Register WodnpjT En l I Jit AO in month Monday to month Friday lit u month floydlowo Wooda The Now Way I in you began ho entered a Grand grocery I in hero to No Kir was prompt reply I in here you pan go I no exclaimed at Miliar I know it lliu grocer You come in if- 1 had I liaviuit one I never had one I trying to your valuable limn and a Jio minted on the corner ho asked it tint was really his object Oh no ho replied it was going to him for credit until Hat- and lint is ho new way of choking a man tried to my feeling and himself time a new kink Among grocery and I guew Ill have to pay look to of our local urchins do your pay much attention to things of a literary nature pa I saw him lift a hook agent over the last wcok now City of to ply between Now York and Liverpool in BOO feet long feet ami feet hi depth from upper thick the crowing the Atlantic provided with When you person who alwftVH Upiciou9 of a at ranger can safely calculate that lio em bodice one of the elements of the and if he in not A thief or a gamWrr it ho not enough for one or wit for other ST Deaths from overhead arc now a frequent in American citing On Saturday two people killed in Now York- by shocks from overhead wires The troublo is duo to and it is probablo underground will forced on electric light companies fall over Which we are now Offering at Wonderfully Low Prices We can sayi without fear of contradiction that no house in the County outside the city of Toronto carries such an extensive stock and as we possess such peculiar facilities for purchasing and also control the sale of the very best makers in Canada confidently can offer Better Value and a Larger Assortment than has seen in We present the following as a partial list of the Different Lines we carry in Stock- BRUNTON A An end a young tent woman Ixrhaves to her parents in a manner particularly tender and I mean from well nature here fa nothing good anil ihat may not be expected from her in whatever condition is plftccc Of this I out thoroughly persuaded that I to any friend of as to hie of a wife I know not firttcounRol would be- Look for distinguished her attention and sweetness to her parents Tire fund of her worth fttid indicated he- ha i or joined to the habits of duty and will not fail to render mild and obliging companion Benjamin of Queen lrcjt Methodist church Toronto is in circulation for some lime regarding Mr and of hie flock but delinlto known until now It is now fcpecially charged he had intimacy with one of his lady Sunday teacher on two three ago- young woman is About twenty years of will considerable proper on attaining her birth day mother who la widow laid her a well known who a thorough invti- and forwarded a report to Dr To- Conference and a to Mr Mr has tendered resigna tion and left for the States Though he hat teen fit to follow ttiii Mr denies that any improper relations have existed between and ted Ho admits having met young lady school teacher on occasion refer red tOj but that he advising her regarding tomitthing that effected her interest is a married man and was a strong with the major of congregation Ho from Dominion Methodist church Ottawa and was to taken charge of the church Hamilton for the next term Ho for an by MEWS GOODS Split Bals Split Buckle Plow Boots Kip Bals Bellows Tongues Split Buff do Button Grain Side Cordovan Bals Shell do do Calf Bals Puritan Calf Split Congress Buff Congress Congress Russet Tie Shoes Split Tie Shoes Buff Tie Shoes Calf Tie Shoes Polish Calf Turn Shoes We have different kinds of the above in sewed and pegged work and can give a pair of boots for almost any price and each pair guaranteed YOUTHS AND BOYS GOODS Split Bals Buff Grain Bals Cordovan Bals Cordovan Button Low Tie Shoes Russet Tie Shoes We have kinds of boots and shoes for boys and youths and can furnish anything from an every day knockabout to a comely Sunday shoe The prices are low in each line LADIES GOODS Pebble Button Bright Buff Button Dull do do Bright Goat do Polish Calf do Oil Goat do Sea Kid do French Kid do Buff Glove Grain Bals Oil Goat do Sea Kid do French Kid do Polish Calf do We have 37 varieties of La dies boots in stock from the cheapest to the best made We have sizes and half sizes and widths and half widths and we confidently say that very few stores in Toronto have as exten sive an assortment to select from These goods were nearly all made for our special trade by the most reliable manufac turers in Canada Cordovan Button Polish Calf do Langtry do Buff Bals Cordovan Bals Polish Calf do We have 30 different kinds of boots for Misses and Chil dren in pegged and sewed work and we can safely recommend every pair for they are made by the most reliable makers I INFANTS GOODS Enamel Pebble Bright Goat Cordovan French Kid We have no less than 33 kinds of the above in button and tie shoes with and with out heels also with wedge or spring heels and can fit the little ones with nicer and better goods than were ever offered in town Bright Goat Oil Goat Polish Calf French Kid We have no less than kinds of shoes and slippers for ladies in sizes and half sizes and boldly state that WO house in the country carries a larger as- The low prices will astonish you tl Misses and Childs Slippers and Shoes Bright Buff Polish Calf Kid Enamel Strap 1 Oil Goat do Cordovan do I r We have kinds of the above and can suit any per- 1 son Misses and Childs Goods Pebble Button India Kid Button Bright Buff do Dull do do Bright Goat do Ladies Shoes and Slippers Buff sewed and pegged Pebble Prunella Carpet Dull and Bright Buff India Kid Infants Slippers and Shoes Enamel Buff Cordovan Oil Goat India Kid Kid We have 13 kinds of the above with and Without heels These are the goods which every sensible mother ought to see J J Aim nni n say and we know that we not only carry the Most Complete Stock or Boots in the County UUH DuLU 1 11111 but we assert that we have a Larger Assortment than am the storks in com- I and we wish the public to note the fact that we purchase direct from the Manufacturers for cash and control some of the Very Rest Makers Goods which arc not sold Outside Our Store in the Town BRUNTON BROS MAIN ST NEWMARKET