ERA SEPT vi Al0UOTOW- Slow Ad Up It illikioiliIWIifrCom riffled W irala op It II materially aRaleit Church wet weather Fin- or nilra3 ftoto the QQlljelJ mo not ilia Xl J la Hi chtnekr Mr aerj ad- loiend to lUl or TUB MdLTfgf Siiba at the not only for belt Jir4rriFd we lm tt Class A public mooting U Hill on ttaj rf W it of A AolJKft College Director of All laltf rti of dmJ- for All of firm and pro- t alwaJatic building with follom chick to of ipplei laibel dot al5ir big Below will to found which ll3D in Xiil 25 fcirii rt mho clttVH Oct J I J i 11 A A to ft to ft ft ft a 10 IKimutic Water Work on iff lu jt t- J UlOUtOAd of llf 18 foot work of bricking fcbovfo1ux CO ihiu WrlUtoK for the U1 hold WbUKOKorMler will from bet a tit MrtfocdjJcrfitii that will to ixiL Weave for our ficr will lUTOgrut Holiday Toronto wLfch jcg tod the of with of that is a flQlM Ac Tuned op lhIr d vu for dfnok end the public totU lo take The ticket it erelqedfuee of latent I Holiday made do Id lie So VVJtwiix iuoiLlDj took dona ibo hew wBfcMi llckela to dumber of now may be bid at book en than wbltb ib biro Mr at la Towsibfp of and Aboil half of crop flcoall or Mr oil found tbera In aa of The death of tbebcut ibal bat a Vwiw A of farm of Mr Jm Starr Orchard left at office The coliUUi Si eta to and Mr that It dropped the will be large- Next Sun- da Krrice the odUt Church will be by pill of the School for Hill will from an a child by fatidofogfl whether work be pure and the wilt to 1he children It and cod will Join Io ciaktng the of profit Post Count of matter at tut acreage over the of letter etQ poet tarda newjie other than from of free On account of Toronto Exhibition it a bad week to count ft not the Mar and the public general preferring while In the city to through the malt but the week for fa by the to be ill On fiat week a large and aaeetnbtcd t of Mercer of Aoguaand to be at marriage of lib daughter Mr It A of of Irwin flan Toronto The formed by Iter Mr McOreor The bride He hoi 1 of and of while Mercer of Q Toronto ft of filralbroy and John Kyle fl A Hater of did the men The prevDta end The happy couple on the midnight talo accooipaufit by the beat of all preatnt for happy and fo together from Ottawa week fa Ibat tie elded not to enforce In filiate the regulation under that the caw of abould be prepaid any letter upon It ordinary amount to the charge of In to the may be and forward to The change will be appreciated by country people lulled to go a tt obtain tratloo The new Hod Mr and deputy Col White Ion to they hold by lib But King bald It decided to hold a match fall la lo the of King to County of York Do be cartful while yon axe cleaning jour Mr Andrew of North cleaning a rerolrar when It off him the If a to Dr and got the out but will be laid up for irt STettdverlieementi FALL Albert Mr Clark Rear ha of bakery to Mr The Oogh whoee eon become finite an adept Id that tide and will continue to the of the with a article Mr to up the Inalant Cedar Valloy a a decided change for the better and tenon on fafgh road to rectory though her la Very few people attending from Perhaps ere their for the North York Kail Fair The sow the but a dearth of that much bird The end the Klog Church purpose holding their Dual Jlarreat on Ibe fTuuIay A will be roiat fowl beef pork eta coffee ton to after which program will be rendered of by e nun reverend alao by home and foreign talent J P IV baa kindly coneentod to prealde flaring been able to good In the peat they feel belter to wanla of all at the coining foatfral Black daughter Toronto Friday after log a few with Koowlet and Tralnor of Toionto returned home Monday craning baring about theume time Malcolm of la or with Mr Mr Fred a Knowlea la In Toronto tbia ek Mr hoi in the old and gladly oil tea- It over once Now the weary plods weaiy DAILY HOW THE Nicest ewest Stock IN TOWN No Old