tm i ir nr Friday Morning if GIVE MB TO KNOW TO TO iBBLAp00BPJ9G NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ant Vol 29 Cents Each Single Cop Newmarket Ont Friday Aug 10th Terms Cash in Advance within or at end of year ONTARIO Newmarket Allowed IT DRAFTS ffl firman INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loan iiiiitHon fi0fl una com China Hall Aid or tfiocfc Co of to of our alienor wrile- for ftullior w A HOE Insurance Agent Main St IKQAL Will Not farmers flwrcbbd fori do r fccidi fa o blue found foarUif pal It En Fcr IibiUmur The Grit my viewj la J MRHlilTJSIL Iubllo good Farm a KMl Toronto loJ A coo Ac A J for of Ac Op- OUT J AtDAHTEDO Fire and TO WAN AT flriUcCfliiBocuiUy II O NT London Old Market VA bod ttl MUCirOKi ftUff Notary T WAN Si It TO Dominion ArtAKtIIAlUD rvrootonnd Uoci York for dOU nil train ML A filtADUATK and of WOW to Trent All AtiliaaU on 51 1m 10 and JR J A J All order will receive god ho loft at my arid Vlctorlq LADIES AND GENTLEMEN You buy Dinner Sols Lamps and Fancy and Plain cheaper China Hall than House in Town In order to convince you of act Do nob fall to give bom a call- Wore buying r just a of Dinner Beta direct importation which at TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES This stock of Fresh Family Groceries takes load being the finest and cheapest in town In fact thoir prices and goods knock tbem all clean oat verdict SOLICITED to hex linn Id be ran Kg door Hid i wo And ud For Woa I will 1cUoto In tod Hill be I know youre told true With bating bent Till the loci log up looked od if Orders by promptly to A SMITH raiHlAGT your a AI to llie of la I cm i I I a t 8 WAN A ill OK nil times York or Miwy will bo on ftiuowo a nay bnBunpned fit Any Era ACCIDENT 1 K it a kg a Agency for Auroa lit the oro and lcisuranc ftly12 Notary Public Auxoift CO SUPERIOR GROUND OIL- CAKE Dispensing Department only with purest drugs and care to compounding of is given PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY OPEN SUNDAYS FOE DISPENSING P BAILEYS BAKERY CAKES -AND- LYMAN of AAflHlAOE OAPITAL AND FUNDS- 9000000 dollars iwo year in J Agent- SIMPSONS j FRESH- GROCERIES Also Canned Best Flour delivered to all parts of the Town at Mill prices tar ICE CREAM PARLOR OPRN FOR SEASON MAIN STREET ISgalfl to ibADk you Solicit a Continuance DRUGS Leading MAIN SIZE SPECIMENS A All or Mir- font 1 Work A III Fallot TOILET SO SPONGES Cream Please Come Again MRS SIMPSON DR FOWLERS EXT OF CURES Morbus IARRHOEA ALL SUMMER COMPtAIHTS FLUXES Of THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS Cigars and Tobaccos SAILEY TheBlrtbdayOIft By my dwr in of romantic ideas you made what world calls a good match cheeks burned and there an expression of in her soft violot For a moment eifent con impulse to speak in that moments her low and as I married Mr Aunt Sarah ho noblest Wat man J over know I his was an honor to mo gave my heart Mm Of course dear A very pretty wjfely speech But when girls of nineteen marry millionaires of fifty wo old worldlings call it a very match No who knows Gerald aton would wonder that ho won Jovo of any woman ho sought Horn But ho a very hard stern man You will to care ful not to incur his displeasure Remember Helen And by the way her loss will probably be your gain repeated expressed Otter bewilderment that her aunt added Is it possible your husband has told you nothing of Helen his only daughter told mo that he had lost all his children His three sons died but Helen eloped with of her nth or a clerks He never forgave her She is a widow faow with one child and slowly sinking into con- know her Well my dear before I went abroad aho sewed for grateful for a little notice from one of her old friends that really was willing to for ridiculously small prices So when I returned I found her out again II I am going up there today if you have any curiosity about her you can go too 1 would not mention whoyoa because she might bo l should like to see her We will go now so that you can bo hero again when Mr Thurston for you What train do you taker This is the first whole day I in the city I was married I came only to gee you today Well then you can go where I BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT LATEST DESIGNS IN WALL CANADIAN AMERICAN AND BORDERS INSPECTION INVITED STARR Central Telephone Ofpce CAUSE EFFECT lh0 lr-iT- triiMh In Are SICK KtUNEVrrfrlieiF SKI IKPURIltSOF 81000 I IfVKATrVtHCAUSE ARISING Groat Spring Medicine PR for Infants and UpUd to lhl I i Stepping into her carriage Mabel driven to a narrow street where the fashionable wealthy widow bad found tho daughter of the millionaire willing to keep starvation from child The room the ladies entered was small and meanly furnished The lady who roso to meet them with her pallid cheeks and great hoi low eyes was yet wonderfully like the strong handsome man who had won the inestimable treasure of Mabels love While Mrs Hillbonmo talked of the sho desired Mabel made wth a little girl of four years old who demurely dressing a rag doll looked op to the beautiful woman who spoke to her with the dark eyes that from mother