RAILWAY flfiH a fig R ALL itANAiJA the L TUB DAY OF ATONEMENT VII THIRD QUARTER IN TERNATIONAL of It Quarterly Luck or What Twenty clerk in twenty bond la a printing twenty In a shipyard twenty young in a oil to get on worlds to do of clerk will and one of tho will own a and an Influential of apprentice will ft of villagers will get a farm and live patriarch but which lucky individual Lucky I is no luck about a certain of young follow who will competitors ho who will hi who in who live cleanly and purely who bin to the of who gains frionda by deserving hem and who aavci There ft to fc6mo old highway but of community who thing really worth Lav ing good fortune good and old ago all go on his road of a V The bo4 rfwjdlwayt cur to tow and I fur ly fanaih J fully 41 God raOaiiaarufivaj TltyoJTertd ought bo unto In power of tbo all at V fc Com not at all for be way fato of all mi w bold enter at all bio of Jam upon Whata and way that ooly W but permit to abHe InlUtnuliohourArk and Mtcy and Holy of la tor but donjptdL 12 Iitu shall Into bat undrvtaod at It bd- of tljg 11 1 la bll entrance to the of lug of lb a fturutofferljig of rays to wubli Iti Hub In bo put off LsKntlluinttita by ljcctAiili u typifying wbotAld glory beauty and aa jtj our and work lotcrcilon for us and tells It was worn only found fiACti In Scripture-flea- IP and on for a for and In it on I a offering a weroexplolaui In the lastly ion a bo bad lootTa- riftca for as well for tie of tia our High holy undeOfcd and frotn a iacrifias for ibe people aro found in vera and alio focludtf a tin offering and barut burnt Is caw was a nun but was for Aaron a bollock for two may bo in my upon to Holiest In U17 Arrangement of And tbkt Into room went priest and only x wju burning coals from off altar bo- fall ud within tho roll fira of Mat4scuJ that a cloud of mercy seat truth of of on our will flUouraojb 1 only MquainUd days might reading within rail but chapter to and tM in 3 1 This was of worlc tboblwrf I to altar to for it that an for tha sod iUt vi G3 bleed and before of altar and no aJtx disposal of Vcrtca 15 fat upon the altar for in Cbrijt cur offering bearing on that with Cut JJLs otj llAl iBtad unto lilio without tamp wo no fcftiiUnB ut Mki stck Coo of 22 fug ttro for rtfiig yao dja end in on ILo lo as fhapriKLldM Lotto Lis bands con- ani of all on lonas then lo1 Into ijriijy them a The lintitfbrtiroTr attends J tot IJiKn and bu ua4 tio poo- CJcon all your Inijujty and tin boruo V a of cpra- ftoi2lJX A day of of but no wwk dona in It jUaU was to make atona- and lo that as 171 did not la nay way Clean frouj all tin bo work of and by of a How iiui what atl rins or- fiutUwasooyfr4aycr I must tin till coma irtb an offering for arery jji to all accept and that blood r j wouU frota all sin w a but walk tight ancOBol through tha to as body at tor For fcr Ha bath that ara W and thai fa full Us IwnyJikt cot for and to Ion fli may for a4 A skoloton found Point a few Homo of a canoe which buttons ftnd ftfow copper Win year with bonce plaintiff in thousand dollar a in voluntarily withdraw ing hie complaint In court I hat ho would not brought suit except for importunities no than iivo different who kept him to begin an action an agreement made with of fchyfilors by which lawyer to get ono of any collected or nothing if ho fulled Tina is of a largo proper tlou of libel that are brought against man of and who has injured by a publication knows very well that no reputable intontionally libels and that fill such papers ore more than ready to make fullest reparation when through or have wrong to anybody There multitudes of deaths year to typhoid fever consumption and heart their worry Worry induce such a con f readily ftrrui of iFeaf who can be truly called fret if it rain if it dont ruin limy fret at everything and scarcely them to do nil worrying tlioy fire capable doing for any one living witlf it is their wore punishment that to endure thiMMhm Wo meet faces that show the of worry and wrinkled and full of They should a warning to If timo and in worry could he incut and benefitting those near there would ho many changes in every community It is a fact that those who advanced are of cheerful dispositions all who to habit of worrying it before it is too Wilson Star mi It Notices of lU will way to Of whenever lboyiltm a tonlo Mo ra heal atlOf Impure and Dr Fowl Wild an and remedy for bowel from wbAicvct For Qlekets nod all lor Disorder of Children e Pure w racily with jcalofietbaDd upon is lf In cat Of New rut up Wc lira A Correct fa tone by i1l JeraJtutbcrfordorKanb6 who havo Rurotk Hitlers for Acj it to tbo beet over J by all driers