Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Aug 1888, p. 2

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i 1 Now for J All It J MnjTK Kile J Dr Format or Halo Mix Cook Mi hard work Wo ho than It Bra LETS DP I EOT with luai of bud work Wo ho will prove man to the it office which ho boon called upon to l order Old rata of bo abandoned if ho would meet bo of ku alien and wo In thothotrgbt bj a Id Mr will to to important a Jo Dominion Cabinet FRIDAY AUG 3 Our Toronto Despatch Maintenance of High Schools Wo WUp to pplo of Moo dtf North ad died in about hour- u about of age P ih time of lhit In failed l lb oq P it lota milk Motrin iw Aim rig lb Jolio to iulpp left It two White a rI Lou in City day ajHcitloQ admit lb at by iUcial lb of Hill to and Tht Central llquldatoii fcc well for of 33ircttt on or about it now for nut Trr Ifrjuljatoxv of their by tint Juno week Mr mas Hi tod of Two tit by flct add from city of Mr Qucro Fred bin itv will probably rataUUhrd In KB Forty will for ted a aunt of will fcf of tie of a roott Cabinet woo past op- to the Dominion Cabinet circulated and tho of in public Jifojutt as in con j but our last and Hon Mr has hoon for Minister of In terior to fill vacancy occasioned by tbo of tbo late Hon and Mr John M P take port- toio of to fill the vacuncy by appointment of Jlon Mr McLtlan to ft Lieut of of a leading article in Ontario organ of Government lfon ilr has largely on account of prcMing of in the That ho had iu extended experience in all that to theintorojUbf no will probably deny but admitting it cannot be very coniderablo feel- itoclfp on the lion authority in the beyond and than pretty grave openly made in regard to the way the of placed under were manipulated aomo these com- may with appointed or applicanta for political not realized but when wo that lurgcly open to bo by of crown volui of couiideiico in man- the a of the Territories we com ing to ibe conclusion the had of more weight for open of to rule this ho of the interior by by experience fur he the country and had a Urge personal people ihtuiudvea in yearn gone by the now Minuter of a in and wag as of Yale the of Com- a former in Hon Mr liun- aa a Of liberal of which Mr Premier Hon John la a man to executive ability popular on aidea of and gen m up to Average of hit In Coin He has Mr Hag over AO of and a that to In to question our TjyH oar respondent regarding tbo of a School wo foUowuigp which wo hope will brow light on matter Vory little can bo ob tained by examining in by tbo different munfcfpalitica in mooting annual requirements of their schools as varied ao entirely different that no can bo drawn For much higher fees Ibsn average been charged and nearly always boon a largo atten dance expense town ex elusive of annually to meet on build has boon comparatively light For soioo years to 188G from grants and free paid running expenses In tho Hoard council for in and this year as somo extra Improvements are being made a larger amount will probably bo necessary On other hand town has for years boon asked to to meet the running expenses Richmond Hill has year for riston and omo of larger placet such as Hamilton vory largo amounts It might bo that kot has been this reapcNit By referring to thn figurce published in our issue of week it will bo seen our school has been tho neareat or nearest to of any school io Province Wo have been vory for tunato in having services of an Principal who has worked for tho reputation and of town than own pocketbook anil High School has drawn many pupils from on account of its high stand ing Wo fear however that it Is im possible for ordinary to meet tho running any longer as of three new schools at one stroke cannot but our attendance The conditions of establishment and existence of a High School OS follow been held a year when not more an average of or passed It Is that the from foes cannot ejtcod the estimate wo