liIf Local km IB OK IK Somebody lo UCf lll a He ill be t ib Hotel i It hou OP I jSonfc Ax lib to wall of Tilr hew dell la two Jit dp IK chickens eeliiy fiotrtOTD of fi Of ft Ha ylHOWpltWlbi loom flow la and a MOO IUwabd Mr the reward offered lyibtTo Council for eppieheaeloo or partita trie lili on li Wakes a standing W JetcHv to ujilbo Mice ft lien Company At Hi flection bold Mr of Cpl loo loglb It quit tit will sol be Now J o j Now we ibt Hit Utile rte KiiSiMla Stall to end of IMP for for Two Data or Gil ficwT It become Jut week Acfccrcur most not ioy ibtolng Oo death of aii ILnttj bo Louie completely ft i by i i bit lift It ended of itt of out of but will i An itht North Hoi of boreal to Mr of eUodLog llIirl mill eod breaking loot til wagon pole tore ICiiibuIe daojaged cod of the box of Mr part- The other ripped ti lutu nay Dobody hurl appear lo be the from u the York Feb t Arming took 2od John 2od on Ft flteer of look Tine Orchard Rhode Jock of Stallaid aJadoo Celery j jmim Fred flaitoo of It wee forked Bracket of work of Town water low donate- tteKjjffcgvfciifel4wly wen tapped for are ll ti tie Fire Water Committee uid MO There ere to many Hi pare In tSbat a projnitlgo lo extend the at Ibe the Before tini he gfll nil at once emctctba the will cut end will on a Iroiop who ll va to a few in the end lmeTcn on etc a greet crop year a lead Winter Tbeowoer bad no op leal after Jti while oiek- J Mm My end a had their eof axdlptj man the or Vrwuuikei end the Rifling to tie aaxue by l le tie Li Mtefl Town Another toed of ordered Winnipeg Mr la e to to attend W t Sal- o at Book for Be sew fflUt for pick of gnpoa etc celery etc by the or plate A- ad wee by Major Cue thai end fee between with the or the by legal it ail partlee to the bed to beer tbele loea of A recalled from Empire Toronto of Bona fttren fell wltb the Wtiity It lochee high a moat faithful of the and mike a par lor ornament Tbeie will no doubt boa for Jo the will went bolt of The It ceo he got oUy while Urge of will want llkeaeee of Premier of the In our description of Floral Mall leal week we omitted to mention of Wool Mete Wool and Black from Wool Mat lion the to their rtor getting if good rnnobg bat be bee of of power op Ibe present erttb aUmporuy of of week he to bare hie own boiler In proper lion There are or the and the to be locreaeed The up liuiktl bete Fcbb Trot o A to Psychology the Church Newmarket Friday at 8 oclock Dyke fate eon we hope to good attend been Into two part a Fleming let the empirical for object Ibe of con- the by which they ere 2nd the retinue for lie nature or luUitaoce of the lie Immuublllty etc the soul We Prof Dyke will the lo Ite eailooe reletloo modern migoellim etc end will no doubt the each way M to food for to who lake will occupy the will be free tat deilre may lecturer In a collection Tjib Col- hie edge A A the JOib aland log the the of lb two of fair attendance wee Luge and ibe reception to clearly the of bold for the repreeenlellre of the Oread Muter In hie Bio ex- himself highly the fa cility which officers of this Lodge of the lode holding rauk to soy jurisdiction of the Lodge of Canada Bailey Master of exemplified tbe grte Masonry In a masterly manner end In worthy as the presiding of bod of men of JnleUi- the tbe proceedings foJge fibs brethren at Forsyth where being gave The end the Craft this toast with cop of The Lodge of Canada was next end responded toby V and It Then followed lout of to by of end Terry of North oca of the Charter Lodge and After which ware made by Bros J Rat- J and Happy to meet and to part at last by Bro Warden terminated lbs eojoy Oct IS lingular Councillors Cane and Borden following bills were y 16 IS S3 Us Hal Holland Landing Wo for to Ifall cm of an expended to of to put tad Ho wilt to the ttorooagblj All the la We vholell here HO he cirtatDiUac4 la that Suit It not ell geld expect to them of hie which be n cele brated for growls to that he went the of fletghboihood ud he of it forhegfewthrm to time the AtLotrerwrj of tbe Oct of Choth bo with eodoreolog m well dUnueUoeUafi of School in the at J will take will from to ft which a Jo at fcwJDeyle the Cbolr and Dr to and made for a hi crowd- The apple ere here tbff Wo of cry will bo a paHog coo v buiy d ninth lint oot for Mcoe of It- fog Jewellery The a grand both In wee by account of to while be a North Jlaitlogi Ono old bachelors rib window ore towarda bat Jake bo had totter cattalo nut which of tbe two lade the four corotre ft to get wbeo tbe old raorce to Some do not ibe In a while really keep good oocloroal elocnbera Klog log tbtlr Oct on Klog Suttoo The price to be larger more thleyotr ibin ore Mot jot of K Oily held thtfr aoooa to drill abed Bat Oct- display creditable of have wee large of be alt applet and of cattle The Zoo all that bill called for Wo art tbat that held by the All that they otod la a another old of Klog died He bad an Fri day fro which be failed to rally Copaon out half of 2d pod Coo of King he death by all and was one of the a For he waa of Cbocb The