Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1888, p. 2

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Newmarket era Oct t New Pine Foot Jolloi Stock for Mill John Hoary Farm for J Von Strayed or fltoloo He tor Fresh Sausage Mr Watson Spectacles Proclamation Scott Billiard Mr L Older Stye to OP I WITH FRIDAY OCT Our Toronto Despatch the oltidin for B Mr Smell or and of It Iruiuof hot foot It welb asm If hid cot Rot by rffiilo so doubt Sir Jobs would bare Mm Aid u sppofoted tt cotmfr Jut meeting of lb eft council salsrj Wood J end to bruit- chirgu city treasurers A will be submitted to a rote of th4 nut to for rrotffd for coatpltt Ipji ilie The a of for correct beasts and Vaccination and over nearly gala head- of neglect delay baa Ailed untimely and of many family circle In view of report coming to from a neighboring mu nicipality of presence of a disease be doty of charged with of office becomes and our people right to will this fact that tbo best for local prosperity is of money the beat health of community Dr from on Wednesday that on were fire Mid to of men bare boon appointed to quarantine where and rated of throughout Ho him a fourtb yoor medical to to local men In the work of vaccination So far typo of the la mild In character and it thought that will not bo any caaie of contagion baa not at firit a man attached to a party As to being attacked bo boon looping half of farm- hoDBca In It thought number of will at All school and bare been doted prohibited The outbreak of a limited number of cases of in Township of North durieg put ten days led to the calling of a meeting of Board of of wblob took place on Tues day last to Newmarket being produce and trading market for a of the farming immunity of the Town ship where the contagious disease Is reported to exist naturally prompted our authorities to into tho matter and consult regarding action During tie meeting a reso lution was adopted calling attention of Council to law case with tbe vie of providing- for proper vaccination of IhM people by regularly appointed physicians In Its consider such action and prudent under tenets Board of Health not un mindful of fact bat although vaccination regarded by the medi cal profession both in England and this country as a in calculated to ward off an alarm Ing and much dreaded yet there are who look upon it with strong disfavor do ot believe In its preventative characterize ft as only from barbarism But notwithstand ing fldvorae notions it has to be generally accepted that vaccin ation ii a if not an absolute protection against disease How far the Council or Board of Health may fee justified in ordering a gen eral of vaccination is open to differences of opinion but we think no one will propriety or wisdom of the authorities in making provision as wilt all who desire to avail themselves of the op portunity Some three years ago a very large number of our submitted to vaccination who need not now have operation repeated but under circumstances would be wisdom to order all pupils not vaccinated during past seven years public separate and high schools to undergo its operation but beyond this perhaps at present it would not be considered demand The Council will no doubt act with discretion and with we leave the decision In this connection we notice by Toronto papers the outbreak of in that city led to an order being issued for all street railway employees to become vaccinated test week large numbers submitted thereto and on Tuesday of tine week jt was reported about fifty men were incapacitated for duty This means a stoppage of work and a loss of pay to a largo number of persons with families entirely dependent on their stipends for tbe neces saries of life In view of this it is a question whether it would not have been wise on the part of Hies to strongly recommend volun tary vaccination at same time enjoining on ihe general public Importance of cleanliness observance of ordinary sanitary laws Prevention however is better than mre