RAILWAY fl a i B 1 OS 235B ft AIL WAY ALL IJUlTlhJI VflijUU ATK1N80N BURNT OFFERING THIRD IN- TVl of Hit inrti Id Of tit In offering to tt of At lb la to offering what tu to for Cor Ihoj and ben tin la Pit 1 offering ibowi Cbrfj perfect giving fljjdnKTiflc to tBpiLTSi ndlbaiprtcnt- to QodMwwibJpcn tie put lhOW pur John mid rtuJt ii toU iCoL I Root in tfaU Oral bullock a or kid bulk web a burnt of tcAngnxiA by a tto to of ftbllltx of offerings and In thocuo Of lh On w cot able a flnt ard nil w for a or teach a but very im of acrJQco of A for In look to J emu at with unto UMwltptke of tit cherubim III off mI of l2m atpool Chrtit If any man of offering uDto Ho to comes but VboovTcr will may and him that In way that bo will no way cut out A to typa of without aM wltboQtfpol wUlloduotimovacat tho of glory with all pal tnm Al though bad to lay M bi blood that Ha of of and of Only It said In pv no Ha no tin Ho did do Ha laying down of hi man it from but I lay It down of atlL pal hand tba born folly JdeotlfylD with It If to l to for My Ju but this try to but to Ncr a or Never wound foci of a talk or laugh aloud In public placet or upon forgot that baa ItJ origin fa or Never to do anything you danger Do not another to do not bo glad to do tinder atmllar circumstance omit to perform a kind act when It can bo dooe with any reason able amount of Mover wound of or up on Do not at of you would not wish to upon youraclvco that good thougbU filled with and to- flhoment and tranatatcd Into be haviour Bo not oatontatioui In or bo vul gar that fit time and Jto rudo to harms not and poorest to whom It la directed but It Injure exhibitor treat with or inferior with arroganca as kindly to ft to occupying a to older visitors and superior Offer thorn the Wat at tablet by firoandthofiratof thing Go farther form and that comfort ftbtfl happy Pittsburg Dispatch July 27 Mr Collector of Inland of this yesterday Illicit distillery In full operation in at foot of WJ McMillan wu tried today and convicted was fined and proprietor was considerable of malt and crushed grain and about gallons of mash A Myrtlo correspondent to a Whitby paper gives details a imposition practised up on farmers of that neighborhood Ho A raan him solf to bo vory wealthy settled him self down among and purchased somo of the boat farms in country promising a fixed by to pay agreed had use of horses and and way in way by farmers from whom ho purchased But a days day for settlement arrived ho was no to bo found and has not been heard of since in local ity It is ho is a profession al operator on tho confidence of the has this of getting a liveli hood Ho is described as dark tall in stature well built with a heavy black and ho speaks with a French accent farmer who wore deceived by him put to great and loft work on farm us Relieved to be sold and thus in somewhat un fortunate position and to pay dearly for their misplaced trust On an lilt of iiio avorigamiuhwlU bill way Ulnar Of squire i- wit- and Or Fowl- ort Wild jrorapl all from tfiver AfdURtallkiU a a a blood Without of no not or ball or of to takeaway O can dot from all I all toptom applied all with by la Him KtiltoUfiay a Oil iorMl mini tut that to will of and for filory action In fca burnt no only aj a but to all III Art wu to think of In nil tturylng wood Abraham in thco a Unit latar aUir tha wood laid In crdts and Laid roadyto bo bo and to and oof Jiml wooded wfa to and actually dl1 offering oM offering tin braaea altar to of boUniai aooelna aa a offering and offering but tba fin to of of Jwu both sin wflrtflg for oar dm ud a to alio of with tha thai In to to the and wfUKottha wordjjthc flrrt lie aaof of that which la lthoi4axdthi fat fat of a tot It UodV lb fully to by 9 fct ha In waihlag watar ttAooKuyxilally to naJlty ban ail on altera Pan of by jcicau to all all for to Tflfi fellowship Ibt Chrtrt ecrwvifloa Thai which wat only can 4Tcr lftl ot to til things and bow to aU airrlc to icnUlntrarytttofc ha to who wci J An J and cured by iuof8coUa It he vlrtuwi of Cod form W oat Ibo In market Very Throat in tod A Comet lament is made by Out who fllood for and flod It to lta I ever by at one dollar via tick girt her ins a Chad for clang to the to by and Tot remedy and Wild Hater ratal The Baking Powder TO TOM nn or cjlimwat The by TtttkcrofNtw YoiV afforded lost Iht tpott pro duced to of the food tad day to ualju and was fiiux and best He procured from in and of thtllht wu and all of Iht by a local a of an with which It reported it Doctor It that oat of our baking powder to dttcrtdit the report la the with to for iht by your lad Prof yxi tad were Prof Tucker say tht Royal powder It to which yea It my report Whereto Doctor which yea Cod fa the other my report to the put Eerily Hi propriety of to- In exact proportions of chemical accuracy and with they combined At It I a powder for ttceagthtod wholuotAtaeti Doctor lady would like you to loform vhtt are the Wilder other tod icoft of bUoultandctkt That would a of a lecture ihe of the powder the quicker It to tbe the belt of the dour which art in the the acid by nieof tad Id of tweot uddfgtitlble food other log r ft ready for us the acid aod are In lo or to reader the amoaot and Icata mora thin a which reiolt cream of are tad la the for It will where that other tff will laikiu ilia food tie Utter tad of tiller winch be procured by the adoltertld to he an the or Its the All these difflcoltfei are He J in of a pare prop powder Will will they their J H prosily A perfect or bite their Itrgtty by lbs addition of large titles of float to rstthod by which both qualities la tht perfect belters fully in the powder whit about la of Ite higher rts of It or Quite tired Tor ia tbo fioe4t Itiiatery It gas no reildaatn it to do the entire work of aeration am it would be he acme Some the aolboritiei at I this preference to or other ktodt of It admitted to be a and of will it I when I biro read the that hire hroUfth or Harvest Good Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose Barbed Smooth Fence Wire Builders Hardware Dry Building Paper Tarred Felt Pitch Rubber Paint in all Shades in all Tints- Wilkinson Plows kept in stock Tons Binding Twine to be Sold Cheap JAMES who their powder Cot Contain their powder lacks a whoItioce and tot But fay origin Its critic and method of ere filthy are tha of All talk the A he blauelf to aay tocb It li for powder to to the or by It It either harmful or dirty AmtncoUexUU In the very air we breathe tad largely it a Cooaumptlonttarely Cured To Inform evttbtt I have a yoJUte the aimed bare per- I my any of your they toad roe tad P DR TA hi Tor Madro fill tome reason in placed or that It Afternoon Hat gained In bet What the I ttaJdyrtUtoMrtO AM that remedy did to much for yoo and me wcej etiAChe there no to Or Fie ret JeJ lota A core tot A fie this danctroQt complaint ail or of core- rail to be an oitoieloe During a recent thunder storm struck tele graph pole a west of it on or four pole in vicinity badly with aatno Id the Patent Office Ottawa oil Tuesday of week a patent taken out for a doll which con- versa affably in aweot treble morning would put a threeyearold baby to He Did Not Believe In God- In a liquor tried by Police Magistrate of Geo tbo officer In a touts asked that tho defendant aworn He took up the Bible it to hit lips and I hen following colloquy on Mr Shaw attorney- Do you in Defendant that Attorney Do you In Defendant What God God mentioned In that Attorney Ye Defendant No flir Attorney Do you believe in Scriptures and Defendant No Attorney What do you Defendant I In doing right and good fifogtatrato refuted to hear a declaration find thereupon lined Mr for break ing Scott Act Official roporte show that wheat will bo an excellent crop rye far above the and the yield of and barley fair If over waa a victim misplaced world it man who imagines that ho making congregation that bo is wide he ia taking a nap in church On Thursday evening of individual en tered the Bleeping apartment of Mr Green agent of and therefrom living entrance by means of ladder placed to tho window of the room Willie Little aged three eon of Air John Little of Burlington was kilted other day A colt six years old was drinking at a water trough and the little fellow pacing behind animal received a kick in the breasts After the the child ran about twentyfire and down expired I Died lately- a July Win Archer principal in a rape at the here at Golden today noon by on Koonody it for the who claim that in defence Archer him with a hoe Kennedy up A it being held amount of and death among infanta Aurora and vicinity this summer great During the put week no than air deaths occurred and there are twentyfive or thirty children sick No special aaon can bo for so much audden change in the weatber Baxter An tella of a achool who introduced a novel fiytrim of When of girls muses a word boy who spells it correctly is per mitted to girl are improving rapidly but it feared that under the arrangement girls will soon forget how to spoil their own The World the only we know of the early closing act works will take a down to Bradford he will find another spot where the cheer fully and faithfully observed J Ditto whoro early closing bu been observed for at p Saturdays Mitchell Advocate tells of a hail storm which over that section of country on Monday even ing of week committing havoc with all kinda of grain in fiomu fields being threshed out as clean as if done with separ ator Win GrwnwocW Logan had defitrocd almost thirty of barley and others suffered almost as badly i ties uera at4 all WEAK NERVES aXfrrs paltry ex rt It curt RHEUMATISM rarla ItdrfTMCctihvUcUc d rtatom tba true for KIDNEY COMPLAINTS CauaTCOKrocirDqQicklyrwtcrii loptrfKt tilth with tobies it DYSPEPSIA f CauY of iht vent of CONSTIPATION a tic to Col- ccoomifi4 in ud od for CO Prop Montreal RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE FOR Largest Stock or J wilJiallat LOW It wilt to AUTHORS C0X of MMDS of ita Human spinal I Joint Knrk Bow Lf Etc POWDER Absolutely Pure A raarrcl of moo with ha IHod of low pho THE BRIARS FARM West Choice of Head of SHORTHORNS by Duke by or Bow 1 and Herd Book PRESENTS to W ccb or lo a rho will Cut tittle ihc nJ a mill Aoy or for BREADMAKERS YEAST rile of tbli hint to BREAD of tbl tea to y It tier bread FIVE CENTS wind ft or will Lo who Jo Pitchers TO LOAN ONRaalEtUUIoiutot up lo Reasonable Interest Rates Jackson y THE NORTH END AC STORE up with goods times Dross Goods Prints Ginghams Shirtings Towels Towellings Canadian Scotch English Tweeds j Boots Shoes lists Caps and CLASS GROCERIES L M SHINGLE WE NOW TO SUPPLY WITH FLOORING HIDING MOULDING BI and A CALL IS SOLICITED To inspect goods and prices J A DALES THANKFUL FOR THK LIBERAL WB SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME TURN OUT GOOD -AT- lowest Possible THE CANE SONS NEW A A OR TO LET gEVBRALFAH5iS FOR SALE- Good lropioT4proprtr SEASON SPECIALTIES At New next door to Main Street BUILDERS HARDWARE GROCERY BUSINESS Halt or bouts to Apply on itnprtmi4 11 OR AT A MECHANICS TOOLS HI And Blacksmiths Supplies kept in stock GARDENING AND FARM TOOLS all land on Full lino of Cutlery and Oils Glass and Putty An Paints for yean In ibe Tloware A tor wcurfag a of Park a Tory to Coo Cut ACRES ton After Terms to a Apply to to I wy Hop w J tcIf bo a of my AM will dXCUR SALE ENTIRELY NEW J A ALLAN CO JLi IS IAS TAILOR CORNER OF MAIN ST PARK AVE now to furnish suits equal in finish to house the trade Having had years a FirstClass Fit or no Pay Stock of on to GEO BISHOP IK Carriages SUEREYS PHOTONS Harness Wips o Main St Newmarket AND ST Utf J Ibt Gran or of 1 if Hotel a pAviitUM coin ief Apply W ft u pi jiti to axooo AM ihcifl AreofTtridverriow SaIesmenWanted New Established over 30 Years Old Men are fob GOOD PAY STEADY WORK Write for term to tiff ABB CU5IPANY Wood or 81 DASSWOOB trio oral KillWAya NOTICE AD- lSSierfbtrclcclr ideratou tor aCopplOf up an inat of Varrbuwpueei bo To wo of rforibomoiocbyttireeL will be thereby who to be tore by are At- Dated IblalJtb DAVID LLOYD Clerk A IteJ- roTCooflclL Major WRIGHTS Formerly Ruses P AND DOMINION ORGANS STOVES TINWARE i HOUSE FURNISHINGS Prices To Suit The Time OP ask WW emtc Put up l a tbe little t ContU lion pro Jt and cared Pierce I udrem drtitfffi or And Elegant in Canada Sjxcial given to Spring to buyer No Note Discounted Bank conjiog to City welcomed And given a hour Muiic J CO No King St Woat Toronto And Ihrmto from to Vtry PATENT tor boon as fir wood totoibe And AcrHAioeberSt it ale And low to oei IN J VOl TO l rtlAIW tenth If Him a jB of in liocotouii drurrVw I To Aoy ordinary vlodv a I i Gobds Exchange POT Wool Pick a at my voice ipy And Remedy WJ And cure from fcirUy