Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Aug 1888, p. 2

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I- v r NEWMARKET ERA AUG 1888 Nov J ft Kami iiclx School J Farm for for Straw Hart DPI now Id court at A will I JOG vuli I hi- Thai P lWO Ii 4 will to crop of will til ii tit do leg to it AY AUG IO Our Toronto Ihft lut Monday of vu A of walked oft of it lad Neil our Mr eitlij Stud Uu it be Mr Monti l oo Hod Mr onltcil at till btl to jolo bit WHAT 11 if I J to lint Colony will In of to ill villi of York Mr Mc- Dovish ued during Hi of lib Morton of to Ink Wo i- lot on buiiiin up tin 1 Tar It for the ignamiol lhA and Ibo Co Include Ibe log of AM bo do Mr iVi P for l lie of Hon Mr wilt for to vwiot by Hon Mr- to ytcsucy of Ontario I CUilc for Aucmbty bo of will lid it It fa no doubt tlw 15 tilt hit of tin mid how oouie of of Provincial Id are diking Sir John to veto tlit Initio do tbo thing in dotag in No doilt lb Qzftttitwut a the luilf Sir to lulernttej cry ilifW Mr It of is of for lio of llio or biro if and bo now oidfr jua licj cod family the JinuEom of ihoto office it in boptu will If ad to discover ing ibe who no doubt not to Willi of In MUa fflillfog tbe city over Mr- ft of la ibis week Mr tod wife fro id Mr of Toronto lo town MUiflllnf of Harriot couple of of TfkQTlJi- Mr A Tor Mid Pot I it fitting her Mm from IpK two on of lilting Mrr McEiwiio of bet vbtxo ftpot ft of inopthft Mr of fltouff biro for on a Mr of Toronto of Mr J Mr fl fluodty hi Ft a Sheriff Mr flgtberl cm fctat Han Jay In Tows Mr ittondiog ftoooren- of Dill Klogilon rwk- IrvMtlog Col- and fori of weekt J couple of ber Mi a of Mr- Wllflu oot lut I flpcr is J Mr end Mm J of irli j at Mr J DicLtotiif Kfihlf Mm id iog we a at end of wuall- log ou old frieiide Town two or week at Mr for ft couple of week Mr J Lome Hit to of Dean Mill Mr- Lloyd lo It ejndiug a of at Mr of formerly Drag vw in a of A end two hive io the city Tfawblfty Mrs ber little here a with lister Mri Milled daughter of Mr P Mod of wk Mida Ida Solder IticbmoDd Hill Mr Vta- fiuodny in porta bright from that local MtUbbWMftddeo home after apeodtog a couple of veeka with J of Li I He York A part lJaf Bitorday to inlH Pine Ifclfry Iiq nd Mr John Wtoo of Jrfliiprd of ftnd a of at bta Mr Mr bla way bo fro a tour Chicago Salt Lake City etc trip UV to Frank t imwHirtviiileadtdlnbge they on Mr If thli laa gibing on mutt for which we do not clear oar ii Co ho laid tbe for bare completed the new at a aecond from the feet The the ooUr la cow fee orrock work at iato of about dally foor a tug twtoty t work The Oral commenced loal break Each pipe ooata to thtro of Iad ate it difficult to filled by ftbitroa loetaiTaHaOoiafilJ rtt ptard to paid for built a aonQmer- aoma of faml of rateobtr faattagCnoiMAffar hop look pretty amply If all our ftdfanolpg Ibaooral wetfaro of baneful liquor tratDo wou4 from Mr of frt Raker of lo her of will In future meet ftftcroooo ft oclock to train Hon to avoid ftodaalooo to not tbe oMbat bfta of women ft Sale Register moil valoablelfiQdlo tboTownGln of win at North at ft- Vof tare em and Lib Around Ml Pino Mia It flitting will ilater light except Barley and wbeal a pretty well alt in again got another of alio Mr got a on tbe feoco baa fall The and bat yield great art of with a into tbe recited excel from to gay ftppleuie liberally wUl not permit ftllcutoo to of each of bat fioe a of dramatic work would to and our ad to go bear ber A few ago entered of t flmdwiclij vjxA having tcaten into la cub and valuable About a down of Arroy main and female of the Indies in arrived id and making a tour of aUtiona of fiabeiBeht8 Wo had ft very no llgblnlog iir boaaa no except a few of but not Maura ftodtStopbtDlaoKk on ft trip down with a email jail down by to Bay will clear of good and aaff Editor of bta klndntaa la publlablog In It would would have lobe by ratio would bo About It would ooat the About and long It run fa be old bu1tdlof new Wo do of but If wo will forever after bold Town Council Aug Regular