and it is well therefore to look at matter in all its bearings and to act for tbe interest is always abnor mally excited by the near Approach of some dreaded disease calculated to desolate tbo homes of and the warning indications of a pos sible epidemic should always be im- proved as an occasion for enforcing the claims of preventive sanitation necessity of precautionary meas- by in authority arranged and applied by an organised system calculated to be effectual and at time sufficiently reasonable to command whom danger from epidemics al ways by headway of diseases every needs as much at a Town T Village requires a fir brigade to he first great of an epidemic Is to which go before band Sanitary sua Editor to waits about Tax Toronto of tint cotntluIdD- cqDlr4Dt4 tbt weed of In of towjorlty Until Ox fltlardty lut the tot clow It of tbetetdJaitmeDt of po Wit f- the GtobrMiti Dominion to ftPtIL Co the of by ChrlcsTgppr Oq pin filled by public money to muIoo right I Ayu Inn uewi lor of ibel to 91 before by bn Kf et Tin been ratiDiyg Jlarjscre it tbe DbcVt a end ire hive In tbit of befog the of It number It obttmiogly wit J1 nnootb Mlllng it all upd lag tod loplMMtfery body nit of on the Jtog rf loglUtUIo trying ho tomcat lUfiatacUl people belief they their no derelopEntQU Gait who It lodged Jill at next A from Utft there It do to Ihit abo ibeaifcol or that Lid hand la aht it hoped that will inch may lead to of the the pi mi to art bot the of the lav Tot of cap- to held bat for the doable liabil ity liquidator made application be- the for to double d Unlay the will Ai time to allowed la pay meat moat be road tofigurct the total incaywlth to the Id i The to be paid will to poy op dlffereooe that law ecifiedaya the the have been to degrj of latter to Red Valley Co the mala line of Ao wit for to which the Ac- other writ applied far tbegroood tbat the i aot by the by or the oat to the firit to became great Winnipeg Altogttberj of the takes the people fa that the Utter Co ire not the by of of farther blp41 eoath ahore of Lake tbla of tin the The For the put little of A- of the CoatotlwaUd Co a bare been praipetlog bid or men the field all go of patties a juare tela Like It faai aaaayed by Prof of to over of gold to the ton florne of it no fro to 555 to the too The wet wide and the wall gold fa ache aide Mr dp lookiog at the Rod Mr ailoing The latter to be of of great a A to it riKht on Aiiifate already feet are that It ii mother Tela of which the other are log 10 or at pit- to I CO white Dr In towo Dr who bu beta to agJu A wu to Mr Allin Howard bride their from Norwich it Mr were ud time The the ihetreTtage of appetite a of beautiful lvb they to lift for TeiLtr- where he had been to public ud to the of oar Water- Work with the ad- What Holland and wu wellatteadtrl ftoia Qacratrttle other placet alto a pleaaaat tide Joba who the with typhoid ferer 00 bat at they be will great tare Chit botoe at bit We torrr lp to record death of Mb tort Moore died Friday fiultoo a iieek go Tutftyi end ifir ibey little girl took iftf lag here floudiy whea a great caiao Albert Bale Oct WtJT IE bate eta r credit iQmi Term Patio moo lb a A Griffith now in tbat ihe were he proper median fa which to of actual work Wo agree tbe regard it alcaoit to aaclege to ate the to medium for the direct of the chorb m Fob the third time at the celebrated fa pottpoard the Plaintiff for Tupper hallways a pity that for work have repeated before a It that at the of Mr wTtll apply for a charter to iacorfMretf Belt Line Kill Kay a either or from our btteuEgHuglob the of Mud Creek to Deo flale Sato cUy by of of railway the liao he city to the School Atbilratloo tad Quebec it the of arbitrator for idu ibe report it Juttce Kitchia bu tlKUj of the two Pro fa la a fair way of Ik a leadleg lut the aVftff lamarkt the of from tolceauper or per few reporter camber of to eacertalo lie trgibfolaeMor wbodtclarM toother C4uaea we fact Mri her brother Mr A Girt week Min of Wlogham of ii her a