Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Jul 1888, p. 1

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-a- 1 J J MV4f V J Friday Morning LYMAN JACK80N STEAM OlfsVaTHairlBBBTYTOKSdWfo NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER CAPITAL Vol Copies Cents Each rr Newmarket Friday July Terms Cash in within or at end of year TO 3D1 W7 Yl z INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loan arttj and Ibior u0oCowiiy Chin It or Our arid IDp or or dole OT builncwlnVtudB- to A- ROB Eat at Agent Main fit allium CTC Co Toronto J do 119001 I Op s J a A MAUHIK tfAhtu A Public jfJUKlo f- sad TO LOIN AT flrttclMAlOOOflty D yon ifludort Co Office Cor TORONTO roomi AooomrocxlUon Cor nil J A V Toronto AH Animals llMOOHK llt ALLAN A Torovo And ftCd M0NKVTOIA J and a JO A ana AND GENTLEMEN You con buy Dinner flot Tea Beta and Fancy and Plain cheaper at Hall than any other In Town In to of Do not fall to filffl thorn a call buying received a lino of Dinner He W direct importation which art offering at TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES This o Froth being findt and in town In their price and their knock them all clean out Popular verdict A CALL SOLICITED Bo Farmer of drum of tod might Wealth flneheu rigbllf Cot ir wbcn4 Than good fT Ibto the For Mm 111 ringer la eo b reed it jo firtjJde a 1 tbeo firm diU lo not It to A solid fitcy wlfuliatt Tiki jour cbitocr to lo be a fanner S Interact AT by promptly attended to- A SMITH BRIMSONS CARRIAGE WORKS LOT STREET NEWMARKET court JB nod J A J Alio Atlordera will attention UtlMl hOiuMMrxjcrof Victoria Jen for lh roar 1W wo Mid joritjp Tcr wo reoUod foiborut fuiara fro vim Tor wo bare foiborMt irat in the our t 1 a JKSTJHT to baOoroor or and a CHAN A time awcr Ranlfi Jor imtfcrnQzu will ray briaoplled will bo prompt VE ACCIDENT Jen at in iTeiyioibountwoloiuranca for Auroid J Aurora Style and lUicjiOaolboeiMllod aim oar pretest oodcIauoi SPRING WAGONS OPEN AND COVERED BUGGIES are iLorulrococDUof at can bo flnuti art tbo tfowt bat Mill A aoNaStod JOHN BAILEYS BAKERY CANADA LIFE CO HAMIAOU CAPITAL AND -OVSH- 9000000 DOLLARS J twiflfl jodhpoubfo FRESH- GROCERIES Hams Canned Roller Flour delivered to till of Town at Mill prices- yean Id J AeQl- SIMPSOKS MAIN STREET lUaok to Solicit a Continuance Leading Photographer cpnHKRMAiKA LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS A SPECIALITY rttoi kinds Work a- ICE CREAM PARLOR OPEN FOR THE SEASON Work AMD- FANCY GOODS OILET SOAP SPONGES PR FOWLERS EXT OF CURES Cigars and Tobaccos mini REQUISITES Conjo Again MRS SIMPSON AND EFFECT ALL SUMMER COMPtAtMTS FLUXES OF BOWELS IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT FOR IN WALLPAPlft CANADIAN AND CEILING PAPERS BORDERS INSPECTION INVITED STARR Central Telephone Office How He Well John you I had other plan for you and now you rofty look forward to helping yoarolfi for not odd penny my money will you fie mind that bring that do not bo hard John tie for bo told a year ago that ho had won a girl ho would like for Ma wife 1 Ay and told that no stuck city girl would bo wel comed by me a daughter and I meant it then oven I mean now ll I Do you hear and John young man a of human race vrlth a tall and a face full of character All through fathers worde ho had kept and aa he hero was a tone of pained in voioo you cast mo off father and condemn my fl Ay came aternly it right Then alammed to with a clang and mother and eon left you man went over to old gentle faco colored with lier bandf but ho could the tears trickling through her fiogera laid hand on tier grey head with a loving touch 1 mother ho said- Father angry now but will that worry for mo dear for you know I am well able to care for myself 1 doftt want fathers money only Ma affection A I bare nothing to do- aerve I know that sooner or later it will bo again But I mutt go now Goodbye dear I will writ year when John Andrews with Jiifl fathers consent had left the farm to a situation neighboring city that ho had met Their bad rapidly ripened into friendship and then into love and two young bad Miss a school teacher and the support of an mother sudden death two weeks before our bad tho marriage Johu knew well his fathers avor- fiioa to what he called a city and to avoid remonstrance and lying on his lovo for him for future pardon had decided not to inform him of bis marriage till it should bo an established fact His betrothed and full of grief for her toes had been only too glad to fly to his arms for the comfort she so nettled But John had found father more implacable ho had expect ed and be result of his first homo marriage wo have teen A year went by Johns salary Was but a but within their