany to burnt 1 line lo the coal fields in thy Surii region t Six new -r- to be built at City in form line Sound There re row wA Day The stormy iho and steim ar reported from to At lIoiiV eight a wish derwere out by a mob intluenz ill in Europe gained in many cities of this including Montreal The of iinuiiiMnti who have in Manitoba I cue for lit put ft wirkf Henry it ji iifirirvtMe hi two tfi on of week ami io out left out Mr n I Olifr their J fltrl axaalaalfn ftl hi sfto it After the by lb trait extKMr It Jon hi a lire who to out of a hug Tribune The Largest Flower In the IT A3 A In c island noon Mr Miller drains by the Town with Ibr axis ia two let lbs bat a black eye wbit Millar and They a font Mr to left the till Monday Mr Ennoi Is applied plaster it Mr pK hit to To in Mr Wesley Milter Toronto at horns of Toronto Is fcfscdi Lints Hopper and villi- Chriitmis Kith ttitoSi at of Ml srs CbtUtajsi Mill car of bat Ufa for sooth r ability Mr Sinnel Mr a and It the tun upon on of Value of To lira At it that f adviatsrscf stated In a you will alTjrl the apla aWultj suJ J aud ptrtrent of soil vblcb In chioR to damp atiuciihtr aihci from a in in In Spring wbea ever lit for many jemorer to the far from JAIlTeff too tog bemflu of to earth With a drift at one bat where initially tfcflleredtbslauJ for in that half half dry moit sod living t tr olly Iqi tbn fielda and need If it fldal thfltor a of that arikIeUmbr for fuel auj ft life which sf- In the prairie flowlpg applied Us pUco of vmJi foliage of a foital But now that afoba- iogvaabeJ lot lbs ami to form mad Prom wlu have to a life lima bait a crop tad crops than It la quit of IU trees III of th peak on vnlcact of and ethnographical found rrcently at tho of above tho sea ft flower The discov er Dr Alexander could his when ho viw amid lowprowing bushes the imminsn buds of this flower brown heads But was still more when ho found a specimen in full bloom afivo flower in diam eter as is a win el in fict This liorne ft sort of en on the ground The Dr It The hid ho by which thf weight of could bo as but they a their boxes and Specimens vni It was found that flower over pounds It possible to transport frrah flowor sq it dried a number of its by of a lire Dr sent photographs and specimens to ihi Royal Itotanical where director immedi ately it as a species of and named aftej the governor Sir Stamford Tho new flower was accordingly named lUfthila The fivo petals of this flower ore ova ud creamy white and grow around centre filled with countless stamens thicker and longer in the fertile flower than in infertile Sutton Mr psiiripal of Public wa of a arm chair aid an aIJreu from poiil I xTtirg of anl Mr it to foot by of lbs put of the flhwiag offioer of Sutton No were elected the laroi Bro St in so il Mini Rep Mr of with of Maty contrary the Chart Ion Act committed far the ball Sir fasts ccfcJtsc that hit will lbs proper Mr Chappie of for add Sir for lh Mr who has so put tight teaftrtd College la January to lake a lif to We a ami Up a highly illiMy wilt ttKf tflaa J Ml the so ii Against lust ye if Eleven people were and many injured in a wreck tbo i Ohio White Sulphur Springs en Saturday from influenza ore reported to occurred in Franco within bu The has epidemic ii Germany During a the thoatiamer with the steamer Quern Victoria former sank Visa drowned Judge judg ment Against Railway for one of its cars killing a wia shown that defective of the convict who d Kingston on Christmas d the belief is becoming iliit men were drowned in at tempt to reach the other that created audi havoc in the of Now York struck Ottawa Thursday of last week and did diumgn signs chimney and light outbuild ing There were in Chicago during twenty four w tiincii tin of M0 I jured in railway accidents in city Tho school other evening Tho by a birn audience wiaiiiil enjoy thoiuushly thu tings etc who took credit for they conducted themselves enjoyAblo- spent At the Church larilf A Bohemian suit was tried the time at Corunna re- In verdict for the victim Knight a well known far mer of township was Introduced by a neighbor to a Bohemian oats agent In to Invest giving a which at usual passed into the hands of purchasers Knight paid the note then brought suit against the neighbor claiming him as a party to the fraud lie got a of and fc McKay to break a few panes of in Bradford last week the balance for coita and damages The of is a but Us is dodo less The tint person to introduce it John an Englishman Palmer was a violinist and settled Id Union City At a dance- hold In Mr Palmer Brat devised the system of checks or double numbers Several railroad- men were present occasion and so pleased with the new system of checking that they intro duced it on their railroad Within a few months it was adopted by all railroad In United Bute yMod Toe- w M Sir followed by Mist J iid school then dialogues and until a hoar people in- in the thin in of their children so A to consider whether can her own living in tbo will out a foil house but a mooting to nominate school cant scare up a OrilHa electric light run by the ami when it in tho ratepayers were given to understand that the revenue from private would give them freo of charge but in up it out that cost the past year lit by a private and the Gazette flgorea the coat of the aro at 55 each raatiU instead of oclock as la as