llD rill reflect of IB Off IH TOM for be well I All of Skr to i I 1 lil I Jo St- Church it it it p Bank If fnd to iW I fit if of ItiCfleclrioUflhl Mr coo- IfttJ nittl Brown at lo fit Honda will appropri ate State property on of sold bo to Mr Patrick Wall 0 of lb loofciflg op la Town- or ta PI lib win of Of I CI I ic L1 jrit P for boom tbe I110- Ooco more I4 yon lit Church bf i J With low of fee should filled AM loitered of tin on W Lour- id act to bo tut to a tele- pijirc obliged to fltFirfil Now by joritjr dgH0 q oie tho ftuliof from in llit ttnito of Ulo of fftckr od of mi for iU f-lt- ftiK unnccncIog Sit- Hill a On wy Mr- of Hilt Iowa Li He Mi or MlUliiKitdp Mid on ml tig out of anil ihtir RiguHEogfo to and tvtod after When ftiullout on llllt Oft- jf to J irLich will him ftsWntifp tot lUwuilwcoJ the Will il unlay Mr dtnt h lulr m ilir A 1 e I After the on in cist of pVirglhigfadtogoutbo of plan of cattle I Kit to a at iiix muting on the Saturday r Our Box There were an djr J Id for Problem No it for any 1U0 ihning alio loya the office Mia Irr Iuabougbt in the Via to first it iLtttijjuof that llic to tfii iuchw the In llja to get twice t tbe would bo iht or yij atd the A mm bad three Id wcatoo and UtyeititiiiioKi thaaecond and fifty j ftird lulf left fitly inony he fifty dollaja llow had he fifdt our reay to do oy one No by fin Problem No the the world Why I length New oponcd up dally Haw io It will pay yon mora than to do Hand Out Off It reported in or tbo of bad hud from arm at by a turned any farther program tail Friday reading and a In which took A Gardner IJ Jftkaoo and the itileratlog budget and by the for tiro A down torn night re a black quicker fellow could aay Jack Aa Inspector or County tollable had a addition to new fund Although both bad ImblUog freely they not too full for audi No wonder lo tbo neighborhood of the Central a to bare ooe of the tavern col off thla yea A of the paid a 0 their at Aurora Friday and rocked a warn two Hood a befog down to work under being very cold ball which properly termed a parlor waa lutltlng not than of the thtog off very and the party returned homo about A lodge In well alPolher good and be thoroughly alive good Three ajuddlod tho goat lut Monday and there era three more deck for neat of An ffai to of Aurora to meet with ftnuinberof brethren torn who were hero night owfug the threat- of tbo during do doubb both partita or absence of lb a members wltli a from and ono also Grand Medial on honored lha villi Ma pleasant A aubatap- limcb whUn bad beau provided mora heartily by nation terminated roll to- nd tlulorMt Being ihe tut tofcUog lb qairta for J LiloabebTho will be April are with father linker ad up with a bat are glad to aw him loft week Sir la followed by dlwlehaa of many Sharon Mr had to a on Monday lata of St Into the Tillage and wo going to carry tho bntcborfog v Cbii Codllny and family raofod from to a week lha of weather lector by Bay wee frail and fttaroD lJgo for on Tuesday leal of Mr QrtentJdca who with family roof In tbla from farmera etc In order for bo abort it Mr for from tbo of a era cold Ha hid to procure modloalatubdance wo regret to la aoy belter A letter here an dealb of Mr John of formeilyof near of death was rupturing of a blood It la reported in commercial circle our on and now Dine oclock break lait corrtapondent deter mined not to up with to join In the On ha find bo baa aep at home Church re pot In a to with time usual mecDtera Jake to do a with cow this fiprl young man op tbo Head that baa returned He alow he both cane and on Irlah blick after him 00 rata year In atpreaont A Jier Intercoie whto bo iioauiMdornsoralbau pluck and whan reinforce by am of capturing their Mil Two of them a big chaw other Sunday after a pair of our fid When aeon on the scent down Ibo Enoch la at rery Jot nilh of the lunge Mount Albert I fev J I GENTS SJEE OUR HEW J and VyVV SUTHERLAND BROS mote than complete during thopreient Gloves Hosiery c The best value that money buy The CHOICES That trained skill and cultivated taste can select and such an assortment I handle that no other house will assume to excel I assure my Customers the I mean at any cost to maintain and advance if possible the reputation of the Hi place within their reach Goods that will suit their requirements At Price Defy RJ DAVISON or Saturday last King paid bib according to the minute which got life Yak ftiriCO Ewutug Class El good that got much for dollar ever before last Sunday The Social in Friday waa attended to a break OPgtoa the w delayed an