Ml creep and Belfry were ordered to bo paid Sell Alarm do on fttWftteMVorha Mfg to Philip fare of to Barrio I 0 Kail it til J wan at re lltjib ft for by tbo Board waa laid over Idj for re- Jail referred to graoted for for ft on Queen to and Com A reading Mr by Mr that of 00 Water la fttdendmant by Report lo Lot adopted but be I Dili to report kind of tank alio of direct pumping to apparent prcaant demand aod other information they may doom to Council to ftrTlvafttftQlulolllKcntcooctaaloo in of supplying waiter for tbeTowD- public at Colonial Exhibition a London was ex and ftrtiatio Me morial Windows and Stained from celebrated ft Hon Toronto of and of others openly and apecirnend of works J The LightRunning THE LEAD Agency Hotel AtiodeeJerln ORGANS PIANOS ly STOCK MUST BE II t have boon operating in J Holt A lo Topper Pacific Wall The Chancellor of Mr Kelly a air contract Imperial and the Company granting an ftonda of in addition to Dominion grant of lO0O to ft monthly and for Ufa the mail be commenced in year Jjorisouie bad a narrow Hi up too or a aiaifmil a ad while at work Way the Dr aeelg hie petition Jumped end lilutely on Wo on the Eddie not making of Bfi w It Mr few day wltli hi here looking quite hearty ffll aou od we will be glad to our bright ayod teacher bock again Mount Albert Mr Jewell of farther up Wo are to report tbat Mr aod Mr at are on Mr BrowootnVe borne from at homo of ber Mr Anthony Miller to with parent at Hie bald fa the Metbodiet Church hero Tuesday with very attendant A Mr report as look in North- Mr and of Tori with a friend tbo of Mr Jewell Sunday The at dam is to water to run new mill now in course of election very ably and will coon completed Mis Book at Mr A Cimiee A cow to Mr atruck by a freight train on that bind broken aho bad to be kilted McCarthy left town tether Saturday to Qrantford A Training Home for the Army work Ax of domestic beta by Chief of the Department of Interior all of water were examined befog of rein water from lakes act Mootrul water held to be good Ottawa rir doubtful quality Avon of Stratford good Toronto city analysed Well at Perth Berlin were reported and at impute A priuttd a of Canada for revived from Oitawa and for which He ere to Hon Mr Calling a of it ia In a of prelinjinary la a villi all moat impor tant trentainCaLadiarj and Population end Vital Trad Office and Trie- Agriculture and taken Up a complete of A from Grand Trunk ha acquired another road iu Toledo Saginaw and line parallel rib of in t put the tittle and no IS on lU abort fit Trunk In two fLaa a Line fthklila the ioint in the uuW on at tuttily to At that of Toledo Ann Arbor and road will be need to a it with tie CraLd of Trunk that will Marl a taw lite Una- Friday night He in good ton- Mr J of St aon of JOi of town baa been appointed a notary public Mr A Steele of Toronto Grand Councillor of expected to the Gospel Mealing at oclock Sunday Ooacooactol chairman of arete School- Board Mr J P being ftwfty to waa no meeting onTntbdayerening Conductor one of Northern dropped at tat Stotcf and took a look ftroond with hi Mr Mr of Toronto id Town yeatvrdey- About ago had a bone inbia band while laid him off work Mr Job of waa calling on in Town libt Friday prior to tbi where be into on with wife of who at and were Sunday hie leu Mr arrived no bu at Fviot Mr will for New York in a couple wtt to cpt a the Mr yiiwUea Toronto pulpit aud gara an of School lo the city at tbo School week A event took in St be on in of Jobn liutter of Newmarket brother of Mr Hotter of ftnd MargtKt of pcrtoruLod In piMonoe of a Urge bar of by the Mr happy couple Ml on the train for Ottawa the boat of and of acoaca Point and the Lake Shore In the faat gaining in judging from the of Doc who ratUcatiog there moat bo thought to be healthy The of Temple of Toronto Point and highly pleated made by the Hotel Com pany for their comfort and with the faciHUea of it Dr P family fro at the old Shore Church To company with Mr Dr of Mount Albert with brother Dr of Bradford and scoped