Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 18, 1887, p. 2

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ar J Now Advertisement Tailoring J It- OoodB- Now J Auction I- Weekly of Raise Southdown Jew Feather Mr King to ftWoitriR WITH FRIDAY NOV Toronto Despatch rati an most 1 lima MjKo4dtjnotlbU luuiHMV 1 to that lbs tic will IlllribW C4JH- IJfarpftSlv MP JM fortltr til WWW Montreal llallaliM the to till net feci eat At llM Club favltatlsa read Saw- iltat aid nIwiu od Clraaot for bit purr 23rd aoaiMiacfOf A The Con- Tim by I Provincial Conference twenty- two in with two additional having to not per- to llio for which tho convened viz no with in its mil way and other favoring Reciprocity Unllod not unit with regard to Imt unanimous on Willi two It not to but rather to con line our remarks embracing program proper adopted by tho to reasons why tht delegates ameuduxnU to RritUh Act are needed Itwwn it Motion 2nd and requlatto 3rd- understanding intention of those who framed tho Act not been therein of clauses meaning not clearly defined and defects to bo remedied first three relate to veto power and Dm proposed of testing tonality of federal or Pro- viiidnt Acts and am sa follows I the Ml to la to lint of act to ldtnl lgl alt IJ IfivJiuLil ljuUluco i power iililtaw as to tfitl4- ib toidiiii U lr and that Iwui by any I- diulllDB to Hi- iiinnrtrtitirfi Iba lJ ilJiurr iiplii of on ib aaUect Oftty to before lb Of ifiiVjiJ to i lie time Ibe mi In ibtfrtwof i lot it Mii to ibejati opera- irefl tbr not to to lb u a aotSdoriu xlalTrly to lbs J to any 0i itin to for licin INovfedil IiitJ 1- ttfll I any i to In authority to validity of any Act by made or to do and let decision of court final opening door- to continual jaunting xcoraloni aorou tho ocean to havo constitution al questions of this kind decided fundamental embodied In second rcaolutlon wo love to bo accord with sentiment and will bo endorsed by tho of the Province generally With regard to the third resolution wo good why parties should bo limited to two years to question the conititutlon- allty of an Act more than a too and Provincial to bo in ac cord politically a private party could out of opportunity to teat constitutionality of on act too to accoro question could bo kept dangling for two years courts by an two Govern ments and bo leaving out In tho cold altogether It all very well to make answer and say that during two alluded to no matter what action the Local or Fed eral Governments might take litigants could proceed but oftentimes relying on fair promise and desirous of avoiding law wo can easily how parties might bo induced to await tho result of procoodbgB already until too late to tecuro the only remedy provided for securing Es pecially might this bo case too proccedtngi bad boon ontorod In good faith by either Federal or Provincial authorities but through eventualities consequent upon oloction and a cbongo of Gov- piacecdings bo withdrawn when too Into for a litigant to an appeal To possibility of this last contingency time limited should extend over of cither Federal Parlia ment or Provincial Legislature This fa our notion wo not those who peoploa repre sentatives or Kings can do no wrong Private rights arc sacred and should bo carefully guarded While Conforenco appears to boon somewhat jealous of conseryativo power vested in Federal authorities when dealing with matters relating to Provincial powers same jealous regard for right of people Is not quit prominent a On the whole however the above resolu tions suggest amendments to con stitution In tho right direction and ero calculated to lessen difference between our Federal and Provincial Government Wo purpose the remainder of the at the con ference in future issues thereon as will at least lean who take Interest In to mora closely them than tljey would Tax Booth 8Imcoi Id a at but Mr P fw chair a of cot trad United with a la Ilka a a pall of and It over Taaxpccttba to far or trada with Ibta allom a the raisa ihtrtby of to by mora weald defeat I Ink Drops- at Aurora today Holiday for Only Coo it today Coal la up to for wood ok Central Back next Wed POINTS WHAT BE BEE TO WRITE ABOUT from tbeOutlphlgri- the of of of by lit Sir UcUtulcr fiJW by Ibt Mo to- Wat of It roller If P for and Cam eioa htm dropped to TUo for la that as to be a candidal In cam of a new election of iboogbtlt jadldooi to Ik a to oo Friday tut Mr a candidate for tba York ha that ha aver If two the Kra of that be wis not u applicant for would not accept It If to him clear the atory iba hat Jog for cannot be true that the States their to and hare sought of Porta to a that cottons would not bo Turkey Jygimy ii tolerated Tbo and peeplaginenlly not pailtcotaety fpieTed If lb Worm oa Into bitda to go and lira with Iba fort baring a great tine At the general