given The Ontario Frees The footing of the Canadian Press Association took In Toronto on and was largely attendod by from parts of 20 llixb hereafter hall oil- ffittt a Pall ai or play to l to Bay tuition of vettd by lb Legislature Ibsnl of of at an jo with shad and with iu front A all fleets for f A well or other of water flapirals for the ft A i to aaHts for ic at Jar all for hi trance Suitable separate for and girl fercilur blackboards c4 Library of A at leiat porta that tbe any of Collegiate eta area or building is ioidtqtuta for the it- com mod io of the or that ataff thereof iocoruptteot or that for teed for the Dumber of op of forthwiib of tbe Iard of tee aud on tbo of the to reentry the defect of a ffsiouible time the legislative be uch lllgb or time are For school such as one at Sutton would likely be financial condi tion would bo torn what as follows Feel and from all of the The retiring Mr J J and proprietor of occupied and brief yet prchonaive and practical address in form to reoent amendment to law of libel it say Its uoiferul for prelection to free peb the the tbo liberty I hs to accod to the ho be Mere the feeling of Io that the obtain the to far they ha to ihttn Other points touched upon in which are to bo during such as dead head sdverttalog tho cldth bfng and local protection foreshadowed la following para graph pot Itleiare aoclalloa and eapeclally of the Polity there a of Local which oor wntrea of trade for Protection pay do taxes the treasury adoption of scheme to break op Ibis ayatem would be a great men who flad of work out of their while they opposed to writs op weakly after of town Id otoreitof the who tbelr Job to city A of thanks was tendered to of and Do minion for smending law of libel seven or eight now members received under the following article in tho Constitution which rigidly guarded by efficient Bo in order that any privileges granted Association are not 11 The copalit of of actlrely io nth of u tbo may from to time elect bat do a fioaocUl merely or of or patlaer or of an editorial or fltw otribolor be eligible for to IhU election of officers for the en- suing year follows President Rev Dr Christian Guardian Toronto 1st Vico Empire Toronto 2nd Vice yeretary J Timet Hope Moore Fret Acton A Patullo Sen L J Journal St Thomas J Mclean Canadi an Grocer Toronto J Jamieson and J Crabl St filorya Auditors Watt Expositor and Toronto On the recommendation of the Ex Com it was decided to hold a Winter witness Session in Toronto of holding next annua meeting will bo de cided At p Party numbering nearly left by train for Montreal on annual excursion Island off Portland Maine to bo headquarters for a week with trips to White Mountain Bos ton and various point of at traction It to to ihitroijitoIdmUUaa lUratoU pyolatl will candliiU for Cud will In It til IU At thi la lut H P u to of Mr u P form fa ftftU Toui oo n libiaxr MitatiBocpps- chilli uil fcvi about 100 Hi to bo met by direct taxation It would bo in a school there arc to in county to tbati that would probably at luat annum of the of building and ground At an average ol thy entrant month but not half of data take couraOy at Button which included an age of li to between and fijUiiInJktiofti there hive Motions If lis Editor US A frcm flt cot citj did VMkt now fa but lcclioo for the Commons writ fitiog to the frollicg tbo A oltr St Cithariaej that of Rail t full to lice to P a offer utde ViOTOxy or The a by Mr Toronto to bit ri A look to go Tut Colombia and A reached Exactly ll the ttuigex the To- recto to ioTto to to addre4 be will aUo be to in ibf by AW agtluit J Cooper Mt Cooper Ufa while awldpal In no tta arMtaoe wm a to a hot ww anrtwtWMtail Mw the Premier waits be a tod A J egtot for to complete enwjtetocoU for an exhibit of from at to be held lo Toroot gJcitoo the of Mr of of him of the the obaervu Ht worttqailllieaof with- detective deTorlog to ifcegtili the with