Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1888, p. 3

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vi A sil inly Awarded biiidrord Keif last lit Get your ploturosfram- the North York bridge ta mooting of the to Use rt tfjjjtr VitUtAbig op 11- a big spplte WW jUfl w jijlr Wo Winnipeg bleb Bator of Tie a ipso rfUiTTCRllU paid I til lit M ft Ohakoiko Seasons Fiona roe- wells of We la lb if if nil too tlm Woeful ho will ileitis I J and J J of tisaib niocit the Court lcoit old Wi ai high J bid aacoju ij la aid for colli it AfWistKiSTO d i Voo ctfd partial fijiisifioibiBfoU Into ill la lMiiitiUluIoiiiUl Homo it una oilier a of Dr of Scott oppoloimtat fill vary iducoipiiaUtaibe on bU tab A ago id lined William of ho Homo for for rip Ibeje from t- lnu ui King la abort akfliM of age com Ha fa riiHilitbatlilid he U flulbaoycolngof fca tome bo tf op tidiiiriio tad to Mr Albert for him oadtf made oiig Li go for bio at a ix fM of ha to to our follow hi td Rural td bitIon lUtali 2 Toronto Waily fui cub moil order FiBtr Bow lag woo owudod lot it ud Ilia too Agent A of fira Bait oalgbborhood the load object to on diagram of To ion lo order to coat woo of of city with whole- On and Friday oreologa of coco week Settle growth of for livol power OOTirefoo of tharo to the numerical of the tbo mm lug oa of rtrall of On Wed the Town Clerk received from Dr Km- wUV of the of that man had bee a to dbouo ordering that where be hod the bo vicouttod it comae to will hate to that Monday morning Mr Frank Smith of driflng town with turn which took fright am board placed fa bole fa the rood at lhocor0iroftfalo and Ontario The euddu Jerk which they gera broke It ho ran up to the Hotel wflb the front wheel of lie Mr bat fortooatolyeooapcd to ooaethe tboDixIogTacrfv flth fat Qttoi CodiVcI which to Iht fCtHt ifut to tbe Mr on of moil of choir lea bo who ft Helta Mr Slim Itbhirdr of jidJ Mr Iu III a bill of From proTorbM Juervo It for ilulreutorpriiA Flowing Hum iiqi Sir fltrry a well Wejjcyj4 dry for ted try down to tpot Mr would vfl tip Mr tb bo would of further bo far it or not ft of from ft flow la Iwelf hoar fllUd well to faolo nod to bo purchasing COcwoilhWgood t PookSlow to drtw north lrfAOWoT oAtcddiIi op lit ftllh lutM9 of tbrro 1 tiff befog Id tinh t to lo at reddle or pockttt IrTilling irui tod wool The a Ctpolft Mm Kerr Flo Mr U of Toronto couple left for borne of cap build a roan botuei Victoria bo bo Up A with Moody acooukof flriiofrcooo Major Out live a fitfL of tba took on Toronto week North York and at ft gait wind It for competitor thUaectloa were the Hatch fl5 leading It J Ctpi In to woo throe before of wu captured Meal of AT ARRIVING DAILY rtf ALccKvTnouauT On Thursday plpw wereettochedtoth the other end rao dowo 6lrig well ndo high from cleaned all the from itawairf tt well The to try iuugwueupoo well fiswtd thoogbttobe iy Forty feet of the Id the of the water of well at to flow at the rote of hour water tie bat flowing ether The flow well by well oat a au will I H at the rate of foot boor are J JW the concert ibothMtyer tf Town node it E Couch delay fo program u K The of the Ccoaetto J a pel duiinct on Ao Hooter The of met at the floral on of Ap peal oad for the chair Alter cooota a committee appointed to to of refroehmeot boolbe which to bo wijof The worth were follow lit being to for borer- u the animal had pre been awarded a a brood mere Appeal The other wu agaloit to Coulter for epeod that he the owner awarded to The wee to Mr through error of the Jed TO Board award money to mtoded Pmu are payable at a accorded a gouU Je1lMeiad did not jet filled To our Sf lMri io bat lo all P end riericaj left I Eft lj JJbtorttttapg fcT J do lh per The leoturfl on lo room of tbo Prof on the of and with to rapt a largo The ready flow of faculty of forcibly with Ml la not rport of to bo an a bat wo oo how the by which aocolifloDCO to it opera j alto the art In tbU will afford food for to annoirtog flan Dlrt cbiricler to a on aubjtct who had tbe of to in from a and in In order to gtrdiog to plte to the rank a and worthy of and myUtwa and A 4optd at the lecture of the Only oricapyMr hare dona will but la plenty of time for a yet before tfat new year plenty of too Iowa Aurora an nennoood to charge of drank and on the of the Concert Folic Monday fl added her dreg TbU am loiiOf two for wheat oa tba market hero week barter Utile bat lota coo log la to away torn chore The funeral by a coal of rP fa ding the ot North toprora nca iOnaoooont of de lay will not week Mr- Bud flogeron aw ot John trimmer The performer had a ttwe at the Jut week wu about the fiocal day wo bad month The band boy of Who not lika old when do element of aril In thecal Tbey coma down to balo of and eurrotiododby wfth which forefethere of lheo old belong to particular but the fatira of Halloween which next to all racu Celtic od which hate thle new country of Halloween la meant a era ell Hollow or All bi wu ullrl by by the Scotch baa adopted It a night ben wee and Write were let and prowled about- only genuine beluga of tbat would now acknowledge r who able gerdeoe perform ell the wild entice wblch their to of and grown np and women and by to to peer Into On an way by laaitea may their Ufa wu by two nnta toftetbera to reprint the the lei According barn quietly by aide together or from one another Dieting wilt be- for or plant of with being big