election for Hour wax elected by tBeoijfare tot a took plaos sod bit was nest followed by another at the ballot box Saturday when the Dr rtatettoj by majority The rota la a It be a woodcr If 0p Op 111- I- a at it lie with a usctrlalnty and pot to iMiom by ilia eiaJy only be at i a a or i ili it any eoaetueot decided be the lime to be il 1 uM or all other 1rwuoorciog the be if- If eaaotfd by Hie which bad t ifcum aalpel In by aueh regard to first resolution complaining of the arbitrary power veMcd In til Federal Government largest So long hi provincial legislature tiou to the contrary from people interested we hold Governor-En- Council has no light and should not be invested with power to veto tho of our viutlal J But do ob ject to part of the which handing oyer power to Her Majesty- There Is no sense in resting authority Downing Street to pronounce upon Provincial Jetton To our mind all the requirements without veto British Government with the Law older have bee In Its by Ihecxecotloo of of the the tee paoUheient of leu others by IpjUonoiot for of the people lo wootrita are of Ufa and property demand teat be and when law to bring a of terror and cooaUtated wellbeing of that aiansptee mad of iheev paopU jaeeUoo the of capital a races la Hra away vUIUok her father at Springfield Mr from the on Prldaj flight attss left for to fill a Dell of 64010 Bay I frleoda In U lea Ids la a of weeks at Mr Mr ton Sao day Mr Oliver left Monday morn- log for to accept a a Mr of Mr llaker of were of Mr and lira Teener of Waterloo Co a very pleutBt tlnae at Mr Keltya latt week Mr Clark and wife left trick to spend a yrar or for tie benefit of Iba letters health Mr V left the city on Monday to do with a ibst a stolen bore and secured the of the thief Iter Mr Georgetown Ilia Bon- Jay fa expected agilit flilbatb and trill also Mr of fits Marie Mr oppHilloa for the coming Mayoralty spent a couple of daya In Town Ibis week the of Mr Victoria Avenue Dr Daniel A of Mr Bailey of this died Jo on The body was axpeoUd to arrive hire on for Jotemiint w tod ton flittbtrUsd Itoberttooj to of tint tut Of w of J Moore of of Mr to M bli HI for foot Ad t tbofitb which In Mr of Of fall dipped rib oat ol fall JutFridiHibttgtof Wo ttgttt Ren tfeogaltttbodlittelolitm nd ttro in it lit lAcftt tad firtc blood of la bat VncuvwthbuUra dlouM of the removed from where rd to built uJ a lie rtd Mo- from to be St with Duo lltttb Uia- from FsiDctuuEibeot ft fttcattoijp lo of of of tbft hit the of Q MliboPUi KjUDt of At tut few jh bid tad to oat good tbtUtM for Ml Vhn At of autflcatd of tod to bit of ad b Oftr d bit Mr Doll to attic tod bo to Iff fat dofct bio tad to two lut Mr- entered of to ttn in U of wXiCoQaelJnitobtrtMap ud Id fti or Book bin or rv to tftpno Co Import Mr 161 la to foot of ford on to pro Ihotiebtato took bit tut BtttD for Boiler tod two for Tito Kit WttorCotn lowtojtfOrti oat proceed t bout tod on motion Lb work made up of two Council pre ooDd to W7ta Vj- per root ftdjouratd about li oclock till e Around Holland Landing up algbL It for fitittlfttf Mr fuocr to of we picker la How limb tro silt go Successor On account of the great increase of trade in ment we have been compelled to secure t A First Cut Mr J Hoover is B All Clothing made on the Premises and Perfect Fit Guaranteed No trouble to Terms Strictly Cash and One Price Only J R Mount Albert I We no tony to one of let left of on lut ted wo biro jet to jeer the wort 11 wit a of for yeirt to bit tut Mr from Ibe I In whom I wblcb were fir with fa of will greatly MltHd tbt letret widow wilb family to ittlr bat tbt of guilt in Mount Albert took The were rfKted J fibli r j Via- flicKfvjj of illu A Or poem of btr owq for A In Totter and which Dukt nndeted broobt witb to escort tad If Ilaolertdded Mr by Loop of tod re for the la which conducted duriog forbing other place took ice 3rd at btppy groom- of hit bea for preienttdherwiib mott bppy left foe their borne New ford Wo Kuons In life About week re from If bid at tod topper went to we to toother tbtlIsuJi entered by no did not it wu tod ittepplog the edge fell backward couple of riU job t more Wrt- bat creo will op for month or more two lavllt of tttivlog to a Literary SocUty for felled of the School hot we they ft to 1 a I lo beer It U bo able to report more folly tod much with col own tad coaolry T are bete 9 Forfeit wsr The Utter down wlib not tbU to wr ted Utter on trytox to P 1 thtdiopbkl of fit wen hew on Hendx A Millet bit ibe tin The LEADERS in LOW 69132 487 21 Figures put up in Una way dont draw much of a crowd dont interest many people do they But when we them in this shape and put them on a line of all wool Grey Flannel that we have got hold of worth power is at once noticeable Then we single out two or three more and put them up in this wKy and attach them Corsets