Mr will tbe Mia Walker of week ft tbe Water Baity A Terry left for a deer boot hfoa of it making her Heard a coo pie of ffceka ft t Hue teacher fa 3rd Do of Model School to year Mr at cot time Id Federal hire way la town telling old Mr J petted a by a year Ail of firm galea to them a goo The Literary toawnreorgaalae iotlte Dyke to giro on ud wiih llloatrated The to get Mo Utter Farm to pal away for to 1 The good old their ftoikegtfas to meet at to morrow All riilaU Day to be doty to gel there lo doe time The Board of to meet at the Home aod of doHag The Water Com to rejoice of flow at the well And to be predated with a bat for bU A general to Secretary for tomorrow lobe before If Dame fcoowa It The to mike the beat of re miioiox more weddlpgt- ftau to be repaired to 10 it cold that arent be without wear lug mlttetia to at wiattr A theSunilay ia die of a to get up debt It it The for tbe Reboot Cou- Aurora to be out Theladietto work for tht roll if the it to become a reality for the to leave No Belter weather for firmer to who In trough got a to wide berth That the lime there la a bee will travel ah walk them all oil to the If dirgrice- while the of they will be to the Police by Mayor at well fined for their Tile Tbe Water to be in week v Book Store to pat in the electric light before Saturday The Coocert to all The to look a Utile more able the witcr are l of wwer were la by tor Parker mad Hill Q A of of Oa ibe or tbe bad or Ue CoxopllmtaU of order were the of the eat down to tea way white or a After all adjourn fliM were appropriately decorated tad were and forcible were by Dr Parker of tor J and Hill of note were well appreciated Mr- Stoutter bad trim TbpaJaalagwu ware their ability appeal made to or dollar we our people nor Oct or implemeatts win barter or Jmpiemaoueuoa it Ttrm13 credit over it 4s YoaK Oct Tho of WW stirred Op to a indent Mor- began a a of her in ter ritory Her doacriptiou of hock I condition of the Mormon women la Utah all of opera faotiW- of two atators Mormon years old and tho other whom uw in a squalid condition with In their glrli ho of own father Another caao that of ft man who had married Idee a hie family owe daughter and hie grand daughter All were time- National Union will to ameliorate con dition of Morman women as far at Ilea in lie power LEADING HO I INI SHOE DEPART TWi In Ladies Misses Childrens Mens Boys and Youths if Congregational Church Oct aoiI7p 10 the ltb ware preached by Iter of At be Her dellreied to the Sabbath School which largely at ilia object were Ml of bright eye The Sabbath It a day The Choir entice were of rich power a of fowl rich A piece- 1 to the church from the Temperance where Tea wit the choir again Iter Mr Cbidfey a and idlrtet The lecture the by who for aa a iutcrftt hit tb Old a at the clow fiotLCii filled all hearts The John 3rd buried to the latt week fin time to tare alt lb fir at 11 am All are Welcome 3rd the wife or 1Mb ion wife At tbe tbe wife of Iter At Mount Albert nth J ue If io At Aurora by lb Adi of of Us- of to Mens Long Boots Felt Boots Gum Aokle Boots Canadian American the reideace of Mr J J Bell A Joe of Mr- the omb flia and Maty ibe eib ton Fun KogUnd on the September march on ihe of widow and flltft of late her 33rd year Home on tbe b el SJE IT THEM ILL DOMESTIC an Lift tali lis Hub from what Oh tut Hi la Mr J for the A via alto a Dr la lecujtog bit tat for Ixeo at fox by a of to a paper that the rota vet a tie tad the rota lacorrect of lo town bta way to fill the lady cele brated fftddiog week a The Era waa with a week from Fa for North York and Volt of Aarora Mr- Joe Begirt of Oat la town tea The literary of tbe beta placed la Wiley of at a ail The PT of at gave a to Mr and bride hippy left for ihelr latere jeiterdey week we bare aod from bat we are at a to wbt bare of at rwejrtd a from real of Work at the Mr oft the of waa a wtlcb a of by bit fellow from eo we what Jack Mean A Dr Bentlty Dr a diatb at cut a ore of Mr J laadiy ooly Dr fieaeury of of a