In at Tbfy will fifth to tell when home Jut they caught on a king fiab Monday a great day at tbe Lake addition to tonel Mr of company Winner of landed near fifty of finatau young man out to how Gib were rather them bagged or more than Dumber caught by any tingle rod were J J Thompson of Hill- J Two gentlemen ono Toronto the other a of Button had a good in ftudhaV to reach another part of fob- log ground take up the anchor and eftcr pulling bottom for a iheit but in rather profane languige bad hurled at the who them each ft heavy boat to row Ice and other etcetera were in demand at the end journey to we bare rather bad in our tillage if they mm will gat will not the they from Mi tent Saturday Monday are ftnd if the cure again w introduction follow A big dipping Jack are off their and Ihreihfoglt ttireibtd part of crop on Thursday of week root are looking very nicely floe rln a of familiar tut la Iter from Mr at Mm Kelly and f0Jlly at J at White out teacher Mr Arnold of bta at Deputy Tratle to bo all tbe go now They era going to parte of Mr children la I with of recovery Our general baa bets lately machinery No acVtunt of being ho Will a Hair a few months Soma of the In nearly through barrelling grain crop on the whole been a pretty fair yield My bailey my wheat teen week and I am cow at my fall plowing Mr who baa been low with an attack of pleurisy is now Wallace ia alto confined to bed through who are char itably will no turn all your to help the old lady The firttman captured a felon is to get him off to wilt patiently wail for him A new platform front of our Pott Office week if anew greeted there before long Great trouble the largo congregational QuatUrly Sunday of itself body a new church at once The were greatly one week by of a yoarjg lady I blue and her two A walchfultye ond I hare a beneficial effect an we are tore it is If ft atranger through no ft Sunday after the church were to judge from ftctiont of young he would of the ogr cemetery wu around Dont be Mr Stranger to the of attraction but call hero Sunday when you will I the town this Fidel I ftt Mr John at and Miu Maggie at Mr Biker our the auocoeded in adding to of accompliabaaeOK them that of an old raato to hear flat to with an Monday Jim Laring Union Street thinks that ha in the Kow Henry dont kep waitings but hare matter at once wo all of the Git ten I Go it I One of our farmer when pwpar hey found that After the by Thursday at placed at Two Kerry imported by have arrived at Quebec A FULL COLLECTION OK Til K FIRST CLASS MUSIC INSTRUMENTAL aiKkanJ wo adding f Congregational Church to at 11 ita Mr Ioon- fcS Alt THE AND HELP US PULL IT WE GUARANTEE greater portion of his crop be A typo typhoid baa broken out amongat la- mates at It bear the centra of baen left year but it a it wu found the Ag- Society waa held laat Saturday at which gaberal waa The ground and belonging to Geo and iQirhtch the fair waa held yqar leaded for the term of ten yean The Fair Mich a grand in lite yam ft felt by all that a be fitted up for It of wojo than ordinary merit announced to in on next at under the auapicoi of tie A Select Knight Marguerite A who to ail the a yeraago but baring graduated at the School of Oratory now dutiogulahtd of tcaebcr elocution in College at St Speaking of a recital Victoria the don it one of from an and a burly of boar atody of present population little over two hundred and fifty fivo thousand and patents by the Depart meat of Agriculture last Bradford men arrested for playing ball on ft Sabbath vera Coed 10 and cost t Angus McFlico eight old was drowned at Cornwall playing in a boat in Cornwall canal A fivcyerold son a farmer St a quantity of berries on died from oflVcta of poison Ton patrons of factories have been dis charged Inspector Whit ton vicinity of parties of had bis fall wheat cat on Tuesday- Ho it is Ijest crop ho baa had in twentylive yielding forty to the acre A visited the central wction of Missouri Tuesday morning Great damage to crop entailed and the losaea on town prop