Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1888, p. 2

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Now Advertisements JDviuu Smith Mortgage Bclo Congregational Attention Mr I for Bra ami lst up I AltO WITH UOII erf FRIDAY FEU 24 I8H8 Our Toronto Despatch yet Friday afternoon a from fatr am A4ilaf4 aitMl gold watch of gold a of mom a who and amaJI family by la by oal which to for fib which to procure fitoi 0 Mot to lb for alt a of wrutllnjt lie Qaibw Confcrcow baa J- not now of iba Northern with ft of Ibe a to the yeiUrday The men for the new Afl folio to loll to ll real how much about with of a ltd from Ki up bcfoio lb to tried a jury- TO Repeal of Soot Act fa Hilton Thursday of neuter of sew formed vera elected majorities It now Ibat ply IllBl all and frill in Hon to withdraw He at Ottawa on 1 a Pi Ivy Council io He have about promUwl not to nroriooi A City of Toronto flrnflan it tot iba Hon ti a lodoaDyiblDgla will bare Ibo to all What ire Saying Will w worth Molt ilolUr It com Id Thtt Try with Msloa uJ wl the to Home Ink Drops- SL tomorrow AIaV Klog at hotel codim la lo Imported Itoircl Audit it A letter from ArlilithoihyucI lit fuiouio on to MiiiiAUBlati wfito furor It ifptiti ito more or to A In tint lo fw ttncuultJ to ItUrt iLc not ls till a it Ixiox to to A fchculJ lt tbe of to committed Jx lilc a of den 111 toiht tlot tL Jo tested uuloo of Tor Mil latter r fur UN ibo eoujfooy irould iifvr a clutter to ftoiu Toronto to Itii iln of one IuIujj blOthtr up with cd they tlic due lo tut Ltfpfi tbfy it it a to did tvtrciniu be Dakota fan now add th of to Mr Mr of ire Mki in with her iUaMaItotof Oilltte Mat two or diya At Wp A Kill lVvabyttrlan church bvfi Day Mr- of ho confided to fata bed for two to Up Mrr of ftw with daughter Mrs- Mitt Mr Geo of Mr Jo km Iter of Bradford mm gout of Iter Webber Monday Iter of Toronto mi Rem Mr for Sua Co with lhtlfiiW Milt Mr JUdorlug tboiMit Mr Toronto Rubber or Mr Bit old ifliD associated with Ottawa i Mr local of great va city to ctoU In and took put In the Ceo ibe Iie lloe was It bare a grand of formerly two of which full alio both Mr that lie at Alma tbe body Hit lo a and wopIJ if he had He wu wood of north Mr allien Yrarand aaja that a Welcome weekly lt our of a cold aud took an rouit4rd JIls brother Dr Aurora WJddlfteU Ho low on San Jay but Wtrilowbo With which the eiptctfd ill woo hla health of Ho tin good of Town aod Hilda Treaty iLia the Sutea wade It i for us in today to give and by it ItuA Cham tj Canada to amfcabla relatiou Hull and trd A jMijya are to lit the which A to a ton Dug of tod they Jit the til piivri a woof nrv activity adtuila that yier ifan of Town Council- Heavy on bo Want4lejigthj the to hi to allow Aurora a School the School in the At bulldlog etollydcanojedby firr flettril of Board ha Unbuild loildiog in to the it the Waived a mm for acprata tlMioga and groooda a to people defeated a to wall later reported the fa leiTfew to the effect tbatltwoold polity f fcai the a a el The gaYtthevKd for a l for Feb Itegulf All except tbo Councillor following bilk tft-roor- lubcpild A try laker lo M- Madden- and labratDRDc Curry for Market to W John Gee Jlosatoon ii JvIIolmeaj cutting for Hall M- wood for engine Kllolmct wood for Are hall phoocCop Turner for toilet It Bod wire or J vreuchc for J J preparing track for top for Hunter at do Hunter brick Clerk for Mayor Clerk Juror pi o olccitoiip J tract of la of water bo Thai the cam lone to law aiDendroenta bo to iho loCoontlt an referred to Water itk tonocoloatc fltaudlogCotowtUetafor atfoHowa Mayor deo and Cane aod and Millard Fire Mil lard Uvea adopt and Council nil oreolDg A VF waatUa Aaaar-r- p4Mai tbe aoggeatod pay- of to the V JoA7- A 