at dollar per Sedan war I an ro- Toronto really in Although and for a It on rare merit of perfec tion in and ft work of pictorial art it superb able degxoo iIimo battle paJnttog in United bat of the and by far work of eminent than any on ex aro grand who through their world grandly delinoft- of great lost Loud bis crown Emper or of dismembered French French fixed tho unifi cation of Gorman and created Empire A will bo to and our country afford to cfty until thoy havo at it A Bight of French and for Buproroftey something calculated to of manly courage which a charactoriitio of is and good Bound food for of all bo apoctator or In spirit when In Toronto bo auro and oo corner Front and York atroots station is oTery day from pm It not worth to Your long to it pay to or thoughts anyono A tow iVfew tiro much pain a little longer hurry irp worrying in world greetings abrupt will bo over in and injured will ho laid And era long forgotten It fa not worth to other Ottawa Aug 3 From all parte of further reports toarrivo to loss caused by both firc A farmer from who was in town to dy that in that lo cality thoy threatening and property were col lecting to and avo each other At pot lire of with children betook them- helves in wet to aido of a expecting every to their oxerttng day night to avert In near- It in the neighborhood of StouirviUo been from chicken it is quite evident that in thorn in at John of lino Whitchurch starting for Aurora and ho found fresh tracks of a wagon it had atop- pod farm When ho got to Aurora ho a with a load of fowl- It dent ho had been collecting during bight find on way to with a load thief should bo arrested Tribune about your fly Crape and mosquito uniting do you know that castor oil plant world and inseetaf Its a fact though discovery by a French named who noticed that rooms in his where the plants were growing were entirety from lli0 Undiscovered that plants out an essential oil or some toxic which possessed very power ful inaectido Experiments been in country nod obtained Mothers borne for your will bo boys l and that what you want them to he If Johnny or Tommy ask you for a doll and go and sit quietly in corner dressing and it think you would feel much if bo login with a warwhoop bent on a gaiiie of wild Indian Try to reserve room in for a play room a room the the bent protector in against flies eld wo fAft a rt6 lie liMtaiiai Ml PC k Of Uustd by Tut url alDtl Mil lh Extract or Wilt flint a tor liy via per I mill any your will J Itwir aiiJ J0r7c very own that can bo into ftii bonis iJiirte The vicc4hi mixing of niojrrn Fell juiy for liver and HARDWARE STORE Harvest Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose Barbed Smooth Fence Wire Builders Hardware Dry Building Paper Tarred Felt Pitch Rubber Paint in allShadeSj in all Tints Wilkinson Plows kept in stook Tons Binding Twine to be Sold Cheap JAMES In Noilucorolvt jDoirfrli are Why IM an or appreciated by lb m eoriea ilk cuAry favorite cure aHmeou A nra A or ana far all com- to a ay aniM or the boys they bring friends for a general good home you know hcro an and what they are doing Many mothers turn their boys out in the morning to pasture not coring what they may doing out door or what ia worse may other K Work baa been at canning factory- were tiling and they being canned at a lively rato A new with a fifaelting capacity of from to per day liaa pat in which shells that it cant supplied it at Oh cans put iji Mr to put lici 100000 to cans for which can aroal toddy and contracted for Can are no grit in ready for corn crop of which expect to in it is to can poultry and meat It can bo made enough Mr rO so intends putting up peachy other fruit of accidents our duty to record occurred on Second line on evening tit and his littlo boy aged taking a load of logs to Milnos mill and of Mr tho fellow to and fall directly behind their feet Hit father in effort to ha was falling fell in heavy which boys cheat and ivcverdy and cutting hit fathers lower limbs poor boy placed in a pasting buggy of Mr but expired while carried into tho ho aw father in anttety forgot own and walked but now to a Canadian on bound for Denver fell into tlio hands of a conGdnnco tit Port Hope Mich- who got out him on freight bill dodge- A companion named Chris tian wa3 also swindled out of Both wen left destitute On Saturday Mr- met with a at Mr- aaw mill lino of Whitchurch A board struck by and sent with emtio force striking Mr Duncan in side inflicting great injury It pierced flesh and mangled it bad ly reaching near lungs- patient is doing well Aurora down on bustles It says To young girls not yet in their teens and in short