booi at depot bete one for Sutherland am iwo for Wilson Co lightning day tfgbv waa a for a a lime flodlog to lira Oliver Si put Mr St out over tho aide that ibry arc enough bats of abort likely to in Tbo fiirJa we bit of Leap jean One youog man had Kail last tbouldeo jilatea abd before ordering route Villa Mr rayafox waa cut in Iko traiu coming into tbo on A carload of oodfOTMie wa from Cautia lo Winnipeg Monday SSayai well alow cutter ip bay loft Mr put la a new and large refrigerator to bis butcher at rbo of neck was kind that flchool Heading in ap preciabfd of bale and linen dusters but will atlfctej fair necks to A meet ing bold In tho hero on evening March aako In borhood about baa li t arm It about to to Toronto blmaolf with ovary Improvement of lit baa no active Iho Mount Albert Circuit Mr meeting a THo wfi 3 tbo audience Mr Joaku and i im to platform Mr to Mr following from On Albert Circuit on of removal Your with tbat tbo order of you toon from wo to avail cW04 of opportunity lo Mr of the ciirltUatnjaoclalandpofwnal yean la led to you for manly and T PLASTER SEEDS SEEDS I HO Apply IM ffi FOR BALE Good Cheap Desirable Property -FOUSATiB- flEdouVpmoQgi been otioreh cionatnxMiiieEiQtQ late J CALDWELL corner of eriBlrccta fejio itrat iniiiQij no for ftjacretnoodpaituraland fit- Ur brick A moat eligible building In Ate on JMAford atraol Has received their new stock of f Lower fiiip and Garden Any variety not in will bo on abort notice SUPERIOR GROUND OIL CAKE S i Of the Quarterly York District Roy f in Hall on a good attend livurfila ilHVnn the A load of young fry out for Friday found the homo la the early of mora by their Had it been or tbo pluck of buyer Mr Walter the runaway laat week might mulled a character of the time occupied in a irijitleaa on of cider end wine A other Ella entirely from her recent Her icany glad to mo not Our Holler Floor ata ranging night and day to keep up with that bundle of the other day had belter out aacareh warront Old atoragc While on Tuesday Ihe ployed wblcb raited la a wild but Utile camaoul beat fboffidiejfn ibe intend Leap Year Social at two from deferring will be if health end ho looking forward to one of Ibeinotl timea ha to if you want a goal in you bad bitter treat well Sir from lxbrld a audited In the to nuke life a It contain auggeatfos of a practical nature An dUtnrbaDce look place here about oclock Saturday a couple of that a boot adoub were trying to home from lion Army Old SaowFUbe bitched to a jumper A Stafford tbo back It retried that our tres fa contemplation the of tho which baa great il the people are willing topaj for them Humor that Mr J P and lady are Ihinkiog of taking a trlji tbo California not what v erpected to the inclemency of the but wfl everything offered brought high price principle la your character but chrUU a nu became of ihklnd hrUUan spirit vlifcU your Ufa not of can con- or itioeo ft wo often Mdiruo regard for wi hlendly ever your ovouldootforretlbtarneitandrnni- bare In forrfxrd ih advancement of tea of rIaltWQineif lYblulfaltbfutlywd loyally ofourwlovw 1 corner of Timothy and Church double and water ftnotra Old lot well Tnoanopia b- IK I Dispensing Department Farnuhod only with the purest and care Is given to the compoanding of AND RECEIPTS OPEN SUNDAYS FOE DISPENSING A P P loyally lOUIlnresUofourUlovt3 a truly liters all Wo aeKicrinclPfftffoiU dur ing lo unto be of eternal lire and and of all may you according to all your bold in IbU life and Ufa We lo ihiji It wmacb joliinilc a token lUauany or on Hie Circnit mode a tollable reply then read a beautiful to th which by llie presentation of an and Writing to MIm which tyonr of try log 10 rereu for your departure from our I rnfcj words quale to lovert am pro very deep inapirtlnrchmg el kindred and ever on ibeilaeor and sabbath but we shall memory of a tender care lookuptboborden of fa and teil to duty ever lira with do not to forget you and our earn at with very that btfi wo wo would ihoaflbt 10 as your true and tailing Wo you will for of pent your early aad it Kettleby pvtia from nearly Do of I lie Jluict Mil Councils a mttubehip of Ml wore liK I lie r of ii Till ici I GOO ucnter to 1 id or it next will City An rat the but iwlnc iuiliUtJ Mr lU will buvt cordiality by of iu Mr of Mi- It j by rlthr Prince fc bflfflBiDime- ftD00O It i lb in on lha and to Ibft prob ability a roller oil UUpfllad Work data will bo tarld Id a lirna Mr to liave by 1st or May contract for new atI3aaVifntel baa by Man of lid has farm of A near air ambition bad