THE BRA Friday Morning LYMAN at PRINTING AITJUrr a And sxpsct J MB TO KNOW TO TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ALL JJBKBTT ONTARIO BANK SUBSCRIBERS Medium lb Sil with lonmcUonilo- JS3 NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol- Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Dee Cash in Advance within or at end CHUH01UH0 GHttMKlUW Newmarket Branch TKAKriAUtlO Allowed on at DRAFTS atail at Oralis promptly i to J Real Estate Insurance Agency Money to Loan Properties Bought and Sold RENTS ON MODERATE COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance TOWN AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk Railway and White Star Line Ocean Steamers Ticket to all to Colt Ureal ALBERT ROE Wain St South Newmarket AC USSSO to on com ear Notary Ontario base Block TO AKKIdTSR Etc Dominion Hotel t ARRESTERS No tariff Port Office- TO OS GOOD A SO- ROCHE CboOac Coail TU BiDk of No- IS LOAN AT LOW RATES PEARSON A IN S3 Oft- A J so a York Ccort J rtf WON XT IT ft 1 Mm Co Old OXHcCor and Lot ALBION Market per day led room lor irmln le- J Prop el ABni will be In of will rat wilts lmai Aurora or book tkerts aturmntd r for of York Faun Sales Promptly Attended to ALBERT TBAT188 AUCTIONEKK f for off York Firm at Addrtaa to box kit to Loan Farm CHINA HALL NOTED FOR THE- LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of and suitable for Raisins Orange I PURE SPICES all kinds of FRESH io Stock Give us a Call No Trouble to Show Goods a Prompt Attention to Orders KS Wo bis week the at C P JTABKATAAOM Tgrotito Aim Ill A ami Aberdeen Member Xlalo Vfwmirkft P U SI el atanjr AttUm and NurTftfn and ttq q THE AMKHIUA Id America lUcifnciuftWclr ioibabutntonusuratic afatDlticcIdtuta fur Aurora and loan aud J Public Aurora Special Selections for Net Years Resolve a So A Dew Ufa liyoon and to to oat lb ftQtntie for- gcttiDjr wrong half a re- grettbg We lit Juk tooUo in I mark la Uolbj Did rami writ for the Did back I but Wen ye aad frit il j a tut jcir it join that pro- Of thai to put job jour plan io pro- With ajM oa I tell the wo bold no any tad If bo will hot firm hit And of rewire It too lata to oil into jour life ettma For look how the light of the of the old OF ALL DEFT A AN A A I Hat WO actios Mortal lorchiued NOTES DISCOUNTED- ValuailooAC- M05KT TO and I5lh of flcbitbtold FIRST QUALITY IN SUGARS The Finest Drawing Teas in Town LBS JAPAN TEA FOE 1 FOR THE NEXT TWO OVERCOATINGS SUITINGS TROUSERINGS AND OF SPECIAL New Years day it tad and aa watch ed them fall in a soft shower drew faer chsir closer to her toother knee said cant wo a real New Years dinner to other folks next son would usher in the glad New and boon seriously about possibility of being like for this once Oh who as hor mo t or ope a- tho door a tho lax flaobed bj an array jelly and doligbtful to tubbed a moment then clapping hands Oh mamma God has I S ho a topped to a of paper fastened to lmket- fiuro anything mamma a IflttW from Mra took up New Gift and took it to tie the children clung to fllie the cramped of her neighbor mamma lilt ing plump fowl and a can of rich cream I tiling my faith have as two dont you Hut what doe God Bay Mr nothing- flha was thinking if her example of day and who could remembered druuken faiuily out daughters fiho your dinner lion tbit you naked Cod for and bo thankful God heard little girl But watch his mothers isut glad Aaid ha sorrow fully ftfter nil ha for tie aha is responded tor butfaiiB didnt do the I Johnny enlight ened and The day Mrs watched face of the at dinner and aaid to y more to than other folk BOOTS In Great Variety AND SHOES Ladies Felt Hoots a Specialty J STEPHENS 1 rfr A THHUEHOf At CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO i AND FUNDS- 10000000 and arur two J Agent A CAMPBELL to Inform ilio public that FALL STOCK been al Lowest GASH Price IT Uifl flint Matt III tlliur or A ffiVWFA or BAT UD i Nor 1 Co Suat I Cma by ibe la cJ like TOE Oil RE LI A -AND- LEADING HOUSE THIRTY YEARS T HAVE on band by far Best Stock bcOoaotj ol lb AdMOlAM Of riff tn OXa Anof of Constantly on Hand c4 y4 HIGHEST aOASHoPBIOE Tot HAT WORKS Leading I MAIN A LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS A INVITED of ill Work The Manufacturers end CytVAtd Cig 3000OQO OnrWM NotiniDd nl sttry HI Hon air John J A Tailor aba fax famed Art Garland Coal Stove llwurwlthorwllb Radiant Home Coal aad CM Slot alwajalailock Put and all we TINWARE All lot atUnd4 to I I ihlDkhh iu I