largely attended At a of King appointed Town the of It a all right for la lfaeoQtb tot there art said to be klckera freight and lain pi rlobajUoOf bard ware JafonOower Toronto Co tod Cain alio J Committee tod to pay to Co full fur Hog par tender of Sutherland wi4 Uofaboona of for wu aooeptfd TO Fire and reported lbt 6t let to J iHaTwrori for uroe pipe to a Wright for Xc per foot lc Co Iho daupacu of the the Water Work tbe Com oementod at of Com i tod d Inch pipe for where art tod auch Qt farther iAko6d to pay John Barege A of wOYlonofpailW to uUTrWar 1Kb Joel ARRIVING DAILY J SHOW THE Nicest e west IN TOWN No Old City Stock to be Palmed Off Sutherland Newest Styles and Splendid Value in Dress Goods Fancy Wool HosieryMantle Cloths A great drive in All Wool Flannels Bent Hate Overcoatinge Fine Scotch and English BOOTS SHOES AT WHOLESALE Tens of all the finer of quality far below regular prices TERMS CASH and a Square Deal Every late AAA AAA 4A A AA J A V IMI dbeHisetaieifs Sharon the toctfubionabeweddioga that occurred place at of on Wednesday ttie of eldest to Ihnry of Chicago moor Of tying by Elder of at pm The bride wu elegantly attired in with and decked with a fall orange in bridal of to forth from the tie ofwhomlbrewere fifiy groom wu by and Mat of the and the bride for of tbe bridegroom and Alter happy made oot and all to the which had teen for the room tbe goeau that Mr bad to pro Tiding for the of loner man After ample bad to tho taaoptfogylao hippy heir meet the train for north on which Mr and Wafer proceeded They tcok their the parental roof amld a old and nil c4 the whorttoaXoed tbematlf lata bride wwe The BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT RUSHING SALE MONTH Miscellaneous books at half price on Cabinet Work Lady Vaaea Wax liif andobrarucstatoo loroeotlou on wblcb Vrt Filet Will be w clear to order at Jieaio SEE THE SPECIAL BARGAINS Telephone ST ABB Mti Pleasant ere bee with their fell log The are The our nfgb- The Hill of and lit Fred Shew at Job Mr N McDonald et Mr Stepbios Mr Ego of at Mrs who has lick Noble tone are being The art well ft id good be TIu of the Home held to70 J of Toronto do llreredanexc4JlcotaddiMon The which bad great effect to for a third parly of Canadians be eagerly for by the art of the CaihoUc who for tfor to try low Ballard of Iloo ill Oar jr the will be ooch in Clerk King Tp- and we a better ttoo not bate been goad lino faultt Mr beliere it it of to En the A J In Lbb lut wck A yoong employ of A had two to the a week Ttey bad to be liken The hand Many farmer arc nearly Ibroogb fall plowing Pall wboatlookeeicecdlogly weir The yield pita to crop le double that of Mr Weal of No belief ft a in the OF Will bo for inspection JVEXT I Having engaged a Milliner to charge 1IB8 Atkln SOD from- a and highly recommended CALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON Millinery and Goods Fancy Wool Goods a Specialty and Felt Hate BOND Apprentices wanted to Brilliant Durable I Economical Diamond Dyes excel all others In Strength Purity nd Fastness None other are just as good Be ware of imitations because they are nude of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak colors To be sure of success use only the for coloring Dresses Stock ings Yarns Carpets Feathers Ribbons c We warrant them to color more goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more and durable colors Ask for the take no other A J A Coat Coforfd Garments Renewed J A Child can use themt fre OK Montreal p ait or VALUABLE Discount Sals afOH Leading Furniture last m leanoettoa ereolox wee epleadW ftJ go mi A who ttn4 to4rdettfouead be sadly missed not from liar op row of tUb ah wqI mere carry W her Deer a I border regards sod lbee it Wdj ac- HOUSE UndortiWag a or Ofi weilaitheheapf lioci at AH eieoott A Is A CO an wfiina of a power wbVcii bo iroJaei at the time of wltlbeeoWon TtJ4ya l bo ISM rtr AH la the TV prep MceJorUn fMctVy more fu iho tla liPsujaTuTrihipj ox for railway of toe money to te 4owq at leoicia at ratcflcrociitaDDOtnfrTtnltiea7oae to AaiesgN VeodonBaMiMui THE NORTH END STORE Is up to with full Hies of Dry Goods J To lioea in SPECIAL VAL ORDER Jioc in TEAS COFFEES SPICES Sugars end Shoes Glassware A call is respectfully elicited J A- DALES BRIMSONS CARRIAGE WORKS LOT Dress Goods Meltons Wool Shawla Gloves Hosiery Always Fresh and Cheap at a HARDWARE Si Salesmen Wanted The Old Worse r E CsTAItGB can GOOD iKansrlee Years Ub lOleexi IN it a for W iMu our rcmu- lM DJ literal aopcer e bate loibapaal la be we noaio anriVj mo MUiactuo Style Quality Durability General and aim from viileoo to bo 10 cod SPRIKQ WAGONS OPEN AND COVERED Goods mcr4 tballtwUJ rtiua IM 1 DEALER IN Builders Hardware Dry Building Paper Tarred Threshers Supplies Leather Rubber Belting Lace Copper bod WW ti for or lbs of jtiTnT fCtt tit jwta J MAWS At Gear dmDd niematarUllO tbai A to ail JOHN Kb 1 A Kb Wobef wui pa EX Yacbaiir SALESMEN Paper brass Shel Powder Shot Reloading Stools of Glass in f xrcHr- ARK1AOX 1 4s3Wm iSii DUNNS BAKING PO COAL 4 j