TS NEWMARKET ERA DEC GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY V IT a ft S J SJ So I n if mm a IjAILWAT TICKETS ALL POINTS 1 I COAST sd 1 ATKINSON International S Lessons may tare to com It tooiittijv It it litwt tor rained emulation told J inch a Mi lis W0Ar TO In iU St fa ftitftiniiet lo us Hamilton for the 1mfi4H u4 Alt Tbe ftaU with ill with to wl lilt for pv or a to wit tut ill Turcot J King light Ciail lV Mr n tie dt Mia from tbtaul of it 3ooaf Mr fa Iit from fiunatr the wririiT In town wo fiM of Mr J UcUarthf who from bis tut Ha bat JI it bM bto ho will not Sutton Atp week lift of urn tt two JlufpirtJ P A id vUHgo wl hows Mr- ill pdlx A rapptr will to lb the Id St- who I fun Tb wJftiii to Iwo Mr Mr v in of Aid of t DbriiDCfriI Taking Into ittfk of it till inccf of ftncj Chtbtndu 1J rbiltTitflr labor to on of tod met Totooto cd 11M which i b of Coon of York ted it U1Ij iafontJ add to not n btndiog on both for CUA of the of d CUifc Obil of Scott to tbt award will town io a of A Canadian Gone Home m to lb rtf lf CI Bib with oof with I no Till itdcbr Mm to Till W To mew Ho ih t Wl We bat Ion He u KM d itlihM to lut Bat tfwk ltey km to from oat To a8tt rattt oft Mm mow Tbjil To a fiooa bfKaH dwJioB one To put with him no mo fur tto or And bow ao M to 4M Mi to DM At JiwoliB In If To to Far one so good And NEWMARKET BAKERY -01JU- Bread TAKKS LEAD POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder A rfifd In LINIMENT beet in the market and cheerfully recommend use J 1L Ml LIt0aEdiobirgh Urn of Pood IWPORTANT a or Mho up at fcllbr l tla td- lltp lirUir iuUitwD in m instil a cm tj Qqdd WaolUjp d Ift Itiiuuljr C4kliAiiipaJM dEffcirat copUi 1 JlAIIllXlIjpjiit Ji 4il to to sink It lbcrietkfl iiffdUMroltir Wiwrl la Mr- tui itAiWJAdo4UDMit to live bill Ifct bintbit in n HkUut ft -qp- It of floor to fint oud it It 4 winter lint tothrr will I MMrk Ml to kill rt for JMI f If Vn a vi iiiiUy l lie Jo iff otloa Ml of uk pllril ml pert of nctori It It bid for verity Id- Rite it to ill UIm by tbwOiiUiI lleii only Vit dW luicVfi will fit In of 38 en bat ly d Kiof lojf do look for ibi lziiUif I drfHrF f i riii bolides d rd s Iri I fa Iilonil wo Oil with to cub rte It q dfffKbt litlpi tj Ituil- A bCICUitd Into lb blood on ho w And tftbtHMfMfWAo inflfer kiiJotjri or IjoJ wbc- taller Ml Hi j o1 It OOuUlDl At f Mb ah of ttnlafllfife iAaimt la tor raiwHlmoofa I do ttilwUifUitlrwflUklirttor- furi fc a oil until triJ which Cured I Wool woi l4ini blood tohxi ttriifiJiclnflwhkb tabftd J toCMMiit la la4 o cm To tin lq A J Kccutell Vt a 4 Mono anil work Wrti to J Ipka tamp for turn itnl Wo all will ril We ovciy of lb toff it ItdttjwilthljMH I a ado It ftf i l 00 tovo for Urocblal xtf Mrw will you fcyJldJUrtUlcod J 41 by Iron Work for for porting Iralot Detroit ritor t of bono fcatb to confinement In com- until lit bo nor made llwht In of tuition pref on rt Wth lll Ibo to by fl mire on Hoe lotoSO Coo hi uked ifrclid nogmtatt with So RiU for lb iiid road enor in m by J- ud Janitor or roil Cook lo filllog J Iliiy it td K council killed Simatl IS J tP I tbe dim S Fifty to oi llcmtUinfi loJ4m IK nd to with No- t Ibfl j JjV Counoili Met w A tt It I t by I rnhracltil oh be G litbltbvv witdlity 111 trouble to flwillliAbuqr tbt It ihi At town to o itiili ud olo ihehcorK llDOiJJoini of ojipete tut It WtlnMrWpipBf of wic II I w id ftUmifl iJKd for work lit Citric to 100 of rlolcJ fiffi n cob He fur it i in do A for In Kc to fir obxkf Jin 11 Taylor f J jJ1f till of to roll W fir A Chi Geo iitvircltiKa lW- Sit- A Kid- Jell riel P fiilDH by of W ri tic d tt P j WlqficMj wiocll Dr 9J40 iLe hep 12 J John Cur I J 5SI DyLiw confirm fog wlib oopGrmloK Scott for fleet ii follows 1 i rfr- few of the hire hire restored to wd by tbo of fcw nciSv of ud wocnto we mod ill profit by these tod f ft- p S liviilsoo of years with pail He doc- wax losing fldhnpidly sad foul bout pveri up whea be of Celery CocnpoutKb I well d my food doe not me Sir- Su Street wis nervous no appetite and not at IIU nerves were wxtfbed and taint Com and be well Annie GMirley of River ndnow well as A nt them be entirely owed of by IwO bMtl of after