bin un It la cay far A Suroi KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE Dear Sir my jour I wa found It me 1 a I AILCltaiiT KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE SiiT Dec its louyvbit J aie with of Ilia Sicca I bid of your tcTtt mm of truly Tiixiij Horn Doctor KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE pike I SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST BEY CORD WOOD for Infanta and Children lb ao aAapfcad to cUktottl I fwomiixnd It a tuts Offer si was brooding over its own her cup wai fall and it needed but little tilt which bod given it to overflow that wont out in her reply know fa New Years dear but Now Years dinners do not to us any so dont bother mo fcbout Ragged shoes faded and cup boards dont much for to morrow Poor she knew what mam ma meant went back to window and looked out ceased crying with a stftb 11 Now if papa didnt drink how happy wo would bo But then God knows all about It anyway and he doesnt think any tnoro of tho rich than tho poor Ask and shall flod meant anything good you wanted sad she believed it Mamuia sho said lets ask God to send ua dinner I know Ho will if wed only ask 1 should bo thinking all the time it would not if I should so is no uso in my asking answered Mrs Oh havent you any faith mam ma It doesnt need touch much does it daught er asked her mother with a smile Oh not much a as a Card seed will do j answered It wont bo half as bard us a dinner to move a moun tain mamma Well it would do no good for mo to ask at any rat said Mrs Ben son It wont do any harm know said with nod of her curly bead so Im going to ask right away Weve put it off so long now that Gods ashamed of us Kneeling beside her mothers sbo said earnestly 0 Lord please send us a New Years dinner mam ma would ask but hasnt any faith Then went out to where her brother Johnnie was trying to make a snowman Were going to a dinner tomorrow Johnnie oho said gleefully we said astonished Johnnie dropping tho broken shovel and opening bis eyes very wide who said sot Ob I asked God a minute ago and Hell send it I know answered J Of laid Johnnie brush ing snow off his clothes and look ing pleased Mrs their next door neighbor heard every word Bon- son said noticed too the look of hopeful trust On each pinched face HI do It said to herself later those hens havent laid enough eggs to bait for their keeping the cant do a better work than to a Now Yeara dinner for those children Id rather loss whole flock than have the simple trusting faith of Lutio and Mrs pat her hand on a glass cur- rant Jelly mentally counting it In for tip New Years next door After that night Joe Benson had gone to the comer and his wife sat gloomily with her mending Mrs crept slyly over the divis ion fence with a wellfilled basket Patting It carefully on doorstep she knocked sol and withdrew a Red Ribbon Boy Now Year I Happy Now Year first sun of the year did not shine brighter than Johnnies eye nor was pink it had painted on the sky deeper than glow Jack Frost had brought to hut checks and ho took a brisk walk to a morning greet tog to his grandfather Happy Now Year my boy How much bigger have you grown sine last New Yeara day I dont know I havent measured but theres a mark on a door home aud Ill sea as soon as I get back Aod how much better have you grown Ob I cant tell that I havent got that where you know Somebody has it marked Johnny You will havo to meet the record some day a bad thing to be growing older and bigger without growing wiser and belter isnt Yes sir Im going to begin this very day and try how much better I can grow by next year If you live you mean Anddont forget dear boy to ask for help where help is found What is thin hit of ribbon That grandfather that is my temperance badge Im red rib bon boy Dont you know that And what red ribbon boys good for Why sir an army to fight against old King Alcohol Johnny doubted up his fists and walked up and down room with big Youd hear about it at of Hope if you go there to fight all their lives against wine and beer and whiskey And some of take the tobacco never going to put nasty stuff in lo clutter of grapes somat hinge so can hi eye and ho set it down without tasting He looked again and then put his plate of goodies on sofa and walked into the gay Mr well I dont know what your name it but did you over know my cousin Murray I Ilia through the hum of conversation and every one was when ho stopped no answered question Ho had spoken a name which