Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Mar 1888, p. 2

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Now AdvortlftemenU Tailoring It B Smith Good A timlth Nov Spring J A Mllb Jno Montgomery Wanted J Pitt Farm to Let J MoOinott Dog A Lot for Halo A Apprentice J mwM up I bach MAR HI TO Mr CoibyContrT for On of SO to Mr QUI to girt and Domini ribt to role for nit of no it M MttUi 9 To IfaroD Renfrew tod Id the of Act trill be upon April may Norfolk moot Our Toronto Despatch Match mat at to alteration in watappolutod lo to Dominion lor I waUr from a welt old foil Id ad drowned A iMorrorcad at toy Friday aod alofofTO ibo axa making On da of bad Of and Monday after wan containing of P It train left or oillWl ad two early A arotobopulOD railway At Miiloai M lo KiogtUm for for bit a Klcff eUoel Monday Utile or a of brown out nedArote for A gilding Wil ton Aveoue had of a old WAteb bt- Aultwu of i Arvamoat avo a tot bo ibeoourl AQd for A It Hit Ma- lfKJf- jUc Ainid lrcuiAUMi Mjebibuy tbnt fl ynti driver And Mr a bill to lie enter To frrm record Jfefwo on be no logfAMdiiAticlM lil r- aMAUUewoneoftheodtiiftua now iboltutrdof out The Mayor city lathe Solicitor uooutAing of the work put ww hy A rd ACitmbkd dntlt tfiAttnjj prior to removal to the if fltrcel Ua propoue to A Act by requiring hoaichaldei to one cb ietioutf over SI end hits been he to one the In on on Act wu motion tradeii who ere not Income or roertyiD to jay to tad olio- Uk to Araendfueot to Act the iLMLft of derived from other- fludof ell Appear roll At up to The liftKOI limit W newly elected of the wm lift to Diet from both of will with tod over of of un rvly pity following be to Crown IVIoco net provoke a but do one I It bo Hold to tbo Hut- for la wet the with for you koow It fair Tub villi of of to the Capitol kit week end tbe week Ap pend to have evilly filled fa object of a tolheHafittoladim ItABfAYOooe people of Manitoba to the Valley Jiellroad of from Federal TJ10 to meet AtJiendmcul Municipal Act by and cm bylaw for hold be fnittad of at power would prectttcd by clttxeni at tot tropic ttteodlog Oho would acHvo of Hon of of lK of a new a of accordance other decide whether totJia rote of the people It no be from my whfeb leave a of flyiAKiwo of Water- Workt the of following Authorities of towB great la Arte that CirHio from In when au Water which compeuud by op public propyl It 1 that all town do not do Jot done in Healer Ink Drops- your Friary comet next week In TownTboredeycvg up tomorrow EulooiUl week cooipftaoaifutSttarday i very for road forcing hit Army Wedding looked PERSONAL POINTS PARA- Mr J lug over Metric of Aurora her titter Mr Taylor and left week to their In Kraut of Detroit Is of two at Mr Ir Mr Webb of were At Alderrntn over returned lut After tome week In Toronto The of Dr will bo to that be It able to be around Snider left to tpend a couple of with ber at Tpwn ftt fi E 18 Bel fry fiyk La item rtcxjmnit I tbe following bo paid wood for Fixe Ball fa Toron to ttTJlouort J wood dTtjileftbjir livery hire from Do- Ofc Homer wood Dew at John A Water went Into on follower 1 That bill 0 for paid alto bill of J a to of midday train new oould not be properly so- fotoro teat If btlt lo be paid in Teat very but tbolaipoctor of of reoommeododatelepbono In boueeoonocctcd jrlth Centra which the with A bill from tor coder Aftor time over By 11 laid over till next went Into Com on for Caretaker for Water- Work Mr Com aod reported appointment of whole time to Cor- at per annum re ceived and On of Mr ByLaw Committee lo prepare a By- Law for the of tagging doge of then adjourned Now for Nobby Spring Suits and overcoats We do not hesitate in saying we can show Largest and Most Complete Stock of Tweeds and Worsted Suitings and OvercO ever shown in the City Every Garment manufactured by us is made on the premises by noi FirstClass hands We guarantee Satisfaction FURNISHINGS V March Eta- will have an of on oniDmtover for pork and roou- oclock W- AucL Dan Kelly and Bon will have a eafo of iheodCoo of of end under credit on approval joint note KolO At IS oclock Auct wlU furni ture etc on lot In Mx credit NEW TIES NEW COLLARS NEW CUFFS I New Braces Hosiery and Gloves and a Grand Assortment of both English and American Hal Very Newest Shape manufactured for this Springs Trade from Antwerp for Now York was lowed Into Halifax by having lost her propeller at sea The has COO Bonxora on board March two cons table J Morrison and charged with shoot- l Carroll and Foley at Local House Prorogued The Ontario was pro rogued and without break ing If is Honor with pomp and cav alry with which bis predeces sors wont lo bring ia to a dose With this in novation pcoplo will perhaps fault but the great majority will the change in wine ho work of may ho regarded importance Sanction haa lii to uteaof Province Manhood baa boon conceded in Provincial election and amendment to our Municipal law among relating to granting bo to and bo regarded a pro- a minority of tho ratepayer opposed to making the grant Also given to a work of Sborlffu of Toronto and York and dividing the between theiji important wu alto made W which to prUlii on which to School abaction to carried by a reform govcruuioht good do altogether vboly of for in of our fttJiLio oonccdiug principle placing veto in Downing Ktrcct of retaining