are heavy KiKGSToy Aug 3 Two of the children of Thomas Evan Verona perished by in tbrj of their mother They playing with matches and set their clothing on fire In fifteen they were shockingly of Windsor propeller lias been fined for up at and carrying them on to Cleveland in violation of the Act which prohibits Canadian trading American porta Aug 4 A atorm through this tion night in tho front of store tearing down Mr Turners windmill and carrying it a of feet from tho barn It also broke fence etc and injured the crops generally Aug Soma time Saturday night atoro of Smith of this place was broken into and about worth of goods consisting of watches chaias etc was taken There no yet to the burglara Frank Deacon an town ship farmer instantly killed by a kick from a horse Ho had just let animal through a gate and stooped to pick up the line when the beast by a fly kicked Mr Deacons daughter found turn dead by the gate We say a thousand good things and no credit for it but a that is displeasing ua all kinds of reproaches People do not learn bow to one thing against another and strike on they mtut atw all in their beliefs and prepossessions Wilson Star Three Chinamen murdered an girl the mouth of the river They to bo doctor and the girl for ill new They tore out the Jingual two email arteries the throat and other Informa tion r not given for five Two of have been captured Aug man named Bailey killed to day in mill at Port Bailey and caught on the carriage and on to the saw lie cut tu pieces lived in Port for a Jeavw a and family to mourn Aug While Mr John Whittleton of tbt village of Goodwood starting in and buggy from a town with hit thrteyeftrold the be came and the child out- The wheel over the boy and the horn of hind feet upon him inflicting what may faUl In Town on Montgomery a dftughtcr wife of fiteirrt of a Hunter Inst of Mr of fort of adaogbew At York on Ilia J J of Allbfl Wltf4lic3 the rath on by fr- It or to Mr John Murium fivNTOWAt Wontft icjii by itlw JctrtlG of Toronto Can In Initank lot irlfoof In en Nib of aged In Town tbe infant on of Mr mod and lit day S J As usual In the course of a few moi WILL BE I Hi Roche Composed of and Julius SEE BILLS FOR PRICES STATUTES- Kr ST NORTH Mil recede careful prompt AtteDiioo Oar MILUNBRY Wooiln HART 1888 SUMMER AuBJt ft SI do a up Fall per do do Rye Bran per lob a a a w a Butter roll per 15 a Batter tub do If a a a per a Apple per bit J IS a a 03 GO LJS IS NEWMARKET Methodist Church mi Our Toronto Markets Toronto Fall Wheat spring WbMt do do Barley a a a do 9 IIijprtOD KytipprdozD Jo per tofWrewt per OH a W a CO a a a a a J a 19 a CO A DA1 AT welcome t at iv Children Cry for Pitchers canibust a pair ok BOOTS OR SHOES AT FROM 10 TO ANY Amount of Aadorerwltlmre a John Montgomery 9leriisehv0ls and NOTES DISCOUNTED tat rite of Of- Mala SC ReOpen on August WlthaFall THREE MASTERS A new ta A lb full J fttiiii ga Mi 1 In state of Terms A A THE ONLY PLACE IK TOWN Pure Liquors can be obtained Brandies Cms Whiskeys in slock e Fine Old Tom Gin per GROCERY- Fresh Family Groceries always in block Teas a speciality a fin Indian good in Japan or It AH Sizes of Glass SelfSealers P J My Mills will bo shut down af to lake for All Kinds of Coal At Carter FARM FOR JL lib or wtUHlJJtCQtory cri Jirm of tiro or ul Appllo KOI C1 tor c A nMadirtoplciori or iinb J0D4 fcy ihtircrdcrwUh VALUABLE FOR fiAliii For Two or Three months as I purchased a f which will bo Iho second mill in Shopping every AT Nubile lloiitr4l r i by Aicilon Aiiluta iUJ Saturday August 18 1888 At latlt To- called or the tin- it 1Ui IWi ordinal txjTJlcBf Id il id a of ttUc4Uofcl0y Toronto He i4jlbJ or J if Or rgjafarm ino or 4l la lit It tj re- cot will bo put up In Jt VUIU10M kutjcl wenty Trek to fUiu torto fDwc too terra bo DONE f i Ik TIC ft i An fropotcx lUa For COME NOW IS YOU It TIM J BARGAI HATH at Half iho Infants from all an Ujtwards and Other in all Tho at QLOVEfl in and Dart Upwards THESE HAVE JUST Door to

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