and grandfather and while she was shy she answered the questions about doll with all h subject demanded Polite the admitted was torn and dirty and her face could not be wash ed though it Badly needed cleansing lastly aha would do just what the lady if she her tho inonpy to buy a new she would hold it in fact in her hand till the lady had gone and then take it to and her it lo buy doll with a hat and red that the had seen in a hop window the be Then a tenpound carefully folded was fait in tiny and hold till the ladite their All the tAlbtd of flelen She had been a petted child in in every whim leaver con trolled Always in delicate health her fethefhd feared the demon of con- which had deprived of wife and and iw doghtr ft when Rant It cot but footle unreliable character that father for the to croaa his darling She bad thought ho would easily forgive But the blow too sudden tho disappointment too great Every letter was returned answored and finally Helen lost hope Mr wad away when Ernest died Mrs Bill- bourne and he did not return until after you were married how long ago Two months We had been at homo but week though when our letter came telling mo you wore ere Helen does not fcnow you are hero though saw the announce the marriage la the paper It is as well cannot lire through another winter A shudder ran through Mabel What had to do moat bo dono quickly- When reached her her already there I stole a holiday ho said kissing the face raised gladly op for his embrace for I suddenly what do you think I cannot guess- This is my birthday- I am fifty two to day Mrs- hid gone to her own room to removo her bonnet Mabel and her husband alone in the drawing close to him patting her hand on his arm the little wife said with a voice trembling with eager ness I wish you would accept a present from too saw something I would dearly like to give you you will not to refuse it I should refuse a gift from Mr Thurston said deriogly Will you promise to accept this one I promise Let infl go for it I will return very soon The is watting yet I will bo here She was while her husband still wondered at her earnestness Mrs- supposing her guest had both departed in the car riage Mabel had asked permission to for an hour was indulging in a nap Up and down the long drawing- room millionaire paced slowly thinking of sweet fair face that had to bring into his lonely life- A very lonely life it pad been for five long yeare since bis only child had repaid bis idolizing love by such base ingratitude But perhaps he was to blame that had never before that strong will- No doubt Helen his for would bo easily won and he had been cruel in bis fitern resolve not to look again upon her face Poor Helen I Had she been happy in her choice He bad spent many many thinking of her radiant beauty her brilliant mind ever by the memory of how had repaid bis worshipping love But to day were emo tions Was it the touch of Mabels soft hand pleading in her violet eyes She was gone a long time What gift would bring him that was precious she feared ho would refuse itl He the stop There was a light step across the hall up stairs Not Mabel then Mabel would come to him at once Weary with waiting and disap pointment too Mr Thurston Eat down in great arm chair and drew a email stand with a photograph album near to him- With the shadow of his recent memory pictures upon his broad brow he looked his fiftytwq years The irongrey hair heavy still and his eyes were brilliant with intellect and rigor but the curves of his mouth wre and his attitude was listless While ho turned the leaves of his album with a alow touch the door opened and a child entered the room A child of marvellous beauty with long chestnut curls falling around a slender neck and large dark and soft a fawns a drew of pure white fell around the smafl figure Mr Thurston turned deadly pale The little seemed to have come to him from a long dead past the past when Helen was child a to pet While he wondered the child said in a clear Grandpa I am Mabels birthday present The room seemed to reel around the strong men Grandpa It Helens child hi daughter dead had found this lovely over which his heart yearned already Grandpa sweet voice said again will you not kiss met Mabel you would Tenderly as if she was a sacred trust Mr lifted the child to his knee and kissed Ihj rosebud mouth Tell your nam little one he Helen Hunt call mo Nellie Where Home Home aint as nice as the child at the long beautiful rooms came you here little com for a long story she me her name was with other lady this and she gave pie the money for a new doll When I gave it to mamma she cried whatdoyon suppose she cried for I cannot tell dear Well sho did she pat the money and told me tomorrow aha wpnld get and coughed and had to lie down Ob please dont For a groan had broken from the fathers lips No dear no Tell me the rest I vaa playing when Mabel came again talked to mamma a long time and they both cried and Mabel kiss mamma God bless her l Mamma said that Then mam ma I might go to rido with Ma bel First she bought all these pretty clothes see new boots and drew and all Then we came and she