Stock to be Palmed Off Newest Styles and Splendid Values in Dress Goods Fancy Wool Good Hosiery Mantle Cloths A in Wool Flannels Gents lithe Hi Felt Hats Overcorttinga Fine Suitings BOOTS SHOES AT WHOLESALE PA Teas of all the finer of quality fur below regular prices TERMS CASH and a Square Deal Every R J DA Our Clearing Sale of August a decided it lias made an opening pncccf8 our numerous patrons for a full fresh of Sunos for jrjihlet of iMe wek hive been by to tic ring iiQU fwicre on acd care for among Jadluand ateo the Company to fom to the Show w at ill and jhU Wi mill fjrca to the the and a greet many Weoila are Very for a Fair at t with all ahoold be oo or be- to old Mr Jo with Mr at the cloce of the of Canadian In To ronto Friday a funeral banquet of Prof Brooklyn light of their Some thirty ait dew to all doe Id Mr apacloue The en tertainment most unique original were with heavy black border The marched Into the room to the March black the the color The Menu vith tad bordered with appropriate each named for or preparation in dally ilm by the Small did u napkin Form al a light for ibe centre of the and tha wore small aalincorered TblaenUr by wboabaied end origination lr devotion bta calling lo degree We if many of Ma etroon Tub we J nfuoUI from other Bcwq ith Mitt iu w f- Si col- Tlio ico did not a fortuuo runner A couple of ulu bold of No 1 I Vol before ill to for jiUtiou bout isututl or Wo rooit lino to tie dear home A trr bet Mr for boot be ewe to d It of od Id order I The nine the la the over two were ran Jut W for of the bat no danger now dej ifiore fo the broke be uid efWr end com- log bought of Tbe of Ibtlr fwcee ftllow wont pet much for efter the t Dont log to Loiioi liooV flwre window Wright gt lor wUU ttil 1 feci lib get Up drop office for jiirio Mid wedding irloUd bcrt notice Con a e wool at let IbdW off to other Sutton Tim good people- here pre bill fire for lire end October which ought to tlMct largo of tori and that there lot of go the encloot village Mill Ibe Union of North on the end until p Friday blWllon It now ao well tod ferproMy that It to uy more than that List thU ar larger anil note than before A apodal to fond of will be tbe bone ring for which huge will be offered The halfroll chimed no in the Dominion On of Friday the Theatre will be the of one of tho old fox which fiotton It to noted addition to the beet local talent the following the bridge rrice leader tit Clarionet Band Toronto Cornet- Trombone flail Park A let Violin 2nd Violin Piano Keswick Monday tbe lort Hannah teacher in the School here an to her el which of oojp and a few Intimate enjoyable enter- by cla3 prc6cntio her with a beautiful photo- album la a copy of the by Mr Walter Mr- Ira To lias We School to our appreciation of to lead in the way of life take of the acoonjpeoing Album a token of In which bold you our leacber and we During lUportoiu died of yellow fever In Havana Paul Minn Jccidcd to a tltiaycar in North doing to property and live boon loat A boh of Joy Mootrcal while fooling with a revolver in shoulder is now in a critical condition excited over the opening of all gambling den af ter closed for nearly five It is thought over changed on flu day Each re quired to pay per month ft SHOES SLIPPERS RUBBERS OVERSHOES A Jim tin Conducted on iog J FA- FALL AND WINTEE GOODS A Bought direct from and which for Quality and Prior will recommend on receiving inspection Our is exclusively d RUBBER GOODS COMPRISING lo ear you bate a try great for good We do ear neatly and lhat you may apuM to work our fligotd of the MoRTOJi Ulas made a reply and after by Be bead add the party op feeling that It for the to be tbcre lie Mr r in the tillage to a of Roy plan- la firing ftoldeoc a general repairing There will do In the Cborth here Sunday to monition of Bradford of Hartley of of of Robins of all for their connection