usually sold all over the country at it is astonishing how many people thf do Then we draw on the figures again and we find a a and which make We at Dress compares favorably with anything in toi apparent by the many people who enquire daily for our Lovely Drees Goods at cents And bo continue to use figures putting them on Dress Goods and Silks on Plushes and Trimmings Fancy Wool Good- on Millinery on Hosiery Gloves Ribbons Laces c on Flannels and Staple Goods on Mantles and Mantle Cloths on Cardigan c on Overcoats andjSuits on Fur Caps Fur Capes Fur Jackets and Fur Muffs Fur Boas Fur Mis c on ail often on lines of Groceries every time making them tell but the only way to do it is to have exactly what advertised and at he priei All above on Sale this week Call Early once place these on a wonderful liu wn at and again the drawing CO 3Sap9X from vu in Montreal last week Stanley was on October to be mile from Almost the entire town of llayosvllto Kansas by Sunday store of It Tay lor Co Hamilton was burglarls4 yesterday morning took from the safe The captain and crew of the Wonclck reached the on Saturday noon on A tog They were wricked off Otter Island A reward of 500 ha been offered for the apprehension of the scoundrel who threw vitriol on Mis ilcaliirchiD school teacher of Nor wich village 1 men who were arrested for taking In lho riot a in Landon on Sunday lined or sentenced to from imprisonment Two youths were at Albion hotel Toronto on night by blow ing out gas An hour hard work saved their live an exciting lime of it at two night when two men sup posed to bo student visited robbed it of a body that had just been Four friends of tho dead roan pursued and revolver at them but without- stopping or J Me A Of i7- Jo to on the oil tho Mr- QUftDiWlHC Oil rtrtp Oca lluntMr or to lily A At tb of the of Km to of Comb- At on lt jumonUscocksdyearsiiDoiHQ aodSsaaxa o 1Kb iui WVe of dm by Mary a QUI Of Ibe JU aoout rears fir ever expert in St Peter Minn- broke In back of the Western on Saturday night In wind was strong from the north of lie city Everything was so that nam Thirty buildings are gone including two the Bank Express and Urge store The ire l OiWuird the biisin J will frave aa4 or of fctiv fLfcii i Aaeiioaeer Executors of hire an oa lot la lbs Kb of fowls Bali oclock Ibirp lUrU Aodreme HI baro isle of ito lib T iPc4bi A and boggy stolen from an hotel sitwnooa accident occurred near Actoa last Sunday A lad year of along the edge of the when a piece feet square gave way beneath him and precipitated down the face of the cliff a dUUnc of feet Both thighs both arms and several rib were frUirtd bis body bad ly bruised Small hopes recovery Nov At past eight oclock this evening the bouse of Scott Act Inspector Ander son Second Avenue was blown up by dynamite The charge placed on the verandah at the front of the house tod the two front rooms were badly shattered Mr Anderson who waa alone in the house was sitting the stove in the dining room and was badly frighten ed her screams be heard sev eral blocks away inspector had left the house and only about ten yards away when the explo sion occurred 11 was stunned by tLf concussion A not found tacked to the fence warning him to desist from his effort in favour of the Scott Act and stating that might that he had not been blown to kingdom be fore Several hotel have been lined for violating the Scott Act during the past week notable coincidence that dy explosions always occur af ter men have been fined for breaking the law The evening dark and several are rushing around to find the ace no of the outrage The report of the ex plosion very load and excitement pro tails In town This is dynamite that occurred In in two years perpetrator are of coo rae unknown FURNITURE AND J MAIN Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST PRICES FINE AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS w FIRSTGLASS HEARSE r Aihrdert will BOOTS SHOES A LADIES BOYS AND YOUTHS acknowlM to THE BEST GOODS Fine Goods MENS FELT BOOTS AT ACTUAL COST JNO MONTGOMERY TICKETS LINK DOMINION LINK STATE I a Ill I MtfAYi wACaiiBriii A ANT w v- It is important to the General Public to where to purchase just what they wail BOOTS AND Andithe only where you can get satisfaction is at tf Their Stock is the Largest in the Counjj is direct front the Most Reliable in States have in stock every conceivublc of una Men Women and Children mid combine est a w do a do OX a 41 jr to a to a do t fiaiUf wood ptj-w- a ximipiriif a at ass a woof JUJSowloo a ratL From the fact that they have no dealings with rav it is obvious that they are aWeto soil goods as other dealers have to buy them for a a They have also the exclusive agency for Rubber of mid carry im of their in and Rubber Boot x A Vi i I

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