took mo upstairs and washed me and my hair and dressed Then ahe brought me to the door and told mo to come in and say Grandpa I am Mabels birth day present If you kissed me I to ran and tell her Ill go now Down she scrambled and ran to the door- When came back led Mabel by the hand Mabel very pale and trembling a little- Bat lifting eyes the young wife knew her loving darling act had brought no anger to her husbands heart Dearly as he bad ever loved her there was added in his as he folded her in a close cm and said May God bless you Mabel for restoring my to me You will let her home Mabel pleaded eagerly She is Very ill The home yours was the grave reply It is for you to decide whether my daughter and her hue band live there Did yon pot know she was a widow Noj I never heard that Hunt Was dead- Ho died two years ago Where is Helen is she poor Tenderly yet sparing nothing of the bitter truth Mabel told what she knew of Hunts marriage end widowhood and of struggle for mere food that was adding its burden to the sorrow of sickness and pain Mrs- her shoulders and thought Mabel had carried sentiment to an extraordinary when her came to the room to beg a further loan of car riage and in a few rapid words ex plained I will again in a day or two auntie for a really long day Mabel but if you willing wo will drive directly to the train now and Helen home as soon as possible Very well Give my apologies to Mr Thurston I wilt not detain him now whilo drees In the carriage listened with wondering eyes while Sirs Thurston told her of beautiful home soon to be her own whilo Mr Thurston alone went to seek his child Nellie bad heard of the peacock the canaries the little room that should be her very own the flowers the fountain and ell the Baking Powder Facta The following hints may prevent some housekeeper from being Imposed upon If when two samples of baking powder are tested by mixing with cold water one of them boils op effervescing and the other rises more slowly foaming like yeast and perhaps standing over the top of the glw it is an evidence of purity of the former and the of the latter The different action of the accond caused by the addition of flour or lime or both- Put a little in the other and mix it thor oughly then stir into and the same result is produced the action more or less slow accord ing to the amount of flour added Cure for Cramp la the Leg LIST WEEK CIIAKOBCiili Typhoid foyer alarming extent Fourteen id a tenement fc York last Friday A serial fire origin occurred at on Tuesday night beauties of the home on the Hudson before grandpa came back to the carriage with mamma loaning upon arm Ob mamma the child cried we are going to such a beautiful new home Yes darling grandpa said Mamma has been crying again said the child Do you cry when you are glad I Sometimes 0 I Mabel says My dear interrupted ton do you allow your grandchild such terrible familiarity 1 My The merry ringing laugh interrupt ed Mabel So she is papa her own dark dancing too become Nellies grandmother Thurston when you take upon your flhoulders duties of Helens Mr Thurston says it is the oddest thing she ever knew but really Mabel stems a bit that took Helen her child home And really she would add now that Helen is getting stronger it is certainly the pleasantest bouse I ever saw And Mabel knowing her band had lifted from her husbands its heaviest burden has regretted the birthday gift that gave her added love in her home from sod loving woman who was rescued from povertys bitterest pain and the beautiful child who called he by he Appalling title of Grandma Mabel I The Power of a Tract A young Hindu of some education fell into habits And in his ex tremity stole from his aunt Pass ing on his way he found in his the Heart Hook a small treatise translated and printed in own language On reading it his atten tion was arretted and his conscience aroused He went home confessed his theft and restorwl the woney For six months read and ro read description of his own the little book His conscience so and dead before now gave him no rest His ad vised him to go to a friend in a near tillage who had a larger book which called He went Mammal borrowed the friends Bible and it as ho had read the Heart was converted ceased nil idola trous and rite end wis baptised His family persecuted him cast him out performed bis fun eral rites but ho lives an earnest Christian News has come from Quebec regarding the want of rain and dam age to the crops The root crop ap pear to bo suffering most The drought causing the greatest MX- The is unusually low In many section in the vicinity of Quebec the drought is Supplemented by Many persons of both greatly troubled cramps in both legs usually just after going to bed It comes on suddenly and is severe Moat peoplo jump out of bed and auk some one to rub their leg When a patient is to cramp provide a strong cord A long will do if nothing elw is handy- When the cramp cord wind it around the leg over the place where the cord is cramped take en end in each hand and Rive it a sharp that will hart a little Instantly cramp let up and the sufferer can go to bed assured