tiny home where and content were the chief elements young people were as mortals are beneath tlio stars One thing cast a shadow upon their That felt keenly est range- between and father la wife could and the thought that it through her that it been brought about was an un happy one In the meantime things at the An Farm had not gone on quite smoothly M usual had not long before the old farmer had repented hi harsh Hod would willingly hard had them unsaid but his pride had kept him from acknowledging that such was fact though he hie dear wifes face daily growing sadder and sadder and knew the reason But at length and time came which all else was swallowed DrHodders A IO0RBS ivnconpuinr COMPOUND Mandrake Mixture WjfMCifCopao8TnFQwTOc Great Spring Medicine litxxk wv- At turn wwi for Infanta and Children iitoyi up lhe of tbo ukniity which to bo Cringing of tie- tender being whom every oho lying down grave Thai it that the VHiageChTGnieUoouXaMd iho WAKTKO At ho Farm a young worn no to for an invalid Mid was hard and ilu- hot in end lifo Conquered and Mr Andrew pronounced out of danger may tbauW Mr Shirley quite en aa ray for your Dr id rolliig- coira bi woiihficloaion Old farmer hand and tried to utter And it was tor a it with voicj and deft fiogora who hid in answer to which fa Mr had cauied to loioaert- In paper But woca of th had flown and young who bad fittod to into tho home wayg that it if bad been yean of only a couple of her thought of Do not go yet I cannot yon plead- And to wfioi who had never known her faoibnd to bo to Do not go at all Farmer An dre old livening up I fool that I owe to yon more than money can repay Remain with in our daughter if yon will and let our affection to yoq oar gratitude An expression of deep the young face as riitog the clotped old hand within What you my kind friend is aoftly for I have duties which prevent I that you have looked upon a a widow Mr Andrew and I not cor rected you but I wilt now My mourning dree for my mother who died but a ago My husband living and it it to him that I must return Mr Andrew tone showed the sur prise ho felt a he exclaimed Your husband is living yet you answered my A flush seemingly of overspread fair feature be fore his and noticing it Mr Andrews hastened to interfere- Of course my dear now that we know that you have other ties wo cannot our request although thinking you in the world I had set my heart upon keeping you with roe and aw deeply disappoint A later with tearfal ore she rested nurses hind in era well A month went by end one day a letter to Mr Andrews from hie son It the- writer manly and to the point I am too happy to over repent I took in marrying 1 that it was wrong in not to have first gained your approval consent Father do you not think that our estrangement has lasted too long Only send mo one of forgiveness and I will come to you directly And that word was sent Pride is a weed of rank growth and old Farmer Andrew bad possess ed his full share of it but it had been burned out of bis heart forever by the sickle of the grim reaper who passing over his home had so nearly snatched from dearest and best- beloved It is afternoon farm sitting- room is a marvel of shloiog cleanli ness and comfort A cheery is burning in grate and flowers fill the oldfashion ed vases upon mantel- solo occupant of the room are Farmer and his wife tbero evident air of expectancy in their bearing I wonder if she aces much nicer than this in town the old marieayaa he look around his pleasant domain- which it plain that prejudice against city way and city- bred which a life spent amid scenes pursuits has fostered Hut that destined to bo left for over A ring cornea upon tho bell the door and thero enters two figures yea both familiar Father mother forgive u our deception cries This is Mr my wife you wished her for a daughter and Fate has been kind and given to you for one- Such a scene a ensues pen cannot do it justice Hut how you a city girl to know so much about farm life old naked In puzzled tone when has calmed a agitation by the and the surprise Shirley I lived upon a farm until I was nineteen until my father died she explain If ho to bo askfd Farmer Andrews could say now that the old homestead needs livening up for it vocal each moment with the music of than one merry voice and Johns and Shirleys boys and girls are never better pleased than when their grandfather tells to them thy story which he relate with the utmost veracity in no wise sparing himself of how was won in fcpita of himself Copper Mines ay a w Vot yean and ho of Huron known ft vicinity and foci boon widely and during tho two before quantity or quality of copper bo and method of not bar to develop- and