Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 19 Oct 1888, p. 2

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ySfy 7 r NEWMARKET ERA OCT Now Fancy Sain A P for aalo Brown Lost and for A Kinnoy Wanted J J Servant Bond fc tie Editor US TO WAIT ABOUT jTUtUtai Id politic dixit A will go to lb Our Toronto Despatch Oct or on wo lie moo of city of iht tod official telex penal All trick for with CollDctortblp of but It do appointment will unit till muIod of ratal cam of been eied tod the jounced to the during the to luiiliaUeti flaeklay from to to Political Hot obliterated In- Into two itr- tie No lb Tiro etc pal from tbe Saturday but were bare for fiilritloo for IllodotUo ted of were to the pot id At lot tk rick of od cbttg of ft The an tod wm fttqulltod- Win of o tic city to on Totally by fire etui the city ycattrdijr Mjto A robbery look King Block on Win by three men fobbed of ft Tito I It to ft Urge orllou at the fioot At Azft fbltoirtDg wtft ftltu tad ill Jowlyu ftud fifo Miller found guilty ftiult for fttoUnco flupnloi Janet of Kfug fti4led for power to h effect of lb l4io Juof puberty it A official MercferV by of o of Jail lift was 1 turm out to log ftcbcmft to ftCCUOt Off A m Mr of by peifotl ftDd Jlttcftl la Uoolftftl It ftpAftt to gtlbcriog Qd fhft TucMftoHobt Toedtr ftoy tunneled In to iht cbirgtt jo two of Winnipeg ho for Ilbct It It to ftcd of of Amertcft tbo ftatboritleiof hit to liMftv from A new will Ink Drops- fteooo ftolog op Town S4Qftig la ftgtfo wtfttbtr for QoeectTllU got the dow Another next Town What Ml is Doing J Ok Bit via a Jo of He for lu of ccoaoraj iUut a of ium or In office Counterfeit Mill of Ctoftdlu Bank of to be q In end no will Hod their clorer but of word on of the bote I uallko the geoolne in for another figbt on the the return of Mr Willie who elected to the fount The of the petition of a the geoeiel lion AT of the lioerd of lie- of Victoria College Adtlwry Committee held la Toronto on Thursday of favoring CollegoKed oration of to nude an of Hod to Iho remain in iliat Town but Toronto carried a luilly be i are vbilio I Tow Mia It Is from Pear- cornen to ibli to Printer Ottawa for a copy of Canada for Mr of corner inovod Into Mr now on Park Avenue Lehman left evening York at Kingston Mr of la packing up to week lit A baa at to In of Edward Geo of Mara and later wllb tilt Matthew Homer St li repreitotfog at the Foreign Society Toronto week rrirod at Jut week and are now enjoying a Tlalt with Clark formerly of Pine Mm A of left for home morning by with her brother Mr Prank bu been for the two fathers Dan Pine Dr J J Hunter and eon Dr mot Hunter were In Town looking for for an office They have decided to locate In with their families eoon as auluble real doooea can obtained Prom what Mr John tlujra moat bo doll al Port Mich He two come for other porta planing mill mil mill end mill ere all cloaed alao one block and other will clooe of of week banquet woe Mr Hon ley vxPnafdcot of the Liberal Club The place In Club lloomi and weiomodobyMK Prof flmllb Hod fiow Dr P P for Weal York and Pal Justice at Last potency of public press was rated Toronto during past week notorious was tried for murder of Robinson convicted of man slaughter and sentenced fivoycart in tho Provincial tbo previous Had char of the Toronto press united and urged a heavier penally Public opinion arouaod and on Saturday last Mr- Irving ft took action with view of having the judgment of court reconsidered due motion was mode when counsel for tho Grown brought to the attention of Ibo court the previous record of the prisoner in the cat not only allowed tho motion but former sentence and committed pris oner to to hard labor for years Of the counsel for the prisoner appeal against this action and the courts will have a long srigo of legal wrangling over matter but there appears to bo no doubt about tho authority of to reconsider fucut at while court continues in session The law on tins point was clearly pointed out by Mr Irving the Crown Counsel when making his for roconEtdcra- public will be glad to J how that JlucWcy of imprison increased from five to