filled lUllecblU of Meredith St was cured of SL fc by Celery Compouail Cakes Fresh and Wholesome- ASSORTMENT OF Groceries PURE AND RELIABLE Fruits and Vegetables arriving Every Day A SPECIALTY Refreshment Parlors Always A North and Mouth Stores Main St Newmarket tut Isrk Apply io gKVEHAlFARMS SALE AT A At I THUS J re No or kcvrmiikfi RENT A Al JOIINTCUKTW IHAAUrtir PABM FOR No Irs of lil l urn well of ijI AND- FOR SALE ON Brick House on Victoria Tiioi j on rt It tf I SI A Ivlllliarr vlll llhtt J for of llinUf IO STOVESTINWARE Damaged by Water IP YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY AND Early Select before teat a link S WRIGHT bo her with tilt la of you iho licJrclcJ onn aw fly rjut WO lay day tf r voJco sorrow him tbo her veto op fact of mi iuit In her v i or they flto Annealed Galvanized J And Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware Paper Tarred Fell Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OK CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steel Cariiiigo Trimmings Jacks kept for Hire Agent for Repairs v JAMES I mm Just received some beautiful in English Scotch Canadian from see for yourselves and r OS J A ALLAN CO Also an assortment of to selected Checks and Stripes Coll bring your with you All made on the premises Closest Cash Prices Only Your Patronage Solicited to Atkinsons Jewellery Store Merchant Tailor Gents own cloth up illy FOR SALE Farm Lot In or li i Jib M Ml rcl a If hl All Several iu Of rice au FOE SALE BY TENDER 1 MA hit ICrt cue of be taken too In be If a fair euro or lall for It- will lie LmittKpUltiRof atfium Bud Jt Is Mux W for IticumMo In lU I lltu h livjilliiif It Oun wont matter tow Prof MORY METHOD AKE A LINE OF- r1lq tlULrJ J njrilr of irt o Saws Hand Saws Chopping Axes Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Pocket Cutlery ALSO PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Stock And Prices J A ALLAN CO BEAVER Holler In the Sum I by all Me llie Vouch of Voik iboui bo lo lMl 11 in of a wjiHb or Mm gate Court In the Surrogate Court UK Deceased- or and Jihv of j 1 1 of tf or OF Till COUNTY OK YlMK ALEXANDER ROSS Deceased lit Day of Kin vlniioIuKiroih6w a n lull but Or will proceed who to ibo charges of ftt time wotnetd In of Bradford failing to for lo to tpdps month Cry Pitohore ch Pearson cs- B lords folia lh ihfi flUUd in leu And or Mrt to any fcbmi Dot raiKtlvtt of ch IH A IS DUNNS BAKING POWDER PURSUANT HI Mint ml eteJltr and of Mjjito of KlPft o A- l re I ivfo Ibo day of in by ivio of ald rvatatbflrcbrUUwia ami the futl iMiiUulw ibalr a ftiaicruni if by will llio the iMiuni Ho of Hum ill Lav lC4UiMl a Attest lUl1- ill fBHft ilia win llftblB for the any jwil IbrrfttfftAtllaWlbutM lo of notice been ai of it day of Do ciatjr wH THE St Central NOTICE given appllcaltoo win be aJailinxt for an aet to fur ANUjoraCeulral power to Piteod Ham btftccllo ibroub Von a point or of iba County of of company bald for WOOD Halt- way FLOUR FLOUR BUI Owhtless Flour BME or Straight Roller 450 per Barrel Crystal Flour 400 per Barrel o LitoJaeib loirnfibtToifOifcip InuieOuiTjOf YflrX itcuJTci hi A I of One VAfa iicverfaPluieftb Atr pad aj Id ibeab wtao Kit all rtrili fairdwotCodft Aid fcunte I compote of of IA in wllbuif ft orchard- til In lit IfW- Mo I litutf to leodir KitlVyPO Notice loCredilors In ft I Me vi IlUDUrSVdle bry tfUs ao ft unite flu rtii i i at la Ml yootl IbUuTiMjr f the MAX of In Irc your Of at or with V DEWWe ilMnrofin I I aii fh rtiutMlloM ihi by iu I bilC rl Ibiniry viirvfcjltii ir I Italic net of iteaHia f 11M1T1U I LUM B LATH SHINGLES ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUH CUSTOMERS WITH SASH AM THANKFUL LIBERAL OF PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK DUNK PRINTING A BOOK FREE wiCAffiw -AT- WORM POWDERS 1 a Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED HAYWOOD OK ipKroyoriiioyuionoaiMN THtWNXASESOHSAHUWCWJlMf B1U0USNESS DIZZINESS LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO NBW4URXET ON INDIGESTION JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALTBHEUK HEADACHE DROPSY FLUTTERING ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS