A AUG Local OR Mr Good aold to of Toronto to proclaimed run for at low 0- lid iul cargo of lion Pall Director the it 0 hf ibt Fill tod of Runaway to Mr ran Into Itwf badly lb T Mr of Ml id- iuued let Wwtlog fa after- tod l8 fair for it School Party Toll Gait ttotoft u ud decerned by Holland bind ud by me and til wall pleated Jlb program ting ia ih of Bran ton on kept portion of of a dog in dork viol Into on art rim dog ft of boxe their lbs floor Dp of cotton but whit probably worried he bad wriggled very bolt It to hoped Ho wont do It again rat w laiwaliDg to 36l27 hot akJ for lt bt Wrktt Oiidta biro beta In Ibe neigh From good till for 60 Montreal at and Quite it abont a dollar year on the lo Moowmln from Toronto to No tod learlcg for Fins playing rtL almost get ljcW Wednesday i fro to at end of Vftoo Street neir Folio a a car be timely of a goo a pill of water any will pity child ten cautioned An apology duo In Jut Ha to do Aodu wo Ot vc lied but fc dllCOl till Wtdowlf we It occur A on Regular it Feu 14 lU Ad old o arc of loibi for ibe luttux It in ffu out by fclloffiaji found Ibdugcrgu fcutltUvczcwy bo And trouble of to to The id no to a jifiVu hi own geU HI- quarrel for about two bourt night copied with ircfirrllj bejood tod word wueefiktotbft to tbedlf A won he ud wu dim ud til of for good I for be peace tod ud bis wife or time the people iQtheefgbborhood beea ud It Ij hoped fioe wil good eiTeol At of the Allen ud futitj to ittj iota end to before tie MQledtbceprtMQt would not upon ittmieWw of tbe 14th of for meeting wu put Eo type It bwa decided to tlonibe Meor to proclaim Holiday pxoTided the Corapeor from Toronto On Sunday ereulogluti while from tbla Town by two ladlee wore re turning from at raut iiicq w would lo la of 3rd Coo of to whom they 0 ft when No left gentleman the who between women wu in the of heed a alone beflogcut thole hie bet Wad lb bun of a be no doubt make It warm for certainly not go I Ft More thau fifty New uiH01dFtllow9 ucomputed by expect to be in Rarrie next vhichiat general field day In the Grud Town nnmbering logetber with Baud leave return on We to Ibe At it Aqaim Garden thieve are work and judging from employed to recape toia lie ftwakehilf of night About Wtiglt lut mid by a from dim of moon on fclreel robbing by dirt from the Without affctiDg the next will borne coo- Two Una week booked for near Good for the Mr A I bad the beet garden In Town year la corn building quite an addition to hit woodabed from Aaron tonight Work commenced on the Tenner Mr Geo tendency A plcnlced at Point here ahortly after a fell to on the St bridge Wed- afleraooo after trying to pile the on again the drirerleft a portion to adorn the Party held at The onmore R a cool waiting upon which to be ilEaoto the evening week two or little were tbe track on Timothy bad It cot for Engineer and little daughter or Mr J E wontd certainly been ren by tbe The little child was playfully tide of the rail watching the train and of although by train eliciting lie and Mr who wu going home to saw tt dinger grabbed the child just engine approached bridge crossing the Ho it would Wo been for tbe to atop before reaching the child and had not be certainly not have succeeded in preventing an accident It a be a warning to all children not to linger or the railway croaing5 caution their tn thi What Will Do A jok coupled a article always a powerful In Mr It a the energetic implement agent who t4 through Cm no thin which are all doing wtrlr giving ihe Very of Uafl a Urge quantity of llarria A Co manu no than Ti fat era of wllicg It Early which for two a lolo Stephen rjt Q CO Awe them Ha the and the animate for time dtmigea were placed at a J Iwtetlatit- it coil to The and already x year would pay thereof a fieH then Wit m have to do who feed at the cor will that It dont pay too The tables of an Ice Co New York were Tuesday morning and cremated The formerly owned by Senator near Ottawa were burned Wednesday Two lives are reported to lost Peter on lot in Con mare and colt killed by on the Midland on day a July Two young unmarried Scotch men recently from Glasgow named Angus and Thomas drowned in When in the water they both slipped a slanting rock into deep water and grabbed each other nd never rose to surface lis I an an fjlaadt an Hall la mi acid- A Laud la a portion of Into Iota will o fluo ft aait irrtatbg ffta light auspla ai PfubjUriu P York of Aeroraand bod at addition to baa beta Mmpl4td and to tha aa wall aa f tho Mr Ralph It work We to bear that a an going to two of oar ihorllj Mr Allan aod Mr Graham farmer do Ilka to but ft married man who will pot ft a large a Urge collar on a amall no of car genu got tpllt oat of baggy log from bit beat boot lad deeply engaged la thought whta od t of week it woa derfally aboat the eholr bat InilUllooa art paaaod around aamt will limply get left Mr Uugh Campbell la to fall wo all expect Mount Albert art all baa Mr J expected borne from the NcrlfaWea week We be fill be The of tow lu bead roof will be order Mr Cherry la blfoeetr do credit of lit Doreaaoaable ire apparently all favorably Wo with acoalloaed We are terry to aWle Mr It lying ill by the of a blood itrribly medical attefldint baa of hit reenvery A Captain gate valedictory oo Sunday night There la a afloat that we ait to a factory In to be mo by joint company with capital of or wo ffant Fa i Flit a Kettleby obliging Mr Kobt Archibald been obliged to of fala owing to continued We that a real trills cupete Mr Car of la the and hi to tilth the late proprietor he la ac- painted wants of community rannloK order and will be kept grain to Mr Mr hare formed a partner- that will old mill ham Mia daughter of John Lloyd who baa been down with a light tench of diphtheria about convalescent We other caeca are In the nelghborhKM- The Bind ia getting on finely Their garden party netted a little A up In Tillage which fair for Mr Lloyd to enjoy a controlling in threat Sutton r da tt ENTS SEE WHEW TEA THE TOPICAL TALK DAVISON DOWNS I No Excitement about Tea 9ince the load it offered to the Suitings and Over a century ago in to taxation Not we bring our Tea West our GREAT CANADIAN DOMINION AT FREE FROM DUTY And gives a Pound of THAT DELIGHTFUL BEVE A PURE FINEFLAVORED JAPAN For cento very littlemore than the i Dont let the swindle you but send to J Newmarket of his Tea or for SPECIAL BAEGA SFO IVoted Spot ash Soot Ifr I Now- that the Summer is again on the decline I have decided to reduce the price of several lines in order to make a Clearance fornew Fall Good Note some of Womens Fine Pebble or Buff Button Boots Fine India Kid Button Boots worked holes Fine Buff Button Shoes Fine India Kid Oxford Shoes Fine Kid Button or Tie Shoes 1 05c 65c 1 05c Mens High Cut Plough Boots 1 Solid Leather Shoes toe caps Fine Kid Shoes Fine Kid Lace Boots 1 Fine Cordovan Shoes 1 It it Several odds and ends in Womens Hisses Childrens Wear balance of the Wilson stock will he Cleared Out Opposite Hewitts Hotel J great atao to tl wiSi5 A cose of Wow ha for con i i atown J who Damon- oration at the mil ran a Point at am and wtorn- will at No the IfObC will carry a full compliment acres Another grand garden la aid tbc t to take at on For fATticulata A grand at hi residency The tha July day all that ttoutd and folly three hun dred availed of the I kind invitation toa thonutticroni The tbt moat north of Toronto large andmaplea in the To add to high ground ahote with blue rippling wilra Immecttly to tha appearanc thU doctor in fail kind and genial manner aod them Mi many But thta not all for delighted frctlo he of man well attended to for the M of the of the Pariah of were and all were made to enjoy The Band ofSuttnenlifeoed for which they bare the of the A choice Harry High School which the It remarked tbit the wort ty bad two In wlahta of many who long ace and the pariah in food the Utter It a for adioonU to for while from of lolaiticltiontligroQ fob of waa and intended to a chance M a to Canon Ritchie It it to be hoped ibU of who decreed will thtir by a memorial window fortbe better way than erwtiox before on the or new bridge tbt of the d the of In the rf been Garden Party at Wednesday laa a grand ancoi being the fiotarjAl rcenlt op fol io at begat S Tent and Ice Cream Bile of Fancy Work etc tbe remainder made from and Sib bald noabe to be did not Waend flhlch helped the The dice Aid Shitty of are to be MDgratnlaUd on the complete of their to the amount which bo on hundred dollar each to pay off debt on the age done ey placed in bank by the at the Gale and Tent at the laochgif en at the money raised by Fancy Work which inch etcce under of Audrr bod to towards the irnproTements two dolltra placed to the credit of the Cbnrchwardeca raiud principally by the tfTiru of gttic lady for that of the ground of ft Tbe one of there been one dicdlantema of Urge at edge tho we- threw on tbe floor burling hie hip- Attire arrived promptly find he to where he will for time rworering Mr Graienbortt baa and relatives of this Tillage He that in alt hi he a tod more beautiful village of own in In this Although Only Iron by of the of yet it is iu a and bids fiir to rJuc0t itiintioo Infitilalioti of took place a the liifT Tate io Vio Sister Chaplain Si Fin Sittr Trice Price liorpnly fiulicel Quarterly will l held the Church no next it A NAVAL JUST ARR1VKD- THE Smith a hired man in fiyden- him nenr Owen during Ijq of who gave biro key of order that he get hit meal went through other pantry a gold watch and cb and then vamoosed He captured at and and watch Sequel mo Id the Three Hut bath ing on Jut One or the little nine daughter of I J daughter to to George Baldwin who there The and the from boat tha three little wo off their They would all been drowned had it not that two ur the water and two of them a abort the body All effort to the girl I St to to front of to the brilliance of the Comet Band with their torch and bright were a groat future Small were at different tbt on each unijer the one of the Society who vied each other In anj plying wanta of their The of the com about m Several ladiea from the whom we might mention Rand j Kemp Toronto and Mr Park gate on accompanied by Trrmayno on tbe piano The weather wu all that could be a Garden Parly Mr hich the or lit and tjacc wilt permit yoor to give account of aofQce to iy that it a grand and one may feel Ahhougli cojreapoDJeat did arrive until rtLfr a and jodglog from learned to be the The aoooQtfri to about to be applied to the on the We of people took it at iQd judging from and of hoar conclude that thre BEST stock Ever brought to Newmarket alto all A CUD C W full line if llama Rolls at Lowest Cash Prices it f BEST FLOUR to all of ToWH at PRICES EXCELSIOR BAKERY A hare taken of the holiday a and bare gone to they may thereby fr from carta perplultlee of a life In this prosper ed little ylilage Mr and hare gone to the of Like and are altoated Mr Kempora and family art In while and ire at We a1o notice fjoile a number of in and at Mr Mary at Mr J Stokeaat Mr and John at home of Mr Editor- going on The are will be Lid being new are goiag up and by the by we that Adam of Eden by a ad accident happened Mr on Monday ahoce from faerea la the 7 for I a r Leading Furniture -AD- HOUSE WowlalbHmtlftiftOoreaoCKlbariiftna TRY j J AflKET8 fi Undertaking a fntbfadeparunL wrHaelecttdylookor J a I reaJdoce Bote tad Tat All promptly neatly quietly A DO JXOKILLAU I ORGANS Machines Beat Uakea and At Bottom Prices lor ttewjnt fjiumMu Kept tilled on the abort eel nock JOHNSON Mala W JW Has a well assorted stock Dress Goods alt Moire Antique Silks and Satins NEWPRIN A Large Assortmeut of Choicest Pattern and Dark Seer Suckers Plain and Fancy ver A Larger and Better assortment GLOVES HOSIERY LACE W REFORM TICKETS LINK DOMINION LINK and Una of io tie- etc RAILWAY TICKETS MANITOBA COX A COAST PER CENT DISCOUNT OF HARDWARE AT ROBERSON For Cutlery Plated Goods Axes Skates Tea Trays 01d Stand A TV J a