10 J Savage J JaOowar Deputy Market Clerk at rate Per year J aod Water Committal reported bill of A- bo paid That two lighubaprooor at comer of tod other at corner of Major remarked to add of lb prortooa for Ho thought asking too to a oh A heart rttootllgbUoi golog to og I came ore to of Bt- Wart had to about the back ha barODootjoo- to the a Mr thought voold bo a good deal aktlafactloo there llghta la parte of about the lighting of by of among com of In but the coaloft Mr Millard If oa and I am pa raleod foot preyeot Mr not moved that tbo bo till railed to the effect produoodwhleh tarried a tootbox bo aliased to faoeo7toh new bow which leak bo returned to Co of and when with now leoitba the tettodagalo prove returned lotha Co- And a now lot tendered Wratoftoo- alibi loat and or Co who length teat preaent oirlaiccd theeogtha which teak and bad bad unfortu nate where their bad prejudiced lodlrldual the Ieal of A Potior regarding the con- made 10 and opinion that having portion of the whole would hay to be accepted the made In good boao you had practically objection by having In your nearly and vico The IteOToDld you tell Mr that agreement wlli jour agent that when our were running order to be fore Mr WarrenNo that altera opinion Mr- we a contract wo expect to do what right I am told that when teat made water log rubber aod the atreteh log referred to la your letter indthoiweat- doubt melting of the Wo were notified r the teat and do not know bow much of tbRt how had been by you Chief Willi of tbobbeowaa never laid In a line water through Mr Warren It an that delated on Ibat ground been apparently made lo break contract Chief teat owing to the tbo Mr WarrenIf wo you any which Incorrect wo wilt them all teatod between and the teat a for y wa throe yea Mr a Cane When your agent halted on the ho guar- to a hose to the Wo knew rolblng of the boao And Then to the the and Water Commit tee waa naked done tho day weather favorable water probably blood which I consider advantage to the tone rather than to too rubber On the feet by actual and or Ji3akdfrom I bad not re- Idea of any weak lod that not further ihaoaomeooDpHoga way gave with the bote la guarautoedfordyra at and at once for the Co I did not get Any from i htm then but they a O p a man J vexed at treatment and teat and would mend the to reject order the la Another teat was then managed lb of be pump Mr let UepUJ no ex bid been W never tried to I aid way in will i thai teak undttturntbam and flyeara other Mr preaauro will guarantee oouialn f lr Monty a pbraae by rival their Any win when put a ebem Mayor ftt before lb At man be aU That regardlog be Fire Alarm be And peeled In iiopUeaa tot for waa t after ud the report Main end ed Qd I than aJjobMri Mr will have a Ja or ImpUraflQla KingTbld Bar of acf and ftf a e 1 to a jwla or impiens lot art Con of Kinglpld of am oolar thai moo Lb a credit on at oclock council to adjornmeDt read from of Canada a Paragon baa to for at with a Iran for to A bill from J fur one Taylor to Com A bill read from Turner for and to be paid JfSCaoapreaented a petition from Jt otbera for en electric a the of Main ate- a petition from A- for botcher imple- awx me am Con of rnt credit for nay grain rooja and iutni coder Bale at at noon Sutton activity our with good claimed a wide field for Soma of the habitual It have they wera not too to ud narrow path The are tilth tbe bodlea whose are worker at more and preteoiloo We hope their will not to in vain The clergy moat have the help of the people to a of auece all tbtoga to be our motto Our ootperbapt eiceed tbat of other neither will our tight- moth other nation or A duty to on face to race la not but to bo Kneeled to In and out of moat