for months had been unheard among thoee who knew it well or only pa wo apeak in tones the name of one who is worse Did ho repeated Did you know cousin Phil Murray Yea I did my little fellow I thought perhaps you didnt Any way dont think you know something I Mother cries about yet He drank some whisky and it made him angry cross not a bit like and then ho began to quarrel with young man what ho was doing but ho took a pis tol and shot And thought tin young man hurt very bad hut he died yes ho did sir I And thin they put my cousin in prison when let him out after great while cause they ho didnt mean to he came to our house just once and his face was white and hi looked strange dont know where ho is My be spoke slowly ith little forefinger that my cousin Phil began drinking wine end then got to drinking Just that you have in that little glass Im a red ribbon no I ought to tell you youll know and then you wont take I wish some one had told my cousin Phil There was a tremor in his voice No one interrupted htm ho thus un covered the picture of a family Bor row as only a child could have but the glasses were quietly set down Every remembered well the bright young fellow who only before bad been of such gatherings as this Miss turned to young lady who had filled bis plate for you dont know Mr and Boweer AST fall Mr Bowser undertook to do our fall in fifteen but got dis couraged and went off for a fortnight while I finished up As I wanted to overhaul things a this month and si I hint out of tho way I said to him other evening Being you have been homo summer I should think you would want to take a little trip he replied You dont look a bit well Mr Your is bsggard and I believe you twenty pounds of flesh this summer didnt say anything bo looked at me yon or you wouldnt have on your pretty tables that its wronj give it to folks but if youll go to the Band of Hope theyll tell you all about it Oh May put arm around little speaker and there were tears in I did know but I didnt think about as I ought Im glad you came for I shall never do it Johnny sat down and finished his lunch with great satisfaction after which ho took his Im glad I told them ho said to himself as he breathed breath of air and felt light pleasant to his after glare of the gas cause now theyll know and theyll never touch It our mouths long as wo live Dont forget it Johnny Its a long fight you before you but you will win one day though your grandfather will not it tho victory will bo as glorious as world will ever Stand by your colors wherever you go John went out and walked homo with his eyes and cars full of pleasant and sounds Bells over the crisp snow while horses pranced and faces Oiled with merri ment of the New Year beamed on very hero Johnny and a ride some shouted A big sleigh load of young men was pissing among whom was whom he had often seen at bis house- sleigh a towards him and he was seized and swung in among them almost before ho know it and flying like wind through the air Were making calls Johnny want a nice young fellow like you along for a jolly sot yon Johnny thought very indeed and was well pleased when soon drove up before a flight of marble steps at seeing the was whore he had often been with his mother And It still to go Into hall might almost think he bad happened into fairyland Itself blooming flowers and ever greens were on side brilliant in gaslight which shut out the sober color of tho And then un der silken curtains they walked Into a room room beautiful still In Johnnys For there was a table shining with glass and china and silver made present system of by dainty hold payment of postage was unknown The Early Post HE first of September wore five post offices what is now the of Simcoe A mall was despatched from Toronto by stage to Holland three timeo week Mon days and Fridays and on Wednesday of each week same stage carried malls for tho five more remote offices in Northern This was then curried from Holland Landing to other offices on some times on foot and at other by stage according to season of the year end state of tbo But the more usual way of transporting this moils was on horseback This statu of affairs continued until lain as the of which public roads more pass able rate of postage from Toronto to Holland was fourend to same but to remaining four offices it was seven pence It will thus be seen that tliu postal accommodation of early was of the most meagre sort compared with stand ard of Our post office was established