forged It there ere oo fewer flltf of coooterftll alter Mil from forged the are Jolj by week to the to debeatorea to boy up the toll that defeated by of The the toll fa ere adot to rUlo the elector decided who ate the TuaOtUwaiVrc do- cited or to deodre reader wbtoilttlothit Mr- nil P out Id reciprocity with the at Fort Hope be oppoted It land end trade like effect Art otefted of Fair to bo held KfoxitonfromlbelOthto It Sir A Mae Hod aod Premier of ill the to day of the of on Wilfrid will vliit and of about of gout of Mr J Edgar P at JlatcVi Lake filczicot la tbl may It la expected the will the of Mr bit return The Toronto core5poodeDtof Moot- real that the by the authorities to for the to a to the late Arch of Toroato tic of of tod a whoso it not the not tcioag Itorato but with Protutiot to to candidate for Hal- ton hit a failure two hit came Mai too ia conilitueccy but acbov he failed to up on the do oot Aldericao of Toronto tot if the who rate age to get hie time may Ottawa correepoodtot of It It that no roore will be made by the of year but year will to of powder batter It the to til who commit a breach of Food Act Trader had fair warn log and if they oappiog it will bo their of tbeSkcecalodiao rerolt to Mr of Weal Territories Sir Ceroo of tbe Tina of Victoria trouble with the fiirrr exaggerated there Li of spread leg among other of tbe Colombia will be glad if the of by errata the it to look tbe which tie already poaaescon the fact while hoping for the beat for the Ikwdoey oqw caught a of aod bewil arid be awoke to a tbe QultoaoombercfanQcra bare wheat butty netjniple to two arelu aod alHUeaboT0tbea5era Irotiiaf Billy by Mr J Pollock tbtt formerly property of Prank named at Can- aalait Crowder AHanihaTotbelr new for of lo at preaeot to Pollock la be If D bit What eowe of like to wUI aide walk Why thttoewboify iba rt off will be o la last week to be really lore Jatt bit brother to town A eroptioa Baa from baa dealrbyod people at the A baa and propUwi Hi ttMJy- trr4oi eoatocale It the party to bet of Torootoj fa with Mr In week Mr Jewell of the of Geo Row thla Mr Weil Jocctloo town Mr to the at la borne for Fred of wu Id town the of Mr Wright tod of with Mr Fred of la with Mr for tbreo or Chat Smith hat from a with of Mrt- Chicago titter of J It our a for a few weeks Ilroderick of at Ml Albert Will of a couple of with her Grandpa J J a Flo Toronto It a of at Mr Arroltage Porter formerly i to a portion of with Mr Kcddeo of aod twodaogb- la Saturday were John Mr Hewitt of up flatorday and did cot giro the Era a call Mr where he for a few with from aod too were q with her Mra for a tod returned home Mr of High School brother of with bit wife child are town Mr P brother a riiit Monday on bit way home a boll day trip Mr Al Uloot rode from on Bun Jay to Ibe party who campleg oo fiimcoe Mr Hill of the JegUte brother Hill of Newmarket ia orer Boo on a York and at Peat a of racatton at Park Morton tod a two with grandton at Ho the Mr Frank of wu a couple of leit week on hit wty yg where he ruiliat a couple weeks fihtne and Gertie a of with frieoda io Lottie iog io the took Bradford day Hill tod Mr J Pea ton the Institute child are tt Mr foracoopleof weekt Mr of Toronto of Muter and at in Town on hit home from a trip op North- Major and Mercer of Military New Fort wert Major tod Moadty op horseback Mr bad a fad brother Mr Joe Mtait of Mount Albert oo wbowuplei- to pleasantly No it will to comfortable Atkloaooof and A P AM bu the fiottt of and to in Ontario A of the eve a leaf out Ma album by a quantity of orthedox address cards to exchange with brethren at Mr Bolter of the Clerks in the Leading doable bar- on tho bride befog of They a trip to Ottawa will go into hoot oo Prospect on Id We with them Iter W of Newark New Jersey a of III health Ilia Brother A of Brooklyn and ffm of expected week their will the bete In order to fatter Aurora had a firojaatdut