quantities of ore wait only to bo taken from the and lode In that district Mining a of copper on of extent tho bed hav ing a width of feet which been opened for 22 foot in length Along this the extends in a man tho floor being composed of bat the who ro developing chiefly Americana Although the develop- meat at present la and to many arifo in an opinion from Hen ted development little or no that tbU depotit will yield a amount of and the theory it when a particular deposit occur they do not but in groups deposit a huge chimney ia connection with win With to chimneya or dhoou A distinction a oro although usually to aome vague since in extreme case the form and character of a may represent a tort of from one form The terra coarse of ore however ho regards generally as applied to tabular more or less horizontal of of unusual and richneas while word shoot which con idea of a workable deposit is chiefly used indicating tho high inclination and persistency in depth of the orebearing portions of the shoot of a metalliferous mineral has been discovered in any of a series of parallel lodes traversing country rocks is a considerable probability that somewhat similar deposit may bo met with in approximately corres ponding positions in other lodes of the group This to the copper deposit of the Vermillion Mining Co Recent developments made in the southeast of copper working exposed a now deposit which has every of vtin hav ing a direction and a dip of analysis of this vast de posit of gold varying in as with copper from to A per ton Copper 33 per cent Nickel per cent and metals of the Platinum group The oxides of copper can bo distinctly traced for acre indicating copper in abundance On the concession of remarkable extend although more in form of due cast find west forborne fits miles extending into the concession of Graham This known generally as Mo lode Pour miles on the branch from Sudbury Copper Cliff mine is producing firstclass cop per deposits aro again being worked In a magnificent lode of exist intersected by the bat no one will take the trouble to work although not 50 feet away from the railway track and it will remain with markofCtV mining lethargy upon it until or enter prising Chicago man take hold money out of it and origin al owners who are Canadians are left to enquire why they did not fore stall the Yankee- With of copper in quantity and quality such as the Vermillion mine and of the 5tb of and Graham there is no reason that Ontario should not in time bo first copper- producing district in world This is advisedly for in South Africa Capo copper mines Spain Mason Harry Australia York Peninsular and a dozen other place- copper to bo mined as deep as to 300 fathoms for not bear ing within per cent of the amount of copper ore in AlgOma This district teems with native copper copper copper copper glance Tclrahcdrito farcy copper copper it cuprite red copper nickel gold silver and look to it Empire Bitot upon uaruev the wellknown novelist is dead Destructive storms and have occurred in takes its civic holt day on Aug JO and to Barrio carloads of were unloaded at Tottenham Ah old lady fell over a cliff in Ottawa on killed There about twenty at present located at Pointy Lake A Colling wood merchant has been fined recently for having goods on tbo sidewalk One ha raised for at by Lett W raised another Walter is a short in gaol for A barbed wire around a at cacied the of horses V belonging to of do- by on Saturday in are out in head and the straw not mote than tight in length Barrio cleared by their to Big on 2nd of July Four hundred rebel attacked a village near Haifa and repulsed with loss A tap left open caused worth of gloves to be hopelessly dam aged at Acton works Sun day The little year old boy of Sir John Scott merchant of 2ephyr hi arm jumping out of tbo buggy K Tp voted on a railway debenture bylaw Satur day Only vote were polled in the entire township of Pickering while drawing in hay fell through bottom of bis wagon and broke several on bis left side who wrote for Entrance at Mark ham have passed and More than half of can didates failed in arithmetic Canadian Pacific ha pur chased a largo amount of property oh the river front at Windier to bo used for yard and ferry purposes corner stone of a new Methodist Church at Uxbndge was laid last Sunday by wife of Hon John of Toronto KL A union School has been at Brown Hilt with an attendance of about Stephen tbo indent Durham roller milt when a Now the McKecbnie owner of No I are bringing suit for damage The Ga Co have ap plied for an injunction to restrain the tec trio Light Co from erect ing or lighting the town IS Johnson charged with an at- tempt to commit rape on Mr Kerr