in 1834 with our Air as post-was- tor In early days to bo no regular post office than to Iho North and Holland Landing to tho South Be tween these two- a wallcarrier passed on foot once a week and he was afterwards allowed to drop and up a mail on Ma journeys to and fro at Barrio This carrier was a and some Idea of his labors and may bo formed from the fact that he sow dime loft in morning and reached Barrio at night and at continu ing journey to the landing was back again to Barrio next In those days the rate of postage was govorncd by distance there being no uniform as wo now to Toronto on a single letter was or of our present currency To Montreal it was Is 2d or j to Halifax or and to pay the postage on ft letter to the old country was a privilege that could only be enjoyed by the rich for the poorer settlers the If want to go down to Hampshire and see your relatives I could you ready En a day Ob yen ho replied Mrs Bowser see through your littlo game You want to qib you csn rip and tear and scrub and and wipe and dust and damage and destroy the of Louie 11 1 want to clean just a little Well go But you Oh yea its always me I On- would you were afraid to rathe gave my consent in writing not I that to be dona I won- during the other day going to begin But last year you made such a fuss remember that said single word- If did it was only in fun And may I clean Not only that but I will help But you neednt You just patient put up with the muss for a few days and Ill not As I said Ill help maam It will be a sort of vacation lo me Dont you worry about me finding any fault It was with fear and trembling that I saw him pub on old suit of next and heard Ill begin at parlor firsts We ought to be done with the business in Im afraid we are not so as that We must go slow end give the house a thorough going over Ob well everything shining like a new pin before wo let up You Ill do the work You know of course that there is every thing in planning Some folk make a whole weeks job of it because dont know how to plan Mother and I to clean house In half hour After breakfast cook in said that was and that two colored women were also in waiting Waiting for what asked Mr Bowser To help clean replied Send them right away Five of to clean house I Who over heard Of the like Do you want neigh- bora to think wo have been shoveling dirt into the all summer Ill start two women for home and dont ony help from the cook went out and started the two women I had engaged for six week and then returned with announce- that ho was ready to start with the spare bed room having already taken down the curtains and removed the bedding You clear out and me room to work bo laid In about seven ho called mo op All right your room Come and tell mo what to do next What have you done J I as I found sitting on the winder- sill with a complacent on his face CloMurg room pic has been taken down dotted bedstead wiped oft and I have swept the carpet Your three or four would have been two days accomplishing the same I have completed In less than ten minutes I toll you Mrs Bowser It Is all In the planning Bot that bedstead must owe down Mr Bowser What forr Because carpet must come up Everything be moved out end of a rail and unlocked it air backed crossed bis hands on the his and said Mrs that settle it I clearly ion your object have no sea what it would to Whan a wife gets idea she more than her it is to hoist tho danger signal drop thlugi her- is you have planned to bring about this very thing to foreo a legal He went off down town I been cleaning house in a guarded maimer for last I think knowa It too but he pre tends ftfiiorAnce as the heat way out of the I all through of a of more and inside of week more I to hear Mr Bowser I was lotting around and noticing bow cltnn and tidy every thing It was a good thing sug gested cleaning fall and I dont think anybody could have plan ned it better than I did When we to clean house in tho spring Ill give you two or more Boxes I VANTA GLAUS TO is Johnnys eyes took In admirably the great fruit stands In centre of table with Its beautiful arrangement of color the frosted cokes and tho sandwiches nistfu him how very scon after breakfast a boys apa tite revive on a winters morning Happy New Happy New was a wonderful amount of cheery greeting and merry clatter pretty yonng lady of the house and two or three friends with seemed glad to see them all Johnny loo who was soon settled on a sofa with a plate liberally filled with- the