clothes With a big bag trail ing is too ridiculous for any thing mothers wear them if choose but for of com- alone them off young kids- growing too fast for day and generation Aug- and aged daughters of found a revolver lying on a table in their homo afternoon- Liu is picked it up nnd was examining it when of cartridges the ball coloring Maggies forehead inflicting a fatal wound dfrd about oclock lost night Dont stand with your hands in your pockets and look a knot On a log tighten your galluses spiton your hands and hump out of Oh allow warm broraes through your whiskers to mournfully rustle re member that that downy old jade only on who tin- Chop dig drains or fiplit rails hut dont stand around like a dumb things is here the autumn is near so to work and do something A Scotchman named John Mclennan resident in Douglas Co 111 returning homo from attending tho deathbed of his aged father was at Station Montreal by a granger who after taking a of beer with him invited Mm to go for a walk They had not far when a big rough looking man ran after them and the fitranger charged him with left his hotel with out paying his board bill and told him that lie must not leave town till ho had done to stranger felt his pockets protested that ho bad no tut that ho had Hank of New for lie then turned to Mr McLennan and besought him as they were both going the way to advance him and check for security at absented counted out money and took the check without examining it The strangers then both dicappcurod mm MRS DARTS TRIPLETS Aurora Fair fa litis t3cvrflu WMlctCO and I pt to fooj ibat Of a ted u I ry wtbo that ire no a 1 to Lactated Food medicine are THE MOST POOD EASILY At ff st jd jsyjciL Food for on In for AT0tWorjiniWcJ Wis a pa OLD RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE Largest Stock VERT LOW It ihr loglvmedcll- Children POWDER Absolutely I A mad ito IUt CO YEAST to It icr t J Lit lortrijtntt towalQ ire PRICE FIVE CENT81 of Wr will of to d ID 3 AUTHORS C0X or ARTIFICIAL And of be ip lb KiiekKo Bow III fit THE BRiAKS FARM Sutton West SHORTHORNS by bo by LTi Cliifncn 1IOW Jatnc ill and 1q ibt P a 1 PRESENTS vinLs turf VcivfJ pin J circle UNI r4 a torKt a or ttxt iij Rift Any or MOtrcwtarcroKc til filled fee CBCRCHOidCOTOROMO TO LOAN OK Real lei of and Rates L iMiMx JACKSON THE NORTH END ACCOMMODATION J STORE It now filled up with STEW GOODS to alt In Dross Prints Ginghams Shirtings Towels and Towelling Cottons Canadian Scotch English Tweeds BootsShow Hats and FIRST CLASS GROCERIES and A CALL IS SOLICITED To inapect goods and prices J A DALES Mil LUMB LATH SHINGLES ARE NOW PREPARED TO OUR CO WITH FLOORING SIDING MOULDING SASH FOR LIBERAL WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OFSAME OTPT GOOD SEASON SPECIALTIES At ho Now next door to Main Street Newmarket HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS S Supplies kept in stock AND FARM TOOLS Of oil always on hand Full lino of Cutlery and Potty An Paint ENTIRELY NEW J A ALLAN CO IS MERCHANT TAILOR CORNER OF MAIN ST PARK AVE is now prepared to furuieh equal in and to any in the trade Having had years a FirstClass Fit Guaranteed or no Pay Choice Slock of on BISHOP nrALrn is- Buggies Carriages SURREYSPHOTONS Whips Dusters c Main St Newmarket AND Formerly Ruses AND DOMINION ORGANS and Moat House in Canada Special given to to buyer No Note Discounted in Viiitora to the City and given and a halfhour iff our J S CO AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PR THE WW CANE SONS MFI Oil HA LP OK TO I Ed quire or ihopmptriyof to It Denier BALK AT A BARGAIN- for Id a on of Arwaea be property Apply Half Cod ACHES par My wll after bar Very to a I yCunildoi fcm I A r It vini July OXlXXii Apply to JfcX or to l1 one- rtKJ btrry ttarr if Hotel Farm and j Mb 1W Nil Mb cation Mn AH moot wJHbciro prices SalesmerrWanted to Ed Established 30 Years want CHANCE FOB ftCCCESS GOOD PAY STEADY WOBKf Write for terms to COMPANY Oct Wood or Stftj want WE will wa BASSWOOD at IDe W Toronto Steam Laundry York Fit Toronto to P Iladr lo vtj i SB LKT UNSM POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND WRIGHTS -x-S- STOVES TINWARE -AND- HOUSE FURNISHINGS -AT- Prices lo Suit The Times tirtticcnlbf of to M and turgict a and Or fierce lj tta from lo to for It curtail tut a powerful and Quiliu craliy DrTPktw as to A a nd 1ft other of ffpoodeocr or CJBEafflER CANS Ael IWXW Milk to Very NEW i i la ml compooGded by and It and efft aar mom lor or caujo jm for of with A a from fffrlBoo4 ivoduco or to i i- f JL odQr Goods Exchanged lo D S WRIGHT T rTorlt a vlifc coo Wood il J fcuaort for a WiTfuiicinV feAlllAfor awn SKI 1II