with BradfordBarrio match Bay Mick terrible drouth add forest fireaalill continuo in county and many of on getting ready to boon destroyed and damage to timber standing and manufac tured will bo great low al ready estimated at A riot of tbo Irish Home at Glasgow rioters wrecked and dwpvttoly with police who were called to disturbance were Fifty- two rioter were sen tenced to one months imprisonment each ftnd the other wore remanded for further hearing Twenty were broken in quell ing the riot Woodstock Standard says Mr Alex McKay lot is fertile of good practical idcaA In and towns and in many cases tho names of pant are to bo on tho doors Mr McKays idea is that this might be extended to farm that the of the resident neatly affixed to tbe road would much inconvenience to in mile a good one If you two dozen children by next year I will lift mortgage off the of a of land in Mont gomery county a abort way from PottftowOj Nader mother of children rocking twentysecond child in a cradle upon occasion of his man meant his otter as a joke year owner was on baud promptly to the interest when to his surprise the proud mother motioned him to cradle and lift log the coverlet showed him fine twins which completed two There was nothing to do but a and bear it owner mortgage and said he believed protecting home industry Square Principles All Goods marked in Price for A IK Main and One A CALL BEFORE PURCHASING iiLSBWHBRBL J Opposite Hotel 4V COME AND SEE NOW IB YOUR TIME FOB BARGAINS TRIMMED HATS Half bo from and Upwards Infants from coala to HATS oil Shapes and Colors from and Upwards Watered and Othor all Colors from Go per yard and Upwards Those at worth 20c LADIES Light and Dark Colors from cent and Upwards THESE HAVE JUST ARRIVED L it BOND Next Door to Mrs Drug fitor MILL My Mills will bo down after Great Sals to On tie store of A At was robbed f There years of was attcked fey heifer owned by Com wall at on Tuesday and Injurnd The horn lower part of and body Itogth tearing a and Sinking tier violently to ground- Too visctooi brute then repeated the charge and would doubt have killed her outright hot her coroe to however died on the same even fcW 0 Pi BA7B -TJI- Two or Three as I have purchased full train of Cochrane Rolls which will bo second mill in America on Chopping every Saturday KVEHY DAY V SIEJMRIE CANAL Voder to Contractor a for null the torwtUQD Dd ibo rtTr Ibe of i Tt iwoitcuoaioua ibo of Ibroob Ibe IhodwpcfllDctDd at A CTpcf ictftibtrwlUi of l on end TUESDAY- afjot piloted forme of A of to MQbe entttoe office of in owooroit8 to bear Id will Id tflibihe bare fte and pita cue of Ann there meet or of mBaibfrof tamo a rtM rueiu for turn Acoompahj ice lender far lb aoda6onitfsTirtff of leodtr for ibedefilnjreDd f- b Ac will not to furfeltd If ceo i net foe tbe at be offer Id bare art it a deffaiecioteccitHd r llaJf ioecjt lender- Jtj A ocetry JJciritucotfHellwrireeodCbal Ottawa Mb tH WRIGHTS SPECIAL VAL IN Dress Good sM el tons W 4 Uleterings Tweeds Flannels I Wool Hosiery ci Always Freiili and Cheap at W PLATO CRIMSONS CARRIAGE WORKS LOT STREET NEWMARKET Leading Furniture house Ditto ft flock of OA8KETB ford AW be 4 STOVES TINWARE THE BELL Hi y Vrfcliji Im J1 i SEWING SEWING MA JOHNSON teal a the fcJ Street 0crKrfb of Siiao Sff Oil A MAC STOCK OK VOCAl A INSTKUHEXTAL rt wo urptcl wo fcaTe Jo met la we win our long wtere A CO aiIM to in Durability and aim rrom Ike will to cod WAGONS OPEN AND COVERED BUGGIES Sumf9f I A pxd a We art now bit Terr rtarebtcle It meet aod at maWrtjUlntbbtettatoelJourvvJUtUaircrT W be aitfl are the flnoi I rll f P HOUSE FURNISHINGS -AT- Prices to Suit tfia Times Wl CREAMER And tX1 for bowleg AUTUMN for abioteand far dareir Weed To wUidow a Goods Exchanged For oabir Poles Island Native Wi St Agoatior SPECIAL PRICES IN 5 GALL0I 8 Gallon fl5c cj1 equally a SelfSealers In to a