or Ultra or crooked a para prophecy of fho alio and of what or to be Then waa charm of throwing into pot clue blue yarn an before a fed while looking corn all certainty married of who try caetoma Among that wee often practiced that of three In following Take pat ia one water in another and empty Utter called dip the left while bifddfotded In me one of the denoted a maid or the one a or widower while empty or loom proclaimed that thca who pat It remain The charm tried beat two of three telling the old Thfcy ire honored to a great extent we In fatberUndi and they not are Innocent end delight end recall to old the of They will be alow to die if they do who remember them will regret tbem They bate place to wblch are not and while we go the old there a lingering fond neia for the play- cariou with atonal While mirth fill the heart of the will keep the calibration Halloween and who wilt with theeo and folk may call them ally to be plotted oat and Hal loween to forgotten or fttt i a show a Nicest Stock IN TOWN No Old City Stock to be Palmed Off Styles and Splendid Values in Dress Goods Fancy Wool Good Hosier Mantle Cloths A great drive in All Wool Gents Furnishi Hats Overcoatings Fine and English that cant J BOOTS SHOES AT WHOLESALE Teas of all tbe finer grades of quality far below regular prices- TERMS CASH and a Square Deal Every Sutherland Bros av J eV4Xi f aObertisemeplis J HARDWARE STORE NEWMARKET Stock Constantly Kept Assorted Or I SAWS cur SAWS scoops hand AXES TUAYS WAKE Paints Oils Glass Brushes read for e At J ROBERTSON A Toronto Fire firemen called out on to a proved to bo moat of and street were two double store stories high occupied by I Samuel Benjamin Co wholesale merchants and one- of fima tho city Two warehouses in on Jordan street occupied by the firm At oclock smoke- discovered from No The firemen were summoned but already bad gained considerable prog ress in the baaempnt it ap peared to originated Op toe second flat of the building was stored some cartridges ex ploded when reached by the fire to the great danger of the Bremen and attending crowds For twenty minutes the explosions like the discharges of a battery of Catling guns Then tho report went that in roar of a ton of gunpowder was stored Mr Benja min was sought by but stated that were no explo sives in the building cartridges stock in No is valued at and the damage by the firo No escaped with a damage of by water alone Mr ware house door Buffered no flow the fire originated ia a mystery The proprietors and three clerks left store all right at cider ma new to OH ailorjera on ton ana tor FOE SALE PAH LAMBS SHORTHORN owaHWjea VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE BY will be IMS- VMtcbarcb Id About and good boll bOWdibna Ktle of BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT RUSHING SALE FOR MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AT HALF PRICE rtfl ft ATA ft ft AT A of yjf 1 Hill I I I I A ill 1 I II I All 1 II I 1Q Mup a Vm- oo to en in IVJc win Co Pit SEE THE SPECIAL BARGAINS THAT CAN YOU- Office jf I I I I- HOW TOW- OF Will bo open for inspection WEEK m Having a Milliner to take charge Oor On ia from a House and cornea highly recommended SPECIAL VALI not CALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON Millinery and Fancy Goods Fancy Wool Goods a Specialty Straw and Felt Remodeled BOND Agent for the American Dyeing Co sen IN- J VeoctoraBoitcuor PROCLAMATION A tbo East Council Met at Oct iotb lot t Coil to or ait gravel Horn of ALban Alti 9T j btep JoboSwitb li jar to billot to IbtOT- no Ic of to road fth A to prcMfa Ibo ana of wmwsaefiJD Oct 20 A very fieri- runaway accident occurred bore thu to Mr of Wwn While he driving Messrs delivery to run away throwing Mr Dayton under wheels which pa fed bis body breaking of his md badly him The patient is doing well as can be expected White George Thompson ud yardman the It her making a coupling this evening about five oclock be got left hand caught between the drawboads smashing of fiia fingcra in such manner that they had to be amputated vcn THE NORTH END Shall PresBnt p J tally Within Seven Days Discount Sals b DATS Leading Furniture vera ra4 by Mr Smith J J and tbU ibecculoa Wpplaf aenrw to ford had a bard la time of It Mile In off Eight- talcing a tow jogs to Barrio from Portage and Wong east wind Increased at this point grew to a gala that the tow was lost It la probable that will wortred M fipoeIalty lock toed nef J Of Ion of ibii ProcUitiioo Act TiioH BETTER THAN EVER ADVERTISES CommrmortUalU A to for ISkyebtlUJ j A for b iicjoiibtd All 10 Of Will be rpi AC STORE Is op to I he with foil Dress Goods Meltons MantHngs Tweeds Flannels Cottons Woo Shawls Gloves Hosiery c cl Always Fresh aod Cheap at REFORME Goods HARDWARE ST To salt the special lines Suitings TAILORING TO ORDER m Also in TEAS COFFEES SPICES and Shoes Glassware A call is J A DALES VALUABLE Children Fiaailawl nun ibe Or fa fa liUtrrrJ AOVUTIIM CO tba aSURBktMbTtiW- I ibportco lor com to mM dowo at talMMWllbU Uf Iq onmc wbico Ems fOU All tbtl re I0 1 TO- FARMERS I Fridays Best Roller Flour EXCHANGED WHEAT i- a- r i iii ii kWC f fcaBJjTatooW- IN Builders Hardware Dry Building Paper Tarred Fell Threshers Supplies Belting Lace Sportsmens Goods Shot Shot Reloading Largest Stock of Glass in ttt -r- DUNNS BAKING T IliUs GOAL

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