aide corporation Monday night alarm waa rung and firemen turned out but they had not to reach small which on fire and it buret to the ground Jul A terrible accident happened near here on Saturday A of Mr John and young Route were wrestling front of a reaper to which was a span of Stewart and in falling of hit ol the to run and before Mold get out of the road of the machine he caught which la body in both and one arm nearly off and a of cheat ferar or fire leaving to He bat the doctor hare no hope of hi Children bo pal road Mo flealib a- P ocrtb J Mo- feoioricj con I 9W weed from Bomber Hick Potter for grant John brtd Bj Bolton Wood and gravel Frank J Si J I grant coo on town line Kiog andEut befog coo half aiooont 111 on Robert P a KM Robert Barry road gravel wu laid UU next of Tow aod aaklogfora grant of till meellog ad John received and all JteiOfrnlDg aod of con at north Meur and vevo appointed to lot from OTIgtoal allowance Campbell acd Ron woro report J J Tract wu retarded to bra pxopert baring by Are were to remote tho and from tbe Ontario ok at to OnUrlAQankatAcrora July At mat ting factory ten oclock this morning lad named John aged yearv playing with ft looeo belt in the picking room when he was caught bolt and carried to main abaft with to break his neck expired almoit immediately He wa engaged to work in factory on last odd waiting for Instruction he began fooling with fatal belt THE LightRunning DOMESTIC TAKES THE LEAD Agency Alto dearer ORGANS PIANOS A OK THE LATEST FIRST CLASS MUSIC irbtcb Congregational Church at J p ra It p ra Welcome vlfo of a ton Toronto Idle on letb or the of Kcartoro Mice Man ibeTowoilitpOf Hark hem on Itor IK Mr lt5 Lucy Bathing Suit Mens and Boating and Boys Summer Underwear Mens and Cream Laos MenB White Mens and Mens and Tie in and Merino Half in all Mens Boys Straw Pelt Hate Mods and Boys Linen and And Veala Mens and Boys Foot Shirts and Rubber fibirta Pants The of iho Toledo end railway to the Grand Trunk was consummated on Monday A company Wen formed for manufacture of the railway and works io Woodstock will to erected at once ANTED- Apply to SALE- A KKETOIJ Apply VlClCllA TO SELL OR TO RENT Cod of a or GOOD BRICK HOUSE If a into the and till lb 2Kb when will MORTGAGE SALE Of VALUABLE OK KINO IS YOUR TIME TRIMMED at Half the Usual Infants from cental HATS all Shapes and Upwards J Watered and Other in frt Upwards at worth LADIES GLOVES in Light and Dark Color Upwards THESE HAVE JUST a Next Door to Mrs SUMMER lnit by lo all of or to of GwlUJoibury At or ibobjiJ6iribrott lit of I third of Andrew ftc of Mr or fihAnagel ijiyr It ooor Albert on IDei Mr- and aJir Of Mr Burr or S J AH will prompt too Oar Markets A Floor Mrbarre Fall tfprlrw Wheal do do on a do do a Bye do 0 a I do O do Old on IS mi a pet ck a to confined Id if Wdt iheflmiodj od or by AccUoo by at North American Hotel at oclock a or or of of and and of Kior cooiaiolojt tiro acre4 or at tine of aeandiuaicGLtfUro3darivmAi6tir to bo floored on place In jaitkulir NEWMARKET ONLY PLACE IN TOWN V Pure Liquors can be obtained a Gins Ham a and Island in stock Fine Old Tom Gin per gal GROCERY Family received weekly always in a speciality a Indian at extra good Tea id Japan Green or AH Sizes of Glass SelfSealers OK BOOTS OR SHOES AT awv A will haft I John Montgomery- IS THE BEST THE FINEST BABY FOOD THE INVALID FOOD THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD THEM03T NUTRITIOUS FOOD ECOHOMIOAL FOOD IK torts Infant toe Acute ttow j rtm ii of fcgrWrW My Mills will be down For Two or u I have a full Rolls which will be the second mill erica Chopping every QBISTI EVERY DAY- DAM RRPA1R- Awl U ionku ITU A Work DUNNS BAKING POWDER Toronto work CTomwl arutklaJ to re- P SHARPS lo flxzAj a unf7racDlUUtoW- ATTENTION by IT l own ft4reUMia4Q QUJTTH ii w FallWDMl 4 do r loo i dO fl AtIxprcDtM DAY

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