previous char acter stamp to bo tt scoundrel unfit to let loose on society the from Hon Mr of Custom at fmportsnt sod nttneol the of the Do- tnloloo of good of Mi form at door of the tsqU A sod indicates that be died En vKotrs will political life ilD Km M5natd practice the World of ys lbs Hod Toronto ibsi for city be got to to took over the dook other contrails thst Mr by P Co their which At Ottawa With of record of Alfred A aioptod cod of Aodreir at whc deuce h died llttf and Jays lie bed been for lbs I four coo to in ft loo ell for he would ftblo to foe s our school to Mi boyhood which at tended Woodstock where education If of the a Jib health per toil ted was wc- foltoKod lait to ihtlr last plica In Dixon Hill Cemetery by a largo number of sympathising sad Wen alrapletoo who his boms foot sod for whom dilixtot has a tho Homo Gospel which was Friday will bo held nut Moo Albert will Hod a Mr ciiou ffir the TlilW to ptfaWDt Ai force I tic of oil tbe etititr HUT I ir ijjiVoi ad ad- the J of the Cburcb Toronto lilted boldly lbcawbohadiDlogslsdacbart to it Is bt tried tie bet V be by which bad acqolri that who first bad ft Th of be lo the Of all ttb txhlcJthrdoor moat tick id sod ttadnlber ft may truly IK Itw Wrirs of Monday log of of we tiod remark to that I pietpleea crowded to of of priwacra ft defect for which city and us not providing necceauary Why cooDlyl city but papers tiro in Itft- handed to When city wanted to build tho of coooty that Toronto would all accommodailoo and board terms si tautaly agreed upon bo by- arbitration is county that It oat that the figure of nt lec a gave a of aarame4 up Officer a tte end latter pita literal A ill now and oober pro- with d for a to be bud to teat Jfaltoaa fa tbe ttklta of ti Willougbby tbe repttteoUtfr of it aod it ma te Timer to the My look to recutita of tha era Coflaarratire and the latter Literal Dr Id Mr J Da ace the Air Too to Duet will take teat by the lata Mr who aUo a cendtdate Mr 8altb wuetededbr Mr formerly by a the Mr a of lectloo Oppoaitlon lo Local ha a of one to aioD QoTtroQuot aofflcUovlV to accept the ronton of to fron Eat and already bet we wait for the political aUaoepbera to clear little before tt now Cedar Valley are about done pot They from to Soma then from to bat the report that popular bad potatoes which mads pcraooa all extra potato tbres meals or iu other words for Jtft for Wo hut taken to a life in the of Ella Dan- Scully bag and to the list of movables leariog bis sod alone Wo it will to long however Your thinks that parents In aod tug a more a regards on various vehicles u the the atrtela it la an practice it toiraatona of not get this month and fchatooorselfesnioit Woolens si Soms of- our are eipedttfon We lots of and weary limbs r of opetfog of bus trill bo held on SwbUtb The T ton of will preach In ths at It oclock sod Collection will bo taken up at both In aid of Monday there will bom Tes-Mfot- log Mired Hilt from p After Fill de- liter bis lulertatiog in the fitb to tie by the it pat Its low figure of for and for show tfas a suc cess the rain Jo mala It to In of bows A lugs sod iroyooa took of Mr Doan on to honor of his to wis recipient of many sod vaJoabU fctftet and happy wars ket after where look the train toor by for Sale Register aod ttaPrVre Button A occurred be- 10 oclock mom log of week about a quarter of north of cut a gloom tbs neighborhood deatb of a lady It tbil bla to In a a party four per of sod Mr aog a railway s erf the to tow At place where lb occurred railway road t other When of I hi Mrs Atideraone who occupied the the former to control the at their heads white to the reins In of their efforts bow- horses wheeled On the road ran In direction of the moving The track point not being fenced horses sow mad ran Is that direction threw eon and Dr right la front of the wbtcb passed orer Mrs andersoo catalog off her and otherwise bar Dr not resulted badly crashed from the elbow and also bla Almost at friends were at band who did alt to their power to A was patched for A A and of train In meantime were attended by and When the a was held ft was deemed necessary to amputate