it will not come back again that For permanent cure giro about six or eight cells of gal battery with the negative polo applied over spot that cramps and the positive pole the thigh Give it for ten minutes and repeat every week for a month An Offset A hired man who has been employ ed on a farm in New Jersey entered action against employer other day for balance of wnges amounting m he claimed to suit on trial in Justice Alky and it looked at first an if the had a clear case He gave dated end figures in a the farmer took the he said I claim an offset for that for I honestly owe it What is your said the lawyer He isan unbeliever In what Why in the Bible What has that got to do with your justly owing him Ithasij03p3 to do with it bad six hands in my employ and wo were hurried when I hired this man He had not been us two days when ho stopped the reaper in tho middle of the forenoon to disputo about Daniel in the lions den and io three we had a knockdown about the whale swallowing Jonah The man who runs the mower got to about and drove over a stump and damaged the to extent of eighteen dollars The next day my boy broke leg frhile climbing the fence to listen to the row Worst of all my wife said she didnt Elijah was fed by the ravens and bang it all I found myself weakening over Noah and the Hood This is my offset and if he was worth anything Id sue him for 1000 besides Grains of Discontents from our desires than from our want Our characters to make our repu are often made for A thief panes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich- If you would not fall ino not sit by the dctfr of temptation Good will like a good name is got by many action end lost by one The more we help others to bear their burdens the lighter oars will be We never injure our own charac ters so much when we attack of others Knowledge is dearly bought if we sacrifice to it moral qualities We would often bo ashamed of our best actions if the world saw the mo tives which caused them Some men use no other means to acquire than by insisting on it and it sometimes answer pur- Marine T is the at the sea side J Three thonsan cholera China in sixty had week with the Annual American Canoe Assoc Aurora has for the High expects to give the A garden on ville by the Methodist for fire protection payment W be r Beech ia to be boomed by with stock taw for the coming y struck thirteen mills on the dollar A man named killed by light tending at a bar ar Stratford- Another damage to Davis Store Sanders fortune Patrick found in the Almshoil Island When a lamp boil the burner in The gummy oil will be removed i burn brilliantly By the bursting wheel in a saw Geo out and bis recovery is donbtfc The West Butter Company another largo IU This yet made by the A tramp of bullying women in the men were ten At night stove and of pose a it does a highwaymans io Hotel- It to money A man of character roog makes enemies but because ays man has many enemies you can rot quite sure that ho ia a man of strong character There are four good reasons why you should not learn to ate strong drink Your head will be clearer your health better your heart lighter and puree heftier Do tho best you can where you and when that is done you will see an opening for something better Temperance is that due restraint upon the affections and passions which renders the body tame and govern- able and frees the mind from the lurementa of vice grows on people It be gins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains The more business a man has to do the mora he is able to ac complish for ho learns to economize time Cook of expects bis barley to yield bushels to the acre Aug A fatal accident occurred afternoon on Alga branch P some west of Mills It appears thut two section men nam Morrison and Henri were between their on a hand car whan a westbound freight on to lift the car from the track but were not quick enough cutting It to fearfully mangled while ikrgr who both li maimed if expected to A new car promise Wen of recent tests on the J railroad gave every tali There has been sale slaughter of the Peterborough- tried the entrance exam managed to pats and tl o to mended A Canadian for smuggling Kingstt was caught and and sacks confiscated Sail inan was Coed drunkenness attempt from the lockup and- to his wife rainy sumtn culminated on a tremendous downpou London district and to the di feet and drowning sheep cattle May of Johns and killed Do fc known young mart of and then blew her took place in rtlrd and Do Knlgt to leave when ho moved in good society found the girl she was to Cretonne of used for decorating robfl to be is wall Out of fortr recently examined in free from only faint traces of it larger trices eleven 4 very bad and nine nineteen and arsenic to the greens and were while red were heavily will It can act lawmen Some vagabonj past off growing pa grflti field laid it in the Paris on it Mr Brian upon the and the frightened and made Mr Iteeor had some in the died from the poison cow lhat was pastured fild is bad and entertained at time I acUrs cannot to suffer the treatment richly deserve would be too peristal