ibomUforluno colt J Crawford li alronger week VHJtora Wen and A Kpg Aauolailou will bo hold In Hall hero fr will held Church for istbo y mother breathed Oor town bean with plenty or tblaJiatwoek Mi gat into now home his fa- Mr Jacob aold to buyer for ff child rime choking In death weak We hear there to ba a not mora from our Wo much of Toronto alaUtog at Sunday Councillor moved to Smith la Cedar Valley bean quiet here that Ihero Utile to report flotnaof our neighbor attended ptiae In Church week two dauKhtera vera and baa wade a aluh Ibli A ft art aWut all of lha talk of Up ping for of the tbin Chopping art all around hero now C W Bradford with Hamilton John having a time lib ficiatlca in hip Jla baa kept already although ibat be ilponght of by kind fceeo doua for Lib itVK IU l piio Joboalbaa WidiiGU con- had the to cot lib an ax while chopping wood I on Dr for when wound one ia it vaa nearly ao bad aa at grtVauppoaed t9 around Geo- girl fa WHdffieWp had aereral frooi quarter It alcknwi among the do- ft to a competent li uw wo good aptarooa of the genera Terra Ilka the rabbit All that are la of baring apriog away will it wl Children Cry for Homo journey mtraory will linger round halloaed col InlliaUne Accept thcotllgbt tokeae of lore the Meade latcat be tlven bow the Ihongbt in hearty ft neer be parted la Leaven TodIM I rlo the World ana catch from tome lo and Signed or your many Choir rendered and MrIxindyapleoeof MUX and Mr rending A flriiontr J Miller Win and abort and pointed wWch added adjoining be property of Mr All of will 00 on liberal term apply to SALE lo rf Chancery Court or In ciioooCff ardyPtgg iboMatterln will aold by route Auction on DAT OF A at coon by KaTnU6jbi in loin the Fourth quarter or hftir or ha to to tho mure or the or York dwell with stable on cow new cattle two good cntbaprtirnlcec and la good of bMt In rail wheat and about wd down Timothy and and about acre or fait ploughing property la rolltmfrom iboTownnr Tne Vendor will not bo to abstract title will bo required only to am In ItieoiberooDdlUjnioffalaajelba of ho Thrro fliei by Muter 4Uo not up bid declare that laat and bfgbcet bald until the same la paid to tbo Yen- rale and a aur amount Willi inch tan ceot to within thirty fftatbertncraod a for half or money at biz and per cent to bo alven IbvfxircliMor with to or raying into too money of the Ten per Further condition or can ho had on and to tttwrt Till Slitter A aionUinerycOfVO King Toronto uoitcitorafurihewldoff Hannah MCLEAN Chief Mated Sht A IBM Oar Newmarket Markets- Reading Furniture -Ahj- rttvjrjiagaT Uarcb iws Flour barrel a Kail Barley per tutu do do da rBr Bran per ton da Halter tub do Apple per big Wool peril 1 IP FI Undertaking a Specialty ln vlJIbrouudalargr I COFFINS fiOBEB o loatretidertcfctr- at All promptly J MILLARD A CO roa per per per Ion Clover seed I I Aitik Timothy do do I I I a I a a a a a a a a IS a OH a 0 a is a a 75 a ore a la a a CO a a a THE NORTH END accommodation STORE la now filled up with NEW SPRING i Just to the timed Dress Prints Ginghams Shirtings Towels and Towellings Scotch English Tweeds Boots Caps FIRST CLASS GROCERIES and A CALL IS SOLICITED To inspect goods and prices J A DALES well assorted stock of Dress in all shades Moire Antique Silks and A Large Assortment of the Choicest Pntteri and Dark Soer Suckers Plain and Fancy yi A Larger and Better assortment GLOVES HOSIERY LACE PLAT IT W CO CO HANDSOME LOT rca Wt4dmld it Mir MOaTGAQESALE VALUABLE FARM York UN and by of Pitchers Castorla- Kiii4Uiau3 cither atirlDjr for with ftnd a irwor cheapo Ihat LboijTDhlp not for a Tot by Iba Mid North Jor power or Mid piwlo Fun jflfd to ol4 day of a iha iba atMTQWnablpWQorrloa rett No n Iba of tnoroclea WfewiKu boiiflloc u lo a Barn- Notice to Creditors Allen Graham Deceased I til day or March are TUB PAT Of to rtni to Co or Jh and derfp ibe foil piriioolari of ina AUentJrahauj MCurUlea if ImmrUHfij ajlf lb day or Iba of tfetaaMd will bo dlilrtbatMamoaaLbarlkaDUUMtber to retard lo of lha Lb will any of claim out batl WiLr4AM0bPUAW SEASON SPECIA At the New Hardware Store next door to Street BUILDERS HARD p in GARDENING AND FARM Of alt kind on hand Full lino of and and Putty An A CONDITIONS Ten per of moot lo Vatxiur 1129 bad from Ifta J Wool pari Our Toronto March ay par too do do do Pi I a a III per loo trd6Mi SIS per Awn par or jJrDadiloaaparwl a a OW a OT a a in a Mo ENTIRELY NEW a J A ALL i OBI on MONEY TO LOAN ill JT finHlLM HOI DAVID LLOYD tor lor fiar- tor Vira Of procartbfiib aad HI a late lo ftlW Lift rf 7 I