Dr arm which wasaaocenfolty done After accident ware that Urs life might bo for quite conscious at limes end greeted with a pressors of the only hand lbs cruel had left her those of friends who had to br what hands to She was of Mrs John close by leariog that to carry to the might be too far but when tbe Toronto doctors arrived they ordered her to removed to the boots of her slater Mrs It satisfaction to be It home again Upon examination It found wee more eeriooslylpjiied then drat that she could not lire After lingering some hour died at eight oclock Friday mora log- Tte fuotral of Mrs look place on afternoon from th teat of Mr to St Georges Church at Shore The mortal rcmaloaoYber who had so been the and lighten- hearted of all were followed to their final reeling by a large of sorrowing relatives friends The conducted by the Iter A to ritual the The who bare been J L Howard Win Fry W- Scott and TIjo was tastefully adorned with by Mr Met Dr Albert Toronto and the sod of Button In this a death which Im of sorrow so heartfelt Tliodfctaied lady was ever well for bid closely identified with all religions and charitable Indeed at the lime of her death Mrs Anderaoos centred the completion of the chaocel fa St memory of fitber the late Canon Ritchie and bare this carried out In an amicable spirit In of the original would doubUeis been to her a great A peculiar coincidence In with this sad fatality is that Mrs mother the late Ritchie had frequent remarked that flowers would be the death of her Bella words were fat to bo only too truly prophetic At of when young Allan tried to prevail upon hsa mother to the carriage convey log to the Sutton Fair so that the flowers which the to passionately fond were the mum of tragic demise Since the of arm Dr Sib- Laid bis favorably can be ejected nnder Another occurred the Fair Gcnnd en tbe aecocd day Just is lbs race wsa alerted Mr Sic- drove lbs track io opposite way to which were rue and owing to speed ways be had not time to get track with Mr J trotting wagon was ten fwt into the air every thing track picked op for dead but fortunately no broken and be returned to One of the on rig waa to atoms bat damage death of contort to lake place of Iba wu iodeSollely J In to ie with the exception of suUtsoiial county bridge erected pail Variety i the times watches clocks jewellery good it com pires well with city Merchants generatty apeak of fall and base put large stocks to meet tie mend The trite remark come in is Mr of op two to McDonald at old A few wards TOolructed a oarers cold which idted of the though no fatal were feared Motion died on Friday In Cemrteryootbtfollowlog Monday a eUUr of Mr of atd Mr John of Toronto sad of Mr P McDonald of this The bass of sad waterworks bylaw pass ed in Dundee to bar drowned tS- kill- by on explosion at a vtlla0 Children Cry for King intai mat at Or of sod of the Jot- Stokes a sdjoomtjn ixotgwalltsmsinbers Mr Olark pro prcscoUdlor road repairs etc usd order were fqr The petitions presented From Mini skins Of to cot down the end Improro on Coo bo- eeyealngtopv two tOeUouoeU A of the terras Mt form In petition spLXPioud to sstne being Ha John Boras and From James the grant if earn King ttiD From Mr a bt- Council bis flnUrcportonlboUuftj re port tarns follows Toronto ttod ISO Council of of em at to report There bare been workbyoon- orders of of works of cost fa eoms parts has been considerable delay In com- contract penalty id most feats to your ooacll lo enforce not enforce the pen alty aboie referred to Ihero by be cbarscd are follows of extra CO Kxiraocxtof Conimlirion 1031 faro a SO of was In proportion lo total of same amounts lofilX for should be allowed fa as follows potts under CO under at cod- 6 OT tabor only liiesboverucLioni leaves a total of to be deducted from tbe oontract mow of teen sect Tboaocount stands follows Contract Deductions Total rosy also note were foondsoltnpercottbatltwaa to pile of for been for by your CoanclJ as work was wholly I am yours 81S0td A resolution was ibeo adopted log Treasurer to being full on bridge a the for theeppolntraent of a After Coun cil of to A a Mr