be very trying A worthy life might to ducatod on but a aboutd to with the corrupt body In the grave The death In week of Mr a of la very dlatreulog to here Una of your Mr Bond paid a vitlt lu friend Mr of the hero wheo fa the calf killed By the way node you rill no doubt bo glad to know the chat icter of the has been re from former condition fa now popular and largely Of BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS and OVERSHOES to chose from The Boots Must be Sold NowfbrPrti Dont buy a Single Pair of Boots until you see Our Stock and get Our Prices Big Stock and Low Martin It a was banged on Saturday at Lodge Iron Hall Lodge met in last Monday members at recent disclosures as to management and misappro priation of funds of the Order in United States Wo hop that tho report may prove to bo untrue as our hero is of our best and our moat influential and wo bo sorry that they suffer so serious a set back at an early period in their career Bradford Witness SERVICES y At a pi arch Newmarket El fleibj 1 Pa except lhfj liberal towoi on the At on or Mr John of a BOIL fie by Iter J- Mr late or Whitchurch i omba IhOrriornlosor the at tho roiliTeqteDflila soninlaw Mr- J Air on Inn very Jtioi Joseph mot and In lot Mr years Kl Inst iiAKOAitcT vrdoirof the Ad drew years Hi Church today at In on mbthaao4iayi tbe contract Job be ten- motion gate It lotarryitoot to our own of the well the Town or ibal and ine new cotton bow atooi the teat at Tnlaaame for two Ha When extract waa the Pent i id Mil ft bote the Paraxon We i J we expect yiaoUutbranaod we are to tract witnoatantoi ibo- ex- to fcoow Mr warren We will a food tK4a at pea we yvo to make the na therefore three yarnv Mr CO c4p new or the made with V er be the who wm Oh lid ran Cry for FURNITURE iVD J Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST PRICES AND PLAIN FIRSTCLASS HEARSE and promptajteoitoo BOOTS SHOES TP WANT KELT BOOTS FELT SOX BOUTS SHOES we are Underselling Every House FROM 50 A PAIR Felt pair or For 30 Cents a Pair Pitcher i AT OUR- DICTORI BEFORE LEAVING NEWMABKET Many of our Winter Lines are cleared out balance of such god Nominal Prices Other lines brought forward all at rices interesting and always seasonable are the household Linens TO- we show at Bargain Prices about Towels all up to each in every case at from and per cent under re value Cheap Glass owellingrs and a wonderful lot of Bleached On Table Cloths about 100 them all sizes up to yards long all at cent under regular value All this month our Cottons at Sale Prices Pillow Cottons and at Sale fl afford grand Chance for buyers to make up for Spring and Summer wear A Few Other Bargains Still Seasonal Ladies Grey Wool Hose pair for Genuine Corsets worth 1 Wonderft of Dress Goods at and per yard worth fully per cent more Fine a inch Black French Cashmere worth Strong wellmade Canadian Tweeds at and per yard worth a good deal more money ODDS in Wool Goods Hosiery Gloves clothing Top Shirts c BARGAINS in Silks Plushes Fancy Flannels Jerseys and Fur Still a few Overcoats and Suits left at Bargain Prices The balance of our stock of Mantles Jackets and Wraps at just about ONEHALF their original price Goods in our Grocery Department to be Cleared Regardless of Cost Canned Goqdsi Teas Coffees Fruits c c must all be sold in the Shortest Time Possibly BOOTS SHOES CLIPPERS Many Lines we are offering at Heavy Discounts from ourl lar Close Prices varying from to per cent off other lota at Half Price This in many oases will mean a loss us but wj carry over nothing in Boots or Shoes if we oar help it The whole full of Bargains and will interest every careful purchaser slf Ki NEWMARKET If

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