good things from the table Bus jut ho holding Up and they were enabled when writing to let their friends settle the The pott office which first sufficed to accommodate the and Indeed resident for many miles around consisted of a fewplgeon hole la Iho corner of a store be ing very similar to many pottoffices still found in country places through out the county of the room and tho floor cleaned Well I should like to know fort Whats the matter of this room Dust Mr Bowser It blows and wo cant help It get in now and If we dont do our work thoroughly wo might well let it go entirely Take the bedstead down first Ill it down but I protest Its all bosh hunting out every speck of dost No one else doe It Got out of way I a grab for the springs lifted thorn out but In getting them clear of the rail befell over backwards springs fell upon htm He made ate of several vigor ous exclamations kicked out in an effort to demolish them and a I as sisted him to get up he roared I told you that those things A largo of Irish near OfthitrysiivcnmwIelachMaia examined in to pa Owing to the trouble with Portugal England has ordered several warship to Bay GO candidates wrote for entrance at High School at Richmond Hill l3L Some hoodlums are making a practice of breaking the windows of the Salvation Army Barrack Ethel Brown of Totten ham came near involuntary cremation tbe other by trying to relight the with coal oil A occurred on tho Canadian at by which a a car loaded with uvr- were destroyed K The jury in candy case brought in a verdict Sit- urday finding J McDonald guilty the plea of in sanity Mrs Annie Scott of Scott suing lly for 10000 for his tragic death in May bet at Glen Gross The bodies of the thirteen per sons drowned by the sinking of the steamer by collision offlhelale of Wight have been recovered Albert Hay a farmer living at Stony Lake on day while crossing take the ice- He a and child- Job Hewitt a hotel- keeper died very suddenly last week from heart disease Ho a br of Sons of England and A The Chicago authorities already commenced purging police force of Clsnna Gael men teslitled for the prisoners during the Croniu trial Bingham Bradford escape from fire last week other articles stored in a riom catching fire from the stivo pipe The Roman Anarchist who a bomb from the Chamber of into was sentenced to fifteen imprisonment daughter of Jos at Hamilton was so burnt while amusing henelf with matches on that her recovery is doubtful A syndicate has formed in London with a capital of to buy out business of British carpet manufacturers and work their on American patents Two more collieries been closed down in the Pa district throwing more men out of work and swelling the number of unemployed to eight thousand men s Some parlies obtaining signatures at to a petition for releise of Albert Kflly who was sentenced to fifteen year imprisonment if Kingston pens- for murder of a mar named Sloan in West grounds upon which petition is based are that murder was committed while were both in ft passion and that Kelly hod not Ini tended to kill him that Kelly has a changed an Gazette- His a matt of common that about tho time of war aBHtish war gunboat dumped- a chest of Treasure In the ssga River Hughes of this town a of Poet has located the wealth and has Mr of Ontario County has had to pay for selling grog after hours on night and a lot fellows have boon assessed and cost each for the rails instead of loosenlog them- ought to be left alone fool for Invented them never intended them J to be moved I him down after a bit and then asked to tako down tho bedstead He grabbed the foot board and gave a pull Then he grabbed the headboard and gave a wrench Mr Bowser dont you know bo to a I asked Dont 1 Well If I dont no else does I I was taking bedsteads apart years before yon Yen alwsys have to loosen the Now then But you dont bear down on the rail You most lift up at the tods I ibink I know my Mrs Bowser he replied as he work- But you dont You sre looking buying the stuff the same Operation for recovery of will begin at once and in a will he a fow mom ffc meeting of the South Institute at Bond well considering the weather Interesting were delivered by MrSirspsoultanme oik what our country schools doing for our farmers son by Sir mi by Mr on Education of the family and by Prof Rob ertson on in farming Report were received from diffWentiection reliiring lo grain stockswedi Mr rtd sin instruct- ive Thocarefotfsfmans Mr a draining Mr on farm er