and Mr to meet and confer Ken Council re Ibe open- of Woe between Kin and sod report lis imcUDif Council to meet at on Mrm wife of a prominent of Barrio today a paper box con- four diocolaUs similar to those by Gait people Not bating ant mark to show sender and befog completely at a loss to know whom from colled Id Rogers who has chargo of candle md will matter at once was no mark to show where box came from tbo mark being Ml THE LEADING Markets ISM Floor Fall WhMC do firtey io upon a do J la IB a a Feaa do r do a ton J a Q per a Baiter Kneperdoiso trig ppWJhF uresseailofa Wool per brevets a 36 a a CO en a a a a i i o ore on to iSfg a IT V Our Toronto Pel do i i Barley per do do do per do Potatoes per bit tfbeefsklos Oct- IS alia in OW a II Wheel Si rlo do J a a a 000 a a a OS a a a a a 09 a W a a Old a SO talk glibly about a roilljou of but very tew of them what vast is broker says a million loaded on freight cars to a car it would till a train over fifteen miles If transported by a wagon it would a linoof teams miles long If made into broad reckoning a to every sixty pounds of flower it would oacli woman and child in States a two pound loaf of bread Congregational Church i am m Welcome SJe Arabic SitnitM Ibo ilr- Waitt At tbo residence of bride on by Elder Mr- Henry- Ox Mr of But Hi- the by Hoy Mr Jteynoldior line Of of At of the on by of of Comb On late John Holland Landing Oct and Km ma thirteen aod oar days Uydeo jjid on from of a Awn fhoiatotaoooKitleaod wife of Rod cd years TBCTTOrIn Iftlitnst Deceased one year by aide of Cemetery Intl Philip Martin agtd years sides of life and was a or about two from broncblal was provided Id out of J at relict 4 of late lib Scott IS Auhrdiflfuut near of lbj I Jib lst- aged years yr7aSiagJL3iyaasi s j MAIN S1N0ITH will receive prompt Fall Boots Shoes HEXS KIP BOOTS Ordered John Montgomery Pitchers Any person to boy boufdoali and Jackets and Hi Route A I J IW Apply to It BOND T A pocketbook mm vm Jul day leave at tuts letlrand wckr- two a lerg KOp Picture Book put yon on road to a wxlio quick and fie- Yarmouth Dome VV AH TED I coDnilialoor at4 xpniito tfomwlftni and leimaaod J iittabioo AND LOT of an hard sou Apply lrs on or TO HIGHEST PRICE AT THE Robinson Wool Mat Works ST NEWMARKET POSTPONED CREDIT A SALE I ATTJ Briars Sutton West OF 50 Shorthorns AM DOMINION HERD BOOK ABOUT HORSES I Young Veter rfc ON THURSDAY ATI BISSAU OCT ST LAWRENCE Notioo to GO- will be at arrlfil on day narvIor of two locks sod tbo Of the entrance of Cecal A Oc Keepers toy t6afr of tender no application In case of fimi there root be of tho foil ot of aod furtbar a tor for toe works The cot over to If party contract ibe Toe will be to lei end not sect plod IVfottaicut bind to lowest or any leodri by order A titeitury IT STANDS AT THE HEAD The Light Running IMITATED BY MANY BUT INPRQl The Domestic stands preeminently ahead Its durability without an five years of existence and not a machine canj be which in form enough to unfit it for service Every machine Warranted for JO AGENCY OPPOSITE HOTEL BOOTS Our Clearing Sale of August a decided success Than 1ft to our numei it has made an opening for a full fresh stock of FALL AND WINTER Bought direct from Manufacturers and which fpr Quality and Price wjll l7 selves on receiving your inspection Our business COMPRISING BOOTS SHOES SLIPPERS RUBBERS Conducted on Square Business Principles All Goods marked in Plain Price for All A CALL SOLICITED BEFORE PURCHASING ELSE j GIFT SSTTB RELIAPLE AND LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS Largest Best Stock or LOW It will give mem mil LOWES BOOK OVER 30 IN PB Any person worth of and when tickcU are of will open will bo in Town Steal li9eaoMViiIi0K Dale Ialr Oil a lBt CEMETERY A lrli tot or re brrfoiUddco to itve ftri M I it Wood or Stave Bolts I WANTED cub OR timber lb tun to iCTUIIIG CO- in foUr iwo jia chore rosier to r lather I to awrtuiFnl lij r dont til ie for uk Jatllibtr Ii MONKY TO LOAN At DAVID LLOYD I3T tun Mil AoienV far tor tun QTQXncri I 14 rural ilonf fvr tbf I vo4 tot I fc i fc I

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