nilicel MaUuar 10 irt lo The Aid of the about with their hot Show day The at baa been till farther Dr eat of the will preach falbt rill- oclock tod will iu lutt Col lection at the The Koor Ii forward to a iviaoacf pleasure profit 111 with the of bifrjfbttucloecl for wetkt for the of etc Rev Wat- Of ton will 11 a ad p to Iter Monday tbe Aid of ihit church an SLJauieeKalL After tea which will be tarred from to her Mr of To A of to deliver later with appropriate Mitt Scott of a of tilcnt hie choir on Sab- tad re the ft there will be a luge at all the aerrfce that the will be work by liberal At about flatonlay Mr Alex fcim oqlbaildlaga in U Jon werebdraedto fa thebthi waa alt fireraloablt a to Moore Soott of tbeohtbalUiagi were ptgi all of which were coo- fir to hire oil from flylo from It laiitraqesf If no to the there he at The the ISth the to the props tbe wbirb tOk place wis poorly attended bWcUtoguefetailai curly StKOSTH ah will receive careful prompt Oar Oct Floor W CO a do yooieWbeil do do a Peat do a do a wwd s Bran per lea do iter roll Bolter per do per per biff fs rii float Boer Woolpar Ursesicpe H I fill IS coco a 1000 oca a a a a 0 a 00o a a OS 3 Organs and Pianos A full or tit VOCALS INSTRUMENTAL Now la and larlled B MILLARD wA Oar Markets Oct fall Mrbutbtis tfprlPrWaea Jo ii i do Barley per do Stat do ye do Say per too a par isiin Pork per owl V n 24baamooiog due pair tviXjt per OH a 067 a a OW a a a 02z a oat a OB a r2 IBS Oil OBI CO on in SSI Our Clearing Sale of August a decided success to our it made an opening for a full fresh stock of FALL AND WINTER GO Bought direct from Manufacturers and which for Quality and Price will selves on receiving your inspection Our business is exclusive r Apply The Mobility mtettag of the held la tbf ltt wuwellaUeaded J pee chair git it StootTfiHe delirered wee Mi of Albert people who were be by dariogtbediyr Tie will be held Nor P by n apple tree while a apple Was waa take til lut to Items la opmcUob itb Cbajtb Mr la at bfymeibsfa ihit week hotel jbaisgtdhw Will There tt regard to tbe uiallpe fa ihiTowybijs el ted to- that of firm of A data with It tt Oat ia- ihoritie ban been la to We apdenuad a Board of There la tbia rlolUy the of raldtt of Mr Spriae 11 the Not what ailing a of the ft colly op eight after them Sprae ecu fi a to his with at the time that a to We hare aot heard of of the Altcort gelling Our wia to bia a with a Cold a from reported far emails hot we ire hippy to it wit no wore a We policed Mr- Cooocil of Fair report a good time ooatideriog tfc either Some of the crop the beat for a aembtr locality Pat left day tut after week with her waa the employ are Utter hit boar Brora cm of lit i bti or tick of tick A prociAiatUoc lsMfdby iht Rtfio til lb For Bate or VrMsvJONKS littery r at at order At the of a erqylrn OR STOLEN COMPRISING SHOES SLIPPERS RUBBERS 0V Conducted on Square Business Principles All Goods marked hi Plain Fit Price All J A CALL SOLICITED PURCHASING aLQEv J Opiwaite ST LAWREHJGE CANALS to Aa radian with at face wOltempd tlitt wilt let rot be wHi be toluol rewarded OR J ere for iMr Forty Hotel Court to a loaomt practitioner before oert tad BtUwxlttww potted Children Cottorla Fall Boots Shoes beet at MENS KIP BOOTS a if John Tcadr tor Br wTiilbe it ibli orilt lilt miu for thslowclon Mtit inr or tie a toipnf tbe with pciflcliVcj be tod fter Jr fail rfwMfccre or car be over rrtr ItfttWtDj lo o uaiMtaootptwis do by la the clot of too rtictive will not btootpted will be fortiled l ox lolo Tb la bo rtt partita Tali Pi LOWES BOOK NEXT TO IOSTOFFIfi OVER 30 IN PRl Any worth of Good J ticket and the ticket are of will tho ben which will be published Papery the vit J Primely 3rd liolrji p order TO HIGHEST PRICE AT a Wool Mat Worlds Our Stock of a fobool til of Offijj leather 1fmh Good to a large Irttraaat Ac rbit all pens 1 I TOR SAL At Us pet DAVID LLOYD for AteoL Wr- OH rue Uoto of d tbtUoiiti ff l ffsTsurtsWJMK i

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