it in ibdbaridaof those directly to of Do- juiijioij upon which re oyer and over again pro and do not rccpt with any degree of favor dctd a of opinion ex preyed by of liberal independent of Proviuco oppoaod to in two to or member were alow in getting down to work but teal and activity tator on atoned for want of diligC tho and now that have boon brought to a ctoao of will more to hood to what ho Parliament Ottawa A llitrt ninidurtil by Mr lor and killing or or ii to or to ihoauirnt or both of lo collect ard- front the of AKicbllurf lo of it Cabuxkau Germany thU iho whole anil of that very aerrrnotrtorcn for ten day a and with for id the funeral had out oa jicLvi havo town Kernel arc Korw Many art reported through between and bF auowed The atom oyer the appears to aerou the Atlantic A Bibb to the Mr the of way ho of auprcstog but to bat a Other not be like for bit righu The fourth Kadi lVoaf tbe of a court jury that any grain or other wera acid or for talc at a to or exceed fag three tic actual of ordinary grain or ahall to prime of au of Aft luay for viib or J jxeuulary HUalty of not leu nor to to in court of by aoy wo who give atton William aooteuccd to at for will bo April IQtbj faTlfig to Bill law lb Council in and bylava for talcing the aeaitrot between Ha day roll fa to day of Jenoaty folio a the court of bo the of and for float of bounty the day to lawful for year in ahall ha u concluded fa year bill fur lujijiog not every or me or tbtreof whether he in bulk or for their and or where no hU been for which not pld or day In each been a lo or or loitilictol collect wUccl aa bad and formed part of I or rate or I from Id Toronto tbli Mr Jot of New baa been vlalllog friends In for or four day pail Mr J who with Ida fun hare been apendtng winter Id New market left iMa week for Granite Minn will hero two or three longer of Hunter aod ielin tbe adJa a woman of great it alio her way the heart of the people Mr- John brother from Colorado of ilaicaiya Fanaiie ate at work otue are they were Mr of gata a call on not forietilog to re bin Ho alao to to hi States Ho hi baa read the a good It worth more than a year cornered other only represented New at the ConTeolion in lut week J J Peanooi Millard Mra Cfaaa Mis It Hugbea and RosiJ They -itr- have the recent Emulation School- Wo his accepted a In a Toronto wholesale he and way good for atteud htm the an marriage of Mill to Mr Will A Water formerly of at Church In Kearney on Thursday of lut wcV did not react litl ater iba event token place bat future all Ilia Will might a wan torn of would tbo when leap year round Mayor frf Winnipeg Ma Irwin Victoria who received the of Manitoba to elected to cooiillu of a few He la cer tainly amy and city any pro of to the Mayoralty Boa la tonota the preferment ot a North Yorker to a I It coo- worthy aperwaage Chief of Piro Brigade one day week it In a fronl the way average editor it treated- Mr waa of Ibo KculoV In an Eitate Owen and to of iUUfactery wanner burden oflhe work with a walk- with Mr the wemeoto Mr Midden left for Toronto on to attend of Mr io of of nil Sttorday f a very abot Ho hi in and by many pupils of watUt puilla Separate He toToroolo bll about Ayayaan lb School for a and Utterly abra ha Joce accepted a clerk I- the of Co htre be arid took place from real- St to Si where by at come wore arraigned today to bo tried MltA9 by jury and aa men supposed to be out of danger admitted to bail Mormon in and two sureties in each and in and two sureties in 500 each A young man named Thompson alias who week forobtaipinRgooda from a pedlar at under pleaded guilty and sentenced to four raonthu in common jail There a something in connection with this young history that not yet to light which may develop itself before Ilia of It ho belong to bad gong some of whoso members sta tioned at Toronto Congregational Church Ha Me dale AH are Church by Kfniri on tbo Ihowlfe or Mr Henry Webb of awn JlAc3rfN on Queen thewUeof Mr Jfurman aiiox IP a both of omb KLUY At We reildtooe Queen Frank Kelly abort in ibo year of on about yean- oeaion a low woekaaowentto Toronto wnero pa performed Ho returned the ICiti and died In four dare ltrrc4lMt Friday in the and Interred Wbltehureb Match at ilaryi J WIN STtHORTHi will rtclre dad prompt 1 1P Illl March no Fall wheal per I I a i a a a a y to a do do per oil real do do Jra ei per on w a Mr pound a do OtO a is a bf a uFaiDi a 1 w a rttoToCoal per ton mi v per ISO a a do J an 1 J 10 owe affectifix man lie was ful aod giro cation a high had a oa Saturday BOOTS SHOES no iba aoodi l J to yjtn RELIABLE GQ0D8 JO o Ml aa wa u iji John Montgomery Successor to j i The last NINE DAY of our 1 l WE WILL OFFER Of Fine French Wool Dress Spring Shades with to match at about the WET COST PRICE TO IMPORT V l aarfaiaa wf OfWide English and American Prints and Ginghams perfectly fast and a Splendid Range of Patterns at less than regular wholesale Afr AAa 1 I My Of Black and Colored Silks and Fine Grain Silks Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices to Fresh New wr WWWWWf Elegant and White Madras and Nottingham Lace Curtains from 12 to 12 yards in length at a trifle over half their regular All the above on sale for the next NINE DAYS at the Noted BARGAIN HOUSE of J 4i Direct Importers of Dry Goods

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