of Fort William was sentenced to seven years in penitentiary EST Daring the heavy wind storm a couple of weeks ago the cross the Catholic Church at was blown down and badly damaged and Lacrosse clubs played at on the Twelfth for a got left four straight in about ten min utes that the little girl from Toronto injured by a swing at pic in Aurora a couple of has A in a year interest ing to sholars decided by Mr Justice Armour A township sojxndod ft boy for misconduct by the and Mm old boy by for a to admittance ordcrod to all and gave advjca thought teacher right and that in the interest of wrong in what bo did and go quiet hack to Chicago has con- fussed that poured coal oil on husband ho and then sot to fluid Ho that the than was drunk time and abused until was driven to do She did it That a wan should msrry again si having beta thro divorced ii lew a than that ho a woman who had five living ex husband- Yet this boon by a of Chicago and he is now en joying honeymoon with blonde idol of his last fancy incident occurred on the Express from hridge at morning On tho train was a nd at station she had occasion to few She behind her on SJ and lady o at what would bo up handed it to an other party the platform her for the owner When the latter the train was in motion and learned thatherson shade left at a wordy war wotfldbo factor having finally to for MIMOL West lost a roare from inflammation for which a feu days ago ho refused iho suro of Four Fort Perry ho keepers paid j Inspector caught them selling liquor Seven barrels found in one house Three youths paid in apiece and of legal ten because they in furious driv ing on tho 2nd and had a swearing content A a largo quantity of concealed in of persona of plotting against tho govern men on Friday Madrid Twenty lois of cotton shipped Monday from Kiogiton to Shanghai lost a years after and on Thursday tho baby died of The tbe world is in A stream flows from the 00 gallons per I from an extended lie that the Northwest than that of last at Entrance but only Twentytwo others knowledge of the commended A Adam jockey for reduce his weight by food for two day half a pound of fey after taking At Formosa yesterj Mr if J were completely deS in about was married last wool her depsrture for 1 where she presented within some marble clock regard for services and church organ A novel Tilbury a Thomas wifol weighed fatherj at pounds the mo their daughter who hi her eighth pounds venhurst strike is at a returning to work of hiring and j being withdrawn charged with paying legal proceedings Afcthn minuter to their conference The congregation in dischatgnd organ Is and on Sunday the man found an open cm a choir u congregation til tho they want J showing up were in Sim weeks ago and Inspector McKay had illicit selling and for day in which aa fines and costs or of ft year and a name of Son of is with tho best stained w country There arc from this veteran hook tells the tale The pergonal peers in the Stained Glass trade am to hear of tho fluttering has enjoyed during year Long by no means adviublej days and an ho who will not that brevity i reljj under conditions heat crowd and contact in a since nd prolonged persons to entirely from tho Stat China tho sixth carload sent from that place As touch About onCfth of city of Port auPrinc been do by firo started by jncondiancv The Parliament was among public buildings burned trustees of School aSection No 11 King are laying a from a spring about a quarter of a pile to house in order to fitcuro supply of water Quebec Were attacked by roughs while returning from St and returned piltol shots for volleys of stones Some in juries wfTeinflictet on both sides I was living in Kentucky Dr Morrison was called upon to jouujr which I did After tho ceremony tho groom nothing a fro A days later met on the street and calling mc off to ho asked me if I would bo willing to take my fee in something money I told that wovld be all right he left eje promising that I not bo forgotten ho kept He sent mo a toad of straw stack fcy and a jug of Journal S Quito a heavy hrouj on of last its way track of a wide A field thst it on its way and in school hoi one dwelling and a nymf others Potatoes and literally cut Jo pieces picked minutes a citturaferlnca at number hundred aStaUsand the direct to ind the In were their way to ia AD aro bo and to bo if just such settlers M emigration returns it is expected will sbo gratifying tioo diniand for supply of Aurora Is greater than at firwt It taxing the contractors pipe to their It i bat pot present season At till derived from be portion it not thod gallons of watw works used at Bwwwfi a bo 0

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